clarify Makefile
[diohsc.git] / diohsc.hs
1 -- This file is part of Diohsc
2 -- Copyright (C) 2020 Martin Bays <>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see
11 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
17 module Main where
19 import Control.Monad.Catch
20 import Control.Monad.State
22 import Data.Hashable (hash)
23 import Data.Maybe
24 import Data.Semigroup (Any (..))
25 import qualified Data.Set as S
26 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
27 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T
29 import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as HL
30 import System.Directory
31 import System.Environment
32 import System.Exit
33 import System.FilePath
34 import System.IO
35 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
38 import qualified BStack
39 import ClientOptions
40 import ClientState
41 import GeminiProtocol
42 import LineClient
43 import Marks
44 import Mundanities
45 import Opts
46 import PrintFancy
47 import Prompt hiding (promptYN)
48 import qualified Prompt
49 import URI
50 import Version
52 #ifndef WINDOWS
53 import System.Posix.Files (ownerModes, setFileMode)
54 #endif
56 main :: IO ()
57 main = do
58 argv <- getArgs
59 (opts,args) <- parseArgs argv
60 when (Help `elem` opts) $ putStr usage >> exitSuccess
61 when (Version `elem` opts) $ putStrLn version >> exitSuccess
63 defUserDataDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory programName
64 userDataDir <- canonicalizePath . fromMaybe defUserDataDir $ listToMaybe [ path | DataDir path <- opts ]
65 let restrictedMode = Restricted `elem` opts
67 outTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
68 let ansi = NoAnsi `notElem` opts && (outTerm || Ansi `elem` opts)
70 let argCommands :: Opt -> IO (Any, [String])
71 argCommands (ScriptFile "-") = ((Any True,) <$>) . warnIOErrAlt $
72 (T.unpack . T.strip <$>) . T.lines <$> T.getContents
73 argCommands (ScriptFile f) = ((Any True,) <$>) . warnIOErrAlt $
74 (T.unpack <$>) <$> readFileLines f
75 argCommands (OptCommand c) = return (Any True, [c])
76 argCommands _ = return (Any False, [])
77 (Any commandsInOpts, optCommands) <- mconcat <$> mapM argCommands opts
78 let repl = (not commandsInOpts && Batch `notElem` opts) || Prompt `elem` opts
79 let interactive = Batch `notElem` opts && (repl || Interactive `elem` opts)
81 let argToUri arg = doesPathExist arg >>= \case
82 True -> Just . ("file://" <>) . escapePathString <$> makeAbsolute arg
83 False | Just uri <- parseUriAsAbsolute . escapeIRI $ arg -> return $ Just $ show uri
84 _ -> printErrFancy ansi ("No such URI / file: " <> arg) >> return Nothing
85 argCommand <- join <$> mapM argToUri (listToMaybe args)
87 let initialCommands = optCommands ++ maybeToList argCommand
89 let ghost = Ghost `elem` opts
91 unless ghost $ do
92 mkdirhier userDataDir
93 #ifndef WINDOWS
94 setFileMode userDataDir ownerModes -- chmod 700
95 #endif
97 let cmdHistoryPath = userDataDir </> "commandHistory"
98 marksPath = userDataDir </> "marks"
99 logPath = userDataDir </> "log"
101 let displayInfo :: [String] -> IO ()
102 displayInfo = mapM_ $ printInfoFancy ansi
103 displayWarning = mapM_ $ printErrFancy ansi
104 promptYN = Prompt.promptYN interactive
105 callbacks = InteractionCallbacks displayInfo displayWarning waitKey promptYN
106 socksProxy = maybe (const NoSocksProxy) Socks5Proxy
107 (listToMaybe [ h | SocksHost h <- opts ])
108 . fromMaybe "1080" $ listToMaybe [ p | SocksPort p <- opts ]
110 requestContext <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ initRequestContext callbacks userDataDir ghost socksProxy
111 marks <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ loadMarks marksPath
112 let hlSettings = (HL.defaultSettings::HL.Settings ClientM)
113 { HL.complete = HL.noCompletion
114 , HL.historyFile = if ghost then Nothing else Just cmdHistoryPath
117 logLines <- reverse <$> readFileLines logPath
118 let cLog = BStack.fromList logLines
119 let visited = S.fromList $ hash <$> logLines
121 let openLog :: IO (Maybe Handle)
122 openLog = ignoreIOErrAlt $ Just <$> do
123 h <- openFile logPath AppendMode
124 hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
125 return h
126 closeLog :: Maybe Handle -> IO ()
127 closeLog = maybe (return ()) hClose
129 (if ghost then ($ Nothing) else bracketOnError openLog closeLog) $ \logH ->
130 let clientOptions = ClientOptions userDataDir interactive ansi ghost
131 restrictedMode requestContext logH
132 initState = emptyClientState {clientMarks = marks
133 , clientLog = cLog, clientVisited = visited}
134 in do
135 endState <- (`execStateT` initState) . HL.runInputT hlSettings $
136 lineClient clientOptions initialCommands repl
137 closeLog logH
138 let maxlen = clientConfMaxLogLen $ clientConfig endState
139 curlen = BStack.size $ clientLog endState
140 when (not ghost && curlen > maxlen + maxlen `div` 10) . warnIOErr $
141 -- |reread file rather than just writing clientLog, in case
142 -- another instance has also been appending to the log.
143 truncateToEnd maxlen logPath