clarify Makefile
[diohsc.git] / Identity.hs
1 -- This file is part of Diohsc
2 -- Copyright (C) 2020 Martin Bays <>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see
11 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
13 module Identity where
15 import Control.Monad (msum, when)
16 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
17 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
18 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
19 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
20 import Safe
21 import System.Directory (listDirectory)
22 import System.FilePath
24 import ANSIColour
25 import ClientCert
26 import MetaString
27 import Mundanities
28 import Prompt
30 data Identity = Identity { identityName :: String, identityCert :: ClientCert }
31 deriving (Eq,Show)
33 isTemporary :: Identity -> Bool
34 isTemporary = null . identityName
36 normaliseIdName :: String -> Maybe String
37 normaliseIdName n = headMay (words n)
39 showIdentity :: MetaString a => Bool -> Identity -> a
40 showIdentity ansi = showIdentityName ansi . fromString . identityName
42 showIdentityName :: MetaString a => Bool -> String -> a
43 showIdentityName ansi name = applyIf ansi (withColourStr Green) $
44 "[" <> fromString name <> "]"
46 loadIdentity :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe Identity)
47 loadIdentity idsPath idName = (Identity idName <$>) <$> loadClientCert idsPath idName
49 identityEnvironment :: FilePath -> Identity -> [(String,String)]
50 identityEnvironment idsPath (Identity idName _) =
51 [ ("CLIENT_CERT", idsPath </> idName <.> "crt")
52 , ("CLIENT_KEY", idsPath </> idName <.> "key")
55 getIdentity :: Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> KeyType -> String -> IO (Maybe Identity)
56 getIdentity _ _ _ tp "" = runMaybeT $ Identity "" <$> liftIO (generateSelfSigned tp "")
57 getIdentity interactive ansi idsPath tp idName' = runMaybeT $ do
58 idName <- MaybeT . return $ normaliseIdName idName'
59 msum [ MaybeT $ loadIdentity idsPath idName
60 , do
61 when interactive . lift $ do
62 let keyTypeName = case tp of
63 KeyRSA -> "RSA"
64 KeyEd25519 -> "Ed25519"
65 putStrLn $ "Creating a new " ++ keyTypeName ++ " identity."
66 putStrLn $ "We will refer to it as " <> showIdentityName ansi idName <> ", but you may also set a \"Common Name\";"
67 putStrLn "this is recorded in the identity certificate, and may be interpreted by the server as a username."
68 putStrLn "The common name may be left blank. Use ^C to cancel identity generation."
69 clientCert <- liftIO . generateSelfSigned tp . fromMaybe "" =<<
70 if not interactive then return Nothing else MaybeT (promptLine "Common Name: ")
71 liftIO $ mkdirhier idsPath
72 lift $ saveClientCert idsPath idName clientCert
73 return $ Identity idName clientCert
76 getIdentityRequesting :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Identity)
77 getIdentityRequesting ansi idsPath = runMaybeT $ do
78 liftIO . putStrLn $ "Enter the name of an existing identity to use (tab completes),\n\t" ++
79 "or a name for a new identity to create and use,\n\t" ++
80 "or nothing to create and use a temporary anonymous identity,\n\t" ++
81 "or use ^C to abort."
82 let prompt = applyIf ansi (withColourStr Green) "Identity" <> ": "
83 idName <- (fromMaybe "" <$>) . MaybeT $
84 promptLineWithCompletions prompt =<< listIdentities idsPath
85 MaybeT $ getIdentity True ansi idsPath KeyRSA idName
87 listIdentities :: FilePath -> IO [String]
88 listIdentities path = mapMaybe stripCrtExt <$> ignoreIOErr (listDirectory path)
89 where stripCrtExt s = case splitAt (length s - 4) s of
90 (s', ".crt") -> Just s'
91 _ -> Nothing