[docs.git] / languages / spanish.txt
1                                                                                                                                         27feb2002
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4                    <     Pronunciation     >
5                     |_____________________|
7     Vowels.
8     A               like 'a' in father
9     I               like 'ee' in feet
10     O               like 'oa' in boat or 'o' in 'bone'
11     E               generally like 'e' in met in the begining of word
12     U               generally like 'oo' in boot
14     Consonants.
15     C               generally like 'c' in car
16     CH              like 'ch' in church
17     F               like 'f' in fox
18     K               the same like in english
19     M               like 'm' in mother
20     P               like 'p' in spot
21     Q               like k (u after q not pronounced)
22     S               like 's' in simple
23     T               like 't' in stop
24     W               like 'w' in water
25     Y               like in english
26                      _______________
27                     |               |
28                    <      Nouns      >
29                     |_______________|
31 Masculine: -o/-os (sing/plural) el
32 Faminine:  -a/-as (sing/plural) la
33 Neuter: n/a
35 un hombre           a man
36 unos hombres        some men
37 el hombre           the man
38 los hombros         the man (pl)
39 el hombre gordo     the fat man
40 he is fat           El es gordo
42 una mujer           a woman
43 unas mujeres        some women
44 la mujer            the woman
45 las mujeres         the woman
46 la mujer gorda      the fat woman
47 Ella es gorda       she is fat
49 Plural - basic rule.
50 If word ends w/ consonant add -es,if unaccented vowel -s.
52 un arbol(1 tree)    dos arboles(2 trees)
53 el actor            los actores
54 el hotel            los hoteles
55 un perro(1 dog)     dos perros(2 dogs)       tres perros(3 dogs)
56 un rey(1 king)      quatro reyes(4 kings)
57        - orthographic changes
58 Words that ends w/ -z changes to -ces and if addition of -es would change
59 which syllable gets the accent, an accent is either dropped or added.
61 el juez(the judge)  los jueces(the judges)
62 una vez(once)       dos veces(twice)
63 el ingles           los ingleses(the englishmen)
64 la cancion(the song)las canciones
65 el examen           los examenes
66                      ________________
67                     |                |
68                    <     Pronouns     >
69                     |________________|
71  types       | purpose           | examples
72 _____________|___________________|____________________________________________
73              |replace the subject| yo (i), tu(you), el(he), ella(she),
74  subject     |of a sentence      | ellos/ellas(they)
75 _____________|___________________|____________________________________________
76              |replave noun while | este/esta(this one), esa(that one),
77 demonstrative|pointing to it     | aquellos(those ones)
78 _____________|___________________|____________________________________________
79              |funcs as objs of   |
80 object       |verb or preposition|
81 _____________|___________________|
82              |obj of verb refer  |
83 reflexive    |to the same person |
84 _____________|___________________|
85              |refers to something|
86 possesive    |owned by someone   |
87 _____________|___________________|____________________________________________
88              |refer to non speci-|Algo(something),nadie(nobody),
89 indefinite   |people or things   |
90 _____________|___________________|____________________________________________
91              |
92 relative     |
93 _____________|___________________|____________________________________________
94              |
95 interrogative|
96 _____________|___________________|____________________________________________
98                      ________________
99                     |                |
100                    <     Greetings    >
101                     |________________|
103 Hola                 hello
104 Adios                bye
105 Como esta(s)         how r u?
106 Muy bien,gracias     very well,thank u
107 Buenos dias          good morning
108 Buenas tardes        good afternoon
109 Buenas noches        good night
110 Como te va
111 Que tal
112 Que hay
113 Que pasa             what's happening
114 Bienvenido           welcome
116                      ________________
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118                    <      Colours     >
119                     |________________|
121 amarillo            yellow
122 anaranjado          orange
123 azul                blue
124 blanco              white
125 dorado              gold
126 gris                gray
127 marron              brown
128 negro               black
129 purpura             purple
130 rojo                red
131 rosado              pink
132 verde               green
134 beige               beige
135 cereza              cherry
136 chocolate           chocolate
137 esmeralda           emerald
138 grana               dark red
139 humo                smoky
140 lila                lilac