Simple status box for the sidebar.
[elgg_plugins.git] / yui / docs / YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.html
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <title>API: menu YAHOO.widget.MenuItem (YUI Library)</title>
5 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/api.css">
6 </head>
8 <body id="yahoo-com">
9 <div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
11 <div id="hd">
12 <h1>Yahoo! UI Library</h1>
13 <h3>Menu&nbsp; <span class="subtitle">2.2.0</span></h3>
14 <p>
15 <a href="./index.html">Yahoo! UI Library</a>
16 &gt; <a href="./module_menu.html">menu</a>
17 &gt; YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
19 </p>
20 </div>
22 <div id="bd">
23 <div id="yui-main">
24 <div class="yui-b">
27 <h2>
32 Class <b>YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</b>
33 <span class="extends">
34 </span>
36 <span class="extends">
37 </span>
39 </code>
40 </h2>
41 <!-- class tree goes here -->
43 <dl class="subclasses">
44 <dt>Known Subclasses:</dd>
45 <dd>
46 <a href="YAHOO.widget.ContextMenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.ContextMenuItem</a>
47 <a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem</a>
48 </dd>
49 </dl>
53 <div class="summary description">
54 Creates an item for a menu.
55 </div>
57 <div class="section constructor details">
58 <h3><a name="constructor_detail">Constructor</a></h3>
59 <div class="content">
60 <div class="detail">
61 <strong>YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</strong>
62 <code>
67 p_oObject
73 p_oConfig
75 </code>
76 <div class="description">
77 <dl>
78 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
79 <dd>
80 <code>p_oObject
81 &lt;String&gt;
82 </code>
83 String specifying the text of the menu item.
84 </dd>
85 <dd>
86 <code>p_oObject
87 &lt;<a href="
88 one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>&gt;
89 </code>
90 Object specifying
91 the <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
92 </dd>
93 <dd>
94 <code>p_oObject
95 &lt;<a href="
96 one-html.html#ID-38450247">HTMLOptGroupElement</a>&gt;
97 </code>
98 Object
99 specifying the <code>&#60;optgroup&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
100 </dd>
101 <dd>
102 <code>p_oObject
103 &lt;<a href="
104 one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a>&gt;
105 </code>
106 Object
107 specifying the <code>&#60;option&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
108 </dd>
109 <dd>
110 <code>p_oConfig
111 &lt;Object&gt;
112 </code>
113 Optional. Object literal specifying the
114 configuration for the menu item. See configuration class documentation
115 for more details.
116 </dd>
117 </dl>
120 </div>
121 </div>
122 </div>
123 </div>
125 <div class="section field details">
126 <h3><a name="field_detail">Properties</a></h3>
127 <div class="content">
128 <h4><a name="_checkImage">_checkImage</a>
129 <code>- private <a href="
130 one-html.html#ID-17701901">HTMLImageElement</a></code>
131 </h4>
132 <div class="detail">
133 <div class="description">
134 Object reference to the menu item's checkmark image.
135 </div>
136 </div>
139 <div class="default">
140 Default Value: null
141 </div>
143 <div class="deprecated">
144 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>Use _oCheckedIndicator.
145 </div>
147 <hr />
148 <h4><a name="_oAnchor">_oAnchor</a>
149 <code>- private <a href="
150 one-html.html#ID-48250443">HTMLAnchorElement</a></code>
151 </h4>
152 <div class="detail">
153 <div class="description">
154 Object reference to the menu item's
155 <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> element.
156 </div>
157 </div>
160 <div class="default">
161 Default Value: null
162 </div>
165 <hr />
166 <h4><a name="_oCheckedIndicator">_oCheckedIndicator</a>
167 <code>- private <a href="
168 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a></code>
169 </h4>
170 <div class="detail">
171 <div class="description">
172 Object reference to the menu item's checkmark image.
173 </div>
174 </div>
177 <div class="default">
178 Default Value: <a href="
179 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>
180 </div>
183 <hr />
184 <h4><a name="_oHelpTextEM">_oHelpTextEM</a>
185 <code>- private <a href="
186 one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a></code>
187 </h4>
188 <div class="detail">
189 <div class="description">
190 Object reference to the menu item's help text
191 <code>&#60;em&#62;</code> element.
192 </div>
193 </div>
196 <div class="default">
197 Default Value: null
198 </div>
201 <hr />
202 <h4><a name="_oOnclickAttributeValue">_oOnclickAttributeValue</a>
203 <code>- private Object</code>
204 </h4>
205 <div class="detail">
206 <div class="description">
207 Object reference to the menu item's current value for the
208 "onclick" configuration attribute.
209 </div>
210 </div>
213 <div class="default">
214 Default Value: null
215 </div>
218 <hr />
219 <h4><a name="_oSubmenu">_oSubmenu</a>
220 <code>- private YAHOO.widget.Menu</code>
221 </h4>
222 <div class="detail">
223 <div class="description">
224 Object reference to the menu item's submenu.
225 </div>
226 </div>
229 <div class="default">
230 Default Value: null
231 </div>
234 <hr />
235 <h4><a name="_oText">_oText</a>
236 <code>- private TextNode</code>
237 </h4>
238 <div class="detail">
239 <div class="description">
240 Object reference to the menu item's text node.
241 </div>
242 </div>
245 <div class="default">
246 Default Value: null
247 </div>
250 <hr />
251 <h4><a name="_sClassName">_sClassName</a>
252 <code>- private String</code>
253 </h4>
254 <div class="detail">
255 <div class="description">
256 The current value of the "classname" configuration attribute.
257 </div>
258 </div>
261 <div class="default">
262 Default Value: null
263 </div>
266 <hr />
267 <h4><a name="browser">browser</a>
268 <code>- String</code>
269 </h4>
270 <div class="detail">
271 <div class="description">
272 String representing the browser.
273 </div>
274 </div>
279 <hr />
281 <code>- final String</code>
282 </h4>
283 <div class="detail">
284 <div class="description">
285 String representing the alt text for the image to be used
286 for the checked image.
287 </div>
288 </div>
291 <div class="default">
292 Default Value: "Checked."
293 </div>
295 <div class="deprecated">
296 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>Use CHECKED_TEXT.
297 </div>
299 <hr />
301 <code>- final String</code>
302 </h4>
303 <div class="detail">
304 <div class="description">
305 String representing the path to the image to be used for
306 the checked state.
307 </div>
308 </div>
311 <div class="default">
312 Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/bsc/menuchk8_nrm_1.gif"
313 </div>
315 <div class="deprecated">
316 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All checked indicator images are applied via a CSS
317 background image. See "checkedindicator" class name in menu.css.
318 </div>
320 <hr />
321 <h4><a name="CHECKED_TEXT">CHECKED_TEXT</a>
322 <code>- final String</code>
323 </h4>
324 <div class="detail">
325 <div class="description">
326 String representing the text to be used for the checked
327 indicator element (<code>&#60;em&#62;<code>).
328 </div>
329 </div>
332 <div class="default">
333 Default Value: "Checked."
334 </div>
337 <hr />
339 <code>- final String</code>
340 </h4>
341 <div class="detail">
342 <div class="description">
343 String representing the alt text for the image to be used
344 for the submenu arrow indicator.
345 </div>
346 </div>
349 <div class="default">
350 Default Value: "Collapsed. Click to expand."
351 </div>
353 <div class="deprecated">
354 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>Use COLLAPSED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_TEXT.
355 </div>
357 <hr />
359 <code>- final String</code>
360 </h4>
361 <div class="detail">
362 <div class="description">
363 String representing the text for the <code>&#60;em&#62;<code>
364 element used for the submenu arrow indicator.
365 </div>
366 </div>
369 <div class="default">
370 Default Value: "Submenu collapsed. Click to expand submenu."
371 </div>
374 <hr />
375 <h4><a name="constructor">constructor</a>
376 <code>- YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</code>
377 </h4>
378 <div class="detail">
379 <div class="description">
380 Object reference to the menu item's constructor function.
381 </div>
382 </div>
385 <div class="default">
386 Default Value: YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
387 </div>
390 <hr />
391 <h4><a name="CSS_CLASS_NAME">CSS_CLASS_NAME</a>
392 <code>- final String</code>
393 </h4>
394 <div class="detail">
395 <div class="description">
396 String representing the CSS class(es) to be applied to the
397 <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
398 </div>
399 </div>
402 <div class="default">
403 Default Value: "yuimenuitem"
404 </div>
407 <hr />
409 <code>- final String</code>
410 </h4>
411 <div class="detail">
412 <div class="description">
413 String representing the alt text for the image to be used
414 for the checked image when the item is disabled.
415 </div>
416 </div>
419 <div class="default">
420 Default Value: "Checked. (Item disabled.)"
421 </div>
423 <div class="deprecated">
424 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>Use DISABLED_CHECKED_TEXT.
425 </div>
427 <hr />
429 <code>- final String</code>
430 </h4>
431 <div class="detail">
432 <div class="description">
433 String representing the path to the image to be used for
434 the disabled checked state.
435 </div>
436 </div>
439 <div class="default">
440 Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/bsc/menuchk8_dim_1.gif"
441 </div>
443 <div class="deprecated">
444 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All checked indicator images are applied via a CSS
445 background image.
446 </div>
448 <hr />
450 <code>- final String</code>
451 </h4>
452 <div class="detail">
453 <div class="description">
454 String representing the text to be used for the checked
455 indicator element (<code>&#60;em&#62;<code>) when the menu item
456 is disabled.
457 </div>
458 </div>
461 <div class="default">
462 Default Value: "Checked. (Item disabled.)"
463 </div>
466 <hr />
468 <code>- final String</code>
469 </h4>
470 <div class="detail">
471 <div class="description">
472 String representing the alt text for the image to be used
473 for the submenu arrow indicator when the menu item is disabled.
474 </div>
475 </div>
478 <div class="default">
479 Default Value: "Disabled."
480 </div>
482 <div class="deprecated">
483 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>Use DISABLED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_TEXT.
484 </div>
486 <hr />
488 <code>- final String</code>
489 </h4>
490 <div class="detail">
491 <div class="description">
492 String representing the path to the image to be used for the
493 submenu arrow indicator when the menu item is disabled.
494 </div>
495 </div>
498 <div class="default">
499 Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/alt1/menuarorght8_dim_1.gif"
500 </div>
502 <div class="deprecated">
503 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All submenu indicator images are applied via a CSS
504 background image. See "submenuindicator" class name in menu.css.
505 </div>
507 <hr />
509 <code>- final String</code>
510 </h4>
511 <div class="detail">
512 <div class="description">
513 String representing the text for the submenu arrow indicator
514 element (<code>&#60;em&#62;<code>) when the menu item is disabled.
515 </div>
516 </div>
519 <div class="default">
520 Default Value: "Submenu collapsed. (Item disabled.)."
521 </div>
524 <hr />
525 <h4><a name="element">element</a>
526 <code>- <a href="
527 one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a></code>
528 </h4>
529 <div class="detail">
530 <div class="description">
531 Object reference to the menu item's
532 <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element.
533 </div>
534 </div>
537 <div class="default">
538 Default Value: <a href="
539 -one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>
540 </div>
543 <hr />
545 <code>- final String</code>
546 </h4>
547 <div class="detail">
548 <div class="description">
549 String representing the alt text for the image to be used
550 for the submenu arrow indicator when the submenu is visible.
551 </div>
552 </div>
555 <div class="default">
556 Default Value: "Expanded. Click to collapse."
557 </div>
559 <div class="deprecated">
560 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>Use EXPANDED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_TEXT.
561 </div>
563 <hr />
565 <code>- final String</code>
566 </h4>
567 <div class="detail">
568 <div class="description">
569 String representing the text for the submenu arrow indicator
570 element (<code>&#60;em&#62;<code>) when the submenu is visible.
571 </div>
572 </div>
575 <div class="default">
576 Default Value: "Submenu expanded. Click to collapse submenu."
577 </div>
580 <hr />
581 <h4><a name="groupIndex">groupIndex</a>
582 <code>- Number</code>
583 </h4>
584 <div class="detail">
585 <div class="description">
586 Number indicating the index of the group to which the menu
587 item belongs.
588 </div>
589 </div>
592 <div class="default">
593 Default Value: null
594 </div>
597 <hr />
598 <h4><a name="id">id</a>
599 <code>- String</code>
600 </h4>
601 <div class="detail">
602 <div class="description">
603 Id of the menu item's root <code>&#60;li&#62;</code>
604 element. This property should be set via the constructor using the
605 configuration object literal. If an id is not specified, then one will
606 be created using the "generateId" method of the Dom utility.
607 </div>
608 </div>
611 <div class="default">
612 Default Value: null
613 </div>
616 <hr />
617 <h4><a name="imageRoot">imageRoot</a>
618 <code>- String</code>
619 </h4>
620 <div class="detail">
621 <div class="description">
622 String representing the root path for all of the menu
623 item's images.
624 </div>
625 </div>
629 <div class="deprecated">
630 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All menu item images are now applied via CSS
631 background images.
632 </div>
634 <hr />
635 <h4><a name="IMG_ROOT">IMG_ROOT</a>
636 <code>- String</code>
637 </h4>
638 <div class="detail">
639 <div class="description">
640 String representing the prefix path to use for
641 non-secure images.
642 </div>
643 </div>
646 <div class="default">
647 Default Value: ""
648 </div>
650 <div class="deprecated">
651 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All menu item images are now applied via CSS
652 background images.
653 </div>
655 <hr />
656 <h4><a name="IMG_ROOT_SSL">IMG_ROOT_SSL</a>
657 <code>- String</code>
658 </h4>
659 <div class="detail">
660 <div class="description">
661 String representing the prefix path to use for securely
662 served images.
663 </div>
664 </div>
667 <div class="default">
668 Default Value: ""
669 </div>
671 <div class="deprecated">
672 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All menu item images are now applied via CSS
673 background images.
674 </div>
676 <hr />
677 <h4><a name="index">index</a>
678 <code>- Number</code>
679 </h4>
680 <div class="detail">
681 <div class="description">
682 Number indicating the ordinal position of the menu item in
683 its group.
684 </div>
685 </div>
688 <div class="default">
689 Default Value: null
690 </div>
693 <hr />
694 <h4><a name="isSecure">isSecure</a>
695 <code>- Boolean</code>
696 </h4>
697 <div class="detail">
698 <div class="description">
699 Boolean representing whether or not the current browsing
700 context is secure (HTTPS).
701 </div>
702 </div>
706 <div class="deprecated">
707 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All menu item images are now applied via CSS
708 background images.
709 </div>
711 <hr />
712 <h4><a name="parent">parent</a>
713 <code>- YAHOO.widget.Menu</code>
714 </h4>
715 <div class="detail">
716 <div class="description">
717 Object reference to the menu item's parent menu.
718 </div>
719 </div>
722 <div class="default">
723 Default Value: null
724 </div>
727 <hr />
729 <code>- final String</code>
730 </h4>
731 <div class="detail">
732 <div class="description">
733 String representing the path to the image to be used for
734 the selected checked state.
735 </div>
736 </div>
739 <div class="default">
740 Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/bsc/menuchk8_hov_1.gif"
741 </div>
743 <div class="deprecated">
744 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All checked indicator images are applied via a CSS
745 background image. See "checkedindicator" class name in menu.css.
746 </div>
748 <hr />
750 <code>- final String</code>
751 </h4>
752 <div class="detail">
753 <div class="description">
754 String representing the path to the image to be used for the
755 submenu arrow indicator when the menu item is selected.
756 </div>
757 </div>
760 <div class="default">
761 Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/alt1/menuarorght8_hov_1.gif"
762 </div>
764 <div class="deprecated">
765 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All submenu indicator images are applied via a CSS
766 background image. See "submenuindicator" class name in menu.css.
767 </div>
769 <hr />
770 <h4><a name="srcElement">srcElement</a>
771 <code>- <a href="
772 one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>|<a href="http://www.w3.
773 org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-38450247">
774 HTMLOptGroupElement</a>|<a href="
775 Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a></code>
776 </h4>
777 <div class="detail">
778 <div class="description">
779 Object reference to the HTML element (either
780 <code>&#60;li&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;optgroup&#62;</code> or
781 <code>&#60;option&#62;</code>) used create the menu item.
782 </div>
783 </div>
786 <div class="default">
787 Default Value: <a href="
788 level-one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>|<a href="http://www.
790 >HTMLOptGroupElement</a>|<a href="
791 Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a>
792 </div>
795 <hr />
797 <code>- final String</code>
798 </h4>
799 <div class="detail">
800 <div class="description">
801 String representing the path to the image to be used for the
802 menu item's submenu arrow indicator.
803 </div>
804 </div>
807 <div class="default">
808 Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/alt1/menuarorght8_nrm_1.gif"
809 </div>
811 <div class="deprecated">
812 <strong>Deprecated: </strong>All submenu indicator images are applied via a CSS
813 background image. See "submenuindicator" class name in menu.css.
814 </div>
816 <hr />
817 <h4><a name="SUBMENU_TYPE">SUBMENU_TYPE</a>
818 <code>- final YAHOO.widget.Menu</code>
819 </h4>
820 <div class="detail">
821 <div class="description">
822 Object representing the type of menu to instantiate and
823 add when parsing the child nodes of the menu item's source HTML element.
824 </div>
825 </div>
830 <hr />
831 <h4><a name="submenuIndicator">submenuIndicator</a>
832 <code>- <a href="
833 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a></code>
834 </h4>
835 <div class="detail">
836 <div class="description">
837 Object reference to the <code>&#60;em&#62;</code> element
838 used to create the submenu indicator for the menu item.
839 </div>
840 </div>
843 <div class="default">
844 Default Value: <a href="
845 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>
846 </div>
849 <hr />
850 <h4><a name="value">value</a>
851 <code>- Object</code>
852 </h4>
853 <div class="detail">
854 <div class="description">
855 Object reference to the menu item's value.
856 </div>
857 </div>
860 <div class="default">
861 Default Value: null
862 </div>
865 <hr />
868 </div>
869 </div>
872 <div class="section method details">
873 <h3><a name="methodDetails">Methods</a></h3>
874 <div class="content">
875 <h4>
876 <a name="_checkDOMNode">_checkDOMNode</a></h4>
877 <div class="detail">
878 <code>
879 private
882 Boolean
883 <strong>_checkDOMNode</strong>
887 p_oObject
891 </code>
893 <div class="description">
894 Determines if an object is an HTML element.
895 </div>
897 <div class="description">
899 <dl>
900 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
901 <dd>
902 <code>p_oObject &lt;Object&gt;</code>
903 Object to be evaluated.
904 </dd>
905 </dl>
907 <dl>
908 <dt>Returns:
909 <code>
910 Boolean
911 </code></dt>
912 <dd></dd>
913 </dl>
915 </div>
917 </div>
918 <hr />
919 <h4>
920 <a name="_checkString">_checkString</a></h4>
921 <div class="detail">
922 <code>
923 private
926 Boolean
927 <strong>_checkString</strong>
931 p_oObject
935 </code>
937 <div class="description">
938 Determines if an object is a string.
939 </div>
941 <div class="description">
943 <dl>
944 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
945 <dd>
946 <code>p_oObject &lt;Object&gt;</code>
947 Object to be evaluated.
948 </dd>
949 </dl>
951 <dl>
952 <dt>Returns:
953 <code>
954 Boolean
955 </code></dt>
956 <dd></dd>
957 </dl>
959 </div>
961 </div>
962 <hr />
963 <h4>
964 <a name="_createRootNodeStructure">_createRootNodeStructure</a></h4>
965 <div class="detail">
966 <code>
967 private
970 void
971 <strong>_createRootNodeStructure</strong>
974 </code>
976 <div class="description">
977 Creates the core DOM structure for the menu item.
978 </div>
980 <div class="description">
983 <dl>
984 <dt>Returns:
985 <code>
986 void
987 </code></dt>
988 <dd></dd>
989 </dl>
991 </div>
993 </div>
994 <hr />
995 <h4>
996 <a name="_getFirstElement">_getFirstElement</a></h4>
997 <div class="detail">
998 <code>
999 private
1002 <a href="
1003 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>
1004 <strong>_getFirstElement</strong>
1008 p_oElement
1012 p_sTagName
1016 </code>
1018 <div class="description">
1019 Returns an HTML element's first HTML element node.
1020 </div>
1022 <div class="description">
1024 <dl>
1025 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1026 <dd>
1027 <code>p_oElement &lt;<a href="
1028 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>&gt;</code>
1029 Object
1030 reference specifying the element to be evaluated.
1031 </dd>
1032 <dd>
1033 <code>p_sTagName &lt;String&gt;</code>
1034 Optional. String specifying the tagname of
1035 the element to be retrieved.
1036 </dd>
1037 </dl>
1039 <dl>
1040 <dt>Returns:
1041 <code>
1042 <a href="
1043 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>
1044 </code></dt>
1045 <dd></dd>
1046 </dl>
1048 </div>
1050 </div>
1051 <hr />
1052 <h4>
1053 <a name="_initSubTree">_initSubTree</a></h4>
1054 <div class="detail">
1055 <code>
1056 private
1059 void
1060 <strong>_initSubTree</strong>
1063 </code>
1065 <div class="description">
1066 Iterates the source element's childNodes collection and uses
1067 the child nodes to instantiate other menus.
1068 </div>
1070 <div class="description">
1073 <dl>
1074 <dt>Returns:
1075 <code>
1076 void
1077 </code></dt>
1078 <dd></dd>
1079 </dl>
1081 </div>
1083 </div>
1084 <hr />
1085 <h4>
1086 <a name="_preloadImage">_preloadImage</a></h4>
1087 <div class="detail">
1088 <code>
1089 private
1092 void
1093 <strong>_preloadImage</strong>
1097 p_sPath
1101 </code>
1103 <div class="description">
1104 Preloads an image by creating an image element from the
1105 specified path and appending the image to the body of the document.
1106 </div>
1108 <div class="description">
1110 <dl>
1111 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1112 <dd>
1113 <code>p_sPath &lt;String&gt;</code>
1114 String specifying the path to the image.
1115 </dd>
1116 </dl>
1118 <dl>
1119 <dt>Returns:
1120 <code>
1121 void
1122 </code></dt>
1123 <dd></dd>
1124 </dl>
1126 <div class="deprecated">
1127 <strong>Deprecated</strong> All menu item images are now applied via CSS
1128 background images.
1129 </div>
1130 </div>
1132 </div>
1133 <hr />
1134 <h4>
1135 <a name="blur">blur</a></h4>
1136 <div class="detail">
1137 <code>
1141 void
1142 <strong>blur</strong>
1145 </code>
1147 <div class="description">
1148 Causes the menu item to lose focus and fires the
1149 onblur event.
1150 </div>
1152 <div class="description">
1155 <dl>
1156 <dt>Returns:
1157 <code>
1158 void
1159 </code></dt>
1160 <dd></dd>
1161 </dl>
1163 </div>
1165 </div>
1166 <hr />
1167 <h4>
1168 <a name="configChecked">configChecked</a></h4>
1169 <div class="detail">
1170 <code>
1174 void
1175 <strong>configChecked</strong>
1179 p_sType
1183 p_aArgs
1187 p_oItem
1191 </code>
1193 <div class="description">
1194 Event handler for when the "checked" configuration property
1195 of the menu item changes.
1196 </div>
1198 <div class="description">
1200 <dl>
1201 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1202 <dd>
1203 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1204 String representing the name of the event that
1205 was fired.
1206 </dd>
1207 <dd>
1208 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1209 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1210 </dd>
1211 <dd>
1212 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1213 Object representing the menu item
1214 that fired the event.
1215 </dd>
1216 </dl>
1218 <dl>
1219 <dt>Returns:
1220 <code>
1221 void
1222 </code></dt>
1223 <dd></dd>
1224 </dl>
1226 </div>
1228 </div>
1229 <hr />
1230 <h4>
1231 <a name="configClassName">configClassName</a></h4>
1232 <div class="detail">
1233 <code>
1237 void
1238 <strong>configClassName</strong>
1242 p_sType
1246 p_aArgs
1250 p_oItem
1254 </code>
1256 <div class="description">
1257 Event handler for when the "classname" configuration
1258 property of a menu item changes.
1259 </div>
1261 <div class="description">
1263 <dl>
1264 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1265 <dd>
1266 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1267 String representing the name of the event that
1268 was fired.
1269 </dd>
1270 <dd>
1271 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1272 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1273 </dd>
1274 <dd>
1275 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1276 Object representing the menu item
1277 that fired the event.
1278 </dd>
1279 </dl>
1281 <dl>
1282 <dt>Returns:
1283 <code>
1284 void
1285 </code></dt>
1286 <dd></dd>
1287 </dl>
1289 </div>
1291 </div>
1292 <hr />
1293 <h4>
1294 <a name="configDisabled">configDisabled</a></h4>
1295 <div class="detail">
1296 <code>
1300 void
1301 <strong>configDisabled</strong>
1305 p_sType
1309 p_aArgs
1313 p_oItem
1317 </code>
1319 <div class="description">
1320 Event handler for when the "disabled" configuration property
1321 of the menu item changes.
1322 </div>
1324 <div class="description">
1326 <dl>
1327 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1328 <dd>
1329 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1330 String representing the name of the event that
1331 was fired.
1332 </dd>
1333 <dd>
1334 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1335 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1336 </dd>
1337 <dd>
1338 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1339 Object representing the menu item
1340 that fired the event.
1341 </dd>
1342 </dl>
1344 <dl>
1345 <dt>Returns:
1346 <code>
1347 void
1348 </code></dt>
1349 <dd></dd>
1350 </dl>
1352 </div>
1354 </div>
1355 <hr />
1356 <h4>
1357 <a name="configEmphasis">configEmphasis</a></h4>
1358 <div class="detail">
1359 <code>
1363 void
1364 <strong>configEmphasis</strong>
1368 p_sType
1372 p_aArgs
1376 p_oItem
1380 </code>
1382 <div class="description">
1383 Event handler for when the "emphasis" configuration property
1384 of the menu item changes.
1385 </div>
1387 <div class="description">
1389 <dl>
1390 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1391 <dd>
1392 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1393 String representing the name of the event that
1394 was fired.
1395 </dd>
1396 <dd>
1397 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1398 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1399 </dd>
1400 <dd>
1401 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1402 Object representing the menu item
1403 that fired the event.
1404 </dd>
1405 </dl>
1407 <dl>
1408 <dt>Returns:
1409 <code>
1410 void
1411 </code></dt>
1412 <dd></dd>
1413 </dl>
1415 </div>
1417 </div>
1418 <hr />
1419 <h4>
1420 <a name="configHelpText">configHelpText</a></h4>
1421 <div class="detail">
1422 <code>
1426 void
1427 <strong>configHelpText</strong>
1431 p_sType
1435 p_aArgs
1439 p_oItem
1443 </code>
1445 <div class="description">
1446 Event handler for when the "helptext" configuration property
1447 of the menu item changes.
1448 </div>
1450 <div class="description">
1452 <dl>
1453 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1454 <dd>
1455 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1456 String representing the name of the event that
1457 was fired.
1458 </dd>
1459 <dd>
1460 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1461 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1462 </dd>
1463 <dd>
1464 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1465 Object representing the menu item
1466 that fired the event.
1467 </dd>
1468 </dl>
1470 <dl>
1471 <dt>Returns:
1472 <code>
1473 void
1474 </code></dt>
1475 <dd></dd>
1476 </dl>
1478 </div>
1480 </div>
1481 <hr />
1482 <h4>
1483 <a name="configOnClick">configOnClick</a></h4>
1484 <div class="detail">
1485 <code>
1489 void
1490 <strong>configOnClick</strong>
1494 p_sType
1498 p_aArgs
1502 p_oItem
1506 </code>
1508 <div class="description">
1509 Event handler for when the "onclick" configuration property
1510 of the menu item changes.
1511 </div>
1513 <div class="description">
1515 <dl>
1516 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1517 <dd>
1518 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1519 String representing the name of the event that
1520 was fired.
1521 </dd>
1522 <dd>
1523 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1524 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1525 </dd>
1526 <dd>
1527 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1528 Object representing the menu item
1529 that fired the event.
1530 </dd>
1531 </dl>
1533 <dl>
1534 <dt>Returns:
1535 <code>
1536 void
1537 </code></dt>
1538 <dd></dd>
1539 </dl>
1541 </div>
1543 </div>
1544 <hr />
1545 <h4>
1546 <a name="configSelected">configSelected</a></h4>
1547 <div class="detail">
1548 <code>
1552 void
1553 <strong>configSelected</strong>
1557 p_sType
1561 p_aArgs
1565 p_oItem
1569 </code>
1571 <div class="description">
1572 Event handler for when the "selected" configuration property
1573 of the menu item changes.
1574 </div>
1576 <div class="description">
1578 <dl>
1579 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1580 <dd>
1581 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1582 String representing the name of the event that
1583 was fired.
1584 </dd>
1585 <dd>
1586 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1587 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1588 </dd>
1589 <dd>
1590 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1591 Object representing the menu item
1592 that fired the event.
1593 </dd>
1594 </dl>
1596 <dl>
1597 <dt>Returns:
1598 <code>
1599 void
1600 </code></dt>
1601 <dd></dd>
1602 </dl>
1604 </div>
1606 </div>
1607 <hr />
1608 <h4>
1609 <a name="configStrongEmphasis">configStrongEmphasis</a></h4>
1610 <div class="detail">
1611 <code>
1615 void
1616 <strong>configStrongEmphasis</strong>
1620 p_sType
1624 p_aArgs
1628 p_oItem
1632 </code>
1634 <div class="description">
1635 Event handler for when the "strongemphasis" configuration
1636 property of the menu item changes.
1637 </div>
1639 <div class="description">
1641 <dl>
1642 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1643 <dd>
1644 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1645 String representing the name of the event that
1646 was fired.
1647 </dd>
1648 <dd>
1649 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1650 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1651 </dd>
1652 <dd>
1653 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1654 Object representing the menu item
1655 that fired the event.
1656 </dd>
1657 </dl>
1659 <dl>
1660 <dt>Returns:
1661 <code>
1662 void
1663 </code></dt>
1664 <dd></dd>
1665 </dl>
1667 </div>
1669 </div>
1670 <hr />
1671 <h4>
1672 <a name="configSubmenu">configSubmenu</a></h4>
1673 <div class="detail">
1674 <code>
1678 void
1679 <strong>configSubmenu</strong>
1683 p_sType
1687 p_aArgs
1691 p_oItem
1695 </code>
1697 <div class="description">
1698 Event handler for when the "submenu" configuration property
1699 of the menu item changes.
1700 </div>
1702 <div class="description">
1704 <dl>
1705 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1706 <dd>
1707 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1708 String representing the name of the event that
1709 was fired.
1710 </dd>
1711 <dd>
1712 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1713 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1714 </dd>
1715 <dd>
1716 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1717 Object representing the menu item
1718 that fired the event.
1719 </dd>
1720 </dl>
1722 <dl>
1723 <dt>Returns:
1724 <code>
1725 void
1726 </code></dt>
1727 <dd></dd>
1728 </dl>
1730 </div>
1732 </div>
1733 <hr />
1734 <h4>
1735 <a name="configTarget">configTarget</a></h4>
1736 <div class="detail">
1737 <code>
1741 void
1742 <strong>configTarget</strong>
1746 p_sType
1750 p_aArgs
1754 p_oItem
1758 </code>
1760 <div class="description">
1761 Event handler for when the "target" configuration property
1762 of the menu item changes.
1763 </div>
1765 <div class="description">
1767 <dl>
1768 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1769 <dd>
1770 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1771 String representing the name of the event that
1772 was fired.
1773 </dd>
1774 <dd>
1775 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1776 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1777 </dd>
1778 <dd>
1779 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1780 Object representing the menu item
1781 that fired the event.
1782 </dd>
1783 </dl>
1785 <dl>
1786 <dt>Returns:
1787 <code>
1788 void
1789 </code></dt>
1790 <dd></dd>
1791 </dl>
1793 </div>
1795 </div>
1796 <hr />
1797 <h4>
1798 <a name="configText">configText</a></h4>
1799 <div class="detail">
1800 <code>
1804 void
1805 <strong>configText</strong>
1809 p_sType
1813 p_aArgs
1817 p_oItem
1821 </code>
1823 <div class="description">
1824 Event handler for when the "text" configuration property of
1825 the menu item changes.
1826 </div>
1828 <div class="description">
1830 <dl>
1831 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1832 <dd>
1833 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1834 String representing the name of the event that
1835 was fired.
1836 </dd>
1837 <dd>
1838 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1839 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1840 </dd>
1841 <dd>
1842 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1843 Object representing the menu item
1844 that fired the event.
1845 </dd>
1846 </dl>
1848 <dl>
1849 <dt>Returns:
1850 <code>
1851 void
1852 </code></dt>
1853 <dd></dd>
1854 </dl>
1856 </div>
1858 </div>
1859 <hr />
1860 <h4>
1861 <a name="configURL">configURL</a></h4>
1862 <div class="detail">
1863 <code>
1867 void
1868 <strong>configURL</strong>
1872 p_sType
1876 p_aArgs
1880 p_oItem
1884 </code>
1886 <div class="description">
1887 Event handler for when the "url" configuration property of
1888 the menu item changes.
1889 </div>
1891 <div class="description">
1893 <dl>
1894 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
1895 <dd>
1896 <code>p_sType &lt;String&gt;</code>
1897 String representing the name of the event that
1898 was fired.
1899 </dd>
1900 <dd>
1901 <code>p_aArgs &lt;Array&gt;</code>
1902 Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
1903 </dd>
1904 <dd>
1905 <code>p_oItem &lt;YAHOO.widget.MenuItem&gt;</code>
1906 Object representing the menu item
1907 that fired the event.
1908 </dd>
1909 </dl>
1911 <dl>
1912 <dt>Returns:
1913 <code>
1914 void
1915 </code></dt>
1916 <dd></dd>
1917 </dl>
1919 </div>
1921 </div>
1922 <hr />
1923 <h4>
1924 <a name="destroy">destroy</a></h4>
1925 <div class="detail">
1926 <code>
1930 void
1931 <strong>destroy</strong>
1934 </code>
1936 <div class="description">
1937 Removes the menu item's <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element
1938 from its parent <code>&#60;ul&#62;</code> element.
1939 </div>
1941 <div class="description">
1944 <dl>
1945 <dt>Returns:
1946 <code>
1947 void
1948 </code></dt>
1949 <dd></dd>
1950 </dl>
1952 </div>
1954 </div>
1955 <hr />
1956 <h4>
1957 <a name="focus">focus</a></h4>
1958 <div class="detail">
1959 <code>
1963 void
1964 <strong>focus</strong>
1967 </code>
1969 <div class="description">
1970 Causes the menu item to receive the focus and fires the
1971 focus event.
1972 </div>
1974 <div class="description">
1977 <dl>
1978 <dt>Returns:
1979 <code>
1980 void
1981 </code></dt>
1982 <dd></dd>
1983 </dl>
1985 </div>
1987 </div>
1988 <hr />
1989 <h4>
1990 <a name="getNextEnabledSibling">getNextEnabledSibling</a></h4>
1991 <div class="detail">
1992 <code>
1996 void
1997 <strong>getNextEnabledSibling</strong>
2000 </code>
2002 <div class="description">
2003 Finds the menu item's next enabled sibling.
2004 </div>
2006 <div class="description">
2009 <dl>
2010 <dt>Returns:
2011 <code>
2012 void
2013 </code></dt>
2014 <dd>YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</dd>
2015 </dl>
2017 </div>
2019 </div>
2020 <hr />
2021 <h4>
2022 <a name="getPreviousEnabledSibling">getPreviousEnabledSibling</a></h4>
2023 <div class="detail">
2024 <code>
2028 YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
2029 <strong>getPreviousEnabledSibling</strong>
2032 </code>
2034 <div class="description">
2035 Finds the menu item's previous enabled sibling.
2036 </div>
2038 <div class="description">
2041 <dl>
2042 <dt>Returns:
2043 <code>
2044 YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
2045 </code></dt>
2046 <dd></dd>
2047 </dl>
2049 </div>
2051 </div>
2052 <hr />
2053 <h4>
2054 <a name="init">init</a></h4>
2055 <div class="detail">
2056 <code>
2060 void
2061 <strong>init</strong>
2065 p_oObject
2075 p_oConfig
2079 </code>
2081 <div class="description">
2082 The MenuItem class's initialization method. This method is
2083 automatically called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references
2084 for pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not
2085 already present.
2086 </div>
2088 <div class="description">
2090 <dl>
2091 <dt>Parameters:</dt>
2092 <dd>
2093 <code>p_oObject &lt;String&gt;</code>
2094 String specifying the text of the menu item.
2095 </dd>
2096 <dd>
2097 <code>p_oObject &lt;<a href="
2098 one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>&gt;</code>
2099 Object specifying
2100 the <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
2101 </dd>
2102 <dd>
2103 <code>p_oObject &lt;<a href="
2104 one-html.html#ID-38450247">HTMLOptGroupElement</a>&gt;</code>
2105 Object
2106 specifying the <code>&#60;optgroup&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
2107 </dd>
2108 <dd>
2109 <code>p_oObject &lt;<a href="
2110 one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a>&gt;</code>
2111 Object
2112 specifying the <code>&#60;option&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
2113 </dd>
2114 <dd>
2115 <code>p_oConfig &lt;Object&gt;</code>
2116 Optional. Object literal specifying the
2117 configuration for the menu item. See configuration class documentation
2118 for more details.
2119 </dd>
2120 </dl>
2122 <dl>
2123 <dt>Returns:
2124 <code>
2125 void
2126 </code></dt>
2127 <dd></dd>
2128 </dl>
2130 </div>
2132 </div>
2133 <hr />
2134 <h4>
2135 <a name="initDefaultConfig">initDefaultConfig</a></h4>
2136 <div class="detail">
2137 <code>
2141 void
2142 <strong>initDefaultConfig</strong>
2145 </code>
2147 <div class="description">
2148 Initializes an item's configurable properties.
2149 </div>
2151 <div class="description">
2154 <dl>
2155 <dt>Returns:
2156 <code>
2157 void
2158 </code></dt>
2159 <dd></dd>
2160 </dl>
2162 </div>
2164 </div>
2165 <hr />
2166 <h4>
2167 <a name="toString">toString</a></h4>
2168 <div class="detail">
2169 <code>
2173 String
2174 <strong>toString</strong>
2177 </code>
2179 <div class="description">
2180 Returns a string representing the menu item.
2181 </div>
2183 <div class="description">
2186 <dl>
2187 <dt>Returns:
2188 <code>
2189 String
2190 </code></dt>
2191 <dd></dd>
2192 </dl>
2194 </div>
2196 </div>
2197 <hr />
2198 </div>
2199 </div>
2202 <div class="section method details">
2203 <h3><a name="methodDetails">Events</a></h3>
2204 <div class="content">
2205 <h4>
2206 <a name="blurEvent">blurEvent</a></h4>
2207 <div class="detail">
2208 <code>
2212 <strong>blurEvent</strong>
2217 </code>
2219 <div class="description">
2220 Fires when the menu item loses the input focus.
2221 </div>
2223 <div class="description">
2228 </div>
2230 </div>
2231 <hr />
2232 <h4>
2233 <a name="clickEvent">clickEvent</a></h4>
2234 <div class="detail">
2235 <code>
2239 <strong>clickEvent</strong>
2244 </code>
2246 <div class="description">
2247 Fires when the user clicks the on the menu item. Passes
2248 back the DOM Event object as an argument.
2249 </div>
2251 <div class="description">
2256 </div>
2258 </div>
2259 <hr />
2260 <h4>
2261 <a name="destroyEvent">destroyEvent</a></h4>
2262 <div class="detail">
2263 <code>
2267 <strong>destroyEvent</strong>
2272 </code>
2274 <div class="description">
2275 Fires when the menu item's <code>&#60;li&#62;</code>
2276 element is removed from its parent <code>&#60;ul&#62;</code> element.
2277 </div>
2279 <div class="description">
2284 </div>
2286 </div>
2287 <hr />
2288 <h4>
2289 <a name="focusEvent">focusEvent</a></h4>
2290 <div class="detail">
2291 <code>
2295 <strong>focusEvent</strong>
2300 </code>
2302 <div class="description">
2303 Fires when the menu item receives focus.
2304 </div>
2306 <div class="description">
2311 </div>
2313 </div>
2314 <hr />
2315 <h4>
2316 <a name="keyDownEvent">keyDownEvent</a></h4>
2317 <div class="detail">
2318 <code>
2322 <strong>keyDownEvent</strong>
2327 </code>
2329 <div class="description">
2330 Fires when the user presses a key when the menu item has
2331 focus. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
2332 </div>
2334 <div class="description">
2339 </div>
2341 </div>
2342 <hr />
2343 <h4>
2344 <a name="keyPressEvent">keyPressEvent</a></h4>
2345 <div class="detail">
2346 <code>
2350 <strong>keyPressEvent</strong>
2355 </code>
2357 <div class="description">
2358 Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key when the
2359 menu item has focus. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
2360 </div>
2362 <div class="description">
2367 </div>
2369 </div>
2370 <hr />
2371 <h4>
2372 <a name="keyUpEvent">keyUpEvent</a></h4>
2373 <div class="detail">
2374 <code>
2378 <strong>keyUpEvent</strong>
2383 </code>
2385 <div class="description">
2386 Fires when the user releases a key when the menu item has
2387 focus. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
2388 </div>
2390 <div class="description">
2395 </div>
2397 </div>
2398 <hr />
2399 <h4>
2400 <a name="mouseDownEvent">mouseDownEvent</a></h4>
2401 <div class="detail">
2402 <code>
2406 <strong>mouseDownEvent</strong>
2411 </code>
2413 <div class="description">
2414 Fires when the user mouses down on the menu item. Passes
2415 back the DOM Event object as an argument.
2416 </div>
2418 <div class="description">
2423 </div>
2425 </div>
2426 <hr />
2427 <h4>
2428 <a name="mouseOutEvent">mouseOutEvent</a></h4>
2429 <div class="detail">
2430 <code>
2434 <strong>mouseOutEvent</strong>
2439 </code>
2441 <div class="description">
2442 Fires when the mouse has left the menu item. Passes back
2443 the DOM Event object as an argument.
2444 </div>
2446 <div class="description">
2451 </div>
2453 </div>
2454 <hr />
2455 <h4>
2456 <a name="mouseOverEvent">mouseOverEvent</a></h4>
2457 <div class="detail">
2458 <code>
2462 <strong>mouseOverEvent</strong>
2467 </code>
2469 <div class="description">
2470 Fires when the mouse has entered the menu item. Passes
2471 back the DOM Event object as an argument.
2472 </div>
2474 <div class="description">
2479 </div>
2481 </div>
2482 <hr />
2483 <h4>
2484 <a name="mouseUpEvent">mouseUpEvent</a></h4>
2485 <div class="detail">
2486 <code>
2490 <strong>mouseUpEvent</strong>
2495 </code>
2497 <div class="description">
2498 Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse
2499 is over the menu item. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
2500 </div>
2502 <div class="description">
2507 </div>
2509 </div>
2510 <hr />
2511 </div>
2512 </div>
2516 <div class="section field details">
2517 <h3><a name="field_detail">Configuration Attributes</a></h3>
2518 <div class="content">
2519 <h4><a name="checked">checked</a>
2520 <code>- Boolean</code>
2521 </h4>
2522 <div class="detail">
2523 <div class="description">
2524 Boolean indicating if the menu item should be rendered
2525 with a checkmark.
2526 </div>
2527 </div>
2530 <div class="default">
2531 Default Value: false
2532 </div>
2534 <hr />
2535 <h4><a name="classname">classname</a>
2536 <code>- String</code>
2537 </h4>
2538 <div class="detail">
2539 <div class="description">
2540 CSS class to be applied to the menu item's root
2541 <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element. The specified class(es) are
2542 appended in addition to the default class as specified by the menu
2543 item's CSS_CLASS_NAME constant.
2544 </div>
2545 </div>
2548 <div class="default">
2549 Default Value: null
2550 </div>
2552 <hr />
2553 <h4><a name="disabled">disabled</a>
2554 <code>- Boolean</code>
2555 </h4>
2556 <div class="detail">
2557 <div class="description">
2558 Boolean indicating if the menu item should be disabled.
2559 (Disabled menu items are dimmed and will not respond to user input
2560 or fire events.)
2561 </div>
2562 </div>
2565 <div class="default">
2566 Default Value: false
2567 </div>
2569 <hr />
2570 <h4><a name="emphasis">emphasis</a>
2571 <code>- Boolean</code>
2572 </h4>
2573 <div class="detail">
2574 <div class="description">
2575 Boolean indicating if the text of the menu item will be
2576 rendered with emphasis. When building a menu from existing HTML the
2577 value of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
2578 </div>
2579 </div>
2582 <div class="default">
2583 Default Value: false
2584 </div>
2586 <hr />
2587 <h4><a name="helptext">helptext</a>
2588 <code>- String|<a href="
2589 2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">
2590 HTMLElement</a></code>
2591 </h4>
2592 <div class="detail">
2593 <div class="description">
2594 String specifying additional instructional text to
2595 accompany the text for the nenu item.
2596 </div>
2597 </div>
2600 <div class="default">
2601 Default Value: null
2602 </div>
2604 <hr />
2605 <h4><a name="onclick">onclick</a>
2606 <code>- Object</code>
2607 </h4>
2608 <div class="detail">
2609 <div class="description">
2610 Object literal representing the code to be executed when
2611 the button is clicked. Format:<br> <code> {<br>
2612 <strong>fn:</strong> Function, &#47;&#47; The handler to call when
2613 the event fires.<br> <strong>obj:</strong> Object, &#47;&#47; An
2614 object to pass back to the handler.<br> <strong>scope:</strong>
2615 Object &#47;&#47; The object to use for the scope of the handler.
2616 <br> } </code>
2617 </div>
2618 </div>
2621 <div class="default">
2622 Default Value: null
2623 </div>
2625 <hr />
2626 <h4><a name="selected">selected</a>
2627 <code>- Boolean</code>
2628 </h4>
2629 <div class="detail">
2630 <div class="description">
2631 Boolean indicating if the menu item should
2632 be highlighted.
2633 </div>
2634 </div>
2637 <div class="default">
2638 Default Value: false
2639 </div>
2641 <hr />
2642 <h4><a name="strongemphasis">strongemphasis</a>
2643 <code>- Boolean</code>
2644 </h4>
2645 <div class="detail">
2646 <div class="description">
2647 Boolean indicating if the text of the menu item will be
2648 rendered with strong emphasis. When building a menu from existing
2649 HTML the value of this property will be interpreted from the
2650 menu's markup.
2651 </div>
2652 </div>
2655 <div class="default">
2656 Default Value: false
2657 </div>
2659 <hr />
2660 <h4><a name="submenu">submenu</a>
2661 <code>- Menu|String|Object|<a href="
2662 WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">
2663 HTMLElement</a></code>
2664 </h4>
2665 <div class="detail">
2666 <div class="description">
2667 Object specifying the submenu to be appended to the
2668 menu item. The value can be one of the following: <ul><li>Object
2669 specifying a Menu instance.</li><li>Object literal specifying the
2670 menu to be created. Format: <code>{ id: [menu id], itemdata:
2671 [<a href="YAHOO.widget.Menu.html#itemData">array of values for
2672 items</a>] }</code>.</li><li>String specifying the id attribute
2673 of the <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the menu.</li><li>
2674 Object specifying the <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the
2675 menu.</li></ul>
2676 </div>
2677 </div>
2680 <div class="default">
2681 Default Value: null
2682 </div>
2684 <hr />
2685 <h4><a name="target">target</a>
2686 <code>- String</code>
2687 </h4>
2688 <div class="detail">
2689 <div class="description">
2690 String specifying the value for the "target" attribute
2691 of the menu item's anchor element. <strong>Specifying a target will
2692 require the user to click directly on the menu item's anchor node in
2693 order to cause the browser to navigate to the specified URL.</strong>
2694 When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property
2695 will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
2696 </div>
2697 </div>
2700 <div class="default">
2701 Default Value: null
2702 </div>
2704 <hr />
2705 <h4><a name="text">text</a>
2706 <code>- String</code>
2707 </h4>
2708 <div class="detail">
2709 <div class="description">
2710 String specifying the text label for the menu item.
2711 When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property
2712 will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
2713 </div>
2714 </div>
2717 <div class="default">
2718 Default Value: ""
2719 </div>
2721 <hr />
2722 <h4><a name="url">url</a>
2723 <code>- String</code>
2724 </h4>
2725 <div class="detail">
2726 <div class="description">
2727 String specifying the URL for the menu item's anchor's
2728 "href" attribute. When building a menu from existing HTML the value
2729 of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
2730 </div>
2731 </div>
2734 <div class="default">
2735 Default Value: "#"
2736 </div>
2738 <hr />
2740 </div>
2741 </div>
2744 </div>
2745 </div>
2746 <div class="yui-b">
2747 <div class="nav">
2749 <div class="module">
2750 <h4>Modules</h4>
2751 <ul class="content">
2753 <li class=""><a href="module_animation.html">animation</a></li>
2755 <li class=""><a href="module_autocomplete.html">autocomplete</a></li>
2757 <li class=""><a href="module_button.html">button</a></li>
2759 <li class=""><a href="module_calendar.html">calendar</a></li>
2761 <li class=""><a href="module_connection.html">connection</a></li>
2763 <li class=""><a href="module_container.html">container</a></li>
2765 <li class=""><a href="module_datasource.html">datasource</a></li>
2767 <li class=""><a href="module_datatable.html">datatable</a></li>
2769 <li class=""><a href="module_dom.html">dom</a></li>
2771 <li class=""><a href="module_dragdrop.html">dragdrop</a></li>
2773 <li class=""><a href="module_element.html">element</a></li>
2775 <li class=""><a href="module_event.html">event</a></li>
2777 <li class=""><a href="module_history.html">history</a></li>
2779 <li class=""><a href="module_logger.html">logger</a></li>
2781 <li class="selected"><a href="module_menu.html">menu</a></li>
2783 <li class=""><a href="module_slider.html">slider</a></li>
2785 <li class=""><a href="module_tabview.html">tabview</a></li>
2787 <li class=""><a href="module_treeview.html">treeview</a></li>
2789 <li class=""><a href="module_yahoo.html">yahoo</a></li>
2790 </ul>
2791 </div>
2793 <div class="module">
2794 <h4>Classes</h4>
2795 <ul class="content">
2796 <li class=""><a href="YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu.html">YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu</a></li>
2797 <li class=""><a href="YAHOO.widget.ContextMenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.ContextMenuItem</a></li>
2798 <li class=""><a href="YAHOO.widget.Menu.html">YAHOO.widget.Menu</a></li>
2799 <li class=""><a href="YAHOO.widget.Menubar.html">YAHOO.widget.Menubar</a></li>
2800 <li class=""><a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem</a></li>
2801 <li class="selected"><a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</a></li>
2802 <li class=""><a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuManager.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuManager</a></li>
2803 </ul>
2804 </div>
2806 <div class="module">
2807 <h4>Files</h4>
2808 <ul class="content">
2809 <li class=""><a href="contextmenu.js.html">contextmenu.js</a></li>
2810 <li class=""><a href="contextmenuitem.js.html">contextmenuitem.js</a></li>
2811 <li class=""><a href="menu.js.html">menu.js</a></li>
2812 <li class=""><a href="menubar.js.html">menubar.js</a></li>
2813 <li class=""><a href="menubaritem.js.html">menubaritem.js</a></li>
2814 <li class=""><a href="menuitem.js.html">menuitem.js</a></li>
2815 <li class=""><a href="menumanager.js.html">menumanager.js</a></li>
2816 </ul>
2817 </div>
2819 <div class="module">
2820 <h4>Properties</h4>
2821 <ul class="content">
2822 <li><a href="#_checkImage">_checkImage</a>
2823 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2824 </li>
2825 <li><a href="#_oAnchor">_oAnchor</a>
2826 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2827 </li>
2828 <li><a href="#_oCheckedIndicator">_oCheckedIndicator</a>
2829 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2830 </li>
2831 <li><a href="#_oHelpTextEM">_oHelpTextEM</a>
2832 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2833 </li>
2834 <li><a href="#_oOnclickAttributeValue">_oOnclickAttributeValue</a>
2835 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2836 </li>
2837 <li><a href="#_oSubmenu">_oSubmenu</a>
2838 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2839 </li>
2840 <li><a href="#_oText">_oText</a>
2841 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2842 </li>
2843 <li><a href="#_sClassName">_sClassName</a>
2844 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2845 </li>
2846 <li><a href="#browser">browser</a>
2847 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2848 </li>
2850 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2851 </li>
2853 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2854 </li>
2855 <li><a href="#CHECKED_TEXT">CHECKED_TEXT</a>
2856 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2857 </li>
2859 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2860 </li>
2862 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2863 </li>
2864 <li><a href="#constructor">constructor</a>
2865 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2866 </li>
2867 <li><a href="#CSS_CLASS_NAME">CSS_CLASS_NAME</a>
2868 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2869 </li>
2871 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2872 </li>
2874 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2875 </li>
2877 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2878 </li>
2880 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2881 </li>
2883 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2884 </li>
2886 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2887 </li>
2888 <li><a href="#element">element</a>
2889 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2890 </li>
2892 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2893 </li>
2895 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2896 </li>
2897 <li><a href="#groupIndex">groupIndex</a>
2898 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2899 </li>
2900 <li><a href="#id">id</a>
2901 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2902 </li>
2903 <li><a href="#imageRoot">imageRoot</a>
2904 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2905 </li>
2906 <li><a href="#IMG_ROOT">IMG_ROOT</a>
2907 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2908 </li>
2909 <li><a href="#IMG_ROOT_SSL">IMG_ROOT_SSL</a>
2910 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2911 </li>
2912 <li><a href="#index">index</a>
2913 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2914 </li>
2915 <li><a href="#isSecure">isSecure</a>
2916 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2917 </li>
2918 <li><a href="#parent">parent</a>
2919 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2920 </li>
2922 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2923 </li>
2925 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2926 </li>
2927 <li><a href="#srcElement">srcElement</a>
2928 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2929 </li>
2931 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2932 </li>
2933 <li><a href="#SUBMENU_TYPE">SUBMENU_TYPE</a>
2934 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2935 </li>
2936 <li><a href="#submenuIndicator">submenuIndicator</a>
2937 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2938 </li>
2939 <li><a href="#value">value</a>
2940 <!--<code>&lt;Object&gt;</code>-->
2941 </li>
2942 </ul>
2943 </div>
2945 <div class="module">
2946 <h4>Methods</h4>
2947 <ul class="content">
2948 <li><!--<code>Boolean</code>-->
2949 <a href="#_checkDOMNode">_checkDOMNode</a>
2950 </li>
2951 <li><!--<code>Boolean</code>-->
2952 <a href="#_checkString">_checkString</a>
2953 </li>
2954 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2955 <a href="#_createRootNodeStructure">_createRootNodeStructure</a>
2956 </li>
2957 <li><!--<code><a href="
2958 level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a></code>-->
2959 <a href="#_getFirstElement">_getFirstElement</a>
2960 </li>
2961 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2962 <a href="#_initSubTree">_initSubTree</a>
2963 </li>
2964 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2965 <a href="#_preloadImage">_preloadImage</a>
2966 </li>
2967 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2968 <a href="#blur">blur</a>
2969 </li>
2970 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2971 <a href="#configChecked">configChecked</a>
2972 </li>
2973 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2974 <a href="#configClassName">configClassName</a>
2975 </li>
2976 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2977 <a href="#configDisabled">configDisabled</a>
2978 </li>
2979 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2980 <a href="#configEmphasis">configEmphasis</a>
2981 </li>
2982 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2983 <a href="#configHelpText">configHelpText</a>
2984 </li>
2985 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2986 <a href="#configOnClick">configOnClick</a>
2987 </li>
2988 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2989 <a href="#configSelected">configSelected</a>
2990 </li>
2991 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2992 <a href="#configStrongEmphasis">configStrongEmphasis</a>
2993 </li>
2994 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2995 <a href="#configSubmenu">configSubmenu</a>
2996 </li>
2997 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
2998 <a href="#configTarget">configTarget</a>
2999 </li>
3000 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
3001 <a href="#configText">configText</a>
3002 </li>
3003 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
3004 <a href="#configURL">configURL</a>
3005 </li>
3006 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
3007 <a href="#destroy">destroy</a>
3008 </li>
3009 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
3010 <a href="#focus">focus</a>
3011 </li>
3012 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
3013 <a href="#getNextEnabledSibling">getNextEnabledSibling</a>
3014 </li>
3015 <li><!--<code>YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</code>-->
3016 <a href="#getPreviousEnabledSibling">getPreviousEnabledSibling</a>
3017 </li>
3018 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
3019 <a href="#init">init</a>
3020 </li>
3021 <li><!--<code>void</code>-->
3022 <a href="#initDefaultConfig">initDefaultConfig</a>
3023 </li>
3024 <li><!--<code>String</code>-->
3025 <a href="#toString">toString</a>
3026 </li>
3027 </ul>
3028 </div>
3030 <div class="module">
3031 <h4>Events</h4>
3032 <ul class="content">
3033 <li>
3034 <a href="#blurEvent">blurEvent</a>
3035 </li>
3036 <li>
3037 <a href="#clickEvent">clickEvent</a>
3038 </li>
3039 <li>
3040 <a href="#destroyEvent">destroyEvent</a>
3041 </li>
3042 <li>
3043 <a href="#focusEvent">focusEvent</a>
3044 </li>
3045 <li>
3046 <a href="#keyDownEvent">keyDownEvent</a>
3047 </li>
3048 <li>
3049 <a href="#keyPressEvent">keyPressEvent</a>
3050 </li>
3051 <li>
3052 <a href="#keyUpEvent">keyUpEvent</a>
3053 </li>
3054 <li>
3055 <a href="#mouseDownEvent">mouseDownEvent</a>
3056 </li>
3057 <li>
3058 <a href="#mouseOutEvent">mouseOutEvent</a>
3059 </li>
3060 <li>
3061 <a href="#mouseOverEvent">mouseOverEvent</a>
3062 </li>
3063 <li>
3064 <a href="#mouseUpEvent">mouseUpEvent</a>
3065 </li>
3066 </ul>
3067 </div>
3069 <div class="module">
3070 <h4>Configuration Attributes</h4>
3071 <ul class="content">
3072 <li>
3073 <a href="#checked">checked</a>
3074 </li>
3075 <li>
3076 <a href="#classname">classname</a>
3077 </li>
3078 <li>
3079 <a href="#disabled">disabled</a>
3080 </li>
3081 <li>
3082 <a href="#emphasis">emphasis</a>
3083 </li>
3084 <li>
3085 <a href="#helptext">helptext</a>
3086 </li>
3087 <li>
3088 <a href="#onclick">onclick</a>
3089 </li>
3090 <li>
3091 <a href="#selected">selected</a>
3092 </li>
3093 <li>
3094 <a href="#strongemphasis">strongemphasis</a>
3095 </li>
3096 <li>
3097 <a href="#submenu">submenu</a>
3098 </li>
3099 <li>
3100 <a href="#target">target</a>
3101 </li>
3102 <li>
3103 <a href="#text">text</a>
3104 </li>
3105 <li>
3106 <a href="#url">url</a>
3107 </li>
3108 </ul>
3109 </div>
3111 </div>
3112 </div>
3113 </div>
3114 <div id="ft">
3115 <hr />
3116 Copyright &copy; 2007 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
3117 </div>
3118 </div>
3119 </body>
3120 </html>