6 here defines the rules for the developer of src-pkg to be followed with.
8 @ less rules, more guide. the rules defined should be executable in develop.
9 @ do more design works like a calculation question, which has fixed method and
10 fixed answer. DECREASE(not though away) design works like ask/answer
11 question, which has no fixed method and answer.
12 @ use auto-utils as more as posiable, to follow the rules and guide without
14 @ checking format of src code with 'codefmt' before publish, it keep code clean
16 @ dir structure of src-pkg must following the guide in this doc. use src-pkg
17 template, and wrting docs in it for src-pkg infomation.(such as README, AUTHOR, changelog, NEWS, TODO, THANKS, and so on).
22 @ ¹æÔò¶¨ÒåµÄÉÙ¶ø¾«£¬Êµ¼Ê¿É²Ù×÷µÄ¹æÔò¡£
23 @ ´úÂë·ç¸ñ¡£´úÂëÒÔÒ»¶¨µÄ¿ò¼ÜºÍ¸ñʽ±àд£¬Ê¹ÓÃcomment-tag±ê¼Ç´úÂëÖи÷¸öÓï·¨ÌØÐÔ
24 ²¿·Ö£¬±ãÓÚ³ÌÐò½âÎö¡£Í¬Ê±´úÂëÒÔÒ»ÖÖ´úÂë·ç¸ñ±àд£¬³ÌÐò¿´ÉÏÈ¥¸üÕû½à¡£²Î¿¼
25 "code-style-rules"¡£
26 @ Ò»¸öÈí¼þ°üÓ¦°üº¬GNUÔ´Âë°üËùÐèµÄÎĵµ¡£
27 @ ¿ª·¢Á÷³Ì¡£³ÌÐòµÄidea£¬µ½Éè¼Æ¡¢±àÂë¡¢µ÷ÊÔ¡¢²âÊÔ¡¢·¢²¼£¬×ñѳÌÐò¿ª·¢Á÷³Ì¡£²Î¿¼"project-develop-flow"
30 @ less rule defination£¬more executable rules¡£
31 @ code sytle. pay attension on code sytle, and use code-format util to format code automatically before new version publish.
32 @ a src pkg should contain full-doc as a standard GNU src pkg.
33 @ develop flow. a src pkg or a project follows develop flow rules, reference from "project-develop-flow.txt".
39 # Èí¼þ°ü¹¤³ÌÄ£°å¡£Ò»¸öÈí¼þ°üµÄÎļþ¡¢Ä¿Â¼½á¹¹£¬Ê¹Óù¤³ÌÄ£°å£¬ÊÇÒ»¸öÈí¼þ°ü¿ª·¢µÄÆðµã¡£
40 # Ô´´úÂëÄ£°å¡£Ô´ÂëÎļþÐè°üº¬ÎļþÐÅϢͷ¡¢´ø×¢ÊÍ·Ö¸ôµÄ±à³ÌÓïÑÔÓï·¨ÌØÐԵĴúÂëʵÏÖ¡£Ê¹ÓÃtmpl»òcodegen²úÉúµÄ´úÂë¿ò¼Ü±àÂ룬¶ø²»ÊÇÊÖ¹¤
42 @ »ù´¡±à³ÌÓïÑÔ֪ʶ¡£Ê¹ÓÃͨÓõÄ֪ʶºÍ¼¼Êõ±àд´úÂ룬¶ø·Çif/else/for/whileȥʵÏÖ´úÂë¡£
43 @ ¹¹½¨Í¨ÓõĴúÂë´¦Àí³ÌÐò¿â¡£ÒÔͨÓôúÂë¿âµÄ·½·¨±àд´úÂë¡£ÀýÈ磺Êý¾Ý½á¹¹£¬×é¼þ¼¼Êõ£¬MVPÄ£ÐÍ»¯³ÌÐòÉè¼Æ¡£
45 @ ʹÓÃͨÓõÄÅäÖÃÎļþºÍÊý¾ÝÎļþ¸ñʽ£¬°üÀ¨imi¡¢catalog¡¢xml¡¢rec¡¢csv¡¢db¡£
47 ===============================