most things work except adjacent face blayer correction...
[engrid-github.git] / .gitignore
1 # editor and misc backup files - anywhere
2 *~
3 .*~
4 *.orig
5 *.bak
6 \#*\#
7 *.new
8 *.old
9 temp
10 *.output
12 # objects and archives - anywhere
13 *.[oa]
14 *.la
15 *.so
16 *.so.*
17 *.jar
18 *.pyc
20 # Qt generated files
21 moc_*
22 ui_*
23 qrc_*
25 # ignore derived files
26 lex.yy.c
28 # Corefiles and debugging files
29 core
30 callgrind*
32 # build folder(s) and executables
33 build
34 build.release
36 # generated Makefiles
37 Makefile
38 Makefile.Debug
39 Makefile.Release
40 Makefile.*engrid*
42 netgen_svn
43 third_party
44 third_party64
45 tmp.txt
46 *.kdevelop.pcs
47 engrid.kdevelop.ignore_pcs
48 .bzr
49 .hg
50 *.user
51 qtc-gdbmacros
52 *.sp
53 *.out
54 *.vtu
55 *.egc
56 #*.txt
57 *.bcs
58 netgen_svn_old
59 *.tag
60 *.output
61 docs
62 *.tmp
63 *.dbg
65 # LaTeX generated files - anywhere
66 *.aux
67 *.log
68 *.toc
70 # source packages - anywhere
71 *.tar.bz2
72 *.tar.gz
73 *.tgz
75 # ignore the persistent .build tag in the main directory
76 /.build
78 *.exe
79 *.Debug
80 *.Release
84 *.vtk
85 *.kdevses
87 # ignore Visual Studio local files
88 *.suo
89 *.ncb
90 *.vcproj.*
92 # CMake
93 *CMakeFiles*
94 *.cmake