[diohsc.git] / diohsc.cabal
1 cabal-version:      1.18
2 name:               diohsc
3 version:            0.1.12
4 license:            GPL-3
5 license-file:       COPYING
6 maintainer:         mbays@sdf.org
7 author:             Martin Bays
8 homepage:           https://mbays.sdf.org/diohsc
9 synopsis:           Gemini client
10 description:
11     Line-based command-oriented interactive client for the gemini protocol.
13 category:           Browser
14 build-type:         Simple
15 extra-doc-files:
16     README.md
17     THANKS
18     diohscrc.sample
19     Makefile
20     diohsc.1.md
21     CHANGELOG.md
23 source-repository head
24     type:     git
25     location: https://repo.or.cz/diohsc.git
27 flag libiconv
28     description:
29         On windows: use libiconv for charset conversion
30         (iconv is always used on POSIX systems, with no need for this flag)
32     default:     False
33     manual:      True
35 flag magic
36     description: Use libmagic to determine mimetypes of local files
37     default:     False
38     manual:      True
40 flag irilinks
41     description:
42         Allow IRIs in gemtext links (preparing for likely spec change).
43         Punycoding is not currently supported.
45     default:     False
46     manual:      True
48 executable diohsc
49     main-is:          diohsc.hs
50     other-modules:
51         ActiveIdentities
52         Alias
53         ANSIColour
54         BoundedBSChan
55         BStack
56         ClientCert
57         ClientSessionManager
58         Command
59         CommandLine
60         Fingerprint
61         GeminiProtocol
62         Identity
63         Marks
64         MetaString
65         Mundanities
66         Opts
67         Pager
68         Prompt
69         Request
70         RunExternal
71         ServiceCerts
72         Slurp
73         TextGemini
74         URI
75         Util
76         WCWidth
77         Version
79     default-language: Haskell2010
80     ghc-options:      -threaded -Wall
81     build-depends:
82         base >=4.3 && <5,
83         asn1-encoding <0.10,
84         asn1-types >=0.3.4 && <0.4,
85         bytestring >= && <0.12,
86         containers >= && <0.7,
87         cryptonite >=0.26 && <0.31,
88         data-default-class >= && <0.2,
89         data-hash >= && <0.3,
90         directory >= && <1.4,
91         drunken-bishop >= && <0.2,
92         exceptions >=0.10.4 && <0.11,
93         filepath >= && <1.5,
94         haskeline ==0.8.*,
95         hourglass >=0.2.12 && <0.3,
96         mime >= && <0.5,
97         mtl >= && <2.4,
98         memory >=0.14 && <0.19,
99         network >= && <3.2,
100         network-simple >=0.4.3 && <0.5,
101         network-uri >= && <2.8,
102         parsec >=3.1.5 && <3.2,
103         pem >=0.2.4 && <0.3,
104         process >= && <1.7,
105         regex-compat >=0.95.1 && <0.96,
106         rset < 1.1,
107         safe >=0.3.19 && <0.4,
108         temporary ==1.3.*,
109         terminal-size >= && <0.4,
110         text >= && <2.1,
111         tls >=1.5.4 && <1.7,
112         transformers >= && <0.7,
113         x509 >=1.7.5 && <1.8,
114         x509-store >=1.6.7 && <1.7,
115         x509-validation >=1.6.11 && <1.7
117     if os(windows)
118         cpp-options: -DWINDOWS
120     else
121         build-depends: unix >= && <2.8
123     if flag(magic)
124         cpp-options:   -DMAGIC
125         build-depends: magic <1.2
127     if flag(irilinks)
128         cpp-options: -DIRILinks
130     if (!os(windows) || flag(libiconv))
131         cpp-options:   -DICONV
132         build-depends: iconv >= && <0.5