Include properties and license text with feature
[egit/chris.git] / org.eclipse.egit.ui /
1 ###############################################################################
2 # Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Shawn Pearce and others.
3 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 #
8 ###############################################################################
10 plugin_name=Git Team Provider (UI) (Incubation)
13 Git=Git
15 Git_clone_category=Git
16 Git_clone_wizard=Git Repository
17 Git_clone_description=Clone an existing Git repository.
19 SharingWizard_name=Git
20 GitRemoteQuickDiffProvider_label=A Git Revision
22 DisconnectAction_label=Disconnect
23 DisconnectAction_tooltip=Disconnect the Git team provider.
25 AssumeUnchangedAction_label=Assume unchanged
26 AssumeUnchangedAction_tooltip=Assume selected folders/files are unchanged
28 TrackAction_label=&Add to Version Control
29 TrackAction_tooltip=Track selected files/folders with Git.
31 UntrackAction_label=&Remove from Version Control
32 UntrackAction_tooltip=Stop tracking selected files/folders with Git.
34 UpdateAction_label=Update Index (Refresh)
35 UpdateAction_tooltip=Update Git's index with current version
37 Decorator_name=Git
38 Decorator_description=Shows Git specific information on resources in projects under version control.
40 CompareWithRevisionAction_label=Compare With Git Revision
41 CompareWithRevisionAction_tooltip=Compare With a Git Revision
43 CompareWithIndexAction_label=Git Index
44 CompareWithIndexAction_tooltip=Compare with Git's index version
46 ShowResourceInHistoryAction_label=Show in Resource History
47 ShowResourceInHistoryAction_tooltip=Show selected files in the resource history view.
49 CommitAction_label=&Commit...
50 CommitAction_tooltip=Commit changes to your current branch
52 ResetAction_label=&Reset To...
53 ResetAction_tooltip=Reset the current branch to the same or another commit
55 BranchAction_label=&Branch...
56 BranchAction_tooltip=Switch to another branch
58 FetchAction_label=&Fetch From...
59 FetchAction_tooltip=Fetch from another repository
61 PushAction_label=&Push To...
62 PushAction_tooltip=Push to another repository
64 GitActions_label=Git
65 GitMenu_label=&Git
68 Theme_label=Git
69 Theme_CommitGraphNormalFont_label=Commit graph normal font
70 Theme_CommitGraphNormalFont_description=This font is used to draw the revision history.
71 Theme_CommitGraphHighlightFont_label=Commit graph highlight font
72 Theme_CommitGraphHighlightFont_description=This font is used to highlight matching commits in the revision history.
73 Theme_CommitMessageFont_label=Commit message font
74 Theme_CommitMessageFont_description=This font is used to show a commit message.
76 GitPreferences_name=Git
77 GitPreferences_HistoryPreferencePage_name=History
78 GitPreferences_WindowCachePreferencePage_name=Window Cache
79 GitPreferences_DecoratorPreferencePage_name=Label Decorations