11 @ executable symbol. normally function, variable is the element of interface. and typedef, macro, const is also for some language.
12 @ command option. it's the human user-end operation interface.
13 @ communication protocol. it's the interface between different programs or
15 @ file format. it's the same as protocal. it include two type of format, text
16 format and hex format.
19 @ variables. environment variables, or dvar.
21 @ message/databus-id.
23 @ UIElem(elem & grid & position)
25 for a module of codelib, it's only have symbol interface. those ware the
26 standard component for developping.
29 @ g: for global things in a executable.
30 @ sys: for the system things.
31 @ if/itf/intf: for interface of a modulized codelib.
37 @ binary-size: size of totoal, bss, data, and code.
38 @ exec-time-cost: running time cost.
39 @ performence eval point: function or variable access filter. evaluate the
40 invoking count and frequent.
41 @ running-coverage-diagram.
42 @ function-invoking-diagram.