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2 | SUGGEST MODULE: Configuration options and Extension points |
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8 SUGGEST_CACHE_TIME (default value: 3600)
9 To configure the cache time.
10 SUGGEST_SUGGESTIONS (default value: 3)
11 To configure how many items would be suggested
13 To configure if you want to filter the suggestion from the tracking information
14 SUGGEST_WIDGET_ICON_SIZE (default value: 40)
15 To configure the icon size for the widgets and keyword display
16 SUGGEST_SUBMENU_CONTRIBUTIONS (default value: true)
17 To enable/disable the menu contributions (see config.php for more detail)
18 SUGGEST_SUGGESTIONS_CONTRIB (default value: 10)
19 to configure how many items would be suggested in the contribution pages
20 SUGGEST_CONTRIB_ICON_SIZE (default value: 100)
21 To configure the icon size for the contributions display
26 You can extend this plugin to suggest any kind of content managed by Elgg.
27 To do that, you must to add the configuration in the 'config.php' file.