1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
3 "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
4 <node name='/net/sourceforce/emacs_jabber/Tox'>
6 <!-- Note the underscore in the interface name!
7 Bus names can have hyphens, but interface names can't.
8 I guess that's a good way to distinguish them. -->
10 <interface name='net.sourceforge.emacs_jabber.Tox'>
11 <method name='CreateSession'>
16 <arg name='direction' direction='in' type='y'/>
17 <arg name='session' type='o' direction='out'/>