2 OtherOS utils HOWTO by graf_chokolo
3 grafchokolo@googlemail.com
4 ------------------------------------
6 Warning !!! The order of steps 2 and 3 is very important !!!
8 1. Run udp_printf_client on your PC to see UDP broadcast debug messages sent by OtherOS utils (optional)
9 2. Delete VFLASH region 6 with delete_vflash6
10 3. Delete VFLASH region 5 with delete_vflash5
11 4. Create VFLASH region 5 with create_vflash5
12 5. Create VFLASH region 6 with create_vflash6
13 6. Resize VFLASH storage device with resize_vflash
14 7. Create VFLASH region 7 with create_vflash7
15 8. Store dtbImage.ps3.bin on USB device, plug it in and store
16 petitboot on VFLASH region 5 with install_petitboot_on_vflash5
18 The following steps are temporary and won't be necessary with my custom HV.
19 They are for testing purposes only !!!
21 9. Install OtherOS bootloader loader with install_otheros_bootloader_loader
22 10. Reboot GameOS with panic1
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38 ooooooooo. .oooooo..o .oooo.
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51 888 `888 `888P"Y88b `888 `888 `88b..8P'
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