1 # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 # + This file is part of enGrid. +
5 # + Copyright 2008-2014 enGits GmbH +
7 # + enGrid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +
8 # + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +
9 # + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +
10 # + (at your option) any later version. +
12 # + enGrid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +
13 # + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +
15 # + GNU General Public License for more details. +
17 # + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +
18 # + along with enGrid. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. +
20 # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
25 CONFIG += qt debug_and_release thread
28 QT += xml network opengl
29 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated
33 INCLUDEPATH += ./netgen_svn/netgen-mesher/netgen/nglib
34 INCLUDEPATH += ./netgen_svn/netgen-mesher/netgen/libsrc/general
35 LIBS += -L./netgen_svn
42 LIBS += -lvtkDICOMParser
44 LIBS += -lvtkFiltering
46 LIBS += -lvtkGenericFiltering
52 LIBS += -lvtkRendering
54 LIBS += -lvtkVolumeRendering
57 OTHER_FILES += checkcomments.py todo.txt
58 RESOURCES += engrid.qrc
60 HEADERS = boundarycondition.h \
62 cellneighbouriterator.h \
65 correctsurfaceorientation.h \
92 physicalboundarycondition.h \
95 seedsimpleprismaticlayer.h \
109 vtkEgBoundaryCodesFilter.h \
110 vtkEgEliminateShortEdges.h \
111 vtkEgExtractVolumeCells.h \
113 vtkEgNormalExtrusion.h \
114 vtkEgPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter.h \
115 vtkImplicitPolyData.h \
116 guicreateboundarylayer.h \
117 guicreatevolumemesh.h \
118 guideletebadaspecttris.h \
119 guidivideboundarylayer.h \
120 guieditboundaryconditions.h \
121 guiimproveaspectratio.h \
123 guinormalextrusion.h \
124 guiselectboundarycodes.h \
125 guisetboundarycode.h \
126 guicreatesurfacemesh.h \
128 guisettingsviewer.h \
129 guivolumedelegate.h \
132 vertexmeshdensity.h \
133 smoothingutilities.h \
136 deletepickedpoint.h \
139 egvtkinteractorstyle.h \
142 reducedpolydatareader.h \
145 updatedesiredmeshdensity.h \
147 checksurfaceintegrity.h \
149 surfaceprojection.h \
157 multipagewidgetpage.h \
166 math/mathvector_methods.h \
167 math/mathvector_operators.h \
168 math/mathvector_structs.h \
169 math/smallsquarematrix.h \
172 boundarycondition.cpp \
173 celllayeriterator.cpp \
174 cellneighbouriterator.cpp \
176 correctsurfaceorientation.cpp \
177 createvolumemesh.cpp \
179 deletepickedcell.cpp \
181 deletevolumegrid.cpp \
189 gmshiooperation.cpp \
198 nodelayeriterator.cpp \
201 physicalboundarycondition.cpp \
204 seedsimpleprismaticlayer.cpp \
205 setboundarycode.cpp \
206 simplefoamwriter.cpp \
211 volumedefinition.cpp \
213 vtkEgBoundaryCodesFilter.cxx \
214 vtkEgEliminateShortEdges.cxx \
215 vtkEgExtractVolumeCells.cxx \
216 vtkEgGridFilter.cxx \
217 vtkEgNormalExtrusion.cxx \
218 vtkEgPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter.cxx \
219 vtkImplicitPolyData.cpp \
220 guicreateboundarylayer.cpp \
221 guicreatevolumemesh.cpp \
222 guideletebadaspecttris.cpp \
223 guidivideboundarylayer.cpp \
224 guieditboundaryconditions.cpp \
225 guiimproveaspectratio.cpp \
227 guinormalextrusion.cpp \
228 guiselectboundarycodes.cpp \
229 guisetboundarycode.cpp \
230 guicreatesurfacemesh.cpp \
232 guisettingsviewer.cpp \
233 guivolumedelegate.cpp \
236 vertexmeshdensity.cpp \
237 smoothingutilities.cpp \
239 laplacesmoother.cpp \
240 deletepickedpoint.cpp \
243 egvtkinteractorstyle.cpp \
248 updatedesiredmeshdensity.cpp \
250 checksurfaceintegrity.cpp \
251 surfaceoperation.cpp \
252 surfaceprojection.cpp \
256 multipagewidget.cpp \
260 multipagewidgetpage.cpp \
262 reducedpolydatareader.cpp \
265 checkforoverlap.cpp \
269 FORMS = guicreateboundarylayer.ui \
270 guideletebadaspecttris.ui \
271 guidivideboundarylayer.ui \
272 guieditboundaryconditions.ui \
274 guiimproveaspectratio.ui \
275 guinormalextrusion.ui \
276 guiselectboundarycodes.ui \
277 guisetboundarycode.ui \
278 guicreatesurfacemesh.ui \
281 guicreatevolumemesh.ui
282 HEADERS += surfacealgorithm.h
283 SOURCES += surfacealgorithm.cpp
284 HEADERS += reducesurfacetriangulation.h
285 SOURCES += reducesurfacetriangulation.cpp
286 HEADERS += eliminatesmallbranches.h
287 SOURCES += eliminatesmallbranches.cpp
288 HEADERS += smoothandswapsurface.h
289 SOURCES += smoothandswapsurface.cpp
290 HEADERS += seligairfoilreader.h
291 SOURCES += seligairfoilreader.cpp
292 HEADERS += fixcadgeometry.h
293 SOURCES += fixcadgeometry.cpp
294 HEADERS += blenderreader.h
295 SOURCES += blenderreader.cpp
296 HEADERS += blenderwriter.h
297 SOURCES += blenderwriter.cpp
298 HEADERS += dialoglineedit/dialoglineedit.h
299 SOURCES += dialoglineedit/dialoglineedit.cpp
300 HEADERS += utilities.h
301 SOURCES += utilities.cpp
302 HEADERS += edgelengthsourcemanager.h edgelengthsource.h
303 SOURCES += edgelengthsourcemanager.cpp
304 FORMS += guiedgelengthsourcesphere.ui
305 HEADERS += guiedgelengthsourcesphere.h
306 SOURCES += guiedgelengthsourcesphere.cpp
307 HEADERS += triangle.h
308 SOURCES += triangle.cpp
309 HEADERS += mergenodes.h
310 SOURCES += mergenodes.cpp
311 FORMS += guiedgelengthsourcecone.ui
312 HEADERS += guiedgelengthsourcecone.h
313 SOURCES += guiedgelengthsourcecone.cpp
314 FORMS += guimergevolumes.ui
315 HEADERS += guimergevolumes.h
316 SOURCES += guimergevolumes.cpp
317 HEADERS += deletestraynodes.h
318 SOURCES += deletestraynodes.cpp
319 HEADERS += guimirrormesh.h
320 SOURCES += guimirrormesh.cpp
321 FORMS += guimirrormesh.ui