bump bytestring upper bound
[diohsc.git] / GeminiProtocol.hs
1 -- This file is part of Diohsc
2 -- Copyright (C) 2020 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
15 module GeminiProtocol where
17 import Control.Concurrent
18 import Control.Exception
19 import Control.Monad (guard, mplus, msum, unless, void,
20 when)
21 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
22 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
23 import Data.Default.Class (def)
24 import Data.Hourglass
25 import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse,
26 isPrefixOf, stripPrefix, transpose)
27 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
28 import Data.X509
29 import Data.X509.CertificateStore
30 import Data.X509.Validation hiding (Fingerprint (..),
31 getFingerprint)
32 import Network.Simple.TCP (closeSock, connectSock,
33 connectSockSOCKS5)
34 import Network.Socket (Socket)
35 import Network.TLS as TLS
36 import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher
37 import Network.URI (isIPv4address, isIPv6address)
38 import Safe
39 import System.FilePath
40 import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
41 import Time.System
43 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
44 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
45 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
47 import qualified Codec.MIME.Parse as MIME
48 import qualified Codec.MIME.Type as MIME
49 import qualified Data.Map as M
50 import qualified Data.Set as Set
51 import qualified Data.Text as TS
52 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TS
53 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
54 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T
56 import ANSIColour
57 import BoundedBSChan
58 import ClientCert
59 import ClientSessionManager
60 import Fingerprint
61 import Identity
62 import Mundanities
63 import Request
64 import ServiceCerts
66 import URI
67 import Util
69 import Data.Digest.DrunkenBishop
71 defaultGeminiPort :: Int
72 defaultGeminiPort = 1965
74 data MimedData = MimedData {mimedMimetype :: MIME.Type, mimedBody :: BL.ByteString}
75 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
77 showMimeType :: MimedData -> String
78 showMimeType = TS.unpack . MIME.showMIMEType . MIME.mimeType . mimedMimetype
80 data ResponseMalformation
81 = BadHeaderTermination
82 | BadStatus String
83 | BadMetaSeparator
84 | BadMetaLength
85 | BadUri String
86 | BadMime String
87 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
89 data Response
90 = Input { inputHidden :: Bool, inputPrompt :: String }
91 | Success { successData :: MimedData }
92 | Redirect { permanent :: Bool, redirectTo :: URIRef }
93 | Failure { failureCode :: Int, failureInfo :: String }
94 | MalformedResponse { responseMalformation :: ResponseMalformation }
95 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
97 data InteractionCallbacks = InteractionCallbacks
98 { icbDisplayInfo :: [String] -> IO ()
99 , icbDisplayWarning :: [String] -> IO ()
100 , icbWaitKey :: String -> IO Bool -- ^return False on interrupt, else True
101 , icbPromptYN :: Bool -- ^default answer
102 -> String -- ^prompt
103 -> IO Bool
106 data SocksProxy
107 = NoSocksProxy
108 | Socks5Proxy String String
110 -- Note: we're forced to resort to mvars because the tls library (tls-1.5.4 at
111 -- least) uses IO rather than MonadIO in the onServerCertificate callback.
112 data RequestContext = RequestContext
113 InteractionCallbacks
114 CertificateStore
115 (MVar (Set.Set (Fingerprint, ServiceID)))
116 (MVar (Set.Set Fingerprint))
117 (MVar (Set.Set Fingerprint))
118 (MVar (Set.Set String))
119 FilePath
120 Bool
121 SocksProxy
122 ClientSessions
124 initRequestContext :: InteractionCallbacks -> FilePath -> Bool -> SocksProxy -> IO RequestContext
125 initRequestContext callbacks path readOnly socksProxy =
126 let certPath = path </> "trusted_certs"
127 serviceCertsPath = path </> "known_hosts"
128 in do
129 unless readOnly $ do
130 mkdirhier certPath
131 mkdirhier serviceCertsPath
132 certStore <- fromMaybe (makeCertificateStore []) <$> readCertificateStore certPath
133 mTrusted <- newMVar Set.empty
134 mIgnoredCertErrors <- newMVar Set.empty
135 mWarnedCA <- newMVar Set.empty
136 mIgnoredCCertWarnings <- newMVar Set.empty
137 RequestContext callbacks certStore mTrusted mIgnoredCertErrors mWarnedCA mIgnoredCCertWarnings serviceCertsPath readOnly socksProxy <$> newClientSessions
139 requestOfProxiesAndUri :: M.Map String Host -> URI -> Maybe Request
140 requestOfProxiesAndUri proxies uri =
141 let scheme = uriScheme uri
142 in if scheme == "file"
143 then let filePath path
144 | ('/':_) <- path = Just path
145 | Just path' <- stripPrefix "localhost" path, ('/':_) <- path' = Just path'
146 | otherwise = Nothing
147 in LocalFileRequest . unescapeUriString <$> filePath (uriPath uri)
148 else do
149 host <- M.lookup scheme proxies `mplus` do
150 guard $ scheme == "gemini" || "gemini+" `isPrefixOf` scheme
151 -- ^people keep suggesting "gemini+foo" schemes for variations
152 -- on gemini. On the basis that this naming convention should
153 -- indicate that the scheme is backwards-compatible with
154 -- actual gemini, we handle them the same as gemini.
155 hostname <- decodeIPv6 <$> uriRegName uri
156 let port = fromMaybe defaultGeminiPort $ uriPort uri
157 return $ Host hostname port
158 return . NetworkRequest host . stripUriForGemini $ uri
159 where
160 decodeIPv6 :: String -> String
161 decodeIPv6 ('[':rest) | last rest == ']', addr <- init rest, isIPv6address addr = addr
162 decodeIPv6 h = h
165 newtype RequestException = ExcessivelyLongUri Int
166 deriving Show
167 instance Exception RequestException
169 -- |On success, returns `Right (lazyResp,terminate)`. `lazyResp` is a `Response`
170 -- with lazy IO, so attempts to read it may block while data is received. If
171 -- the full response is not needed, for example because of an error, the IO
172 -- action `terminate` should be called to close the connection.
173 makeRequest :: RequestContext
174 -> Maybe Identity -- ^client certificate to offer
175 -> Int -- ^bound in bytes for response stream buffering
176 -> Bool -- ^whether to display extra information about connection
177 -> Request -> IO (Either SomeException (Response, IO ()))
178 makeRequest (RequestContext (InteractionCallbacks displayInfo displayWarning _ promptYN)
179 certStore mTrusted mIgnoredCertErrors mWarnedCA mIgnoredCCertWarnings serviceCertsPath readOnly socksProxy clientSessions) mIdent bound verboseConnection (NetworkRequest (Host hostname port) uri) =
180 let requestBytes = TS.encodeUtf8 . TS.pack $ show uri ++ "\r\n"
181 uriLength = BS.length requestBytes - 2
182 ccfp = clientCertFingerprint . identityCert <$> mIdent
183 in if uriLength > 1024 then return . Left . toException $ ExcessivelyLongUri uriLength
184 else handle handleAll $ do
185 session <- lookupClientSession hostname ccfp clientSessions
186 let serverId = if port == defaultGeminiPort then BS.empty else TS.encodeUtf8 . TS.pack . (':':) $ show port
187 sessionManager = clientSessionManager 3600 clientSessions ccfp
188 params = (TLS.defaultParamsClient hostname serverId)
189 { clientSupported = def { supportedCiphers = gemini_ciphersuite }
190 -- |RFC6066 disallows SNI with literal IP addresses
191 , clientUseServerNameIndication = not $ isIPv4address hostname || isIPv6address hostname
192 , clientHooks = def
193 { onServerCertificate = checkServerCert
194 , onCertificateRequest = \(_,pairs,_) -> case mIdent of
195 Nothing -> return Nothing
196 Just ident@(Identity idName (ClientCert chain key)) -> do
197 -- Note: I have once seen this way of detecting
198 -- pre-tls1.3 give a false positive.
199 let is13 = maybe False ((HashIntrinsic,SignatureEd25519) `elem`) pairs
200 allow <- if isTemporary ident || is13 then return True else do
201 ignored <- (idName `Set.member`) <$> readMVar mIgnoredCCertWarnings
202 if ignored then return True else do
203 displayWarning ["This may be a pre-TLS1.3 server: identity "
204 <> idName <> " might be revealed to eavesdroppers!"]
205 conf <- promptYN False "Identify anyway?"
206 when conf $ modifyMVar_ mIgnoredCCertWarnings
207 (return . Set.insert idName)
208 return conf
209 return $ if allow then Just (chain,key) else Nothing
211 , clientShared = def
212 { sharedCAStore = certStore
213 , sharedSessionManager = sessionManager }
214 , clientEarlyData = Just requestBytes -- ^Send early data (RTT0) if server session allows it
215 , clientWantSessionResume = session
217 (sock,context) <- do
218 let retryNoResume (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_,_,HandshakeFailure)))
219 | isJust session = do
220 -- Work around a mysterious problem seen with dezhemini+libssl:
221 displayWarning [ "Handshake failure when resuming TLS session; retrying with full handshake." ]
222 sock <- openSocket
223 c <- TLS.contextNew sock $ params { clientWantSessionResume = Nothing }
224 handshake c >> return (sock,c)
225 retryNoResume e = throw e
226 sock <- openSocket
227 c <- TLS.contextNew sock params
228 handle retryNoResume $ handshake c >> return (sock,c)
229 sentEarly <- (== Just True) . (infoIsEarlyDataAccepted <$>) <$> contextGetInformation context
230 unless sentEarly . sendData context $ BL.fromStrict requestBytes
231 when verboseConnection . void . runMaybeT $ do
232 info <- MaybeT $ contextGetInformation context
233 lift . displayInfo $ [ "TLS version " ++ show (infoVersion info) ++
234 ", cipher " ++ cipherName (infoCipher info) ]
235 mode <- MaybeT . return $ infoTLS13HandshakeMode info
236 lift . displayInfo $ [ "Handshake mode " ++ show mode ]
237 chan <- newBSChan bound
238 let recvAllLazily = do
239 r <- recvData context
240 unless (BS.null r) $ writeBSChan chan r >> recvAllLazily
241 ignoreIOError = (`catchIOError` (const $ return ()))
242 recvThread <- forkFinally recvAllLazily $ \_ ->
243 -- |XXX: note that writeBSChan can't block when writing BS.empty
244 writeBSChan chan BS.empty
245 >> ignoreIOError (bye context)
246 >> closeSock sock
247 lazyResp <- parseResponse . BL.fromChunks . takeWhile (not . BS.null) <$> getBSChanContents chan
248 return $ Right (lazyResp, killThread recvThread)
249 where
250 handleAll :: SomeException -> IO (Either SomeException a)
251 handleAll = return . Left
253 openSocket :: IO Socket
254 openSocket = case socksProxy of
255 NoSocksProxy -> fst <$> connectSock hostname (show port)
256 Socks5Proxy socksHostname socksPort -> do
257 sock <- fst <$> connectSock socksHostname socksPort
258 _ <- connectSockSOCKS5 sock hostname (show port)
259 return sock
261 checkServerCert store cache service chain@(CertificateChain signedCerts) = do
262 errors <- doTofu =<< validate Data.X509.HashSHA256 defaultHooks
263 (defaultChecks { checkExhaustive = True , checkLeafV3 = False }) store cache service chain
264 if null errors || any isTrustError errors || null signedCerts
265 then return errors
266 else do
267 ignored <- (tailFingerprint `Set.member`) <$> readMVar mIgnoredCertErrors
268 if ignored then return [] else do
269 displayWarning [
270 "Certificate chain has trusted root, but validation errors: "
271 ++ show errors ]
272 displayWarning $ showChain signedCerts
273 ignore <- promptYN False "Ignore errors?"
274 if ignore
275 then modifyMVar_ mIgnoredCertErrors (return . Set.insert tailFingerprint) >> return []
276 else return errors
277 where
278 isTrustError = (`elem` [UnknownCA, SelfSigned, NotAnAuthority])
280 -- |error pertaining to the tail certificate, to be ignored if the
281 -- user explicitly trusts the certificate for this service.
282 -- These don't actually affect the TOFU-trustworthiness of a
283 -- certificate, but we warn the user about them anyway.
284 isTrustableError LeafNotV3 = True
285 isTrustableError (NameMismatch _) = True
286 isTrustableError _ = False
288 tailSigned = head signedCerts
289 tailFingerprint = fingerprint tailSigned
291 chainSigsFail :: Maybe SignatureFailure
292 chainSigsFail =
293 let verify (signed:signing:rest) = msum [
294 case verifySignedSignature signed . certPubKey $ getCertificate signing of
295 SignaturePass -> Nothing
296 SignatureFailed failure -> Just failure
297 , verify (signing:rest) ]
298 verify _ = Nothing
299 in verify signedCerts
301 doTofu errors = if not . any isTrustError $ errors
302 then do
303 (tailFingerprint `Set.member`) <$> readMVar mWarnedCA >>! do
304 displayInfo [ "Accepting valid certificate chain with trusted root CA: " <>
305 showIssuerDN signedCerts ]
306 when verboseConnection . displayInfo $ showChain signedCerts
307 modifyMVar_ mWarnedCA (return . Set.insert tailFingerprint)
308 return errors
309 else do
310 trust <- checkTrust $ filter isTrustableError errors
311 return $ if trust
312 then filter (\e -> not $ isTrustError e || isTrustableError e) errors
313 else errors
315 checkTrust :: [FailedReason] -> IO Bool
316 checkTrust errors = do
317 trusted <- ((tailFingerprint, service) `Set.member`) <$> readMVar mTrusted
318 if trusted then return True else do
319 trust <- checkTrust' errors
320 when trust $ modifyMVar_ mTrusted (return . Set.insert (tailFingerprint, service))
321 return trust
322 checkTrust' :: [FailedReason] -> IO Bool
323 checkTrust' _ | Just sigFail <- chainSigsFail = do
324 displayWarning [ "Invalid signature in certificate chain: " ++ show sigFail ]
325 return False
326 checkTrust' errors = do
327 let certs = map getCertificate signedCerts
328 tailCert = head certs
329 tailHex = "SHA256:" <> fingerprintHex tailFingerprint
330 serviceString = serviceToString service
331 warnErrors = unless (null errors) . displayWarning $
332 [ "WARNING: tail certificate has verification errors: " <> show errors ]
333 known <- loadServiceCert serviceCertsPath service
334 if known == Just tailSigned then do
335 displayInfo [ "Accepting previously trusted certificate " ++ take 8 (fingerprintHex tailFingerprint) ++ "; expires " ++ printExpiry tailCert ++ "." ]
336 when verboseConnection . displayInfo $ fingerprintPicture tailFingerprint
337 return True
338 else do
339 displayInfo $ showChain signedCerts
340 let promptTrust df pprompt tprompt = do
341 p <- promptYN df pprompt
342 if p then return (True,True) else
343 (False,) <$> promptYN df tprompt
344 tempTimes <- loadTempServiceInfo serviceCertsPath service >>= \case
345 Just (n,tempHex) | tempHex == tailHex -> pure n
346 _ -> pure 0
347 (saveCert,trust) <- case known of
348 Nothing -> do
349 displayInfo [ "No certificate previously seen for " ++ serviceString ++ "." ]
350 warnErrors
351 when (tempTimes > 0) $ displayInfo [
352 "This certificate has been temporarily trusted " <>
353 show tempTimes <> " times." ]
354 let prompt = "provided certificate (" ++
355 take 8 (fingerprintHex tailFingerprint) ++ ")?"
356 promptTrust True ("Permanently trust " ++ prompt)
357 ("Temporarily trust " ++ prompt)
358 Just trustedSignedCert -> do
359 currentTime <- timeConvert <$> timeCurrent
360 let trustedCert = getCertificate trustedSignedCert
361 expired = currentTime > (snd . certValidity) trustedCert
362 samePubKey = certPubKey trustedCert == certPubKey tailCert
363 oldFingerprint = fingerprint trustedSignedCert
364 oldHex = "SHA256:" <> fingerprintHex oldFingerprint
365 oldInfo = [ "Fingerprint of old certificate: " <> oldHex ]
366 ++ fingerprintPicture oldFingerprint
367 ++ [ "Old certificate " ++ (if expired then "expired" else "expires") ++
368 ": " ++ printExpiry trustedCert ]
369 signedByOld = SignaturePass `elem`
370 ((`verifySignedSignature` certPubKey trustedCert) <$> signedCerts)
371 if signedByOld
372 then displayInfo $
373 ("The new certificate chain is signed by " ++
374 (if expired then "an EXPIRED" else "a") ++
375 " key previously trusted for this host.") : oldInfo
376 else if expired || samePubKey
377 then displayInfo $
378 ("A different " ++ (if expired then "expired " else "non-expired ") ++
379 "certificate " ++ (if samePubKey then "with the same public key " else "") ++
380 "for " ++ serviceString ++ " was previously explicitly trusted.") : oldInfo
381 else displayWarning $
382 ("CAUTION: A certificate with a different public key for " ++ serviceString ++
383 " was previously explicitly trusted and has not expired!") : oldInfo
384 when (tempTimes > 0) $ displayInfo [
385 "The new certificate has been temporarily trusted " <>
386 show tempTimes <> " times." ]
387 warnErrors
388 promptTrust (signedByOld || expired || samePubKey)
389 ("Permanently trust new certificate" <>
390 (if readOnly then ""
391 else " (replacing old certificate (which will be backed up))") <> "?")
392 ("Temporarily trust new certificate" <>
393 (if readOnly then ""
394 else " (but keep old certificate)") <> "?")
395 when (saveCert && not readOnly) $
396 saveServiceCert serviceCertsPath service tailSigned `catch` printIOErr
397 when (trust && not saveCert && not readOnly) $
398 saveTempServiceInfo serviceCertsPath service (tempTimes + 1, tailHex) `catch` printIOErr
399 pure trust
401 printExpiry :: Certificate -> String
402 printExpiry = timePrint ISO8601_Date . snd . certValidity
404 showCN :: DistinguishedName -> String
405 showCN = maybe "[Unspecified CN]" (TS.unpack . TS.decodeUtf8 . getCharacterStringRawData) . getDnElement DnCommonName
407 showIssuerDN :: [SignedCertificate] -> String
408 showIssuerDN signed = case lastMay signed of
409 Nothing -> ""
410 Just headSigned -> showCN . certIssuerDN $ getCertificate headSigned
412 showChain :: [SignedCertificate] -> [String]
413 showChain [] = [""]
414 showChain signed = let
415 sigChain = reverse signed
416 certs = getCertificate <$> sigChain
417 issuerCN = showCN . certIssuerDN $ head certs
418 subjectCNs = showCN . certSubjectDN <$> certs
419 hexes = ("SHA256:" <>) . fingerprintHex . fingerprint <$> sigChain
420 pics = fingerprintPicture . fingerprint <$> sigChain
421 expStrs = ("Expires " ++) . printExpiry <$> certs
422 picsWithInfo = ((centre 23 <$>) <$>) $ zipWith (++) pics $ transpose [subjectCNs, expStrs]
423 centre n s = take n $ replicate ((n - length s) `div` 2) ' ' ++ s ++ repeat ' '
424 tweenCol = replicate 6 " " ++ [" >>> "] ++ replicate 6 " "
425 sideBySide = (concat <$>) . transpose
426 in [ "Certificate chain: " ++ intercalate " >>> " (issuerCN:subjectCNs) ]
427 ++ (sideBySide . intersperse tweenCol $ picsWithInfo)
428 ++ zipWith (++) ("": repeat ">>> ") hexes
430 printIOErr :: IOError -> IO ()
431 printIOErr = displayWarning . (:[]) . show
433 fingerprintHex :: Fingerprint -> String
434 fingerprintHex (Fingerprint fp) = concatMap hexWord8 $ BS.unpack fp
435 where hexWord8 w =
436 let (a,b) = quotRem w 16
437 hex = ("0123456789abcdef" !!) . fromIntegral
438 in hex a : hex b : ""
439 fingerprintPicture :: Fingerprint -> [String]
440 fingerprintPicture (Fingerprint fp) = boxedDrunkenBishop fp where
441 boxedDrunkenBishop :: BS.ByteString -> [String]
442 boxedDrunkenBishop s = ["+-----[X509]------+"]
443 ++ (map (('|':) . (++"|")) . lines $ drunkenBishopPreHashed s)
444 ++ ["+----[SHA256]-----+"]
445 drunkenBishopPreHashed :: BS.ByteString -> String
446 drunkenBishopPreHashed = drunkenBishopWithOptions $
447 drunkenBishopDefaultOptions { drunkenBishopHash = id }
449 -- |those ciphers from ciphersuite_default fitting the requirements
450 -- recommended by the gemini "best practices" document:
451 -- require ECDHE/DHE (for PFS), and >=SHA2, and AES/CHACHA20.
452 gemini_ciphersuite :: [Cipher]
453 gemini_ciphersuite =
454 [ -- First the PFS + GCM + SHA2 ciphers
455 cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
456 , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
457 , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
458 , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
459 , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
460 , cipher_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
461 , -- Next the PFS + CCM + SHA2 ciphers
462 cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
463 , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
464 -- Next the PFS + CBC + SHA2 ciphers
465 , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
466 , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
467 , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256
468 -- TLS13 (listed at the end but version is negotiated first)
469 , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
470 , cipher_TLS13_AES256GCM_SHA384
471 , cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
472 , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256
475 parseResponse :: BL.ByteString -> Response
476 parseResponse resp =
477 let (header, rest) = BLC.break (== '\r') resp
478 body = BL.drop 2 rest
479 statusString = T.unpack . stripControl . T.decodeUtf8 . BL.take 2 $ header
480 separator = BL.take 1 . BL.drop 2 $ header
481 meta = T.unpack . stripControl . T.decodeUtf8 . BL.drop 3 $ header
483 if BL.take 2 rest /= "\r\n" then MalformedResponse BadHeaderTermination
484 else if separator `notElem` [""," ","\t"] -- ^allow \t for now, though it's against latest spec
485 then MalformedResponse BadMetaSeparator
486 else if BL.length header > 1024+3 then MalformedResponse BadMetaLength
487 else case readMay statusString of
488 Just status | status >= 10 && status < 80 ->
489 let (status1,status2) = divMod status 10
490 in case status1 of
491 1 -> Input (status2 == 1) meta
492 2 -> maybe (MalformedResponse (BadMime meta))
493 (\mime -> Success $ MimedData mime body) $
494 MIME.parseMIMEType (TS.pack $
495 if null meta then "text/gemini; charset=utf-8" else meta)
496 3 -> maybe (MalformedResponse (BadUri meta))
497 (Redirect (status2 == 1)) $ parseUriReference meta
498 _ -> Failure status meta
499 _ -> MalformedResponse (BadStatus statusString)
501 makeRequest _ _ _ _ (LocalFileRequest _) = error "File requests not handled by makeRequest"