handle missing .diohsc/queues directory
[diohsc.git] / ANSIColour.hs
1 -- This file is part of Diohsc
2 -- Copyright (C) 2020 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
16 -- Basic ansi attributes, using only most widely supported ansi terminal codes
17 module ANSIColour
18 ( applyIf
19 , resetCode
20 , withColour
21 , withBold
22 , withReverse
23 , withUnderline
24 , withColourStr
25 , withBoldStr
26 , withReverseStr
27 , withUnderlineStr
28 , stripCSI
29 , visibleLength
30 , splitAtVisible
31 , escapePromptCSI
32 , sanitiseForDisplay
33 , stripControl
34 , stripControlExceptTab
35 , Colour(..)
36 ) where
38 import Control.Exception.Base (bracket_)
40 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
41 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T
43 import MetaString
44 import WCWidth
46 data Colour = Black | Red | Green | Yellow
47 | Blue | Magenta | Cyan | White
48 | BoldBlack | BoldRed | BoldGreen | BoldYellow
49 | BoldBlue | BoldMagenta | BoldCyan | BoldWhite
50 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
52 resetCode, boldCode, unboldCode, reverseCode,
53 unreverseCode, underlineCode , ununderlineCode, resetColourCode
54 :: MetaString a => a
55 resetCode = "\ESC[0m"
56 boldCode = "\ESC[1m"
57 underlineCode = "\ESC[4m"
58 reverseCode = "\ESC[7m"
59 unboldCode = "\ESC[22m"
60 ununderlineCode = "\ESC[24m"
61 unreverseCode = "\ESC[27m"
62 resetColourCode = "\ESC[39m\ESC[22m"
64 colourCode :: MetaString a => Colour -> a
65 colourCode c = (if isBold c then boldCode else "") <> "\ESC[3" <> fromString (colNum c) <> "m"
66 where
67 isBold = flip elem [BoldBlack, BoldRed, BoldGreen, BoldYellow,
68 BoldBlue, BoldMagenta, BoldCyan, BoldWhite]
69 colNum Black = "0"
70 colNum Red = "1"
71 colNum Green = "2"
72 colNum Yellow = "3"
73 colNum Blue = "4"
74 colNum Magenta = "5"
75 colNum Cyan = "6"
76 colNum White = "7"
77 colNum BoldBlack = "0"
78 colNum BoldRed = "1"
79 colNum BoldGreen = "2"
80 colNum BoldYellow = "3"
81 colNum BoldBlue = "4"
82 colNum BoldMagenta = "5"
83 colNum BoldCyan = "6"
84 colNum BoldWhite = "7"
86 withStyle :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO a -> IO a
87 withStyle c r = T.putStr c `bracket_` T.putStr r
88 withColour :: Colour -> IO a -> IO a
89 withColour c = withStyle (colourCode c) resetColourCode
90 withBold, withReverse, withUnderline :: IO a -> IO a
91 withBold = withStyle boldCode unboldCode
92 withReverse = withStyle reverseCode unreverseCode
93 withUnderline = withStyle underlineCode ununderlineCode
95 withStyleStr :: MetaString a => a -> a -> a -> a
96 withStyleStr c r s = c <> s <> r
97 withColourStr :: MetaString a => Colour -> a -> a
98 withColourStr c = withStyleStr (colourCode c) resetColourCode
99 withBoldStr, withReverseStr, withUnderlineStr :: MetaString a => a -> a
100 withBoldStr = withStyleStr boldCode unboldCode
101 withReverseStr = withStyleStr reverseCode unreverseCode
102 withUnderlineStr = withStyleStr underlineCode ununderlineCode
104 -- |"applyIf cond f" is shorthand for "if cond then f else id"
105 applyIf :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
106 applyIf True = id
107 applyIf False = const id
109 mapTail :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
110 mapTail _ [] = []
111 mapTail f (a:as) = a:(f<$>as)
114 endCSI :: Char -> Bool
115 endCSI c = '@' <= c && c <= '~'
117 -- |strip all CSI escape sequences
118 stripCSI :: T.Text -> T.Text
119 stripCSI = T.concat . mapTail dropCSI . T.splitOn "\ESC["
120 where dropCSI = T.drop 1 . T.dropWhile (not . endCSI)
122 visibleLength :: (Integral i) => T.Text -> i
123 visibleLength = fromIntegral . wcLength . stripCSI
125 wcLength :: T.Text -> Int
126 wcLength = sum . (max 0 . wcwidth <$>) . T.unpack
128 splitAtWC :: Int -> T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text)
129 splitAtWC m = go m T.empty where
130 go !n !acc t
131 | Just (c,r) <- T.uncons t = let w = max 0 $ wcwidth c in
132 if w > max 0 n then (T.reverse acc,t)
133 else go (n - w) (T.cons c acc) r
134 | otherwise = (T.reverse acc, T.empty)
137 splitAtVisible :: (Integral i) => i -> T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text)
138 splitAtVisible n t =
139 let (pre,post) = T.breakOn "\ESC[" t
140 n' = fromIntegral n
141 (a,b) = splitAtWC n' pre
142 catFst s (s',s'') = (s<>s',s'')
143 in a `catFst`
144 if not (T.null b) || T.null post then ("",b<>post)
145 else
146 let (s,r) = T.splitAt 2 post
147 (s',r') = T.break endCSI r
148 (s'',rest) = T.splitAt 1 r'
149 csi = s <> s' <> s''
150 in csi `catFst` splitAtVisible (n' - wcLength a) rest
152 -- |sanitise non-CSI escape sequences by turning \ESC into \\ESC
153 -- (buggy terminals make these sequences a potential security hole;
154 -- see e.g. https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-9366 )
155 sanitiseNonCSI :: T.Text -> T.Text
156 sanitiseNonCSI = T.concat . mapTail escapeEsc . T.splitOn "\ESC"
157 where
158 escapeEsc s = case T.take 1 s of
159 "[" -> T.cons '\ESC' s
160 _ -> "\\ESC" <> s
162 -- |strip all C0 and C1 control chars, replacing tab with space
163 stripControl :: T.Text -> T.Text
164 stripControl = T.concatMap $ \case
165 '\t' -> " "
166 c | wcwidth c == 0 -> ""
167 c -> T.singleton c
169 -- |strip all C0 and C1 control chars except '\t'
170 stripControlExceptTab :: T.Text -> T.Text
171 stripControlExceptTab = T.filter $ \c -> c == '\t' || wcwidth c > 0
173 -- |strip all C0 and C1 control chars except tab, and esc where it introduces
174 -- a CSI escape sequence. (Might be even better to strip all but SGR, but that
175 -- would require more parsing.)
176 sanitiseForDisplay :: T.Text -> T.Text
177 sanitiseForDisplay = sanitiseNonCSI . T.filter (\c -> c `elem` ['\ESC','\t'] || wcwidth c >= 0)
179 -- |append \STX to each CSI sequence, as required in Haskeline prompts.
180 -- See https://github.com/judah/haskeline/wiki/ControlSequencesInPrompt
181 escapePromptCSI :: String -> String
182 escapePromptCSI s = case break (== '\ESC') s of
183 (pre,'\ESC':'[':post) -> ((pre <> "\ESC[") <>) $
184 case break endCSI post of
185 (pre',e:post') -> (pre' <>) $ e : '\STX' : escapePromptCSI post'
186 (pre',[]) -> pre'
187 (pre,[]) -> pre
188 (pre,e:post) -> (pre <>) $ e : escapePromptCSI post