[exciting.git] / src / init0.f90
2 ! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3 ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
4 ! See the file COPYING for license details.
6 !BOP
7 ! !ROUTINE: init0
9 subroutine init0
10 ! !USES:
11 use modmain
12 use modxcifc
14 ! Performs basic consistency checks as well as allocating and initialising
15 ! global variables not dependent on the $k$-point set.
18 ! Created January 2004 (JKD)
19 !EOP
20 !BOC
21 implicit none
22 ! local variables
23 integer is,js,ia,ias
24 integer ist,l,m,lm,iv(3)
25 real(8) ts0,ts1
27 !-------------------------------!
28 ! zero timing variables !
29 !-------------------------------!
30 timeinit=0.d0
31 timemat=0.d0
32 timefv=0.d0
33 timesv=0.d0
34 timerho=0.d0
35 timepot=0.d0
36 timefor=0.d0
37 call timesec(ts0)
39 !------------------------------------!
40 ! angular momentum variables !
41 !------------------------------------!
42 lmmaxvr=(lmaxvr+1)**2
43 lmmaxapw=(lmaxapw+1)**2
44 lmmaxmat=(lmaxmat+1)**2
45 lmmaxinr=(lmaxinr+1)**2
46 if ( then
47 write(*,*)
48 write(*,'("Error(init0): lmaxvr > lmaxapw : ",2I8)') lmaxvr,lmaxapw
49 write(*,*)
50 stop
51 end if
52 if ( then
53 write(*,*)
54 write(*,'("Error(init0): lmaxmat > lmaxapw : ",2I8)') lmaxmat,lmaxapw
55 write(*,*)
56 stop
57 end if
58 ! index to (l,m) pairs
59 if (allocated(idxlm)) deallocate(idxlm)
60 allocate(idxlm(0:lmaxapw,-lmaxapw:lmaxapw))
61 lm=0
62 do l=0,lmaxapw
63 do m=-l,l
64 lm=lm+1
65 idxlm(l,m)=lm
66 end do
67 end do
68 ! array of i**l values
69 if (allocated(zil)) deallocate(zil)
70 allocate(zil(0:lmaxapw))
71 do l=0,lmaxapw
72 zil(l)=zi**l
73 end do
75 !------------------------------------!
76 ! index to atoms and species !
77 !------------------------------------!
78 ! check if the system is an isolated molecule
79 if (molecule) then
80 primcell=.false.
81 tshift=.false.
82 end if
83 ! find primitive cell if required
84 if (primcell) call findprim
85 natmmax=0
86 ias=0
87 do is=1,nspecies
88 do ia=1,natoms(is)
89 ias=ias+1
90 idxas(ia,is)=ias
91 end do
92 ! maximum number of atoms over all species
93 natmmax=max(natmmax,natoms(is))
94 end do
95 ! total number of atoms
96 natmtot=ias
98 !------------------------!
99 ! spin variables !
100 !------------------------!
101 if (spinsprl) then
102 select case(task)
103 case(2,3,15,51,52,53,61,62,63,120,121)
104 write(*,*)
105 write(*,'("Error(init0): spin-spirals do not work with task ",I4)') task
106 write(*,*)
107 stop
108 end select
109 if ( then
110 write(*,*)
111 write(*,'("Error(init0): spin-spirals do not work with the OEP method")')
112 write(*,*)
113 stop
114 end if
115 end if
116 ! spin-orbit coupling or fixed spin moment implies spin-polarised calculation
117 if ((spinorb).or.( spinpol=.true.
118 ! number of spinor components and maximum allowed occupancy
119 if (spinpol) then
120 nspinor=2
121 occmax=1.d0
122 else
123 nspinor=1
124 occmax=2.d0
125 end if
126 ! number of spin-dependent first-variational functions per state
127 if (spinsprl) then
128 nspnfv=2
129 else
130 nspnfv=1
131 end if
132 ! spin-polarised calculations require second-variational eigenvectors
133 if (spinpol) tevecsv=.true.
134 ! Hartree-Fock/RDMFT requires second-variational eigenvectors
135 if ((task.eq.5).or.(task.eq.6).or.(task.eq.300)) tevecsv=.true.
136 ! get exchange-correlation functional data
137 call getxcdata(xctype,xcdescr,xcspin,xcgrad)
138 if ((spinpol).and.(xcspin.eq.0)) then
139 write(*,*)
140 write(*,'("Error(init0): requested spin-polarised run with &
141 &spin-unpolarised")')
142 write(*,'(" exchange-correlation functional")')
143 write(*,*)
144 stop
145 end if
146 ! check for collinearity in the z-direction and set the dimension of the
147 ! magnetisation and exchange-correlation vector fields
148 if (spinpol) then
149 ndmag=1
150 if ((abs(bfieldc(1)).gt.epslat).or.(abs(bfieldc(2)).gt.epslat)) ndmag=3
151 do is=1,nspecies
152 do ia=1,natoms(is)
153 if ((abs(bfcmt(1,ia,is)).gt.epslat).or.(abs(bfcmt(2,ia,is)).gt.epslat)) &
154 ndmag=3
155 end do
156 end do
157 ! source-free fields and spin-spirals are non-collinear in general
158 if ((nosource).or.(spinsprl)) ndmag=3
159 ! spin-orbit coupling is non-collinear in general
160 if (spinorb) ndmag=3
161 else
162 ndmag=0
163 end if
164 ! set the non-collinear flag
165 if (ndmag.eq.3) then
166 ncmag=.true.
167 else
168 ncmag=.false.
169 end if
170 if ((ncmag).and.( then
171 write(*,*)
172 write(*,'("Warning(init0): GGA inconsistent with non-collinear magnetism")')
173 end if
174 ! set fixed spin moment effective field to zero
175 bfsmc(:)=0.d0
176 ! set muffin-tin FSM fields to zero
177 bfsmcmt(:,:,:)=0.d0
179 !-------------------------------------!
180 ! lattice and symmetry set up !
181 !-------------------------------------!
182 ! generate the reciprocal lattice vectors and unit cell volume
183 call reciplat
184 ! compute the inverse of the lattice vector matrix
185 call r3minv(avec,ainv)
186 ! compute the inverse of the reciprocal vector matrix
187 call r3minv(bvec,binv)
188 do is=1,nspecies
189 do ia=1,natoms(is)
190 ! map atomic lattice coordinates to [0,1) if not in molecule mode
191 if (.not.molecule) call r3frac(epslat,atposl(:,ia,is),iv)
192 ! determine atomic Cartesian coordinates
193 call r3mv(avec,atposl(:,ia,is),atposc(:,ia,is))
194 ! lattice coordinates of the muffin-tin magnetic fields
195 call r3mv(ainv,bfcmt(:,ia,is),bflmt(:,ia,is))
196 end do
197 end do
198 ! lattice coordinates of the global magnetic field
199 call r3mv(ainv,bfieldc,bfieldl)
200 ! Cartesian coordinates of the spin-spiral vector
201 call r3mv(bvec,vqlss,vqcss)
202 ! find Bravais lattice symmetries
203 call findsymlat
204 ! use only the identity if required
205 if (nosym) nsymlat=1
206 ! find the crystal symmetries and shift atomic positions if required
207 call findsymcrys
208 ! find the site symmetries
209 call findsymsite
210 ! automatically determine the muffin-tin radii if required
211 if (autormt) call autoradmt
212 ! check for overlapping muffin-tins
213 call checkmt
215 !-----------------------!
216 ! radial meshes !
217 !-----------------------!
218 nrmtmax=1
219 nrcmtmax=1
220 js=1
221 do is=1,nspecies
222 ! make the muffin-tin mesh commensurate with lradstp
223 nrmt(is)=nrmt(is)-mod(nrmt(is)-1,lradstp)
224 nrmtmax=max(nrmtmax,nrmt(is))
225 ! number of coarse radial mesh points
226 nrcmt(is)=(nrmt(is)-1)/lradstp+1
227 nrcmtmax=max(nrcmtmax,nrcmt(is))
228 ! smallest muffin-tin radius
229 if (rmt(is).lt.rmt(js)) js=is
230 end do
231 if (( isgkmax=js
232 ! set up atomic and muffin-tin radial meshes
233 call genrmesh
235 !--------------------------------------!
236 ! charges and number of states !
237 !--------------------------------------!
238 chgzn=0.d0
239 chgcr=0.d0
240 chgval=0.d0
241 spnstmax=0
242 do is=1,nspecies
243 ! nuclear charge
244 chgzn=chgzn+spzn(is)*dble(natoms(is))
245 ! find the maximum number of atomic states
246 spnstmax=max(spnstmax,spnst(is))
247 ! compute the electronic charge for each species, as well as the total core and
248 ! valence charge
249 spze(is)=0.d0
250 do ist=1,spnst(is)
251 spze(is)=spze(is)+spocc(ist,is)
252 if (spcore(ist,is)) then
253 chgcr=chgcr+dble(natoms(is))*spocc(ist,is)
254 else
255 chgval=chgval+dble(natoms(is))*spocc(ist,is)
256 end if
257 end do
258 end do
259 ! add excess charge
260 chgval=chgval+chgexs
261 ! total charge
262 chgtot=chgcr+chgval
263 if ( then
264 write(*,*)
265 write(*,'("Error(init0): zero total charge")')
266 write(*,*)
267 stop
268 end if
269 ! effective Wigner radius
270 rwigner=(3.d0/(fourpi*(chgtot/omega)))**(1.d0/3.d0)
272 !-------------------------!
273 ! G-vector arrays !
274 !-------------------------!
275 ! find the G-vector grid sizes
276 call gridsize
277 ! generate the G-vectors
278 call gengvec
279 ! generate the spherical harmonics of the G-vectors
280 call genylmg
281 ! allocate structure factor array for G-vectors
282 if (allocated(sfacg)) deallocate(sfacg)
283 allocate(sfacg(ngvec,natmtot))
284 ! generate structure factors for G-vectors
285 call gensfacgp(ngvec,vgc,ngvec,sfacg)
286 ! generate the characteristic function
287 call gencfun
289 !-------------------------!
290 ! atoms and cores !
291 !-------------------------!
292 ! solve the Kohn-Sham-Dirac equations for all atoms
293 call allatoms
294 ! allocate core state eigenvalue array and set to default
295 if (allocated(evalcr)) deallocate(evalcr)
296 allocate(evalcr(spnstmax,natmtot))
297 do is=1,nspecies
298 do ia=1,natoms(is)
299 ias=idxas(ia,is)
300 do ist=1,spnst(is)
301 evalcr(ist,ias)=speval(ist,is)
302 end do
303 end do
304 end do
305 ! allocate core state radial wavefunction array
306 if (allocated(rwfcr)) deallocate(rwfcr)
307 allocate(rwfcr(spnrmax,2,spnstmax,natmtot))
308 ! allocate core state charge density array
309 if (allocated(rhocr)) deallocate(rhocr)
310 allocate(rhocr(spnrmax,natmtot))
312 !---------------------------------------!
313 ! charge density and potentials !
314 !---------------------------------------!
315 ! allocate charge density arrays
316 if (allocated(rhomt)) deallocate(rhomt)
317 allocate(rhomt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot))
318 if (allocated(rhoir)) deallocate(rhoir)
319 allocate(rhoir(ngrtot))
320 ! allocate magnetisation arrays
321 if (allocated(magmt)) deallocate(magmt)
322 if (allocated(magir)) deallocate(magir)
323 if (spinpol) then
324 allocate(magmt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot,ndmag))
325 allocate(magir(ngrtot,ndmag))
326 end if
327 ! Coulomb potential
328 if (allocated(vclmt)) deallocate(vclmt)
329 allocate(vclmt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot))
330 if (allocated(vclir)) deallocate(vclir)
331 allocate(vclir(ngrtot))
332 ! exchange-correlation potential
333 if (allocated(vxcmt)) deallocate(vxcmt)
334 allocate(vxcmt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot))
335 if (allocated(vxcir)) deallocate(vxcir)
336 allocate(vxcir(ngrtot))
337 ! exchange-correlation magnetic field
338 if (allocated(bxcmt)) deallocate(bxcmt)
339 if (allocated(bxcir)) deallocate(bxcir)
340 if (spinpol) then
341 allocate(bxcmt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot,ndmag))
342 allocate(bxcir(ngrtot,ndmag))
343 end if
344 ! exchange energy density
345 if (allocated(exmt)) deallocate(exmt)
346 allocate(exmt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot))
347 if (allocated(exir)) deallocate(exir)
348 allocate(exir(ngrtot))
349 ! correlation energy density
350 if (allocated(ecmt)) deallocate(ecmt)
351 allocate(ecmt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot))
352 if (allocated(ecir)) deallocate(ecir)
353 allocate(ecir(ngrtot))
354 ! effective potential
355 if (allocated(veffmt)) deallocate(veffmt)
356 allocate(veffmt(lmmaxvr,nrmtmax,natmtot))
357 if (allocated(veffir)) deallocate(veffir)
358 allocate(veffir(ngrtot))
359 if (allocated(veffig)) deallocate(veffig)
360 allocate(veffig(ngvec))
361 ! allocate muffin-tin charge and moment arrays
362 if (allocated(chgmt)) deallocate(chgmt)
363 allocate(chgmt(natmtot))
364 if (allocated(mommt)) deallocate(mommt)
365 allocate(mommt(3,natmtot))
367 !--------------------------------------------!
368 ! forces and structural optimisation !
369 !--------------------------------------------!
370 if (allocated(forcehf)) deallocate(forcehf)
371 allocate(forcehf(3,natmtot))
372 if (allocated(forcecr)) deallocate(forcecr)
373 allocate(forcecr(3,natmtot))
374 if (allocated(forceibs)) deallocate(forceibs)
375 allocate(forceibs(3,natmtot))
376 if (allocated(forcetot)) deallocate(forcetot)
377 allocate(forcetot(3,natmtot))
378 if (allocated(forcetp)) deallocate(forcetp)
379 allocate(forcetp(3,natmtot))
380 if (allocated(tauatm)) deallocate(tauatm)
381 allocate(tauatm(natmtot))
382 ! initialise the previous force
383 forcetp(:,:)=0.d0
384 ! initial step sizes
385 tauatm(:)=tau0atm
387 !-------------------------!
388 ! LDA+U variables !
389 !-------------------------!
390 if (( then
391 ! LDA+U requires second-variational eigenvectors
392 tevecsv=.true.
393 ! density matrices
394 if (allocated(dmatlu)) deallocate(dmatlu)
395 allocate(dmatlu(lmmaxlu,lmmaxlu,nspinor,nspinor,natmtot))
396 ! potential matrix elements
397 if (allocated(vmatlu)) deallocate(vmatlu)
398 allocate(vmatlu(lmmaxlu,lmmaxlu,nspinor,nspinor,natmtot))
399 ! zero the potential
400 vmatlu(:,:,:,:,:)=0.d0
401 ! energy for each atom
402 if (allocated(engyalu)) deallocate(engyalu)
403 allocate(engyalu(natmtot))
404 ! interpolation constants (alpha)
405 if (allocated(alphalu)) deallocate(alphalu)
406 allocate(alphalu(natmtot))
407 end if
409 !-----------------------!
410 ! miscellaneous !
411 !-----------------------!
412 ! determine the nuclear-nuclear energy
413 call energynn
414 ! get smearing function data
415 call getsdata(stype,sdescr)
416 ! generate the spherical harmonic transform (SHT) matrices
417 call genshtmat
418 ! allocate 1D plotting arrays
419 if (allocated(dvp1d)) deallocate(dvp1d)
420 allocate(dvp1d(nvp1d))
421 if (allocated(vplp1d)) deallocate(vplp1d)
422 allocate(vplp1d(3,npp1d))
423 if (allocated(dpp1d)) deallocate(dpp1d)
424 allocate(dpp1d(npp1d))
425 ! zero self-consistent loop number
426 iscl=0
427 tlast=.false.
429 call timesec(ts1)
430 timeinit=timeinit+ts1-ts0
432 return
433 end subroutine
434 !EOC