6 On Debian systems, install the Debian package: type 'dpkg -i wmwork_*.deb' as
7 root. If you need to compile it first, e.g. you want to install the unstable
8 version on a woody system, type 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -tc -uc -us'.
10 This program requires GNU make. On Non-Debian systems compile the program
11 typing './configure', 'make' and then 'make install' as root.
16 If you are upgrading from a version prior to 0.2.0, wmwork will move
17 ~/.wmworklog to ~/.wmwork/worklog and ~/.wmworklog.XYZ to ~/.wmwork/XYZ if it
18 detects a missing ~/.wmwork and an existing ~/.wmworklog.
23 Please read the manual page, type 'man wmwork'.
28 All of the author's requirements are implemented in wmwork now. Are there any
29 additional features you would like to see implemented? Please tell me if you
30 are missing some functionality...