1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 #* Copyright 2006 - 2007, Intel Corporation
4 #* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5 #* are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
6 #* which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
7 #* http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 .equ BLOCK_SIZE, 0x0200
25 .equ BLOCK_MASK, 0x01ff
34 jmp BootSectorEntryPoint # JMP inst - 3 bytes
37 OemId: .ascii "INTEL " # OemId - 8 bytes
39 SectorSize: .word 0 # Sector Size - 16 bits
40 SectorsPerCluster: .byte 0 # Sector Per Cluster - 8 bits
41 ReservedSectors: .word 0 # Reserved Sectors - 16 bits
42 NoFats: .byte 0 # Number of FATs - 8 bits
43 RootEntries: .word 0 # Root Entries - 16 bits
44 Sectors: .word 0 # Number of Sectors - 16 bits
45 Media: .byte 0 # Media - 8 bits - ignored
46 SectorsPerFat: .word 0 # Sectors Per FAT - 16 bits
47 SectorsPerTrack: .word 0 # Sectors Per Track - 16 bits - ignored
48 Heads: .word 0 # Heads - 16 bits - ignored
49 HiddenSectors: .long 0 # Hidden Sectors - 32 bits - ignored
50 LargeSectors: .long 0 # Large Sectors - 32 bits
51 PhysicalDrive: .byte 0 # PhysicalDriveNumber - 8 bits - ignored
52 CurrentHead: .byte 0 # Current Head - 8 bits
53 Signature: .byte 0 # Signature - 8 bits - ignored
54 VolId: .ascii " " # Volume Serial Number- 4 bytes
55 FatLabel: .ascii " " # Label - 11 bytes
56 SystemId: .ascii "FAT12 " # SystemId - 8 bytes
58 BootSectorEntryPoint:
61 # ds = 1000, es = 2000 + x (size of first cluster >> 4)
62 # cx = Start Cluster of EfiLdr
63 # dx = Start Cluster of Efivar.bin
65 # Re use the BPB data stored in Boot Sector
70 # 1000:dx = DirectoryEntry of Efivar.bin -> BS.com has filled already
74 jnz CheckVarStoreSize
79 # Set the 5th byte start @ 0:19000 to non-zero indicating we should init var store header in DxeIpl
85 cmpl $0x4000, %ds:2(%di)
101 movw VolId(%bp), %ax
102 movw %ax, %es:(0) # Save Volume Id to 0:19000. we will find the correct volume according to this VolumeId
103 movw VolId+2(%bp), %ax
108 # cx = Start Cluster of Efildr -> BS.com has filled already
109 # ES:DI = 2000:0, first cluster will be read again
110 xorw %di, %di # di = 0
115 movw %ax, %cs:JumpSegment
117 JumpFarInstruction:
126 # ****************************************************************************
130 # CX = Start Cluster of File
131 # ES:DI = Buffer to store file content read from disk
134 # (ES << 4 + DI) = end of file content Buffer
136 # ****************************************************************************
138 # si = NumberOfClusters
139 # cx = ClusterNumber
140 # dx = CachedFatSectorNumber
141 # ds:0000 = CacheFatSectorBuffer
142 # es:di = Buffer to load file
143 # bx = NextClusterNumber
145 movw $1, %si # NumberOfClusters = 1
146 pushw %cx # Push Start Cluster onto stack
147 movw $0xfff, %dx # CachedFatSectorNumber = 0xfff
149 movw %cx, %ax # ax = ClusterNumber
150 andw $0xff8, %ax # ax = ax & 0xff8
151 cmpw $0xff8, %ax # See if this is the last cluster
152 je FoundLastCluster # Jump if last cluster found
153 movw %cx, %ax # ax = ClusterNumber
154 shlw %ax # ax = ClusterNumber * 2
155 addw %cx, %ax # ax = ClusterNumber * 2 + ClusterNumber = ClusterNumber * 3
156 shrw %ax # FatOffset = ClusterNumber*3 / 2
157 pushw %si # Save si
158 movw %ax, %si # si = FatOffset
159 shrw $BLOCK_SHIFT, %ax # ax = FatOffset >> BLOCK_SHIFT
160 addw ReservedSectors(%bp), %ax # ax = FatSectorNumber = ReservedSectors + (FatOffset >> BLOCK_OFFSET)
161 andw $BLOCK_MASK,%si # si = FatOffset & BLOCK_MASK
162 cmpw %dx, %ax # Compare FatSectorNumber to CachedFatSectorNumber
168 call ReadBlocks # Read 2 blocks starting at AX storing at ES:DI
170 movw %ax, %dx # CachedFatSectorNumber = FatSectorNumber
172 movw (%si), %bx # bx = NextClusterNumber
173 movw %cx, %ax # ax = ClusterNumber
174 andw $1, %ax # See if this is an odd cluster number
176 shrw $4, %bx # NextClusterNumber = NextClusterNumber >> 4
178 andw $0xfff, %bx # Strip upper 4 bits of NextClusterNumber
179 popw %si # Restore si
180 decw %bx # bx = NextClusterNumber - 1
181 cmpw %cx, %bx # See if (NextClusterNumber-1)==ClusterNumber
183 incw %bx # bx = NextClusterNumber
184 incw %si # NumberOfClusters++
185 movw %bx, %cx # ClusterNumber = NextClusterNumber
189 popw %ax # ax = StartCluster
190 pushw %bx # StartCluster = NextClusterNumber
191 movw %bx, %cx # ClusterNumber = NextClusterNumber
192 subw $2, %ax # ax = StartCluster - 2
194 movb SectorsPerCluster(%bp), %bl # bx = SectorsPerCluster
195 mulw %bx # ax = (StartCluster - 2) * SectorsPerCluster
196 addw (%bp), %ax # ax = FirstClusterLBA + (StartCluster-2)*SectorsPerCluster
197 pushw %ax # save start sector
198 movw %si, %ax # ax = NumberOfClusters
199 mulw %bx # ax = NumberOfClusters * SectorsPerCluster
200 movw %ax, %bx # bx = Number of Sectors
201 popw %ax # ax = Start Sector
203 movw $1, %si # NumberOfClusters = 1
211 # ****************************************************************************
212 # ReadBlocks - Reads a set of blocks from a block device
215 # BX = Number of Blocks to Read
216 # ES:DI = Buffer to store sectors read from disk
217 # ****************************************************************************
220 # bx = NumberOfBlocks
225 addl LBAOffsetForBootSector(%bp), %eax # Add LBAOffsetForBootSector to Start LBA
226 addl HiddenSectors(%bp), %eax # Add HiddenSectors to Start LBA
227 movl %eax, %esi # esi = Start LBA
228 movw %bx, %cx # cx = Number of blocks to read
230 movw $0x7bfc, %bp # bp = 0x7bfc
231 movl %esi, %eax # eax = Start LBA
232 xorl %edx, %edx # edx = 0
233 movzwl (%bp), %ebx # bx = MaxSector
234 divl %ebx # ax = StartLBA / MaxSector
235 incw %dx # dx = (StartLBA % MaxSector) + 1
237 movw (%bp), %bx # bx = MaxSector
238 subw %dx, %bx # bx = MaxSector - Sector
239 incw %bx # bx = MaxSector - Sector + 1
240 cmpw %bx, %cx # Compare (Blocks) to (MaxSector - Sector + 1)
242 movw %cx, %bx # bx = Blocks
244 pushw %ax # save ax
245 movw %es, %ax # ax = es
246 shrw $(BLOCK_SHIFT-4), %ax # ax = Number of blocks into mem system
247 andw $0x7f, %ax # ax = Number of blocks into current seg
248 addw %bx, %ax # ax = End Block number of transfer
249 cmpw $0x80, %ax # See if it crosses a 64K boundry
250 jle NotCrossing64KBoundry # Branch if not crossing 64K boundry
251 subw $0x80, %ax # ax = Number of blocks past 64K boundry
252 subw %ax, %bx # Decrease transfer size by block overage
253 NotCrossing64KBoundry:
254 popw %ax # restore ax
257 movb %dl, %cl # cl = (StartLBA % MaxSector) + 1 = Sector
258 xorw %dx, %dx # dx = 0
259 divw 2(%bp) # ax = ax / (MaxHead + 1) = Cylinder
260 # dx = ax % (MaxHead + 1) = Head
262 pushw %bx # Save number of blocks to transfer
263 movb %dl, %dh # dh = Head
264 movw $0x7c00, %bp # bp = 0x7c00
265 movb PhysicalDrive(%bp), %dl # dl = Drive Number
266 movb %al, %ch # ch = Cylinder
267 movb %bl, %al # al = Blocks
268 movb $2, %ah # ah = Function 2
269 movw %di, %bx # es:bx = Buffer address
275 addl %ebx, %esi # StartLBA = StartLBA + NumberOfBlocks
276 subw %bx, %cx # Blocks = Blocks - NumberOfBlocks
278 shlw $(BLOCK_SHIFT-4), %bx
280 movw %ax, %es # es:di = es:di + NumberOfBlocks*BLOCK_SIZE
282 jne ReadCylinderLoop
289 leaw ErrorString, %si
291 jmp PrintStringAndHalt
293 PrintStringAndHalt:
303 .byte 'S', 0x0c, 'E', 0x0c, 'r', 0x0c, 'r', 0x0c, 'o', 0x0c, 'r', 0x0c, '!',0x0c
306 LBAOffsetForBootSector:
312 #******************************************************************************
313 #******************************************************************************
314 #******************************************************************************
316 .equ DELAY_PORT, 0x0ed # Port to use for 1uS delay
317 .equ KBD_CONTROL_PORT, 0x060 # 8042 control port
318 .equ KBD_STATUS_PORT, 0x064 # 8042 status port
319 .equ WRITE_DATA_PORT_CMD, 0x0d1 # 8042 command to write the data port
320 .equ ENABLE_A20_CMD, 0x0df # 8042 command to enable A20
325 .byte 'E', 0x0c, 'm', 0x0c, '6', 0x0c, '4', 0x0c, 'T', 0x0c, ' ', 0x0c, 'U', 0x0c, 'n', 0x0c, 's', 0x0c, 'u', 0x0c, 'p', 0x0c, 'p', 0x0c, 'o', 0x0c, 'r', 0x0c, 't', 0x0c, 'e', 0x0c, 'd', 0x0c, '!', 0x0c
336 # mov byte ptr es:[160],'a'
341 leal MemoryMap, %edi
345 movl $0x534d4150, %edx # SMAP
353 leal MemoryMap, %eax
354 subl %eax, %edi # Get the address of the memory map
355 movl %edi, MemoryMapSize # Save the size of the memory map
358 movw %cs, %bx # BX=segment
359 shll $4, %ebx # BX="linear" address of segment base
360 leal GDT_BASE(%ebx), %eax # EAX=PHYSICAL address of gdt
361 movl %eax, (gdtr + 2) # Put address of gdt into the gdtr
362 leal IDT_BASE(%ebx), %eax # EAX=PHYSICAL address of idt
363 movl %eax, (idtr + 2) # Put address of idt into the idtr
364 leal MemoryMapSize(%ebx), %edx # Physical base address of the memory map
366 addl $0x1000, %ebx # Source of EFI32
369 movl %ebx, %esi # Source of EFILDR32
373 # mov byte ptr es:[162],'b'
381 movw $0x2401, %ax # Enable A20 Gate
383 jnc A20GateEnabled # Jump if it suceeded
386 # If INT 15 Function 2401 is not supported, then attempt to Enable A20 manually.
389 call Empty8042InputBuffer # Empty the Input Buffer on the 8042 controller
390 jnz Timeout8042 # Jump if the 8042 timed out
391 outw %ax, $DELAY_PORT # Delay 1 uS
392 mov $WRITE_DATA_PORT_CMD, %al # 8042 cmd to write output port
393 out %al, $KBD_STATUS_PORT # Send command to the 8042
394 call Empty8042InputBuffer # Empty the Input Buffer on the 8042 controller
395 jnz Timeout8042 # Jump if the 8042 timed out
396 mov $ENABLE_A20_CMD, %al # gate address bit 20 on
397 out %al, $KBD_CONTROL_PORT # Send command to thre 8042
398 call Empty8042InputBuffer # Empty the Input Buffer on the 8042 controller
399 movw $25, %cx # Delay 25 uS for the command to complete on the 8042
401 outw %ax, $DELAY_PORT # Delay 1 uS
409 # DISABLE INTERRUPTS - Entering Protected Mode
416 # mov byte ptr es:[164],'c'
429 movl $0x008, %eax # Flat data descriptor
430 movl $0x00400000, %ebp # Destination of EFILDR32
431 movl $0x00070000, %ebx # Length of copy
434 # jmp far 0010:00020000
440 Empty8042InputBuffer:
443 outw %ax, $DELAY_PORT # Delay 1us
444 in $KBD_STATUS_PORT, %al # Read the 8042 Status Port
445 andb $0x2, %al # Check the Input Buffer Full Flag
446 loopnz Empty8042Loop # Loop until the input buffer is empty or a timout of 65536 uS
449 ##############################################################################
451 ##############################################################################
455 gdtr: .long GDT_END - GDT_BASE - 1 # GDT limit
456 .long 0 # (GDT base gets set above)
457 ##############################################################################
458 # global descriptor table (GDT)
459 ##############################################################################
465 .equ NULL_SEL, .-GDT_BASE
466 .word 0 # limit 15:0
467 .word 0 # base 15:0
468 .byte 0 # base 23:16
470 .byte 0 # limit 19:16, flags
471 .byte 0 # base 31:24
473 # linear data segment descriptor
475 .word 0xFFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
478 .byte 0x92 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
479 .byte 0xCF # page-granular, 32-bit
482 # linear code segment descriptor
484 .word 0xFFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
487 .byte 0x9A # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
488 .byte 0xCF # page-granular, 32-bit
491 # system data segment descriptor
493 .word 0xFFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
496 .byte 0x92 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
497 .byte 0xCF # page-granular, 32-bit
500 # system code segment descriptor
502 .word 0xFFFF # limit 0xFFFFF
505 .byte 0x9A # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
506 .byte 0xCF # page-granular, 32-bit
509 # spare segment descriptor
510 .equ SPARE3_SEL, .-GDT_BASE
511 .word 0 # limit 0xFFFFF
514 .byte 0 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
515 .byte 0 # page-granular, 32-bit
518 # spare segment descriptor
519 .equ SPARE4_SEL, .-GDT_BASE
520 .word 0 # limit 0xFFFFF
523 .byte 0 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
524 .byte 0 # page-granular, 32-bit
527 # spare segment descriptor
528 .equ SPARE5_SEL, .-GDT_BASE
529 .word 0 # limit 0xFFFFF
532 .byte 0 # present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable
533 .byte 0 # page-granular, 32-bit
542 idtr: .long IDT_END - IDT_BASE - 1 # IDT limit
543 .long 0 # (IDT base gets set above)
544 ##############################################################################
545 # interrupt descriptor table (IDT)
547 # Note: The hardware IRQ's specified in this table are the normal PC/AT IRQ
548 # mappings. This implementation only uses the system timer and all other
549 # IRQs will remain masked. The descriptors for vectors 33+ are provided
551 ##############################################################################
553 #idt_tag db "IDT",0
557 # divide by zero (INT 0)
559 .word 0 # offset 15:0
560 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
561 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
562 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
563 .word 0 # offset 31:16
565 # debug exception (INT 1)
567 .word 0 # offset 15:0
568 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
569 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
570 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
571 .word 0 # offset 31:16
574 .equ NMI_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
575 .word 0 # offset 15:0
576 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
577 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
578 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
579 .word 0 # offset 31:16
581 # soft breakpoint (INT 3)
583 .word 0 # offset 15:0
584 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
585 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
586 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
587 .word 0 # offset 31:16
591 .word 0 # offset 15:0
592 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
593 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
594 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
595 .word 0 # offset 31:16
597 # bounds check (INT 5)
599 .word 0 # offset 15:0
600 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
601 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
602 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
603 .word 0 # offset 31:16
605 # invalid opcode (INT 6)
607 .word 0 # offset 15:0
608 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
609 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
610 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
611 .word 0 # offset 31:16
613 # device not available (INT 7)
615 .word 0 # offset 15:0
616 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
617 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
618 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
619 .word 0 # offset 31:16
621 # double fault (INT 8)
623 .word 0 # offset 15:0
624 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
625 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
626 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
627 .word 0 # offset 31:16
629 # Coprocessor segment overrun - reserved (INT 9)
631 .word 0 # offset 15:0
632 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
633 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
634 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
635 .word 0 # offset 31:16
637 # invalid TSS (INT 0x0a)
639 .word 0 # offset 15:0
640 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
641 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
642 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
643 .word 0 # offset 31:16
645 # segment not present (INT 0x0b)
647 .word 0 # offset 15:0
648 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
649 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
650 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
651 .word 0 # offset 31:16
653 # stack fault (INT 0x0c)
655 .word 0 # offset 15:0
656 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
657 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
658 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
659 .word 0 # offset 31:16
661 # general protection (INT 0x0d)
663 .word 0 # offset 15:0
664 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
665 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
666 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
667 .word 0 # offset 31:16
669 # page fault (INT 0x0e)
671 .word 0 # offset 15:0
672 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
673 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
674 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
675 .word 0 # offset 31:16
677 # Intel reserved - do not use (INT 0x0f)
679 .word 0 # offset 15:0
680 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
681 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
682 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
683 .word 0 # offset 31:16
685 # floating point error (INT 0x10)
687 .word 0 # offset 15:0
688 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
689 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
690 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # type = 386 interrupt gate, present
691 .word 0 # offset 31:16
693 # alignment check (INT 0x11)
695 .word 0 # offset 15:0
696 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
697 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
698 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
699 .word 0 # offset 31:16
701 # machine check (INT 0x12)
703 .word 0 # offset 15:0
704 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
705 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
706 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
707 .word 0 # offset 31:16
709 # SIMD floating-point exception (INT 0x13)
711 .word 0 # offset 15:0
712 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
713 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
714 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
715 .word 0 # offset 31:16
717 # 85 unspecified descriptors, First 12 of them are reserved, the rest are avail
718 .fill 85 * 8, 1, 0 # db (85 * 8) dup(0)
720 # IRQ 0 (System timer) - (INT 0x68)
721 .equ IRQ0_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
722 .word 0 # offset 15:0
723 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
724 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
725 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
726 .word 0 # offset 31:16
728 # IRQ 1 (8042 Keyboard controller) - (INT 0x69)
729 .equ IRQ1_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
730 .word 0 # offset 15:0
731 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
732 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
733 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
734 .word 0 # offset 31:16
736 # Reserved - IRQ 2 redirect (IRQ 2) - DO NOT USE!!! - (INT 0x6a)
737 .equ IRQ2_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
738 .word 0 # offset 15:0
739 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
740 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
741 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
742 .word 0 # offset 31:16
744 # IRQ 3 (COM 2) - (INT 0x6b)
745 .equ IRQ3_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
746 .word 0 # offset 15:0
747 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
748 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
749 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
750 .word 0 # offset 31:16
752 # IRQ 4 (COM 1) - (INT 0x6c)
753 .equ IRQ4_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
754 .word 0 # offset 15:0
755 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
756 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
757 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
758 .word 0 # offset 31:16
760 # IRQ 5 (LPT 2) - (INT 0x6d)
761 .equ IRQ5_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
762 .word 0 # offset 15:0
763 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
764 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
765 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
766 .word 0 # offset 31:16
768 # IRQ 6 (Floppy controller) - (INT 0x6e)
769 .equ IRQ6_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
770 .word 0 # offset 15:0
771 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
772 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
773 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
774 .word 0 # offset 31:16
776 # IRQ 7 (LPT 1) - (INT 0x6f)
777 .equ IRQ7_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
778 .word 0 # offset 15:0
779 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
780 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
781 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
782 .word 0 # offset 31:16
784 # IRQ 8 (RTC Alarm) - (INT 0x70)
785 .equ IRQ8_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
786 .word 0 # offset 15:0
787 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
788 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
789 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
790 .word 0 # offset 31:16
792 # IRQ 9 - (INT 0x71)
793 .equ IRQ9_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
794 .word 0 # offset 15:0
795 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
796 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
797 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
798 .word 0 # offset 31:16
800 # IRQ 10 - (INT 0x72)
801 .equ IRQ10_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
802 .word 0 # offset 15:0
803 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
804 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
805 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
806 .word 0 # offset 31:16
808 # IRQ 11 - (INT 0x73)
809 .equ IRQ11_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
810 .word 0 # offset 15:0
811 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
812 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
813 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
814 .word 0 # offset 31:16
816 # IRQ 12 (PS/2 mouse) - (INT 0x74)
817 .equ IRQ12_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
818 .word 0 # offset 15:0
819 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
820 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
821 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
822 .word 0 # offset 31:16
824 # IRQ 13 (Floating point error) - (INT 0x75)
825 .equ IRQ13_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
826 .word 0 # offset 15:0
827 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
828 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
829 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
830 .word 0 # offset 31:16
832 # IRQ 14 (Secondary IDE) - (INT 0x76)
833 .equ IRQ14_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
834 .word 0 # offset 15:0
835 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
836 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
837 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
838 .word 0 # offset 31:16
840 # IRQ 15 (Primary IDE) - (INT 0x77)
841 .equ IRQ15_SEL, .-IDT_BASE
842 .word 0 # offset 15:0
843 .long SYS_CODE_SEL # selector 15:0
844 .byte 0 # 0 for interrupt gate
845 .byte 0x0e | 0x80 # (10001110)type = 386 interrupt gate, present
846 .word 0 # offset 31:16
852 MemoryMapSize: .long 0
853 MemoryMap: .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
854 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
855 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
856 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
857 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
858 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
859 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
860 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
861 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
862 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
863 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
864 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
865 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
866 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
867 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
868 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
869 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
870 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
871 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
872 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
873 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
874 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
875 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
876 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
877 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
878 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
879 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
880 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
881 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
882 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
884 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
885 .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
889 # below is the pieces of the IVT that is used to redirect INT 68h - 6fh
890 # back to INT 08h - 0fh when in real mode... It is 'org'ed to a
891 # known low address (20f00) so it can be set up by PlMapIrqToVect in