8 Erlware is Erlang/OTP developer central. We are open source and mostly
9 MIT-licenced. At our core we host public repositories containing reliable Erlang
10 OTP-compliant applications. Our repositories enable developers to use software
11 written by the Erlang community and to publish and distribute their own software.
15 **If you are new to Erlware,** look at the [Erlware
16 section]({relocatable:/erlware})
18 **To browse applications and releases** in our repositories, go to the
19 [documentation section.]({relocatable:/documentation})
21 # New Quickstart Video
23 This video is the first in a series of three screencasts that will get
24 you started with Erlang/OTP programming quickly
26 **Please Note Mac Users:** there is a small problem with Sinan on mac.
27 The current version requires you to start the Sinan server manually.
28 To do this run `sinserv` from the `erlware/bin` directory.
31 <embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=5712547925369275281&hl=en&fs=true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
36 **July 14, 2008—**Erlang Exchange Erlware talk video released. View the
37 [video here.](http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4961003488647506073&q=&hl=en)
39 **June 29, 2008—**Erlware talks given at the first ever Erlang Exchange
40 conference. Slides from our talk can be seen
41 [here](http://docs.google.com/Presentation?docid=ajhm5md85ccg_27g4rrxxv4&hl=en).
45 **May 24, 2008—**Dart an efficient web framework released by Torbjorn
46 Tornkvist. As will all packages you can pull it down with
47 `faxien install-release dart.`
49 **May 23, 2008—**Torbjorn Tornkvist releases Domerl a comet library for building
50 event driven web apps.
52 **May 12, 2008—**Sinan build system released. Supports a list of
53 features too long to list here.
55 **April 19, 2008—**gen_socket a generic implementation of a TCP server released
58 **March 19, 2008—**Faxien now supports configuration file diffs and management
59 through its release upgrade process.
61 **March 10, 2008—**Initial versions of the Crary webserver app published to
62 the repositories. Docs in the Repository Applications section under Erlware.
64 **Feb 27, 2008—**Documentation for Edoc'd Erlang/OTP applications contained in
65 our repositories is autogenerated. The docs are located under the Erlware
66 section on the main menu under the [Documentation]({relocatable:/documentation})
69 **Feb 20, 2008—**The erl-5.6.1 release is out. It supplies erts-5.6.1, erlc,
70 and erl shell from R12B-1. To install run `faxien set-target-erts-vsn 5.6.1`
71 and then `faxien install-release erl 5.6.1`