Adjust test code.
[ecs.git] / test / controllers / messages_controller_test.rb
1 # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Heiko Bernloehr (
3 # This file is part of ECS.
5 # ECS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
7 # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
8 # the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 # ECS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # Affero General Public License for more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
16 # License along with ECS. If not, see <>.
19 require 'test_helper'
21 class MessagesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
22 private
23   # param1: http method
24   # param2: controller method, e.g. :index
25   # param3: http headers, e.g. { "X-EcsAuthId" => "ganz geheim", ... }
26   # param4: URI path, e.g. "/numlab/solutions/3"
27   # param5: controller params, e.g. { :id => 3, ... }
28   def myrequest(http_method, controller_method, uri_path, http_headers=nil, controller_params={})
29     request.path = uri_path
30     /[^\/]*$/ =~ uri_path
31     controller_params.merge!(:id => $~.to_s) unless $~.to_s.blank?
32     http_headers.each do |key,value|
33       request.headers[key] = value
34     end if http_headers
35     s = "#{http_method} :#{controller_method}, #{controller_params}"
36     eval s
37   end
39 public
40   test "index" do
41     myrequest("get", :index, 
42               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
43               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
44              )
45     assert_response 200
46     assert_equal [1,2], assigns(:list).map {|e|}
47   end
49   test "show first exercise as a receiver" do
50     myrequest("get", :show, 
51               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex1).id}",
52               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
53              )
54     assert_response 200
55     assert_equal "Hallo Ihr da im Radio.", @response.body.strip
56     assert_equal "X-EcsSender: "+memberships(:stgt_wuv).id.to_s, "X-EcsSender: "+@response.header['X-EcsSender']
57     assert_equal "X-EcsReceiverCommunities: "+communities(:wuv).id.to_s, "X-EcsReceiverCommunities: "+@response.header['X-EcsReceiverCommunities']
58   end
60   test "show solution" do
61     myrequest("get", :show, 
62               "/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_sol).id}",
63               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
64              )
65     assert_response 200
66   end
68   # not a receiver or sender of :numlab_ex1
69   test "show forbidden exercise" do
70     myrequest("get", :show, 
71               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1).id}",
72               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:numlab_comp_id1).name
73              )
74     assert_response 403
75   end
77   test "show exercise as original sender but not as a receiver" do
78     myrequest("get", :show, 
79               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1).id}",
80               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
81              )
82     assert_response 200
83     assert !@response.header.has_key?('X-EcsSender')
84     assert !@response.header.has_key?('X-EcsReceiverCommunities')
85   end
87   test "create_X-EcsReceiverMemberships" do
88     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
89     myrequest("post", :create, 
90               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
91               {
92                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
93                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
94                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
95                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "hallole"
96               }
97              )
98     assert_response 201
99     assert_equal assigns(:record).sender, assigns(:participant).id
100     assert_equal mm_count+1, MembershipMessage.all.count
101     assert_match /^.*\/numlab\/exercises\/[0-9]+$/, @response.header['Location']
102   end
104   test "create_X-EcsReceiverCommunities_single" do
105     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
106     myrequest("post", :create, 
107               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
108               {
109                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
110                 "X-EcsReceiverCommunities" => communities(:suv).name,
111                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
112                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "hallole"
113               }
114              )
115     assert_response 201
116     assert_equal assigns(:record).sender, assigns(:participant).id
117     assert_equal mm_count+1, MembershipMessage.all.count
118   end
120   test "create_X-EcsReceiverCommunities_multi" do
121     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
122     myrequest("post", :create, 
123               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
124               {
125                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
126                 "X-EcsReceiverCommunities" => communities(:suv).name + "," + communities(:public).name,
127                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
128                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "hallole"
129               }
130              )
131     assert_response 201
132     assert_equal assigns(:record).sender, assigns(:participant).id
133     assert_equal mm_count+3, MembershipMessage.all.count
134   end
136   test "create_X-EcsReceiverCommunities_multi_string_and_number" do
137     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
138     myrequest("post", :create, 
139               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
140               {
141                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
142                 "X-EcsReceiverCommunities" => communities(:suv).name + "," + communities(:public).name,
143                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
144                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "hallole"
145               }
146              )
147     assert_response 201
148     assert_equal assigns(:record).sender, assigns(:participant).id
149     assert_equal mm_count+3, MembershipMessage.all.count
150   end
152   test "update" do
153     myrequest("post", :update, 
154               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex2).id}",
155               {
156                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
157                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
158                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
159                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "neuer Text"
160               }
161              )
162     assert_response 200
163   end
165   test "update with event generation" do
166     ev_count = Event.all.count
167     m= Message.find(messages(:numlab_ex2).id)
168 true
170     myrequest("post", :update, 
171               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex2).id}",
172               {
173                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
174                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
175                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
176                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "neuer Text"
177               }
178              )
179     assert_response 200
180     assert_equal ev_count+1, Event.all.count
181     ev= Event.order(:id).last
182     assert_equal ev.ev_type_id, 3
183     m= Message.find(messages(:numlab_ex2).id)
184 false
186   end
188   test "update without ownership" do
189     myrequest("post", :update, 
190               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex2).id}",
191               {
192                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name,
193                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
194                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
195                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "neuer Text"
196               }
197              )
198     assert_response 403
199   end
201   # not a receiver or sender of :numlab_sol
202   test "delete_forbidden_solution" do
203     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
204               "/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_sol).id}",
205                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:numlab_comp_id1).name
206              )
207     assert_response 404
208   end
210   # Owner deletes his message for which he is concurrently a receiver.
211   # This should only be possible until he clears its receiver queue. Then the
212   # next delete operation removes the message from ECS and also destroys all other
213   # receiver references.
214   test "delete_postrouted_message_as_owner_and_receiver_with_references_in_place" do
215     refscount= MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => messages(:numlab_ex1)).count
216     assert refscount > 1
217     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
218               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex1).id}",
219                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name
220              )
221     assert_response 200
222     myrequest("get", :show, 
223               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex1).id}",
224               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name
225              )
226     assert_response 200 
227     assert MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => messages(:numlab_ex1)).count == refscount - 1
228     # message is only tagged as removed (events on). physically it's still there.
229     assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Message.find(messages(:numlab_ex1)) }
230     # This destroy is processed as role "sender", because the receiver quueue of the sender
231     # participant is now empty. Therefore all receiver references were deleted.
232     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
233               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex1).id}",
234                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name
235              )
236     assert_response 200
237     myrequest("get", :show, 
238               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ex1).id}",
239               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name
240              )
241     assert_response 404 
242     assert_equal 0, MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => messages(:numlab_ex1)).count
243     # message is only tagged as removed (events on). physically it's still there.
244     assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Message.find(messages(:numlab_ex1)) }
245   end
247   test "delete_postrouted_message_as_owner_with_references_in_place" do
248     assert MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1)).count > 0
249     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
250               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1).id}",
251                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
252              )
253     assert_response 200
254     myrequest("get", :show, 
255               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1).id}",
256               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
257              )
258     assert_response 404 
259     assert_equal 0, MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1)).count
260     # message is only tagged as removed (events on). physically it's still there.
261     assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Message.find(messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1)) }
262   end
264   test "delete_postrouted_message_as_none_owner_with_references_in_place" do
265     #@request.set_REQUEST_URI("/numlab/exercises/99999")
266     #@request.headers["X-EcsAuthId"] = identities(:stgt_id1).name
267     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
268     # destroy message through receiver and none owner
269     #post :destroy, { :id => messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1).id }
270     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
271               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}/#{messages(:numlab_ulm_ex1).id}",
272                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name
273              )
274     assert_response 200
275     assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Message.find(@request.parameters[:id]) }
276     assert_equal 0, MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => @request.parameters[:id]).count
277     assert_equal Membership.find_by_participant_id_and_community_id(participants(:ilias_ulm),communities(:wuv)).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsSender"]
278     assert_equal communities(:wuv).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsReceiverCommunities"]
279   end
281   test "delete_none_postrouted_message_as_none_owner_with_last_reference_in_place" do
282     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
283     myrequest("post", :create, 
284               "/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).ressource}",
285               {
286                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
287                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:numlab_comp).id.to_s,
288                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/plain",
289                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "Diese Nachricht ist volatil.\r\n"
290               }
291              )
292     assert_response 201
293     assert_equal assigns(:record).sender, assigns(:participant).id
294     assert_equal mm_count+1, MembershipMessage.all.count
295     # destroy message through receiver
296     /[0-9]+$/ =~ response.header['Location']
297     memberships = Membership.receiver(identities(:numlab_comp_id1).participant, $~.to_s.to_i)
298     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
299               "/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).ressource}/#{$~.to_s.to_i}",
300                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:numlab_comp_id1).name
301              )
302     assert_response 200
303     assert_equal $~.to_s, @request.parameters[:id]
304     assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Message.find(@request.parameters[:id]) }
305     assert_nil MembershipMessage.find_by_message_id(@request.parameters[:id])
306     assert_equal Membership.find_by_participant_id_and_community_id(participants(:ilias_stgt),communities(:public)).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsSender"]
307     assert_equal communities(:public).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsReceiverCommunities"]
308   end
310   test "delete_none_postrouted_message_as_none_owner_with_references_in_place" do
311     #@request.headers["RAW_POST_DATA"] = "Diese Nachricht ist volatil.\r\n"
312     #@request.headers["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "text/plain"
313     #@request.headers["X-EcsAuthId"] = identities(:stgt_id1).name
314     #@request.headers["X-EcsReceiverMemberships"] = memberships(:numlab_comp).id.to_s+","+memberships(:numlab_teacher).id.to_s
315     #@request.set_REQUEST_URI("/numlab/solutions")
316     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
317     #post :create
318     myrequest("post", :create, 
319               "/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).ressource}",
320               {
321                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
322                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:numlab_comp).id.to_s+","+memberships(:numlab_teacher).id.to_s,
323                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/plain",
324                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => "Diese Nachricht ist volatil.\r\n"
325               }
326              )
327     assert_response 201
328     assert_equal assigns(:record).sender, assigns(:participant).id
329     assert_equal mm_count+2, MembershipMessage.all.count
330     /[0-9]+$/ =~ response.header['Location']
331     assert_equal 2, MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => $~.to_s.to_i).count
332     # destroy message through receiver
333     #@request.set_REQUEST_URI("/numlab/solutions")
334     #@request.headers["X-EcsAuthId"] = identities(:numlab_comp_id1).name
335     #post :destroy, { :id => $~.to_s.to_i }
336     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
337               "/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_solutions).ressource}/#{$~.to_s.to_i}",
338                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:numlab_comp_id1).name
339              )
340     assert_response 200
341     assert_equal $~.to_s, @request.parameters[:id]
342     assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Message.find(@request.parameters[:id]) }
343     assert_equal 1, MembershipMessage.where(:message_id => $~.to_s.to_i).count
344   end
346   # Queue tests
347   #
348   test "fifo get idempotent" do
349     myrequest("get", :fifo, 
350               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
351               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
352              )
353     assert_response 200
354     assert_equal "Hallo Ihr da im Radio.", @response.body.strip
355     myrequest("get", :fifo, 
356               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
357               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
358              )
359     assert_response 200
360     assert_equal "Hallo Ihr da im Radio.", @response.body.strip
361     assert_equal Membership.find_by_participant_id_and_community_id(participants(:ilias_stgt),communities(:wuv)).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsSender"]
362     assert_equal communities(:wuv).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsReceiverCommunities"]
363   end
365   test "fifo get not idempotent" do
366     myrequest("post", :fifo, 
367               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
368               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
369              )
370     assert_response 200
371     assert_equal "Hallo Ihr da im Radio.", @response.body.strip
372     assert_equal Membership.find_by_participant_id_and_community_id(participants(:ilias_stgt),communities(:wuv)).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsSender"]
373     assert_equal communities(:wuv).id.to_s, @response["X-EcsReceiverCommunities"]
374     myrequest("post", :fifo, 
375               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
376               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
377              )
378     assert_response 200
379     assert_not_equal "Hallo Ihr da im Radio.", @response.body.strip
380     assert_equal "Achtung ein Kartoon.", @response.body.strip
381   end
383   test "lifo get idempotent" do
384     myrequest("get", :lifo, 
385               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
386               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
387              )
388     assert_response 200
389     assert_equal "Achtung ein Kartoon.", @response.body.strip
390     myrequest("get", :lifo, 
391               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
392               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
393              )
394     assert_response 200
395     assert_equal "Achtung ein Kartoon.", @response.body.strip
396   end
398   test "lifo get not idempotent" do
399     myrequest("post", :lifo, 
400               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
401               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
402              )
403     assert_response 200
404     assert_equal "Achtung ein Kartoon.", @response.body.strip
405     myrequest("post", :lifo, 
406               "/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).namespace}/#{ressources(:numlab_ex).ressource}",
407               "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
408              )
409     assert_response 200
410     assert_not_equal "Achtung ein Kartoon.", @response.body.strip
411     assert_equal "Hallo Ihr da im Radio.", @response.body.strip
412   end
414 # Auths tests
417   test "create_auths_url" do
418     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
419     myrequest("post", :create, 
420               "/sys/auths",
421               {
422                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
423                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
424                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json",
425                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => '{"url":""}'
426               }
427              )
428     assert_response 201
429   end
431   test "create_auths_realm" do
432     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
433     myrequest("post", :create, 
434               "/sys/auths",
435               {
436                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
437                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
438                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json",
439                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => '{"realm":""}'
440               }
441              )
442     assert_response 201
443   end
445   test "create_auths_invalid_json_mimetype" do
446     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
447     myrequest("post", :create, 
448               "/sys/auths",
449               {
450                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
451                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
452                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html",
453                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => '{"realm":""}'
454               }
455              )
456     assert_response 415
457     assert_equal "Body format has to be in JSON", assigns(:http_error).to_s
458   end
460   test "create_auths_invalid_json_body" do
461     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
462     myrequest("post", :create, 
463               "/sys/auths",
464               {
465                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
466                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
467                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json",
468                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => '{"realm"::""}'
469               }
470              )
471     assert_response 400
472     assert_equal "Invalid JSON body", assigns(:http_error).to_s
473   end
475   test "create_auths_eov_younger_than_sov" do
476     raw_post_data = <<-'HERE'
477     {
478       "realm":"",
479       "sov": "2011-03-08T23:25:27+01:00",
480       "eov": "2011-03-08T23:25:17+01:00"
481     }
482     HERE
483     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
484     myrequest("post", :create, 
485               "/sys/auths",
486               {
487                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
488                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
489                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json",
490                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => raw_post_data
491               }
492              )
493     assert_response 400
494     assert_equal "invalid times either in sov or eov", assigns(:http_error).to_s
495   end
497   test "create_auths_sov_younger_than_current_time" do
498     raw_post_data = <<-'HERE'
499     {
500       "realm":"",
501       "sov": "2011-03-08T23:25:27+01:00"
502     }
503     HERE
504     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
505     myrequest("post", :create, 
506               "/sys/auths",
507               {
508                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
509                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
510                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json",
511                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => raw_post_data
512               }
513              )
514     assert_response 400
515     assert_equal "sov time is younger then current time", assigns(:http_error).to_s
516   end
518   test "create_auths_eov_too_young" do
519     raw_post_data = <<-"HERE"
520     {
521       "realm":"",
522       "eov": "#{( + 1.second).xmlschema}"
523     }
524     HERE
525     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
526     myrequest("post", :create, 
527               "/sys/auths",
528               {
529                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:stgt_id1).name,
530                 "X-EcsReceiverMemberships" => memberships(:ulm_wuv).id.to_s,
531                 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json",
532                 "RAW_POST_DATA" => raw_post_data
533               }
534              )
535     assert_response 400
536     assert_equal "eov time is too young", assigns(:http_error).to_s
537   end
539   test "delete_auths" do
540     #@request.headers["X-EcsAuthId"] = identities(:ulm_id1).name
541     #@request.set_REQUEST_URI("/sys/auths/#{auths(:valid).one_touch_hash}")
542     auths_count= Auth.all.length
543     messages_count= Message.all.length
544     auth_valid_id= auths(:valid).id
545     message_auth_valid_id= messages(:auth_valid).id
546     #post :destroy, { :id => auths(:valid).one_touch_hash }
547     myrequest("post", :destroy, 
548               "/sys/auths/#{auths(:valid).one_touch_hash}",
549                 "X-EcsAuthId" => identities(:ulm_id1).name
550              )
551     assert_response 200
552     assert_equal messages_count-1, Message.all.length
553     assert_equal auths_count-1, Auth.all.length
554     assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound){Auth.find(auth_valid_id)}
555     assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound){Message.find(message_auth_valid_id)}
556   end
558 # anonymous clients
561   test "create anonymous client" do
562     @request.headers["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json"
563     @request.set_REQUEST_URI("/numlab/exercises")
564     mm_count = MembershipMessage.all.count
565     get  :index
566     assert_response 200
567     assert_match /ecs_anonymous=.*/, @response.headers["Set-Cookie"].to_s
568     assert_equal mm_count+1, MembershipMessage.all.count
569   end if ECS_CONFIG["participants"]["allow_anonymous"]