adapt error handling and RTT0 to tls-2.0
[diohsc.git] / Slurp.hs
1 -- This file is part of Diohsc
2 -- Copyright (C) 2020 Martin Bays <>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see
11 module Slurp where
13 import Control.Monad (when)
14 import Data.Hourglass (timeDiffP)
15 import System.IO
16 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
17 import Time.System (timeCurrentP)
18 import Time.Types (ElapsedP, NanoSeconds (..), Seconds (..))
20 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
21 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
23 -- incorporate lazy IO into a bytestring such that it will print progress as
24 -- it is forced, if this takes more than a second.
25 interleaveProgress :: ElapsedP -> BL.ByteString -> IO BL.ByteString
26 interleaveProgress t0 bs = do
27 t1 <- timeCurrentP
28 let slurp _ _ n' [] = do
29 t' <- timeCurrentP
30 when (t' `timeDiffP` t1 > (Seconds 1, 0)) $ do
31 hPutStrLn stderr $ "\r\ESC[KReceived: " ++ humanBytes n'
32 ++ " " ++ humanRate n' (t' `timeDiffP` t0)
33 hFlush stderr
34 return []
35 slurp n t n' (c:cs) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
36 let n'' = n' + fromIntegral (BS.length c)
37 t' <- timeCurrentP
38 if t' `timeDiffP` t > (Seconds 1, 0)
39 then do
40 when (t' `timeDiffP` t1 > (Seconds 1, 0)) $ do
41 hPutStr stderr $ "\r\ESC[KProgress: " ++ humanBytes n'
42 ++ " " ++ humanRate (n' - n) (t' `timeDiffP` t)
43 hFlush stderr
44 (c:) <$> slurp n'' t' n'' cs
45 else (c:) <$> slurp n t n'' cs
46 humanBytes n | n < 1024 = show n ++ "B"
47 humanBytes n | n < 1024*1024 =
48 let (n',p) = (`divMod` 10) $ (n*10) `div` 1024
49 in show n' ++ "." ++ show p ++ "KB"
50 humanBytes n =
51 let (n',p) = (`divMod` 10) $ (n*10) `div` (1024*1024)
52 in show n' ++ "." ++ show p ++ "MB"
53 humanRate _ (0,0) = ""
54 humanRate n (Seconds s, NanoSeconds ns) = humanBytes r ++ "/s" where
55 r = (billion*n)`div`((billion*s)+ns)
56 billion = 1000000000
57 BL.fromChunks <$> slurp 0 t0 0 (BL.toChunks bs)
59 -- |force bs, printing progress
60 slurpNoisily :: ElapsedP -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
61 slurpNoisily t0 bs = do
62 bs' <- BL.toStrict <$> interleaveProgress t0 bs
63 seq bs' $ return ()