handle missing .diohsc/queues directory
[diohsc.git] / LineClient.hs
1 -- This file is part of Diohsc
2 -- Copyright (C) 2020-23 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
17 module LineClient (lineClient) where
19 import qualified Codec.MIME.Parse as MIME
20 import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME
21 import Control.Applicative (Alternative, empty)
22 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
23 import Control.Monad (forM_, guard, join, mplus, msum,
24 mzero, unless, void, when, (<=<))
25 import Control.Monad.Catch (SomeException, bracket,
26 displayException, handle)
27 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
28 import Control.Monad.State (get, gets, lift, modify)
29 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
31 import Data.Bifunctor (second)
32 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
33 import Data.Char (toLower)
34 import Data.Hashable (hash)
35 import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
36 import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf,
37 isSuffixOf, sort, stripPrefix)
38 import qualified Data.Map as M
39 import Data.Maybe
40 import qualified Data.Set as S
41 import qualified Data.Text as TS
42 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T
43 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
44 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T
45 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T
47 import Safe
48 import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as HL
49 import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Size
50 import System.Directory
51 import System.Environment
52 import System.FilePath
53 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
55 import Text.Regex (matchRegex, mkRegexWithOpts)
56 import Time.System (timeCurrentP)
58 import ActiveIdentities
59 import Alias
60 import ANSIColour
61 import qualified BStack
62 import ClientCert (KeyType (..))
63 import ClientOptions
64 import ClientState
65 import Command
66 import CommandLine
67 import GeminiProtocol
68 import History
69 import Identity
70 import Marks
71 import MetaString
72 import Mundanities
73 import Pager
74 import PrintFancy
75 import Prompt hiding (promptYN)
76 import qualified Prompt
77 import Queue
78 import Request
79 import ResolveTarget
80 import qualified RunExternal
81 import RunExternal hiding (runRestrictedIO)
82 import Slurp
83 import Target
84 import TextGemini
85 import URI
86 import Util
88 #ifdef ICONV
89 import Codec.Text.IConv (convert)
90 #endif
92 #ifdef MAGIC
93 import qualified Magic
94 #endif
96 getTermSize :: IO (Int,Int)
97 getTermSize = do
98 Size.Window height width <- fromMaybe (Size.Window (2^(30::Int)) 80) <$> Size.size
99 return (height,width)
101 lineClient :: ClientOptions -> [String] -> Bool -> HL.InputT ClientM ()
102 lineClient cOpts@ClientOptions{ cOptUserDataDir = userDataDir
103 , cOptInteractive = interactive, cOptAnsi = ansi, cOptGhost = ghost} initialCommands repl = do
104 (liftIO . readFileLines $ userDataDir </> "diohscrc") >>= mapM_ (handleLine' . T.unpack)
105 lift addToQueuesFromFiles
106 mapM_ handleLine' initialCommands
107 when repl lineClient'
108 unless ghost $ lift appendQueuesToFiles
109 where
110 handleLine' :: String -> HL.InputT ClientM Bool
111 handleLine' line = lift get >>= \s -> handleLine cOpts s line
113 lineClient' :: HL.InputT ClientM ()
114 lineClient' = do
115 cmd <- lift getPrompt >>= promptLineInputT
116 quit <- case cmd of
117 Nothing -> if interactive
118 then printErrFancy ansi "Use \"quit\" to quit" >> return False
119 else return True
120 Just Nothing -> return True
121 Just (Just line) -> handleLine' line
122 lift addToQueuesFromFiles
123 unless quit lineClient'
125 addToQueuesFromFiles :: ClientM ()
126 addToQueuesFromFiles | ghost = return ()
127 | otherwise = do
128 qfs <- ignoreIOErr $ liftIO findQueueFiles
129 forM_ qfs $ \(qfile, qname) ->
130 modifyQueues . enqueue (QueueSpec qname Nothing) <=<
131 ignoreIOErr . liftIO $
132 mapMaybe queueLine <$> readFileLines qfile <* removeFile qfile
133 ignoreIOErr . liftIO $ removeDirectory queuesDir
134 where
135 findQueueFiles :: IO [(FilePath,String)]
136 findQueueFiles = do
137 qf <- (\e -> [(queueFile, "") | e]) <$> doesFileExist queueFile
138 qfs <- ignoreIOErr $ ((\qn -> (queuesDir </> qn, qn)) <$>) <$> listDirectory queuesDir
139 return $ qf <> qfs
140 queueLine :: T.Text -> Maybe QueueItem
141 queueLine s = QueueURI Nothing <$> (parseUriAsAbsolute . escapeIRI $ T.unpack s)
143 appendQueuesToFiles :: ClientM ()
144 appendQueuesToFiles = do
145 queues <- gets $ M.toList . clientQueues
146 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True queuesDir
147 liftIO $ forM_ queues appendQueue
148 where
149 appendQueue (_, []) = pure ()
150 appendQueue (qname, queue) =
151 let qfile = case qname of
152 "" -> queueFile
153 s -> queuesDir </> s
154 in warnIOErr $ BL.appendFile qfile .
155 T.encodeUtf8 . T.unlines $ T.pack . show . queueUri <$> queue
157 queueFile, queuesDir :: FilePath
158 queueFile = userDataDir </> "queue"
159 queuesDir = userDataDir </> "queues"
161 getPrompt :: ClientM String
162 getPrompt = do
163 queue <- gets $ M.findWithDefault [] "" . clientQueues
164 curr <- gets clientCurrent
165 proxies <- gets $ clientConfProxies . clientConfig
166 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
167 let queueStatus :: Maybe String
168 queueStatus = guard (not $ null queue) >> return (show (length queue) ++ "~")
169 colour = applyIf ansi . withColourStr
170 bold = applyIf ansi withBoldStr
171 uriStatus :: Int -> URI -> String
172 uriStatus w uri =
173 let fullUriStr = stripGem $ show uri
174 stripGem s = fromMaybe s $ stripPrefix "gemini://" s
175 mIdName = (identityName <$>) $ findIdentity ais =<< requestOfProxiesAndUri proxies uri
176 idStr = flip (maybe "") mIdName $ \idName ->
177 let abbrId = length idName > 8 && length fullUriStr + 2 + length idName > w - 2
178 in "[" ++ (if abbrId then ".." ++ take 6 idName else idName) ++ "]"
179 abbrUri = length fullUriStr + length idStr > w - 2
180 uriFormat = colour BoldMagenta
181 uriStr = if abbrUri
182 then
183 let abbrUriChars = w - 4 - length idStr
184 preChars = abbrUriChars `div` 2
185 postChars = abbrUriChars - preChars
186 in uriFormat (take preChars fullUriStr) <>
187 ".." <>
188 uriFormat (drop (length fullUriStr - postChars) fullUriStr)
189 else uriFormat fullUriStr
190 in uriStr ++
191 (if null idStr then "" else colour Green idStr)
192 prompt :: Int -> String
193 prompt maxPromptWidth =
194 ((applyIf ansi withReverseStr $ colour BoldCyan "%%%") ++)
195 . (" " ++) . (++ bold "> ") . unwords $ catMaybes
196 [ queueStatus
197 , uriStatus (maxPromptWidth - 5 - maybe 0 ((+1) . length) queueStatus)
198 . historyUri <$> curr
200 prompt . min 40 . (`div` 2) . snd <$> liftIO getTermSize
202 handleLine :: ClientOptions -> ClientState -> String -> HL.InputT ClientM Bool
203 handleLine cOpts@ClientOptions{ cOptAnsi = ansi } s line = handle backupHandler . catchInterrupts $ case parseCommandLine line of
204 Left err -> printErrFancy ansi err >> return False
205 Right (CommandLine Nothing (Just (c,_))) | c `isPrefixOf` "quit" -> return True
206 Right cline -> handleCommandLine cOpts s False cline >> return False
207 where
208 catchInterrupts = HL.handleInterrupt (printErrFancy ansi "Interrupted." >> return False) . HL.withInterrupt . lift
209 backupHandler :: SomeException -> HL.InputT ClientM Bool
210 backupHandler = (>> return False) . printErrFancy ansi . ("Unhandled exception: " <>) . show
212 handleCommandLine :: ClientOptions -> ClientState -> Bool -> CommandLine -> ClientM ()
213 handleCommandLine
214 cOpts@(ClientOptions userDataDir interactive ansi ghost restrictedMode requestContext logH)
215 cState@(ClientState curr jumpBack cLog visited queues _ marks sessionMarks aliases
216 (ClientConfig defaultAction proxies geminators renderFilter preOpt linkDescFirst maxLogLen maxWrapWidth confNoConfirm verboseConnection))
217 blockGo
218 = \(CommandLine mt mcas) -> case mcas of
219 Just (c,args) | Just (Alias _ (CommandLine mt' mcas')) <- lookupAlias c aliases ->
220 let mcas'' = (, drop 1 args) . commandArgArg <$> headMay args
221 appendCArgs (c',as') = (c', (appendTail <$> as') ++ args)
222 where
223 appendTail arg@(CommandArg a' t') = case args of
224 [] -> arg
225 (CommandArg _ t : _) -> CommandArg a' $ t' <> " " <> t
226 in handleCommandLine' (mt' `mplus` mt) $
227 (appendCArgs <$> mcas') `mplus` mcas''
228 _ -> handleCommandLine' mt mcas
230 where
232 -- Remark: we handle haskell's "configurations problem" by having the below all within the scope
233 -- of the ClientOptions parameter. This is nicer to my mind than the heavier approaches of
234 -- simulating global variables or threading a Reader monad throughout. The downside is that this
235 -- module can't be split as much as it ought to be.
236 -- Similar remarks go for `GeminiProtocol.makeRequest`.
238 onRestriction :: IO ()
239 onRestriction = printErr "This is not allowed in restricted mode."
241 doRestricted :: Monoid a => RestrictedIO a -> IO a
242 doRestricted m | restrictedMode = onRestriction >> return mempty
243 | otherwise = RunExternal.runRestrictedIO m
245 doRestrictedAlt :: Alternative f => RestrictedIO (f a) -> IO (f a)
246 doRestrictedAlt m | restrictedMode = onRestriction >> return empty
247 | otherwise = RunExternal.runRestrictedIO m
249 doRestrictedFilter :: (a -> RestrictedIO a) -> (a -> IO a)
250 doRestrictedFilter f | restrictedMode = \a -> do
251 onRestriction
252 return a
253 | otherwise = RunExternal.runRestrictedIO . f
255 printErr, printInfo :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
256 printErr = printErrFancy ansi
257 printInfo = printInfoFancy ansi
259 printIOErr :: IOError -> IO ()
260 printIOErr = printErr . show
262 noConfirm :: Bool
263 noConfirm = confNoConfirm || not interactive
265 confirm :: Applicative m => m Bool -> m Bool
266 confirm | noConfirm = const $ pure True
267 | otherwise = id
269 promptYN = Prompt.promptYN interactive
271 colour :: MetaString a => Colour -> a -> a
272 colour = applyIf ansi . withColourStr
273 bold :: MetaString a => a -> a
274 bold = applyIf ansi withBoldStr
276 isVisited :: URI -> Bool
277 isVisited uri = S.member (hash . T.pack $ show uri) visited
279 requestOfUri = requestOfProxiesAndUri proxies
281 idAtUri :: ActiveIdentities -> URI -> Maybe Identity
282 idAtUri ais uri = findIdentity ais =<< requestOfUri uri
284 showUriRefFull :: MetaString a => Bool -> ActiveIdentities -> URI -> URIRef -> a
285 showUriRefFull ansi' ais base ref = showUriFull ansi' ais (Just base) $ relativeTo ref base
287 showUriFull :: MetaString a => Bool -> ActiveIdentities -> Maybe URI -> URI -> a
288 showUriFull ansi' ais base uri =
289 let scheme = uriScheme uri
290 handled = scheme `elem` ["gemini","file"] || M.member scheme proxies
291 inHistory = isJust $ curr >>= flip pathItemByUri uri
292 activeId = isJust $ idAtUri ais uri
293 col = if inHistory && not activeId then BoldBlue else case (isVisited uri,handled) of
294 (True,True) -> Yellow
295 (False,True) -> BoldYellow
296 (True,False) -> Red
297 (False,False) -> BoldRed
298 s = case base of
299 Nothing -> show uri
300 Just b -> show $ relativeFrom uri b
301 in fromString (applyIf ansi' (withColourStr col) s) <> case idAtUri ais uri of
302 Nothing -> ""
303 Just ident -> showIdentity ansi' ident
305 displayUri :: MetaString a => URI -> a
306 displayUri = colour Yellow . fromString . show
308 showUri :: URI -> ClientM ()
309 showUri uri = do
310 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
311 liftIO . putStrLn $ showUriFull ansi ais Nothing uri
313 addToLog :: URI -> ClientM ()
314 addToLog uri = do
315 let t = T.pack $ show uri
316 modify $ \s -> s
317 { clientLog = BStack.push maxLogLen t $ clientLog s
318 , clientVisited = S.insert (hash . T.pack $ show uri) $ clientVisited s }
319 unless ghost . liftIO $ maybe (return ()) (ignoreIOErr . (`T.hPutStrLn` t)) logH
321 preprocessQuery :: String -> ClientM String
322 preprocessQuery = (escapeQuery <$>) . liftIO . maybeEdit
323 where
324 maybeEdit :: String -> IO String
325 maybeEdit s | unescapedTerminalBlash s =
326 handle (\e -> printIOErr e >> pure s)
327 . doRestrictedFilter (editInteractively ansi userDataDir)
328 $ init s
329 maybeEdit s = pure s
330 unescapedTerminalBlash s = case take 2 $ reverse s of
331 [ '\\' ] -> True
332 [ '\\', '\\' ] -> False
333 [ '\\', _ ] -> True
334 _ -> False
336 expand :: String -> String
337 expand = expandHelp ansi (fst <$> aliases) userDataDir
339 idsPath = userDataDir </> "identities"
340 savesDir = userDataDir </> "saves"
341 marksDir = userDataDir </> "marks"
343 historyEnv :: HistoryItem -> ClientM [(String,String)]
344 historyEnv item = gets clientActiveIdentities >>= \ais -> pure $
345 [ ("URI", show $ historyUri item)
346 , ("MIMETYPE", showMimeType $ historyMimedData item) ] <>
347 (maybe [] (identityEnvironment idsPath) . idAtUri ais $ historyUri item)
349 setMark :: String -> URIWithIdName -> ClientM ()
350 setMark mark uriId | markNameValid mark = do
351 modify $ \s -> s { clientMarks = insertMark mark uriId $ clientMarks s }
352 unless (mark `elem` tempMarks) . liftIO .
353 handle printIOErr $ saveMark marksDir mark uriId
354 setMark mark _ = printErr $ "Invalid mark name " ++ mark
356 promptInput = if ghost then promptLine else promptLineWithHistoryFile inputHistPath
357 where inputHistPath = userDataDir </> "inputHistory"
359 handleCommandLine' :: Maybe PTarget -> Maybe (String, [CommandArg]) -> ClientM ()
360 handleCommandLine' mt mcas = void . runMaybeT $ do
361 ts <- case mt of
362 Nothing -> return []
363 Just pt -> either ((>> mzero) . printErr)
364 (\ts -> mapM_ addTargetId ts >> return ts) $
365 resolveTarget cState pt
366 case mcas of
367 Nothing -> lift $ handleBareTargets ts
368 Just (s,as) -> do
369 c' <- maybe (printErr (unknownCommand s) >> mzero)
370 return $ normaliseCommand s
371 lift $ handleCommand ts (c',as)
372 where
373 unknownCommand s = "Unknown command \"" <> s <> "\". Type \"help\" for help."
374 addTargetId :: Target -> MaybeT ClientM ()
375 addTargetId (TargetIdUri idName uri) =
376 liftIO (loadIdentity idsPath idName) >>= (\case
377 (Nothing, _) -> printErr ("Bad URI: " ++ show uri) >> mzero
378 (_, Nothing) -> printErr ("Unknown identity: " ++ showIdentityName ansi idName) >> mzero
379 (Just req, Just ident) -> lift $ addIdentity req ident) . (requestOfUri uri,)
380 addTargetId _ = return ()
382 doPage :: [T.Text] -> ClientM ()
383 doPage ls
384 | interactive = do
385 (height,width) <- liftIO getTermSize
386 let pageWidth = min maxWrapWidth (width - 4)
387 perPage = height - min 3 (height `div` 4)
388 doCmd str = get >>= \s -> doSubCommand s True str
389 printLinesPaged pageWidth width perPage doCmd ls
390 | otherwise = liftIO $ mapM_ T.putStrLn ls
392 handleBareTargets :: [Target] -> ClientM ()
393 handleBareTargets [] = return ()
394 handleBareTargets (_:_:_) =
395 printErr "Can only go to one place at a time. Try \"show\" or \"page\"?"
396 handleBareTargets [TargetHistory item] = goHistory item
397 handleBareTargets [TargetFrom origin uri] = goUri False (Just origin) uri
398 handleBareTargets [t] = goUri False Nothing $ targetUri t
401 handleCommand :: [Target] -> (String, [CommandArg]) -> ClientM ()
402 handleCommand _ (c,_) | restrictedMode && notElem c (commands True) =
403 printErr "Command disabled in restricted mode"
404 handleCommand [] ("help", args) = case args of
405 [] -> doPage . map (T.pack . expand) $ helpText
406 CommandArg s _ : _ -> doPage . map (T.pack . expand) $ helpOn s
407 handleCommand [] ("commands",_) = doPage $ T.pack . expand <$> commandHelpText
408 where
409 commandHelpText = ["Aliases:"] ++ (showAlias <$> aliases) ++
410 ["","Commands:"] ++ (('{' :) . (<> "}") <$> commands False)
411 showAlias (a, Alias s _) = "{" <> a <> "}: " <> s
413 handleCommand [] ("mark", []) =
414 let ms = M.toAscList marks
415 markLine (m, Just uriId) = let m' = showMinPrefix ansi (fst <$> ms) m
416 in T.pack $ "'" <> m' <>
417 replicate (max 1 $ 16 - visibleLength (T.pack m')) ' ' <>
418 showUriWithId uriId
419 markLine (m, Nothing) = T.pack $ "'" <> m <> " [Failed to read mark]"
420 in doPage $ markLine <$> ms
421 handleCommand [] ("inventory",_) = do
422 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
423 let showNumberedUri :: Bool -> T.Text -> (Int,URI) -> T.Text
424 showNumberedUri iter s (n,uri) = s <>
425 (if iter && n == 1 then " "
426 else if iter && n == 2 then T.takeEnd 1 s
427 else T.pack (show n)) <>
428 " " <> showUriFull ansi ais Nothing uri
429 showIteratedItem s (n,item) = showNumberedUri True s (n, historyUri item)
430 showNumberedItem s (n,item) = showNumberedUri False s (n, historyUri item)
431 showIteratedQueueItem s (n, QueueURI _ uri) =
432 showNumberedUri True s (n, uri)
433 showIteratedQueueItem s (n, QueueHistory item) =
434 showNumberedUri True s (n, historyUri item) <> " {fetched}"
435 showJumpBack :: [T.Text]
436 showJumpBack = maybeToList $ ("'' " <>) . showUriFull ansi ais Nothing . historyUri <$> jumpBack
437 doPage . intercalate [""] . filter (not . null) $
438 showJumpBack :
439 [ showIteratedQueueItem (T.pack $ qname <> "~") <$> zip [1..] queue
440 | (qname, queue) <- M.toList queues ]
441 ++ [ showNumberedItem "'" <$> M.toAscList sessionMarks
442 , (showIteratedItem "<" <$> zip [1..] (maybe [] (initSafe . historyAncestors) curr))
443 ++ (("@ " <>) . showUriFull ansi ais Nothing . historyUri <$>
444 maybeToList (curr >>= lastMay . historyAncestors))
445 , showIteratedItem ">" <$> zip [1..] (maybe [] historyDescendants curr)
447 handleCommand [] ("log",_) =
448 let showLog (n,t) = "$" <> T.pack (show n) <> " " <> colour Yellow t
449 in doPage $ showLog <$> zip [(1::Int)..] (BStack.toList cLog)
450 handleCommand [] ("alias", CommandArg a _ : CommandArg _ str : _) = void . runMaybeT $ do
451 c <- either ((>>mzero) . printErr) return $ parseCommand a
452 when (c /= a) $ printErr ("Bad alias: " <> a) >> mzero
453 cl <- either ((>>mzero) . printErr) return $ parseCommandLine str
454 modify $ \s ->
455 s { clientAliases = insertAlias a (Alias str cl) . deleteAlias a $ clientAliases s }
456 handleCommand [] ("alias", [CommandArg a _]) =
457 modify $ \s -> s { clientAliases = deleteAlias a $ clientAliases s }
458 handleCommand [] ("set", []) = liftIO $ do
459 let (c,args) = defaultAction
460 putStrLn $ expand "{default_action}: " <> c <>
461 maybe "" ((" "<>) . commandArgLiteralTail) (headMay args)
462 putStrLn $ expand "{proxies}:"
463 printMap showHost $ M.toAscList proxies
464 putStrLn $ expand "{geminators}:"
465 printMap id $ second snd <$> geminators
466 putStrLn $ expand "{render_filter}: " <> fromMaybe "" renderFilter
467 putStrLn $ expand "{pre_display}: " <> showPreOpt preOpt
468 putStrLn $ expand "{link_desc_first}: " <> show linkDescFirst
469 putStrLn $ expand "{log_length}: " <> show maxLogLen
470 putStrLn $ expand "{max_wrap_width}: " <> show maxWrapWidth
471 putStrLn $ expand "{no_confirm}: " <> show noConfirm
472 putStrLn $ expand "{verbose_connection}: " <> show verboseConnection
473 where
474 printMap :: (a -> String) -> [(String,a)] -> IO ()
475 printMap f as = mapM_ putStrLn $
476 (\(k,e) -> " " <> k <> " " <> f e) <$> as
477 handleCommand [] ("set", CommandArg opt _ : val)
478 | opt `isPrefixOf` "default_action" = case val of
479 (CommandArg cmd _ : args) -> case actionOfCommand (cmd,args) of
480 Just _ -> modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfDefaultAction = (cmd,args) }
481 Nothing -> printErr "Invalid action"
482 _ -> printErr "Require value for option."
483 | opt `isPrefixOf` "proxies" || opt `isPrefixOf` "proxy" = case val of
484 (CommandArg scheme _ : val') ->
485 let f = maybe (M.delete scheme) (M.insert scheme) $
486 parseHost . commandArgLiteralTail =<< headMay val'
487 in modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfProxies = f $ clientConfProxies c }
488 -- if only I'd allowed myself to use lenses, eh?
489 [] -> printErr "Require mimetype to set geminator for."
490 | opt `isPrefixOf` "geminators" = case val of
491 (CommandArg patt _ : val') ->
492 let f = maybe (filter $ (/= patt) . fst)
493 (\v -> (++ [(patt, (mkRegexWithOpts patt True True,
494 commandArgLiteralTail v))])) $
495 headMay val'
496 in modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfGeminators = f $ clientConfGeminators c }
497 [] -> printErr "Require mimetype to set geminator for."
498 | opt `isPrefixOf` "render_filter" =
499 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfRenderFilter =
500 commandArgLiteralTail <$> headMay val }
501 | opt `isPrefixOf` "pre_display" = case val of
502 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "both" ->
503 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfPreOpt = PreOptBoth }
504 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "pre" ->
505 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfPreOpt = PreOptPre }
506 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "alt" ->
507 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfPreOpt = PreOptAlt }
508 _ -> printErr "Require \"both\" or \"pre\" or \"alt\" for pre_display"
509 | opt `isPrefixOf` "link_desc_first" = case val of
510 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "true" ->
511 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfLinkDescFirst = True }
512 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "false" ->
513 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfLinkDescFirst = False }
514 _ -> printErr "Require \"true\" or \"false\" as value for link_desc_first"
515 | opt `isPrefixOf` "log_length" = case val of
516 [CommandArg s _] | Just n <- readMay s, n >= 0 -> do
517 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfMaxLogLen = n }
518 modify $ \st -> st { clientLog = BStack.truncate n $ clientLog st }
519 _ -> printErr "Require non-negative integer value for log_length"
520 | opt `isPrefixOf` "max_wrap_width" = case val of
521 [CommandArg s _] | Just n <- readMay s, n > 0 ->
522 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfMaxWrapWidth = n }
523 _ -> printErr "Require positive integer value for max_wrap_width"
524 | opt `isPrefixOf` "no_confirm" = case val of
525 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "true" ->
526 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfNoConfirm = True }
527 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "false" ->
528 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfNoConfirm = False }
529 _ -> printErr "Require \"true\" or \"false\" as value for no_confirm"
530 | opt `isPrefixOf` "verbose_connection" = case val of
531 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "true" ->
532 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfVerboseConnection = True }
533 [CommandArg s _] | map toLower s `isPrefixOf` "false" ->
534 modifyCConf $ \c -> c { clientConfVerboseConnection = False }
535 _ -> printErr "Require \"true\" or \"false\" as value for verbose_connection"
536 | otherwise = printErr $ "No such option \"" <> opt <> "\"."
537 handleCommand [] cargs =
538 case curr of
539 Just item -> handleCommand [TargetHistory item] cargs
540 Nothing -> printErr "No current location. Enter an URI, or type \"help\"."
542 handleCommand ts ("add", args) = case parseQueueSpec $ commandArgArg <$> args of
543 Nothing -> printErr "Bad arguments to 'add'."
544 Just qs -> modifyQueues . enqueue qs $ targetQueueItem <$> ts
546 handleCommand ts ("fetch", args) = case parseQueueSpec $ commandArgArg <$> args of
547 Nothing -> printErr "Bad arguments to 'fetch."
548 Just qs -> do
549 -- XXX: we have to use an IORef to store the items, since
550 -- CommandAction doesn't allow a return value.
551 lRef <- liftIO $ newIORef []
552 let add item = liftIO $ slurpItem item >> modifyIORef lRef (item:)
553 forM_ ts $ \t -> case t of
554 TargetHistory item -> add item
555 _ -> modifyQueues (unqueue uri) >> doRequestUri uri add
556 where uri = targetUri t
557 l <- liftIO $ reverse <$> readIORef lRef
558 modifyQueues . enqueue qs $ QueueHistory <$> l
560 handleCommand ts cargs =
561 mapM_ handleTargetCommand ts
562 where
563 handleTargetCommand (TargetHistory item) | Just action <- actionOfCommand cargs =
564 action item
565 handleTargetCommand t | Just action <- actionOfCommand cargs =
566 let uri = targetUri t
567 in modifyQueues (unqueue uri) >> doRequestUri uri action
568 handleTargetCommand (TargetHistory item) | ("repeat",_) <- cargs =
569 goUri True (recreateOrigin <$> historyParent item) $ historyUri item
570 handleTargetCommand (TargetHistory item) | ("repl",_) <- cargs =
571 repl (recreateOrigin <$> historyParent item) $ historyUri item
572 handleTargetCommand t | ("query", CommandArg _ str : _) <- cargs = do
573 let origin = case t of
574 TargetHistory item -> Just $ HistoryOrigin item Nothing
575 TargetFrom o _ -> Just o
576 _ -> Nothing
577 str' <- preprocessQuery str
578 goUri True origin . setQuery ('?':str') $ targetUri t
579 handleTargetCommand t =
580 handleUriCommand (targetUri t) cargs
582 recreateOrigin :: HistoryItem -> HistoryOrigin
583 recreateOrigin parent = HistoryOrigin parent $ childLink =<< historyChild parent
585 handleUriCommand uri ("delete",[]) =
586 modifyQueues $ unqueueFrom "" uri
587 handleUriCommand uri ("delete",CommandArg qname _ : _) =
588 modifyQueues $ unqueueFrom qname uri
589 handleUriCommand uri ("repeat",_) = goUri True Nothing uri
590 handleUriCommand uri ("uri",_) = showUri uri
591 handleUriCommand uri ("mark", CommandArg mark _ : _)
592 | Just _ <- readMay mark :: Maybe Int = error "Bad mark for uri"
593 | otherwise = do
594 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
595 let mIdName = case findIdentity ais =<< requestOfUri uri of
596 Just ident | not $ isTemporary ident -> Just $ identityName ident
597 _ -> Nothing
598 setMark mark $ URIWithIdName uri mIdName
599 handleUriCommand uri ("identify", args) = case requestOfUri uri of
600 Nothing -> printErr "Bad URI"
601 Just req -> gets ((`findIdentityRoot` req) . clientActiveIdentities) >>= \case
602 Just (root,(ident,_)) | null args -> endIdentityPrompted root ident
603 _ -> void . runMaybeT $ do
604 ident <- MaybeT . liftIO $ case args of
605 CommandArg idName _ : args' ->
606 let tp = case args' of
607 CommandArg ('e':'d':_) _ : _ -> KeyEd25519
608 _ -> KeyRSA
609 in getIdentity interactive ansi idsPath tp idName
610 [] -> if interactive
611 then getIdentityRequesting ansi idsPath
612 else getIdentity interactive ansi idsPath KeyRSA ""
613 lift $ addIdentity req ident
614 handleUriCommand uri ("browse", args) = do
615 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
616 let envir = maybe [] (identityEnvironment idsPath) .
617 idAtUri ais . setSchemeDefault $ uri
618 void . liftIO . runMaybeT $ do
619 cmd <- case args of
620 [] -> maybe notSet
621 (\s -> if null s then notSet else return $ parseBrowser s) =<<
622 lift (lookupEnv "BROWSER")
623 where
624 notSet = printErr "Please set $BROWSER or give a command to run" >> mzero
625 -- |based on specification for $BROWSER in 'man 1 man'
626 parseBrowser :: String -> String
627 parseBrowser = subPercentOrAppend (show uri) . takeWhile (/=':')
628 (CommandArg _ c : _) -> return $ subPercentOrAppend (show uri) c
629 lift $ confirm (confirmShell "Run" cmd) >>? doRestricted $ void (runShellCmd cmd envir)
630 handleUriCommand uri ("repl",_) = repl Nothing uri
631 handleUriCommand uri ("log",_) = addToLog uri >> modifyQueues (unqueue uri)
633 handleUriCommand _ (c,_) = printErr $ "Bad arguments to command " <> c
635 repl :: Maybe HistoryOrigin -> URI -> ClientM ()
636 repl origin uri = repl' where
637 repl' = liftIO (join <$> promptInput ">> ") >>= \case
638 Nothing -> return ()
639 Just query -> do
640 query' <- preprocessQuery query
641 goUri True origin . setQuery ('?':query') $ uri
642 repl'
644 slurpItem :: HistoryItem -> IO ()
645 slurpItem item = slurpNoisily (historyRequestTime item) . mimedBody $ historyMimedData item
647 actionOnRendered :: Bool -> ([T.Text] -> ClientM ()) -> CommandAction
648 actionOnRendered ansi' m item = do
649 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
650 liftIO (renderMimed ansi' (historyUri item) ais (historyGeminatedMimedData item)) >>=
651 either printErr m
653 actionOfCommand :: (String, [CommandArg]) -> Maybe CommandAction
654 actionOfCommand (c,_) | restrictedMode && notElem c (commands True) = Nothing
655 actionOfCommand ("show",_) = Just . actionOnRendered ansi $ liftIO . mapM_ T.putStrLn
656 actionOfCommand ("page",_) = Just $ actionOnRendered ansi doPage
657 actionOfCommand ("links",_) = Just $ \item -> do
658 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
659 let cl = childLink =<< historyChild item
660 linkLine n (Link uri desc) =
661 applyIf (cl == Just (n-1)) (bold "* " <>) $
662 T.pack ('[' : show n ++ "] ")
663 <> showUriRefFull ansi ais (historyUri item) uri
664 <> if T.null desc then "" else " " <>
665 applyIf ansi (withColourStr Cyan) desc
666 doPage . zipWith linkLine [1..] . historyLinks $ item
668 actionOfCommand ("mark", CommandArg mark _ : _) |
669 Just n <- readMay mark :: Maybe Int = Just $ \item -> do
670 liftIO $ slurpItem item
671 modify $ \s -> s { clientSessionMarks = M.insert n item $ clientSessionMarks s }
672 actionOfCommand ("mime",_) = Just $ liftIO . putStrLn . showMimeType . historyMimedData
673 actionOfCommand ("save", []) = actionOfCommand ("save", [CommandArg "" savesDir])
674 actionOfCommand ("save", CommandArg _ path : _) = Just $ \item -> liftIO . doRestricted . RestrictedIO $ do
675 createDirectoryIfMissing True savesDir
676 homePath <- getHomeDirectory
677 let path'
678 | take 2 path == "~/" = homePath </> drop 2 path
679 | take 1 path == "/" || take 2 path == "./" || take 3 path == "../" = path
680 | otherwise = savesDir </> path
681 body = mimedBody $ historyMimedData item
682 uri = historyUri item
683 name = fromMaybe (fromMaybe "" $ uriRegName uri) . lastMay .
684 filter (not . null) $ pathSegments uri
685 handle printIOErr . void . runMaybeT $ do
686 lift $ mkdirhierto path'
687 isDir <- lift $ doesDirectoryExist path'
688 let fullpath = if isDir then path' </> name else path'
689 lift (doesDirectoryExist fullpath) >>? do
690 lift . printErr $ "Path " ++ show fullpath ++ " exists and is directory"
691 mzero
692 lift (doesFileExist fullpath) >>?
693 guard =<< lift (promptYN False $ "Overwrite " ++ show fullpath ++ "?")
694 lift $ do
695 putStrLn $ "Saving to " ++ fullpath
696 t0 <- timeCurrentP
697 BL.writeFile fullpath =<< interleaveProgress t0 body
699 actionOfCommand ("!", CommandArg _ cmd : _) = Just $ \item -> do
700 env <- historyEnv item
701 liftIO . handle printIOErr . doRestricted .
702 shellOnData noConfirm cmd userDataDir env . mimedBody $ historyMimedData item
704 actionOfCommand ("view",_) = Just $ \item ->
705 let mimed = historyMimedData item
706 mimetype = showMimeType mimed
707 body = mimedBody mimed
708 in liftIO . handle printIOErr . doRestricted $ runMailcap noConfirm "view" userDataDir mimetype body
709 actionOfCommand ("|", CommandArg _ cmd : _) = Just $ \item -> do
710 env <- historyEnv item
711 liftIO . handle printIOErr . doRestricted $
712 pipeToShellLazily cmd env . mimedBody $ historyMimedData item
713 actionOfCommand ("||", args) = Just $ pipeRendered ansi args
714 actionOfCommand ("||-", args) = Just $ pipeRendered False args
715 actionOfCommand ("cat",_) = Just $ liftIO . BL.putStr . mimedBody . historyMimedData
716 actionOfCommand ("at", CommandArg _ str : _) = Just $ \item ->
717 doSubCommand (cState { clientCurrent = Just item }) blockGo str
718 actionOfCommand _ = Nothing
720 pipeRendered :: Bool -> [CommandArg] -> CommandAction
721 pipeRendered ansi' args item = (\action -> actionOnRendered ansi' action item) $ \ls -> do
722 env <- historyEnv item
723 liftIO . void . runMaybeT $ do
724 cmd <- case args of
725 [] -> maybe notSet
726 (\s -> if null s then notSet else return s) =<<
727 liftIO (lookupEnv "PAGER")
728 where
729 notSet = printErr "Please set $PAGER or give a command to run" >> mzero
730 (CommandArg _ cmd : _) -> return cmd
731 lift . doRestricted . pipeToShellLazily cmd env . T.encodeUtf8 $ T.unlines ls
733 doSubCommand :: ClientState -> Bool -> String -> ClientM ()
734 doSubCommand s block str = void . runMaybeT $ do
735 cl <- either ((>>mzero) . printErr) return $ parseCommandLine str
736 lift $ handleCommandLine cOpts s block cl
738 setCurr :: HistoryItem -> ClientM ()
739 setCurr i =
740 let isJump = isNothing $ curr >>= pathItemByUri i . historyUri
741 in do
742 when isJump $ modify $ \s -> s { clientJumpBack = curr }
743 modify $ \s -> s { clientCurrent = Just i }
745 doDefault :: HistoryItem -> ClientM ()
746 doDefault item =
747 maybe (printErr "Bad default action!") ($ item) $ actionOfCommand defaultAction
749 goHistory :: HistoryItem -> ClientM ()
750 goHistory _ | blockGo = printErr "Can't go anywhere now."
751 goHistory item = do
752 modifyQueues $ unqueue uri
753 showUri uri
754 setCurr item
755 doDefault item
756 where uri = historyUri item
758 goUri :: Bool -> Maybe HistoryOrigin -> URI -> ClientM ()
759 goUri _ _ _ | blockGo = printErr "Can't go anywhere now."
760 goUri forceRequest origin uri = do
761 modifyQueues $ unqueue uri
762 activeId <- gets $ isJust . (`idAtUri` uri) . clientActiveIdentities
763 case curr >>= flip pathItemByUri uri of
764 Just i' | not (activeId || forceRequest) -> goHistory i'
765 _ -> doRequestUri uri $ \item -> do
766 let updateParent i =
767 -- Lazily recursively update the links in the doubly linked list
768 let i' = i { historyParent = updateParent . updateChild i' <$> historyParent i }
769 in i'
770 updateChild i' i = i { historyChild = setChild <$> historyChild i }
771 where setChild c = c { childItem = i' }
772 glueOrigin (HistoryOrigin o l) = updateParent $ o { historyChild = Just $ HistoryChild item' l }
773 item' = item { historyParent = glueOrigin <$> origin }
774 setCurr item'
775 doDefault item
776 liftIO $ slurpItem item
778 doRequestUri :: URI -> CommandAction -> ClientM ()
779 doRequestUri uri0 action = doRequestUri' 0 uri0
780 where
781 doRequestUri' redirs uri
782 | Just req <- requestOfUri uri = addToLog uri >> doRequest redirs req
783 | otherwise = printErr $ "Bad URI: " ++ displayUri uri ++ (
784 let scheme = uriScheme uri
785 in if scheme /= "gemini" && isNothing (M.lookup scheme proxies)
786 then " : No proxy set for non-gemini scheme " ++ scheme ++ "; use \"browse\"?"
787 else "")
789 doRequest :: Int -> Request -> ClientM ()
790 doRequest redirs _ | redirs > 5 =
791 printErr "Too many redirections!"
792 doRequest redirs req@(NetworkRequest _ uri) = do
793 (mId, ais) <- liftIO . useActiveIdentity noConfirm ansi req =<< gets clientActiveIdentities
794 modify $ \s -> s { clientActiveIdentities = ais }
795 printInfo $ ">>> " ++ showUriFull ansi ais Nothing uri
796 let respBuffSize = 2 ^ (15::Int) -- 32KB max cache for response stream
797 liftIO (makeRequest requestContext mId respBuffSize verboseConnection req)
798 `bracket` either (\_ -> return ()) (liftIO . snd) $
799 either
800 (printErr . displayException)
801 (handleResponse . fst)
802 where
803 handleResponse :: Response -> ClientM ()
804 handleResponse (Input isPass prompt) = do
805 let defaultPrompt = "[" ++ (if isPass then "PASSWORD" else "INPUT") ++ "]"
806 (liftIO . (join <$>) . promptInput $
807 (if null prompt then defaultPrompt else prompt) ++ " > ") >>= \case
808 Nothing -> return ()
809 Just query -> do
810 query' <- preprocessQuery query
811 doRequestUri' redirs . setQuery ('?':query') $ uri
813 handleResponse (Success mimedData) = doAction req mimedData
815 handleResponse (Redirect isPerm to) = do
816 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities
817 let uri' = to `relativeTo` uri
818 crossSite = uriRegName uri' /= uriRegName uri
819 crossScheme = uriScheme uri' /= uriScheme uri
820 crossScope = case idAtUri ais <$> [uri,uri'] of
821 [fromId,toId] -> isJust toId && fromId /= toId
822 _ -> False
823 warningStr = colour BoldRed
824 proceed <- (isJust <$>) . lift . runMaybeT $ do
825 when crossSite $ guard <=< (liftIO . promptYN False) $
826 warningStr "Follow cross-site redirect to " ++ showUriRefFull ansi ais uri to ++ warningStr "?"
827 when crossScheme $ guard <=< (liftIO . promptYN False) $
828 warningStr "Follow cross-protocol redirect to " ++ showUriRefFull ansi ais uri to ++ warningStr "?"
829 when crossScope $ guard <=< (liftIO . promptYN False) $
830 warningStr "Follow redirect with identity " ++ showUriRefFull ansi ais uri to ++ warningStr "?"
831 when proceed $ do
832 when (isPerm && not ghost) . mapM_ (updateMark uri') . marksWithUri uri =<< gets clientMarks
833 doRequestUri' (redirs + 1) uri'
834 where updateMark uri' (mark,uriId) = do
835 conf <- confirm . liftIO . promptYN True $ "Update mark '" <> mark <> " to " <> show uri' <> " ?"
836 when conf . setMark mark $ uriId { uriIdUri = uri' }
837 handleResponse (Failure code info) | 60 <= code && code <= 69 = void . runMaybeT $ do
838 identity <- do
839 liftIO . putStrLn $ (case code of
840 60 -> "Server requests identification"
841 _ -> "Server rejects provided identification certificate" ++
842 (if code == 61 then " as unauthorised" else if code == 62 then " as invalid" else ""))
843 ++ if null info then "" else ": " ++ info
844 guard interactive
845 MaybeT . liftIO $ getIdentityRequesting ansi idsPath
846 lift $ do
847 addIdentity req identity
848 doRequest redirs req
850 handleResponse (Failure 44 info) = do
851 printInfo $ "Server requests slowdown: " ++ info
852 liftIO . threadDelay $ 1000 * 2^redirs
853 doRequest (redirs+1) req
854 handleResponse (Failure code info) =
855 printErr $ "Server returns failure: " ++ show code ++ " " ++ info
856 handleResponse (MalformedResponse malformation) =
857 printErr $ "Malformed response from server: " ++ show malformation
859 doRequest redirs (LocalFileRequest path) | redirs > 0 = printErr "Ignoring redirect to local file."
860 | otherwise = void . runMaybeT $ do
861 (path', mimedData) <- MaybeT . liftIO . doRestrictedAlt . RestrictedIO . warnIOErrAlt $ do
862 let detectExtension = case takeExtension path of
863 -- |certain crucial filetypes we can't rely on magic to detect:
864 s | s `elem` [".gmi", ".gem", ".gemini"] -> Just "text/gemini"
865 ".md" -> Just "text/markdown"
866 ".html" -> Just "text/html"
867 _ -> Nothing
868 #ifdef MAGIC
869 detectPlain "text/plain" = fromMaybe "text/plain" detectExtension
870 detectPlain s = s
871 magic <- Magic.magicOpen [Magic.MagicMimeType]
872 Magic.magicLoadDefault magic
873 s <- detectPlain <$> Magic.magicFile magic path
874 #else
875 let s = if "/" `isSuffixOf` path then "inode/directory"
876 else fromMaybe "application/octet-stream" detectExtension
877 #endif
878 case MIME.parseMIMEType $ TS.pack s of
879 Nothing -> printErr ("Failed to parse mimetype string: " <> s) >> return Nothing
880 _ | s == "inode/directory" -> Just . (slashedPath,) . MimedData gemTextMimeType .
881 T.encodeUtf8 . T.unlines .
882 ((("=> " <>) . T.pack . escapePathString) <$>) . sort <$>
883 getDirectoryContents path
884 where slashedPath | "/" `isSuffixOf` path = path
885 | otherwise = path <> "/"
886 Just mimetype -> Just . (path,) . MimedData mimetype <$> BL.readFile path
887 lift $ doAction (LocalFileRequest path') mimedData
889 doAction req mimedData = do
890 t0 <- liftIO timeCurrentP
891 geminated <- geminate mimedData
892 action $ HistoryItem req t0 mimedData geminated Nothing Nothing
893 where
894 -- |returns MimedData with lazy IO
895 geminate :: MimedData -> ClientM MimedData
896 geminate mimed =
897 let geminator = lookupGeminator $ showMimeType mimed
898 in liftIO . unsafeInterleaveIO $ applyGeminator geminator
899 where
900 lookupGeminator mimetype =
901 listToMaybe [ gem | (_, (regex, gem)) <- geminators
902 , isJust $ matchRegex regex mimetype ]
903 applyGeminator Nothing = return mimed
904 applyGeminator (Just cmd) =
905 printInfo ("| " <> cmd) >>
906 MimedData gemTextMimeType <$>
907 doRestrictedFilter (filterShell cmd [("URI", show $ requestUri req)]) (mimedBody mimed)
909 gemTextMimeType :: MIME.Type
910 gemTextMimeType = MIME.Type (MIME.Text "gemini") []
913 addIdentity :: Request -> Identity -> ClientM ()
914 addIdentity req identity = do
915 ais <- gets clientActiveIdentities >>= liftIO . insertIdentity req identity
916 modify $ \s -> s {clientActiveIdentities = ais}
917 endIdentityPrompted :: Request -> Identity -> ClientM ()
918 endIdentityPrompted root ident = do
919 conf <- confirm $ liftIO . promptYN False $ "Stop using " ++
920 (if isTemporary ident then "temporary anonymous identity" else showIdentity ansi ident) ++
921 " at " ++ displayUri (requestUri root) ++ "?"
922 when conf . modify $ \s ->
923 s { clientActiveIdentities = deleteIdentity root $ clientActiveIdentities s }
925 renderMimed :: Bool -> URI -> ActiveIdentities -> MimedData -> IO (Either String [T.Text])
926 renderMimed ansi' uri ais (MimedData mime body) = case MIME.mimeType mime of
927 MIME.Text textType -> do
928 let extractCharsetParam (MIME.MIMEParam "charset" v) = Just v
929 extractCharsetParam _ = Nothing
930 charset = TS.unpack . fromMaybe "utf-8" . msum . map extractCharsetParam $ MIME.mimeParams mime
931 isUtf8 = map toLower charset `elem` ["utf-8", "utf8"]
932 #ifdef ICONV
933 reencoder = if isUtf8 then id else
934 convert charset "UTF-8"
935 #else
936 reencoder = id
937 unless isUtf8 . printErr $
938 "Warning: Treating unsupported charset " ++ show charset ++ " as utf-8"
939 #endif
940 (_,width) <- getTermSize
941 let pageWidth = if interactive
942 then min maxWrapWidth (width - 4)
943 else maxWrapWidth
944 let bodyText = T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode $ reencoder body
945 applyFilter :: [T.Text] -> IO [T.Text]
946 applyFilter = case renderFilter of
947 Nothing -> return
948 Just cmd -> (T.lines . T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode <$>) .
949 doRestrictedFilter (filterShell cmd []) . BL.concat . (appendNewline . T.encodeUtf8 <$>)
950 where appendNewline = (`BL.snoc` 10)
951 (Right <$>) . applyFilter $ case textType of
952 "gemini" ->
953 let opts = GemRenderOpts ansi' preOpt pageWidth linkDescFirst
954 in printGemDoc opts (showUriRefFull ansi' ais uri) $ parseGemini bodyText
955 "x-ansi" -> T.stripEnd . sanitiseForDisplay <$> T.lines bodyText
956 _ -> T.stripEnd . stripControlExceptTab <$> T.lines bodyText
957 mimeType ->
958 return . Left $ "No geminator for " ++ TS.unpack (MIME.showMIMEType mimeType) ++ " configured. Try \"save\", \"view\", \"!\", or \"|\"?"