4 if [ -f /etc/profile.d/colorls.sh ]; then . /etc/profile.d/colorls.sh; fi
6 # Fancy prompt colours (see
7 # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Color_Bash_Prompt)
8 titlecol=$'\e[1;37;41m' ;# colour for the title
9 promptcol=$'\e[0;32m' ;# colour for the prompt
10 commandcol=$'\e[1;31m' ;# colour for the typed command
11 outputcol=$'\e[0m' ;# colour for command output
13 export PS1="\n\[$promptcol\]\$ \[$commandcol\]"
15 trap 'echo -ne "$outputcol"' DEBUG
17 # Load key bindings (if any).
18 bind -f $talkdir/bindings
20 # Same as the banner function, but we cannot reuse it.
21 printf "\e]0;$title\a"
22 printf "%s %s %s\\n" $titlecol "$title" $outputcol