wmbattery: add `dist` target.
[dockapps.git] / wmswallow / wmswallow.spec
1 %define name wmswallow
2 %define ver 0.6
3 %define rel 1
4 %define copy GPL
5 %define ich friedel <friedel@burse.uni-hamburg.de>
6 %define group X11/WindowMaker Applets
7 %define realname %{name}
8 Summary: wmswallow is a WindowMaker dock applet to make any application dockable in the WindowMaker dock
9 Name: %{name}
10 Version: %{ver}
11 Release: %{rel}
12 Copyright: %{copy}
13 Packager: %{ich}
14 URL: http://burse.uni-hamburg.de/~friedel/software/wmswallow.html
15 Group: %{group}
16 Source: http://burse.uni-hamburg.de/~friedel/software/wmswallow/wmswallow.tar.Z
17 BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-root
18 #Patch: %{name}-%{ver}.patch
19 %description
20 - wmswallow was mainly created to swallow coolmail in the WindowMaker dock, but it can
21 swallow about any X-window you conceive.
22 - The window may receive mouseclicks,
23 - for windows that do not get mouseclicks (like xload or xeyes), you can specify a
24 shell-command to execute on a click.
25 - The geometry for the swallowed app can be specified. Only HEIGHTxWIDTH are used,
26 however.
27 - Applications can be started on wmswallows commandline. An already running window
28 can be swallowed, either by name, class or directly by window-id
29 - The window may receive keyboard-focus, if you specify the "-focus" switch.
30 - Even windows (like xteddy or wine) that hide from the windowmanager can be
31 swallowed with the -unmanaged switch
32 %changelog
34 %prep
36 %setup -n %{realname}
38 #%patch -p1
40 %build
41 make xfree
43 %install
44 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
45 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/bin
46 cp wmswallow $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/bin
48 %clean
49 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
52 %files
53 %defattr(-,root,root)
55 /usr/local/bin/wmswallow