add eldoc-overlay display delay
[eldoc-overlay.git] / eldoc-overlay.el
1 ;;; eldoc-overlay.el --- Display eldoc with contextual documentation overlay.
3 ;; Author: stardiviner <>
4 ;; Author: Robert Weiner <>
5 ;; Maintainer: stardiviner <>
6 ;; Keywords: documentation, eldoc, overlay
7 ;; URL:
8 ;; Created: 14th Jan 2017
9 ;; Modified: 18th Dec 2017
10 ;; Version: 0.1.1
11 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3") (inline-docs "1.0.1") (quick-peek "1.0"))
13 ;;; Commentary:
15 ;; Eldoc displays the function signature of the closest function call
16 ;; around point either in the minibuffer or in the modeline.
18 ;; This package modifies Eldoc to display this documentation inline
19 ;; using a buffer text overlay.
21 ;; `eldoc-overlay-mode' is a per-buffer local minor mode.
23 ;; By default, the overlay is not used in the minibuffer, eldoc is shown in the modeline
24 ;; in this case. Set the option `eldoc-overlay-enable-in-minibuffer' non-nil if you want
25 ;; to enable overlay use in the minibuffer.
27 ;; Finally, see the documentation for `eldoc-overlay-backend' if you want to try
28 ;; a different overlay display package backend.
30 ;;; Code:
31 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 (require 'eldoc)
35 ;; User Options
36 (defgroup eldoc-overlay nil
37 "Display Eldoc function signatures using in-buffer text overlays"
38 :prefix "eldoc-overlay-"
39 :group 'eldoc)
41 (defcustom eldoc-overlay-enable-in-minibuffer nil
42 "Non-nil (default: nil) means enable `eldoc-overlay-mode' in the minibuffer.
43 When nil and in the minibuffer, if standard `eldoc-mode' is
44 enabled, it displays function signatures in the modeline."
45 :type 'boolean
46 :group 'eldoc-overlay)
48 (defvar eldoc-overlay-delay nil
49 "A timer delay with `sleep-for' for eldoc-overlay display.")
51 ;; Variables
52 (defvar eldoc-overlay-backend 'quick-peek
53 "The backend library that displays eldoc overlays.
54 Two backends are supported: `inline-docs' and `quick-peek'.")
56 ;; Functions
57 (defun eldoc-overlay-inline-docs (format-string &rest args)
58 "Inline-docs backend function to show FORMAT-STRING and ARGS."
59 (inline-docs format-string args))
61 (defun eldoc-overlay-quick-peek (format-string &rest args)
62 "Quick-peek backend function to show FORMAT-STRING and ARGS."
63 (when format-string
64 (quick-peek-show
65 (apply 'format format-string args)
66 (point)
67 1)))
69 (defun eldoc-overlay-display (format-string &rest args)
70 "Display eldoc for the minibuffer when there or call the function indexed by `eldoc-overlay-backend'."
71 (unless (or (company-tooltip-visible-p)
72 (when (and (featurep 'company-box) (company-box--get-frame))
73 (frame-visible-p (company-box--get-frame)))
74 (not format-string))
75 (if (and (minibufferp) (not eldoc-overlay-enable-in-minibuffer))
76 (apply #'eldoc-minibuffer-message format-string args)
77 (when (numberp eldoc-overlay-delay)
78 (sleep-for eldoc-overlay-delay))
79 (funcall (pcase eldoc-overlay-backend
80 (`inline-docs 'eldoc-overlay-inline-docs)
81 (`quick-peek 'eldoc-overlay-quick-peek))
82 (apply #'format-message format-string args)))))
84 (defun eldoc-overlay-enable ()
85 (setq-local eldoc-message-function #'eldoc-overlay-display)
86 (when (eq eldoc-overlay-backend 'quick-peek)
87 (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'quick-peek-hide)))
89 (defun eldoc-overlay-disable ()
90 (pcase eldoc-overlay-backend
91 ('quick-peek
92 (quick-peek-hide)
93 ;; Remove hook when no buffers have any peek overlays
94 (unless (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buf) (buffer-local-value 'quick-peek--overlays buf)) (buffer-list)))
95 (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'quick-peek-hide)))
96 ('inline-docs
97 (inline-docs--clear-overlay)))
98 (setq-local eldoc-message-function #'eldoc-minibuffer-message))
100 ;;;###autoload
101 (define-minor-mode eldoc-overlay-mode
102 "Minor mode for displaying eldoc contextual documentation using a text overlay."
103 :require 'eldoc-overlay-mode
104 :group 'eldoc-overlay
105 :init-value nil
106 :global nil
107 :lighter " ElDoc/overlay"
108 (if eldoc-overlay-mode
109 (eldoc-overlay-enable)
110 (eldoc-overlay-disable)))
112 ;;;###autoload
113 (define-globalized-minor-mode global-eldoc-overlay-mode
114 eldoc-overlay-mode eldoc-overlay-mode)
116 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 (provide 'eldoc-overlay)
120 ;;; eldoc-overlay.el ends here