feature magic is an amplification factor for edge sharpening (not corners)
[engrid.git] / src / libengrid / reducedpolydatareader.cpp
1 //
2 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 // + +
4 // + This file is part of enGrid. +
5 // + +
6 // + Copyright 2008-2013 enGits GmbH +
7 // + +
8 // + enGrid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +
9 // + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +
10 // + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +
11 // + (at your option) any later version. +
12 // + +
13 // + enGrid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +
14 // + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +
16 // + GNU General Public License for more details. +
17 // + +
18 // + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +
19 // + along with enGrid. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. +
20 // + +
21 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22 //
24 #include "reducedpolydatareader.h"
25 #include "guimainwindow.h"
26 #include "octree.h"
28 #include <QFileInfo>
30 #include <vtkPolyDataReader.h>
31 #include <vtkEgPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter.h>
32 #include <vtkDelaunay3D.h>
33 #include <vtkClipVolume.h>
34 #include <vtkContourFilter.h>
35 #include <vtkGeometryFilter.h>
36 #include <vtkDecimatePro.h>
37 #include <vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter.h>
39 ReducedPolyDataReader::ReducedPolyDataReader()
41 setFormat("legacy VTK files(*.vtk)");
42 setExtension(".vtk");
43 m_MaxEdgeLength = 10;
46 void ReducedPolyDataReader::computeLevelSet(vtkUnstructuredGrid* m_Grid, vtkPolyData* poly)
48 // create triangles
49 poly->BuildCells();
50 QVector<Triangle> triangles(poly->GetNumberOfPolys());
51 for (vtkIdType id_poly = 0; id_poly < poly->GetNumberOfPolys(); ++id_poly) {
52 vtkIdType Npts, *pts;
53 poly->GetCellPoints(id_poly, Npts, pts);
54 if (Npts == 3) {
55 poly->GetPoint(pts[0], triangles[id_poly].a.data());
56 poly->GetPoint(pts[1], triangles[id_poly].b.data());
57 poly->GetPoint(pts[2], triangles[id_poly].c.data());
58 triangles[id_poly].id_a = pts[0];
59 triangles[id_poly].id_b = pts[1];
60 triangles[id_poly].id_c = pts[2];
61 triangles[id_poly].g1 = triangles[id_poly].b - triangles[id_poly].a;
62 triangles[id_poly].g2 = triangles[id_poly].c - triangles[id_poly].a;
63 triangles[id_poly].g3 = triangles[id_poly].g1.cross(triangles[id_poly].g2);
64 triangles[id_poly].A = 0.5*triangles[id_poly].g3.abs();
65 triangles[id_poly].g3.normalise();
66 triangles[id_poly].G.column(0, triangles[id_poly].g1);
67 triangles[id_poly].G.column(1, triangles[id_poly].g2);
68 triangles[id_poly].G.column(2, triangles[id_poly].g3);
69 triangles[id_poly].GI = triangles[id_poly].G.inverse();
70 triangles[id_poly].smallest_length = (triangles[id_poly].b - triangles[id_poly].a).abs();
71 triangles[id_poly].smallest_length = min(triangles[id_poly].smallest_length, (triangles[id_poly].c - triangles[id_poly].b).abs());
72 triangles[id_poly].smallest_length = min(triangles[id_poly].smallest_length, (triangles[id_poly].a - triangles[id_poly].c).abs());
73 } else {
74 EG_BUG;
78 //vtkDoubleArray *scalars = vtkDoubleArray::New();
79 EG_VTKSP(vtkDoubleArray, scalars);
80 scalars->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
81 scalars->SetName("g");
82 scalars->Allocate(m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints());
84 QProgressDialog progress("Reducing triangulation", "Abort", 0, m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints());
85 progress.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal);
86 for (vtkIdType id_node = 0; id_node < m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++id_node) {
87 progress.setValue(id_node);
88 QApplication::processEvents();
89 if (progress.wasCanceled()) {
90 EG_ERR_RETURN("interrupted by user");
92 double g_levelset = 1e99;
93 vec3_t xp;
94 m_Grid->GetPoint(id_node, xp.data());
95 foreach (Triangle T, triangles) {
96 vec3_t xi(1e99,1e99,1e99);
97 vec3_t ri;
98 double scal = (xp - T.a)*T.g3;
99 vec3_t x1, x2;
100 if (scal > 0) {
101 x1 = xp + T.g3;
102 x2 = xp - scal*T.g3 - T.g3;
103 } else {
104 x1 = xp - T.g3;
105 x2 = xp - scal*T.g3 + T.g3;
107 double d = 1e99;
109 bool intersects_face = GeometryTools::intersectEdgeAndTriangle(T.a, T.b, T.c, x1, x2, xi, ri);
110 if (intersects_face) {
111 vec3_t dx = xp - xi;
112 d = fabs(dx*T.g3);
113 } else {
114 double kab = GeometryTools::intersection(T.a, T.b - T.a, xp, T.b - T.a);
115 double kac = GeometryTools::intersection(T.a, T.c - T.a, xp, T.c - T.a);
116 double kbc = GeometryTools::intersection(T.b, T.c - T.b, xp, T.c - T.b);
117 double dab = (T.a + kab*(T.b-T.a) - xp).abs();
118 double dac = (T.a + kac*(T.c-T.a) - xp).abs();
119 double dbc = (T.b + kbc*(T.c-T.b) - xp).abs();
120 bool set = false;
121 if ((kab >= 0) && (kab <= 1)) {
122 if (dab < d) {
123 xi = T.a + kab*(T.b-T.a);
124 d = dab;
125 set = true;
128 if ((kac >= 0) && (kac <= 1)) {
129 if (dac < d) {
130 xi = T.a + kac*(T.c-T.a);
131 d = dac;
132 set = true;
135 if ((kbc >= 0) && (kbc <= 1)) {
136 if (dbc < d) {
137 xi = T.b + kbc*(T.c-T.b);
138 d = dbc;
139 set = true;
142 double da = (T.a - xp).abs();
143 double db = (T.b - xp).abs();
144 double dc = (T.c - xp).abs();
145 if (da < d) {
146 xi = T.a;
147 d = da;
148 set = true;
150 if (db < d) {
151 xi = T.b;
152 d = db;
154 if (dc < d) {
155 xi = T.c;
156 d = dc;
157 set = true;
159 if (!set) {
160 EG_BUG;
163 if (xi[0] > 1e98) {
164 EG_BUG;
166 vec3_t dx = xp - xi;
167 if (d < fabs(g_levelset)) {
168 if (dx*T.g3 > 0) {
169 g_levelset = d;
170 } else {
171 g_levelset = -d;
175 scalars->InsertTuple1(id_node, g_levelset);
177 progress.setValue(m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints());
178 m_Grid->GetPointData()->SetScalars(scalars);
182 void ReducedPolyDataReader::operate()
184 try {
185 QFileInfo file_info(GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getFilename());
186 readInputFileName(file_info.completeBaseName() + ".vtk");
187 if (isValid()) {
188 EG_VTKSP(vtkPolyDataReader, vtk);
189 double bounds[6];
190 vtk->SetFileName(qPrintable(getFileName()));
191 vtk->Update();
192 vtk->GetOutput()->GetBounds(bounds);
193 vec3_t x1(bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[4]);
194 vec3_t x2(bounds[1], bounds[3], bounds[5]);
195 double m_MaxEdgeLength = (x1-x2).abs()/20;
196 // double m_MinEdgeLength = (x1-x2).abs()/100;
197 vec3_t x12 = 0.5*(x1 + x2);
198 vec3_t dx = x2 - x1;
199 double d = max(dx[0], max(dx[1], dx[2]));
200 dx = vec3_t(d,d,d);
201 x1 = x12 - 0.75*dx;
202 x2 = x12 + 0.75*dx;
203 Octree octree;
204 octree.setBounds(x1, x2);
205 octree.setSmoothTransitionOn();
207 EG_VTKSP(vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter, smooth1);
208 smooth1->SetInput(vtk->GetOutput());
209 smooth1->FeatureEdgeSmoothingOn();
210 smooth1->BoundarySmoothingOn();
211 smooth1->SetNumberOfIterations(200);
212 smooth1->Update();
213 smooth1->GetOutput()->BuildCells();
216 QVector<double> max_length(smooth->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPoints(), m_MaxEdgeLength);
217 for (vtkIdType id_node = 0; id_node < smooth->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPolys(); ++id_node) {
218 vtkIdType N_pts, *pts;
219 smooth1->GetOutput()->GetCellPoints(id_node, N_pts, pts);
220 vec3_t x[N_pts];
221 for (int i = 0; i < N_pts; ++i) {
222 smooth1->GetOutput()->GetPoint(pts[i], x[i].data());
224 for (int i = 0; i < N_pts-1; ++i) {
225 int j = i+1;
226 if (j >= N_pts) {
227 j = 0;
229 double L = (x[i]-x[j]).abs();
230 max_length[pts[i]] = max(max_length[pts[i]], L);
231 max_length[pts[j]] = max(max_length[pts[j]], L);
236 EG_VTKSP(vtkDecimatePro, decimate);
237 decimate->SetFeatureAngle(20.0);
238 decimate->PreserveTopologyOn();
239 decimate->SetInput(smooth1->GetOutput());
240 decimate->SetTargetReduction(0.9);
241 EG_VTKSP(vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter, smooth2);
242 smooth2->SetInput(decimate->GetOutput());
243 smooth2->FeatureEdgeSmoothingOn();
244 smooth2->BoundarySmoothingOn();
245 smooth2->SetNumberOfIterations(200);
246 smooth2->Update();
248 int N;
249 do {
250 for (vtkIdType id_node = 0; id_node < smooth2->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++id_node) {
251 vec3_t x;
252 smooth2->GetOutput()->GetPoint(id_node, x.data());
253 int cell = octree.findCell(x);
254 if (octree.getDx(cell) >m_MaxEdgeLength) {
255 octree.markToRefine(cell);
258 N = octree.refineAll();
259 } while (N > 0);
261 EG_VTKSP(vtkUnstructuredGrid, oct_grid);
262 octree.toVtkGrid(oct_grid, true, false);
264 computeLevelSet(oct_grid, smooth2->GetOutput());
266 EG_VTKSP(vtkDelaunay3D, delaunay);
267 delaunay->SetInput(oct_grid);
269 EG_VTKSP(vtkContourFilter, contour);
270 contour->SetInput(delaunay->GetOutput());
271 contour->GenerateValues(1, 0, 0);
272 contour->SetInput(oct_grid);
273 contour->Update();
276 EG_VTKSP(vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter,vtu);
277 QString file_name = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCwd() + "/oct_grid.vtu";
278 vtu->SetFileName(qPrintable(file_name));
279 vtu->SetDataModeToBinary();
280 vtu->SetInput(oct_grid);
281 vtu->Write();
283 if (contour->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPolys() == 0) {
284 EG_ERR_RETURN("unable to extract reduced surface");
287 EG_VTKSP(vtkEgPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter, poly2ug);
288 poly2ug->SetInput(contour->GetOutput());
289 poly2ug->Update();
291 makeCopy(poly2ug->GetOutput(), m_Grid);
292 createBasicFields(m_Grid, m_Grid->GetNumberOfCells(), m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints());
293 UpdateNodeIndex(m_Grid);
294 UpdateCellIndex(m_Grid);
295 EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, bc, m_Grid, "cell_code");
296 for (vtkIdType id_cell = 0; id_cell < m_Grid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++id_cell) {
297 bc->SetValue(id_cell, 0);
300 } catch (Error err) {
301 err.display();