output actual characters instead of codepoints
[evolve-layout.git] / check_neo.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # encoding: utf-8
4 """Optimize keyboard layouts evolutionally (with mutations).
6 """
8 # python 2.6 compatibility via 3to2
9 from __future__ import print_function
11 __usage__ = """Usage:
13 - check_neo.py --help (display this text)
15 - check_neo.py [-q] [-v] [-o <file>]
16 compare the Neo layout with others, using the included datafiles(*gramme.txt).
17 -q only shows the results for the Neo layout.
18 -v shows several additional metrics which are included in the total cost.
19 -o writes the output to a file instead of printing it.
21 - check_neo.py --file <file> [--switch <lx,wq>] [-q] [-v]
22 run the script on the file.
23 --switch switches letters on the neo keyboard (lx,wq switches l for x and w for q).
24 -q removes the qwertz comparision.
25 -v adds the list of finger repeats.
27 - check_neo.py [-v] [--file <file>] --layout-string "khßwv ä.uozj
28 dnclr aitesb
29 fpgmx ,üöyq"
30 check the layout given by a layout string.
31 -v gives more statistical info on the layout
32 --file <file> uses a file as corpus for checking the layout.
35 - check_neo.py --evolve <iterations> [--prerandomize <num_switches>] [-q] [-v] [--controlled-evolution] [--controlled-tail]
36 randomly permutate keys on the Neo keyboard to see if a better layout emerges.
37 --controlled-evolution tells it to use the horribly slow and deterministic code which always chooses the best possible change in each step.
38 --controlled-tail makes it first do <iterations> random mutations and then a controlled evolution, until it can’t go any further. controlled_tail and controlled-evolution are exclusive. When both are used, the tail wins.
39 --prerandomize tells it to do num_switches random switches before beginning the evolution. Use >100000 to get a mostly random keyboard layout as starting point.
41 - check_neo.py --best-random-layout <num of random layouts to try> [--prerandomize <num_switches>] [-q]
42 --prerandomize selects the number of random switches to do to get a random keyboard.
44 - ./check_neo.py --check "[[('^'),('1'),('2'),('3'),('4'),('5'),('6'),('7'),('8'),('9'),('0'),('-'),('\\`'),('←')], # Zahlenreihe (0)
45 [('⇥'),('x'),('v'),('l'),('c'),('w'),('k'),('h'),('g'),('f'),('q'),('ß'),('´'),()], # Reihe 1
46 [('⇩'),('u'),('i'),('a'),('e'),('o'),('s'),('n'),('r'),('t'),('d'),('y'),('⇘'),('\\n')], # Reihe 2
47 [('⇧'),(),('ü'),('ö'),('ä'),('p'),('z'),('b'),('m'),(','),('.'),('j'),('⇗')], # Reihe 3
48 [(), (), (), (' '), (), (), (), ()] # Reihe 4 mit Leertaste
49 ]" [-q]
50 check the layout passed on the commandline (mind the shell escapes!)
52 - check_neo.py [-v] [-q] --check-string "öckäy zhmlß,
53 atieo dsnru.
54 xpfüq bgvwj"
55 check a layout string for layer 1.
57 - check_neo.py --test (run doctests)
59 Note: If --prerandomize is set to 1000000 or more, it just does a real shuffle instead of prerandomizing.
61 """
63 from design import __design__
65 __doc__ += __usage__ + __design__
67 __version__ = "0.1.2"
69 __copyright__ = """2010 © Arne Babenhauserheide
71 License: GPLv3 or later
72 """
74 from sys import argv
75 # forced fileoutput instead of printing
76 if "-o" in argv:
77 idx = argv.index("-o")
78 FILE = argv[idx+1]
79 argv = argv[:idx] + argv[idx+2:]
80 else:
81 FILE = None
83 def info(*args, **kwds):
84 return print(*args, **kwds)
86 def result(*args, **kwds):
87 if FILE is not None:
88 with open(FILE, "a", encoding='utf-8') as f:
89 for i in args:
90 f.write(str(i) + " ")
91 f.write("\n")
92 else:
93 info(*args, **kwds)
95 from layout_cost import *
96 from math import log10, log
98 # TODO: Split the different ways of evolution into evolve.py. Requirement: Don’t give any output.
100 ### Evolution
102 def switch_keys(keypairs, layout=NEO_LAYOUT):
103 """Switch keys in the layout, so we don't have to fiddle with actual layout files.
105 >>> lay = switch_keys([], layout = NEO_LAYOUT)
106 >>> lay == NEO_LAYOUT
107 True
108 >>> lay = switch_keys(["lx", "wq"], layout = NEO_LAYOUT)
109 >>> get_key((1, 1, 0), layout=lay)
111 >>> get_key((1, 3, 0), layout=lay)
113 >>> get_key((1, 5, 0), layout=lay)
115 >>> get_key((1, 10, 0), layout=lay)
117 >>> get_key((1, 1, 1), layout=lay)
119 >>> get_key((1, 3, 1), layout=lay)
121 >>> get_key((1, 5, 1), layout=lay)
123 >>> get_key((1, 10, 1), layout=lay)
125 >>> find_key("l", layout=lay) == (1, 1, 0)
126 True
127 >>> find_key("L", layout=lay) == (1, 1, 1)
128 True
129 >>> NEO_LAYOUT_lxwq == lay[:5]
130 True
131 >>> lay = switch_keys(["lx"], layout = NEO_LAYOUT)
132 >>> NEO_LAYOUT_lx == lay[:5]
133 True
134 >>> a = find_key("a", layout=lay)
135 >>> lay = switch_keys(["ab"], layout=lay)
136 >>> a == find_key("b", layout=lay)
137 True
138 >>> dot = find_key(".", layout=NEO_LAYOUT)
139 >>> d = find_key("d", layout=NEO_LAYOUT)
140 >>> lay = switch_keys([".d"], layout=NEO_LAYOUT)
141 >>> d == find_key(".", layout=lay)
142 True
143 >>> dot == find_key("d", layout=lay)
144 True
146 lay = deepcopy(layout)
147 from pprint import pprint
148 #pprint(lay)
149 for pair in keypairs:
150 pos0 = find_key(pair[0], layout=lay)
151 pos1 = find_key(pair[1], layout=lay)
153 if pair[1].upper() == pair[1]:
154 tmp0 = (pair[1], ) + tuple(lay[pos0[0]][pos0[1]][1:])
155 else:
156 tmp0 = (pair[1], pair[1].upper()) + tuple(lay[pos0[0]][pos0[1]][2:])
158 if pair[0].upper() == pair[0]:
159 tmp1 = (pair[0], ) + tuple(lay[pos1[0]][pos1[1]][1:])
160 else:
161 tmp1 = (pair[0], pair[0].upper()) + tuple(lay[pos1[0]][pos1[1]][2:])
163 lay[pos0[0]][pos0[1]] = tmp0
164 lay[pos1[0]][pos1[1]] = tmp1
165 update_letter_to_key_cache_multiple(pair+pair.upper(), layout=lay)
166 prev = pair
167 #except:
168 # pprint(lay)
169 # print(prev, pair, pos0, pos1, tmp0, tmp1)
170 # exit()
172 return lay
174 def randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches, layout=NEO_LAYOUT):
175 """Do num_switches random keyswitches on the layout and
176 @return: the randomized layout."""
177 keypairs = []
178 num_letters = len(abc)
179 # for very high number of switches just do use shuffle.
180 if num_switches >= 1000:
181 from random import shuffle
182 abc_list = list(abc)
183 abc_shuffled = list(abc)
184 shuffle(abc_shuffled)
185 for i in range(num_letters):
186 orig = abc_list[i]
187 new = abc_shuffled[i]
188 if orig != new and not orig+new in keypairs and not new+orig in keypairs:
189 new_in_list = abc_list.index(new)
190 abc_list[new_in_list] = orig
191 keypairs.append(orig+new)
192 lay = switch_keys(keypairs, layout=deepcopy(layout))
193 return lay, keypairs
195 # incomplete shuffling (only find the given number of switches), slower because we need to avoid dupliates the hard way.
196 from random import choice
197 max_unique_tries = 1000
198 for i in range(num_switches):
199 key1 = choice(abc)
200 key2 = choice(abc)
201 # get unique keypairs, the not nice but very easy to understand way.
202 tries = 0
203 while (key2 == key1 or key1+key2 in keypairs or key2+key1 in keypairs) and (num_switches <= num_letters or tries < max_unique_tries):
204 key1 = choice(abc)
205 key2 = choice(abc)
206 if num_switches > num_letters:
207 tries += log(len(keypairs)+1, 2) + 1
208 keypairs.append(key1+key2)
209 lay = switch_keys(keypairs, layout=deepcopy(layout))
210 return lay, keypairs
212 def find_the_best_random_keyboard(letters, repeats, trigrams, num_tries, num_switches=1000, layout=NEO_LAYOUT, abc=abc, quiet=False):
213 """Create num_tries random keyboards (starting from the layout and doing num_switches random keyswitches), compare them and only keep the best (by total_cost)."""
214 lay, keypairs = randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches, layout)
215 cost = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=lay, trigrams=trigrams)[0]
216 if not quiet:
217 info("cost of the first random layout:", cost)
218 for i in range(max(0, num_tries-1)):
219 if not quiet:
220 info("-", i, "/", num_tries)
221 lay_tmp, keypairs = randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches, layout)
222 cost_tmp = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=lay_tmp, trigrams=trigrams)[0]
223 if cost_tmp < cost:
224 lay = lay_tmp
225 cost = cost_tmp
226 if not quiet:
227 info("better:", cost)
228 return lay, cost
230 def random_evolution_step(letters, repeats, trigrams, num_switches, layout, abc, cost, quiet):
231 """Do one random switch. Keep it, if it is beneficial."""
232 lay, keypairs = randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches, layout)
233 new_cost, frep, pos_cost = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=lay, trigrams=trigrams)[:3]
234 if new_cost < cost:
235 return lay, new_cost, cost - new_cost, keypairs, frep, pos_cost
236 else:
237 return layout, cost, 0, keypairs, frep, pos_cost
239 def controlled_evolution_step(letters, repeats, trigrams, num_switches, layout, abc, cost, quiet, cost_per_key=COST_PER_KEY):
240 """Do the most beneficial change. Keep it, if the new layout is better than the old.
242 TODO: reenable the doctests, after the parameters have settled, or pass ALL parameters through the functions.
244 >>> data = read_file("testfile")
245 >>> repeats = repeats_in_file(data)
246 >>> letters = letters_in_file(data)
247 >>> trigrams = trigrams_in_file(data)
248 >>> #controlled_evolution_step(letters, repeats, trigrams, 1, NEO_LAYOUT, "reo", 190, quiet=False, cost_per_key=TEST_COST_PER_KEY)
250 # checked switch ('rr',) 201.4
251 # checked switch ('re',) 181.4
252 # checked switch ('ro',) 184.4
253 # checked switch ('ee',) 201.4
254 # checked switch ('eo',) 204.4
255 # checked switch ('oo',) 201.4
256 0.00019 finger repetition: 1e-06 position cost: 0.00015
257 [['^', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '`', ()], [(), 'x', 'v', 'l', 'c', 'w', 'k', 'h', 'g', 'f', 'q', 'ß', '´', ()], ['⇩', 'u', 'i', 'a', 'r', 'o', 's', 'n', 'e', 't', 'd', 'y', '⇘', '\\n'], ['⇧', (), 'ü', 'ö', 'ä', 'p', 'z', 'b', 'm', ',', '.', 'j', '⇗'], [(), (), (), ' ', (), (), (), ()]]
258 ([['^', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '`', ()], [(), 'x', 'v', 'l', 'c', 'w', 'k', 'h', 'g', 'f', 'q', 'ß', '´', ()], ['⇩', 'u', 'i', 'a', 'r', 'o', 's', 'n', 'e', 't', 'd', 'y', '⇘', '\\n'], ['⇧', (), 'ü', 'ö', 'ä', 'p', 'z', 'b', 'm', ',', '.', 'j', '⇗'], [(), (), (), ' ', (), (), (), ()]], 181.4, 8.599999999999994)
259 >>> #controlled_evolution_step(letters, repeats, trigrams, 1, NEO_LAYOUT, "reo", 25, False, cost_per_key=TEST_COST_PER_KEY)
261 # checked switch ('rr',) 201.4
262 # checked switch ('re',) 181.4
263 # checked switch ('ro',) 184.4
264 # checked switch ('ee',) 201.4
265 # checked switch ('eo',) 204.4
266 # checked switch ('oo',) 201.4
267 worse ('oo',) ([['^', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '`', ()], [(), 'x', 'v', 'l', 'c', 'w', 'k', 'h', 'g', 'f', 'q', 'ß', '´', ()], ['⇩', 'u', 'i', 'a', 'e', 'o', 's', 'n', 'r', 't', 'd', 'y', '⇘', '\\n'], ['⇧', (), 'ü', 'ö', 'ä', 'p', 'z', 'b', 'm', ',', '.', 'j', '⇗'], [(), (), (), ' ', (), (), (), ()]], 25, 0)
269 from random import choice
270 # First create one long list of possible switches
271 keypairs = []
272 best_pairs = []
273 for key1 in abc:
274 for key2 in abc[abc.index(key1)+1:]:
275 keypairs.append(key1+key2)
277 # then combine it into possible switch tuples (O(N²))
278 switches = []
279 for i in range(num_switches):
280 switches.append([]) # layers
281 for pair1 in keypairs:
282 # pair 1 list
283 for i in range(len(keypairs) ** min(1, num_switches - 1)): # ** (num_switches - 1)):
284 switches[0].append(pair1) # [[1, 1, 1]]
285 for i in range(min(1, num_switches - 1)): # num_switches - 1): # TODO: Make it work for num > 2.
286 #for j in range(len(keypairs) ** max(0, (num_switches - 2))):
287 for pair_x in keypairs: #[keypairs.index(pair1)+1:]:
288 # add additional possible pairs.
289 switches[i+1].append(pair_x) # [[1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 3]]
290 switches = list(zip(*switches[:2]))
292 # results for 1 step: [(cost, frep, pos_cost, layout), ...]
293 step_results = []
294 for keypairs in switches:
295 lay = switch_keys(keypairs, layout=deepcopy(layout))
296 new_cost, frep, pos_cost = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=lay, cost_per_key=cost_per_key, trigrams=trigrams)[:3]
297 step_results.append((new_cost, frep, pos_cost, deepcopy(keypairs), lay))
298 if not quiet:
299 info("# checked switch", keypairs, new_cost)
301 if min(step_results)[0] < cost:
302 best = min(step_results)
303 lay, new_cost, best_pairs = best[-1], best[0], best[-2]
304 new_cost, frep, pos_cost = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=lay, cost_per_key=cost_per_key, trigrams=trigrams)[:3]
305 return lay, new_cost, cost - new_cost, best_pairs, frep, pos_cost
306 else:
307 return layout, cost, 0, keypairs, frep, pos_cost
309 def evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=NEO_LAYOUT, iterations=3000, abc=abc, quiet=False, controlled=False, controlled_tail=False, anneal=0, anneal_step=100):
310 """Repeatedly switch a layout randomly and do the same with the new layout,
311 if it provides a better total score. Can't be tested easily => Check the source.
313 To only mutate a subset of keys, just pass them as
314 @param abc: the keys to permutate over.
315 @param controlled: Do a slow controlled run, where all possible steps are checked and only the best is chosen?
316 @param anneal: start by switching 1 + int(anneal) keypairs, reduce by 1 after anneal_step iterations.
318 cost = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=layout, trigrams=trigrams)[0]
319 consecutive_fails = 0
320 # take anneal_step steps for the first anneal level, too
321 if anneal:
322 anneal += 1
323 anneal -= 1/anneal_step
325 for i in range(iterations):
326 if not controlled:
327 # increase the size of the changes when the system seems to become stable (1000 consecutive fails: ~ 2*24*23 = every combination tried) to avoid deterministic purely local minima.
328 if anneal > 0:
329 step = int(anneal + 1)
330 anneal -= 1/anneal_step
331 else:
332 step = int(log10(consecutive_fails + 1) / 3 + 1)
333 lay, cost, better, keypairs, frep, pos_cost = random_evolution_step(letters, repeats, trigrams, step, layout, abc, cost, quiet)
334 else:
335 step = int(consecutive_fails / 2 + 1)
336 # only do the best possible step instead => damn expensive. For a single switch about 10 min per run.
337 lay, cost, better, keypairs, frep, pos_cost = controlled_evolution_step(letters, repeats, trigrams, step, layout, abc, cost, quiet)
338 if better:
339 consecutive_fails = 0
340 # save the good mutation
341 layout = lay
342 if not quiet:
343 info(cost / 1000000, keypairs, "finger repetition:", frep / 1000000, "position cost:", pos_cost / 1000000)
344 info(format_layer_1_string(lay))
345 else:
346 consecutive_fails += 1
347 if not quiet:
348 info("worse", keypairs, end = " ")
349 if not quiet:
350 info("- " + str(i) + " / " + str(iterations))
352 if controlled_tail:
353 # second round: do controlled evolution steps, as long as they result in better layouts (do a full controlled optimization of the result).
354 if not quiet:
355 info("controlled evolution, until there’s no more to improve")
356 better = True
357 steps = 0
358 while better:
359 # only do the best possible step instead => damn expensive. For a single switch about 10 min per run.
360 lay, cost, better, keypairs, frep, pos_cost = controlled_evolution_step(letters, repeats, trigrams, 1, layout=layout, abc=abc, cost=cost, quiet=quiet)
361 if better:
362 # save the good mutation - yes, this could go at the start of the loop, but that wouldn’t be as clear.
363 layout = lay
364 if not quiet:
365 info("-", steps, "/ ?", keypairs)
366 info(format_layer_1_string(lay))
367 return layout, cost
370 def combine_genetically(layout1, layout2):
371 """Combine two layouts genetically (randomly)."""
372 from random import randint
373 switchlist = []
374 for letter in abc:
375 if randint(0, 1) == 1:
376 pos = find_key(letter, layout=layout1)
377 replacement = get_key(pos, layout=layout2)
378 switchlist.append(letter+replacement)
379 res = deepcopy(switch_keys(switchlist, layout=layout1))
380 return res
383 ### UI ###
385 def format_keyboard_layout(layout):
386 """Format a keyboard layout to look like a real keyboard."""
387 neo = """
388 ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬──────┐
389 │ ^ │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ 0 │ - │ ` │ Back │
390 ├───┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬────┤
391 │Tab │ x │ v │ l │ c │ w │ k │ h │ g │ f │ q │ ß │ ´ │ Ret│
392 ├─────┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┐ │
393 │M3 │ u │ i │ a │ e │ o │ s │ n │ r │ t │ d │ y │ M3│ │
394 ├────┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴───┴───┤
395 │Ums │ M4│ ü │ ö │ ä │ p │ z │ b │ m │ , │ . │ j │ Umsch │
396 ├────┼───┴┬──┴─┬─┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴─┬─┴──┬┴───┼────┬────┤
397 │Strg│ Fe │ Al │ Leerzeichen │ M4 │ Fe │ Me │Strg│
398 └────┴────┴────┴───────────────────────┴────┴────┴────┴────┘
401 lay = "┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬──────┐\n"
402 lay +="│ "
403 lay += " │ ".join([l[0] for l in layout[0]])
404 lay += " │\n"
405 lay += "├───┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬────┤\n"
406 lay += "│ "
407 lay += " │ ".join([l[0] for l in layout[1][:-1]])
408 lay += " │ Ret│\n"
409 lay += "├─────┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┐ │\n"
410 lay += "│ "
411 if layout[2][-2]:
412 lay += " │ ".join([l[0] for l in layout[2][:-1]])
413 else:
414 lay += " │ ".join([l[0] for l in layout[2][:-2]])
415 lay += " │ "
416 lay += " │ │\n"
417 lay += "├────┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴─┬─┴───┴───┤\n"
418 if layout[3][1]:
419 lay += "│ "
420 lay += " │ ".join([l[0] for l in layout[3]])
421 else:
422 lay +="│ ⇧ │ M4│ "
423 lay += " │ ".join([l[0] for l in layout[3][2:]])
424 lay += " │\n"
425 lay += """├────┼───┴┬──┴─┬─┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴─┬─┴──┬┴───┼────┬────┤
426 │Strg│ Fe │ Alt│ Leerzeichen │ M4 │ Fe │ Me │Strg│
427 └────┴────┴────┴───────────────────────┴────┴────┴────┴────┘"""
428 return lay
431 def short_number(s, letters=8):
432 """shorten a number to the given number of letters"""
433 if not "e" in str(s):
434 return str(s)[:letters]
435 else:
436 idx = min(letters-4, str(s).index("e"))
437 idx = max(0, idx)
438 return str(s)[:idx] + str(s)[-4:]
440 def csv_data(layout, letters=None, repeats=None, number_of_letters=None, number_of_bigrams=None, trigrams=None, number_of_trigrams=None, data=None):
441 """Return a list with data for a csv-line for the layout.
443 @return cost/word, position_cost, fingerrepeat, finger_disbalance, frep_top_bottom, handswitching, rows², shortcut_keys, unbalancing, patterns"""
444 letters, number_of_letters, repeats, number_of_bigrams, trigrams, number_of_trigrams = get_all_data(
445 data=data,
446 letters=letters, number_of_letters=number_of_letters,
447 repeats=repeats, number_of_bigrams=number_of_bigrams,
448 trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams
451 # weighted
452 total, cost_w, frep_num_w, frep_num_top_bottom_w, neighboring_fings_w, fing_disbalance_w, no_handswitches_w, badly_positioned_w, line_change_same_hand_w, no_switch_after_unbalancing_w = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=layout, trigrams=trigrams, return_weighted=True)[:10]
454 line = []
456 line.append(total/max(1, number_of_letters)/100)
457 line.append(cost_w/1000000000)
458 line.append(frep_num_w/1000000000)
459 line.append(fing_disbalance_w/1000000000)
460 line.append(frep_num_top_bottom_w/1000000000)
461 line.append(no_handswitches_w/1000000000)
462 line.append(line_change_same_hand_w/1000000000)
463 line.append(badly_positioned_w/1000000000)
464 line.append(no_switch_after_unbalancing_w/1000000000)
465 line.append(neighboring_fings_w/1000000000)
466 return line
469 def print_layout_with_statistics(layout, letters=None, repeats=None, number_of_letters=None, number_of_bigrams=None, print_layout=True, trigrams=None, number_of_trigrams=None, verbose=False, data=None, shorten_numbers=False):
470 """Print a layout along with statistics."""
471 letters, number_of_letters, repeats, number_of_bigrams, trigrams, number_of_trigrams = get_all_data(
472 data=data,
473 letters=letters, number_of_letters=number_of_letters,
474 repeats=repeats, number_of_bigrams=number_of_bigrams,
475 trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams
478 res = ""
479 def c(*args):
480 """concatenate the args to a string similar to how print() does it, just simpler."""
481 return " ".join((str(i) for i in args)) + "\n"
483 if print_layout:
484 res += c(format_layer_1_string(layout))
485 res += c(format_keyboard_layout(layout))
486 #from pprint import pprint
487 #pprint(layout[:5])
489 # unweighted
490 total, frep_num, cost, frep_top_bottom, disbalance, no_handswitches, line_change_same_hand, hand_load = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=layout, trigrams=trigrams)[:8]
491 # weighted
492 total, cost_w, frep_num_w, frep_num_top_bottom_w, neighboring_fings_w, fing_disbalance_w, no_handswitches_w, badly_positioned_w, line_change_same_hand_w, no_switch_after_unbalancing_w, hand_disbalance_w = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=layout, trigrams=trigrams, return_weighted=True)[:11]
494 if shorten_numbers:
495 sn = short_number
496 else:
497 sn = str
499 res += c("#", sn(total/max(1, number_of_letters)/100), "x100 total penalty per letter")
500 res += c("#", sn(total / 10000000000), "x10 billion total penalty compared to notime-noeffort")
501 res += c("#", sn(cost / max(1, number_of_letters)), "mean key position cost in file 1gramme.txt", "(", str(cost_w/1000000000), ")")
502 res += c("#", sn(100 * frep_num / max(1, number_of_bigrams)), "% finger repeats in file 2gramme.txt", "(", str(frep_num_w/1000000000), ")")
503 if verbose:
504 res += c("#", sn(disbalance / 1000000), "million keystrokes disbalance of the fingers", "(", str(fing_disbalance_w/1000000000), ")")
505 res += c("#", sn(100 * frep_top_bottom / max(1, number_of_bigrams)), "% finger repeats top to bottom or vice versa", "(", str(frep_num_top_bottom_w/1000000000), ")")
506 res += c("#", sn(100 * no_handswitches / max(1, number_of_trigrams)), "% of trigrams have no handswitching (after direction change counted x", WEIGHT_NO_HANDSWITCH_AFTER_DIRECTION_CHANGE, ")", "(", str(no_handswitches_w/1000000000), ")")
507 res += c("#", sn(line_change_same_hand / 1000000000), "billion (rows²/dist)² to cross", "(", str(line_change_same_hand_w/1000000000), ")")
508 res += c("#", sn(abs(hand_load[0]/max(1, sum(hand_load)) - 0.5)), "hand disbalance. Left:", hand_load[0]/max(1, sum(hand_load)), "%, Right:", hand_load[1]/max(1, sum(hand_load)), "% (", str(hand_disbalance_w/1000000000), ")")
509 res += c("#", sn(badly_positioned_w/1000000000), "badly positioned shortcut keys (weighted).")
510 res += c("#", sn(no_switch_after_unbalancing_w/1000000000), "no handswitching after unbalancing key (weighted).")
511 res += c("#", sn(neighboring_fings_w/1000000000), "movement pattern cost (weighted).")
512 result(res)
515 def find_a_qwertzy_layout(steps, prerandomize, quiet, verbose):
516 """Find a layout with values similar to qwertz."""
517 info("# Qwertzing Layout")
518 #data = read_file("/tmp/sskreszta")
519 data1 = read_file("1gramme.txt")
520 letters = letters_in_file_precalculated(data1)
521 #letters = letters_in_file(data)
522 datalen1 = sum([i for i, s in letters])
524 data2 = read_file("2gramme.txt")
525 repeats = repeats_in_file_precalculated(data2)
526 #repeats = repeats_in_file(data)
527 datalen2 = sum([i for i, s in repeats])
529 data3 = read_file("3gramme.txt")
530 trigrams = trigrams_in_file_precalculated(data3)
531 number_of_trigrams = sum([i for i, s in trigrams])
533 if prerandomize:
534 if not quiet:
535 info("doing", prerandomize, "randomization switches.")
536 lay, keypairs = randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches=prerandomize, layout=NEO_LAYOUT)
537 else: lay = NEO_LAYOUT
539 qvals = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=QWERTZ_LAYOUT, trigrams=trigrams, return_weighted=True)
541 qhand_load = load_per_hand(letters, layout=QWERTZ_LAYOUT)
543 def compare_with_qwertz(lay, base=QWERTZ_LAYOUT):
544 """compare the layout with qwertz."""
545 vals = total_cost(letters=letters, repeats=repeats, layout=lay, trigrams=trigrams, return_weighted=True)
546 hand_load = load_per_hand(letters, layout=lay)
547 diff = 0
548 to_compare = zip(vals, qvals)
549 for l,q in to_compare:
550 diff += (l - q)**2
551 return diff
553 diff = compare_with_qwertz(lay)
555 for i in range(steps):
556 lay = deepcopy(lay)
557 l, keypairs = randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches=prerandomize, layout=lay)
558 d = compare_with_qwertz(l)
559 if d < diff:
560 info("# qwertzer")
561 info(format_layer_1_string(l))
562 lay = deepcopy(l)
563 diff = d
565 print_layout_with_statistics(lay, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams, verbose=verbose)
568 def evolve_a_layout(steps, prerandomize, controlled, quiet, verbose, controlled_tail, starting_layout=NEO_LAYOUT, data=None, anneal=0, anneal_step=100):
569 """Evolve a layout by selecting the fittest of random mutations step by step."""
570 letters, datalen1, repeats, datalen2, trigrams, number_of_trigrams = get_all_data(data=data)
572 if prerandomize:
573 if not quiet:
574 info("doing", prerandomize, "prerandomization switches.")
575 lay, keypairs = randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches=prerandomize, layout=starting_layout)
576 else: lay = starting_layout
578 lay, cost = evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=lay, iterations=steps, quiet=quiet, controlled=controlled, controlled_tail = controlled_tail, anneal=anneal, anneal_step=anneal_step)
580 result("\n# Evolved Layout")
581 print_layout_with_statistics(lay, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams, verbose=verbose)
584 def evolution_challenge(layout=NEO_LAYOUT, challengers=100, rounds=10, iterations=20, abc=abc, prerandomize=10000, quiet=False, controlled=False, data=None):
585 """Run a challenge between many randomized layouts, then combine the best pseudo-genetically (random) and add them to the challenge."""
586 # Data for evaluating layouts.
587 letters, datalen1, repeats, datalen2, trigrams, number_of_trigrams = get_all_data(data=data)
589 from pprint import pprint
591 #: the maximum number of genetic combination tries to get a unique layout (no clone)
592 max_unique_tries = 200
594 layouts = [] # [(cost, lay), …]
595 if not quiet:
596 info("# create the", challengers, "starting layouts")
597 for i in range(challengers):
599 info("#", i, "of", challengers)
600 lay, keypairs = randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches=prerandomize, layout=layout)
601 lay, cost = evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=lay, iterations=iterations, quiet=True)
602 layouts.append((cost, lay))
604 # run the challenge
605 for round in range(rounds):
606 # sort and throw out the worst
607 layouts.sort()
608 if not quiet:
609 info("\n# round", round)
610 info("# top five")
611 for cost, lay in layouts[:5]:
612 print_layout_with_statistics(lay, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams)
613 info("\n# killing the worst", int(challengers * 3/4)-1, "layouts")
614 layouts = deepcopy(layouts[:int(challengers / 4)+1])
616 # combine the best and worst to get new ones.
617 info("\n# breeding new layouts")
618 for i in range(int(challengers/8)):
619 info(i, "of", int(challengers/4-1), "from weak and strong")
620 new = deepcopy(combine_genetically(layouts[i][1], layouts[-i - 1][1]))
621 # evolve, then append
622 new, cost = deepcopy(evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=new, iterations=iterations, quiet=True))
623 # make sure we have no clones :)
624 tries = 0
625 while (cost, new) in layouts and tries < max_unique_tries:
626 new = deepcopy(combine_genetically(layouts[i][1], layouts[-i - 1][1]))
627 new, cost = deepcopy(evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=new, iterations=iterations, quiet=True))
628 tries += 1
629 layouts.append((cost, new))
631 # also combine the best one with the upper half
632 for i in range(max(0, int(challengers/8))):
633 info(i+int(challengers/8), "of", int(challengers/4-1), "from the strongest with the top half")
634 new = deepcopy(combine_genetically(layouts[0][1], layouts[i+1][1]))
635 new, cost = evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=new, iterations=iterations, quiet=True)
636 # make sure we have no clones :)
637 tries = 0
638 while (cost, new) in layouts and tries < max_unique_tries:
639 new = deepcopy(combine_genetically(layouts[0][1], layouts[i+1][1]))
640 new, cost = evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=new, iterations=iterations, quiet=True)
641 tries += 1
642 layouts.append((cost, new))
644 # and new random ones
645 info("\n# and fill up the ranks with random layouts")
646 for i in range(challengers - len(layouts)):
647 info(i, "of", int(challengers/2))
648 lay, keypairs = deepcopy(randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches=prerandomize, layout=layout))
649 lay, cost = evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=lay, iterations=iterations, quiet=True)
650 # make sure we have no clones :)
651 tries = 0
652 while (cost, lay) in layouts and tries < max_unique_tries:
653 lay, keypairs = deepcopy(randomize_keyboard(abc, num_switches=prerandomize, layout=layout))
654 lay, cost = evolve(letters, repeats, trigrams, layout=lay, iterations=iterations, quiet=True)
655 tries += 1
656 layouts.append((cost, lay))
658 info("# Top 3")
659 layouts.sort()
661 for num, name in [(0, "\n# gold"), (1, "\n# silver"), (2, "\n# bronze")][:len(layouts)]:
662 cost, lay = layouts[num]
663 info(name)
664 print_layout_with_statistics(lay, letters, repeats, datalen1, datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams)
666 def best_random_layout(number, prerandomize, quiet=False, data=None, layout=NEO_LAYOUT):
667 """Select the best of a number of randomly created layouts."""
668 info("Selecting the best from", number, "random layouts.")
669 letters, datalen1, repeats, datalen2, trigrams, number_of_trigrams = get_all_data(data=data)
671 if prerandomize:
672 lay, cost = find_the_best_random_keyboard(letters, repeats, trigrams, num_tries=number, num_switches=prerandomize, layout=layout, abc=abc, quiet=quiet)
673 else:
674 lay, cost = find_the_best_random_keyboard(letters, repeats, trigrams, num_tries=number, layout=layout, abc=abc, quiet=quiet)
676 info("\nBest of the random layouts")
677 print_layout_with_statistics(lay, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams)
680 def compare_a_layout(quiet, verbose, data=None, layout=NEO_LAYOUT):
681 """Check the performance of the neo layout, optionally scoring it against Qwertz."""
682 if layout == NEO_LAYOUT:
683 info("Neo")
684 letters, datalen1, repeats, datalen2, trigrams, number_of_trigrams = get_all_data(data=data)
686 print_layout_with_statistics(layout, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, print_layout=not quiet, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams, verbose=verbose, shorten_numbers=True)
688 if not quiet:
689 info("\nQwertz for comparision")
690 print_layout_with_statistics(QWERTZ_LAYOUT, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams, verbose=verbose, shorten_numbers=True)
691 info("\nAnd the Nordtast Layout")
692 print_layout_with_statistics(NORDTAST_LAYOUT, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams, verbose=verbose, shorten_numbers=True)
693 info("\nAnd Dvorak")
694 print_layout_with_statistics(DVORAK_LAYOUT, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams, verbose=verbose, shorten_numbers=True)
695 info("\nAnd Colemak")
696 print_layout_with_statistics(COLEMAK_LAYOUT, letters=letters, repeats=repeats, number_of_letters=datalen1, number_of_bigrams=datalen2, trigrams=trigrams, number_of_trigrams=number_of_trigrams, verbose=verbose, shorten_numbers=True)
698 # for compatibility
699 check_the_neo_layout = compare_a_layout
701 def check_a_layout_from_shell(layout, quiet, verbose, data=None):
702 """Check a layout we get passed as shell argument."""
703 print_layout_with_statistics(layout, print_layout=not quiet, verbose=verbose, data=data, shorten_numbers=True)
706 def check_a_layout_string_from_shell(layout_string, quiet, verbose, base_layout=NEO_LAYOUT, data=None):
707 """Check a string passed via shell and formatted as
709 öckäy zhmlß,´
710 atieo dsnru.
711 xpfüq bgvwj
715 qwert zuiopü+
716 asdfg hjklöä
717 <yxcvb nm,.-
719 layout = string_to_layout(layout_string, base_layout)
720 print_layout_with_statistics(layout, print_layout=not quiet, verbose=verbose, data=data, shorten_numbers=True)
722 ### Self-Test
724 if __name__ == "__main__":
725 from sys import argv
727 if "--test" in argv:
728 from doctest import testmod
729 testmod()
730 exit()
732 from optparse import OptionParser
734 parser = OptionParser(description="Check and evolve keyboard layouts. Actions can’t be combined, the other options and arguments can. Without action, it checks layouts.")
735 # actions
736 parser.add_option("--best-random-layout", dest="best_random_layout", type="int", default=0,
737 help="(action) create the given number of random layouts and show the best one", metavar="number")
738 parser.add_option("--challenge", dest="challenge_rounds", type="int", default=0,
739 help="(action) do an evolution challenge for the given number of rounds. Slow", metavar="rounds")
740 parser.add_option("--check", dest="check",
741 help="(action)check a layout from shell. ignores --base*", metavar="layout")
742 parser.add_option("--check-string", dest="check_string",
743 help="(action) check a layout_string from shell", metavar="layout_string")
744 parser.add_option("--evolve", dest="evolve", type="int", default=0,
745 help="(action) do the given number of random mutation steps", metavar="number")
747 # options
748 parser.add_option("--base", dest="base", default=None,
749 help="take the given layout as base", metavar="layout")
750 parser.add_option("--base-name", dest="base_name", default=None,
751 help="take the named layout as base. I.e.: NEO_LAYOUT or QWERTZ_LAYOUT", metavar="layout_name")
752 parser.add_option("--base-string", dest="base_string", default=None,
753 help="take the given layout as base for layer 1. Compatible with --base and --base-name", metavar="layout")
754 parser.add_option("--challenge-evolution-steps", dest="challenge_evolution_steps", type="int", default=3,
755 help="the number of individual evolution steps to take between evolution challenge rounds", metavar="number")
756 parser.add_option("--challengers", dest="challengers", type="int", default=16,
757 help="the number of challengers for an evolution challenge", metavar="number")
758 parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file",
759 help="get the ngram data from the given textfile", metavar="textfile")
760 parser.add_option("--prerandomize", dest="prerandomize", type="int", default=1000,
761 help="do the given number of randomization steps", metavar="number")
762 parser.add_option("--anneal", dest="anneal", type="int", default=0,
763 help="start with number additional keyswitches per iteration and slowly reduce them (simulated annealing)", metavar="number")
764 parser.add_option("--anneal-step", dest="anneal_step", type="int", default=100,
765 help="the number of steps after which to reduce the annealing switches by 1", metavar="number")
768 # arguments
769 parser.add_option("--controlled",
770 action="store_true", dest="controlled_evolution", default=False,
771 help="check all possible mutations at each step and only take the best")
772 parser.add_option("--controlled-tail",
773 action="store_true", dest="controlled_tail", default=False,
774 help="do a controlled evolution after the random evolution steps")
775 parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
776 action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False,
777 help="don’t print progress messages to stdout")
778 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
779 action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
780 help="print more detailed layout statistics")
782 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
784 # post process options
785 if options.base:
786 options.base = eval(options.base)
787 elif options.base_name:
788 options.base = eval(options.base_name)
789 if not options.base:
790 options.base = NEO_LAYOUT
791 if options.base_string:
792 # base + base-string: base for the surroundings,
793 # base-string for the base layer.
794 options.base = string_to_layout(options.base_string, NEO_LAYOUT)
796 if options.file:
797 options.data = read_file(options.file)
798 else:
799 options.data = None
800 if options.check:
801 options.check = eval(options.check)
803 # act
805 if options.check:
806 check_a_layout_from_shell(options.check, quiet=options.quiet, verbose=options.verbose, data=options.data)
808 elif options.check_string:
809 check_a_layout_string_from_shell(options.check_string, quiet=options.quiet, verbose=options.verbose, data=options.data, base_layout=options.base)
811 elif options.evolve:
812 evolve_a_layout(steps=options.evolve, prerandomize=options.prerandomize, quiet=options.quiet, controlled=options.controlled_evolution, verbose=options.verbose, controlled_tail=options.controlled_tail, data=options.data, starting_layout=options.base, anneal=options.anneal, anneal_step=options.anneal_step)
814 elif options.best_random_layout:
815 best_random_layout(number=options.best_random_layout, prerandomize=options.prerandomize, quiet=options.quiet, data=options.data, layout=options.base)
817 elif options.challenge_rounds:
818 evolution_challenge(rounds=options.challenge_rounds,
819 iterations=options.challenge_evolution_steps,
820 challengers=options.challengers,
821 prerandomize=options.prerandomize,
822 data=options.data,
823 layout=options.base,
824 controlled=options.controlled_evolution)
826 else:
827 check_the_neo_layout(quiet=options.quiet, verbose=options.verbose, data=options.data, layout=options.base)