arch: Restrict solaris ports to amd64, i386, sparc and sparc64
[dpkg.git] / scripts / t / Dpkg_Source_Archive.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6 # (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 use strict;
17 use warnings;
19 use Test::More tests => 4;
20 use Test::Dpkg qw(:paths);
22 use File::Spec;
23 use File::Path qw(make_path);
25 BEGIN {
26 use_ok('Dpkg::Source::Archive');
29 use Dpkg;
30 use Dpkg::File;
32 my $tmpdir = test_get_temp_path();
34 sub test_path_escape
36 my $name = shift;
38 my $treedir = File::Spec->rel2abs("$tmpdir/$name-tree");
39 my $overdir = File::Spec->rel2abs("$tmpdir/$name-overlay");
40 my $outdir = "$tmpdir/$name-out";
41 my $expdir = "$tmpdir/$name-exp";
43 # This is the base directory, where we are going to be extracting stuff
44 # into, which include traps.
45 make_path("$treedir/subdir-a");
46 file_touch("$treedir/subdir-a/file-a");
47 file_touch("$treedir/subdir-a/file-pre-a");
48 make_path("$treedir/subdir-b");
49 file_touch("$treedir/subdir-b/file-b");
50 file_touch("$treedir/subdir-b/file-pre-b");
51 symlink File::Spec->abs2rel($outdir, $treedir), "$treedir/symlink-escape";
52 symlink File::Spec->abs2rel("$outdir/nonexistent", $treedir), "$treedir/symlink-nonexistent";
53 symlink "$treedir/file", "$treedir/symlink-within";
54 file_touch("$treedir/supposed-dir");
56 # This is the overlay directory, which we'll pack and extract over the
57 # base directory.
58 make_path($overdir);
59 make_path("$overdir/subdir-a/aa");
60 file_dump("$overdir/subdir-a/aa/file-aa", 'aa');
61 file_dump("$overdir/subdir-a/file-a", 'a');
62 make_path("$overdir/subdir-b/bb");
63 file_dump("$overdir/subdir-b/bb/file-bb", 'bb');
64 file_dump("$overdir/subdir-b/file-b", 'b');
65 make_path("$overdir/symlink-escape");
66 file_dump("$overdir/symlink-escape/escaped-file", 'escaped');
67 file_dump("$overdir/symlink-nonexistent", 'nonexistent');
68 make_path("$overdir/symlink-within");
69 make_path("$overdir/supposed-dir");
70 file_dump("$overdir/supposed-dir/supposed-file", 'something');
72 # Generate overlay tar.
73 system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '-cf', "$overdir.tar", '-C', $overdir, qw(
74 subdir-a subdir-b
75 symlink-escape/escaped-file symlink-nonexistent symlink-within
76 supposed-dir
77 )) == 0
78 or die "cannot create overlay tar archive\n";
80 # This is the expected directory, which we'll be comparing against.
81 make_path($expdir);
82 system('cp', '-a', $overdir, $expdir) == 0
83 or die "cannot copy overlay hierarchy into expected directory\n";
85 # Store the expected and out reference directories into a tar to compare
86 # its structure against the result reference.
87 system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '-cf', "$expdir.tar", '-C', $overdir, qw(
88 subdir-a subdir-b
89 symlink-escape/escaped-file symlink-nonexistent symlink-within
90 supposed-dir
91 ), '-C', $treedir, qw(
92 subdir-a/file-pre-a
93 subdir-b/file-pre-b
94 )) == 0
95 or die "cannot create expected tar archive\n";
97 # This directory is supposed to remain empty, anything inside implies a
98 # directory traversal.
99 make_path($outdir);
101 my $warnseen;
102 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnseen = $_[0] };
104 # Perform the extraction.
105 my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$overdir.tar");
106 $tar->extract($treedir, in_place => 1);
108 # Store the result into a tar to compare its structure against a reference.
109 system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '-cf', "$treedir.tar", '-C', $treedir, '.');
111 # Check results
112 ok(length $warnseen && $warnseen =~ m/points outside source root/,
113 'expected warning seen');
114 ok(system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '--compare', '-f', "$expdir.tar", '-C', $treedir) == 0,
115 'expected directory matches');
116 ok(! -e "$outdir/escaped-file",
117 'expected output directory is empty, directory traversal');
120 test_path_escape('in-place');
122 # TODO: Add actual test cases.