[exciting.git] / src / mixpulay.f90
2 ! Copyright (C) 2008 S. Suehara. This file is distributed under the terms of the
3 ! GNU Lesser General Public License. See the file COPYING for license details.
5 !BOP
6 ! !ROUTINE: mixpulay
8 subroutine mixpulay(iscl,n,maxsd,nu,mu,f,d)
10 ! iscl : self-consistent loop number (in,integer)
11 ! n : vector length (in,integer)
12 ! maxsd : maximum subspace dimension (in,integer)
13 ! nu : current output vector as well as the next input vector of the
14 ! self-consistent loop (inout,real(n))
15 ! mu : used internally (inout,real(n,maxsd))
16 ! f : used internally (inout,real(n,maxsd))
17 ! d : RMS difference between old and new output vectors (out,real)
19 ! Pulay's mixing scheme which uses direct inversion in the iterative subspace
20 ! (DIIS). See {\it Chem. Phys. Lett.} {\bf 73}, 393 (1980).
23 ! Created October 2008 (S. Suehara, NIMS)
24 ! Modified, October 2008 (JKD)
25 !EOP
26 !BOC
27 implicit none
28 ! arguments
29 integer, intent(in) :: iscl
30 integer, intent(in) :: n
31 integer, intent(in) :: maxsd
32 real(8), intent(inout) :: nu(n)
33 real(8), intent(inout) :: mu(n,maxsd)
34 real(8), intent(inout) :: f(n,maxsd)
35 real(8), intent(out) :: d
36 ! local variables
37 integer i,j,k,m,jc,jn,info
38 ! initial mixing parameter
39 real(8), parameter :: beta=0.1d0
40 ! allocatable arrays
41 integer, allocatable :: ipiv(:)
42 real(8), allocatable :: alpha(:),a(:,:),work(:)
43 ! external functions
44 real(8) ddot
45 external ddot
46 if ( then
47 write(*,*)
48 write(*,'("Error(mixpulay): n < 1 : ",I8)') n
49 write(*,*)
50 stop
51 end if
52 if ( then
53 write(*,*)
54 write(*,'("Error(mixpulay): maxsd < 2 : ",I8)') maxsd
55 write(*,*)
56 stop
57 end if
58 if (iscl.le.1) then
59 mu(:,1)=nu(:)
60 f(:,1)=0.d0
61 d=1.d0
62 return
63 end if
64 ! current index
65 jc=mod(iscl-1,maxsd)+1
66 ! next index
67 jn=mod(iscl,maxsd)+1
68 if (iscl.le.2) then
69 nu(:)=beta*nu(:)+(1.d0-beta)*mu(:,1)
70 f(:,2)=nu(:)-mu(:,1)
71 mu(:,2)=nu(:)
72 if ( mu(:,3)=0.d0
73 d=0.d0
74 do k=1,n
75 d=d+f(k,2)**2
76 end do
77 d=sqrt(d/dble(n))
78 return
79 end if
80 ! matrix size
81 m=min(iscl,maxsd)+1
82 allocate(ipiv(m),alpha(m),a(m,m),work(m))
83 ! compute f and RMS difference
84 d=0.d0
85 do k=1,n
86 f(k,jc)=nu(k)-mu(k,jc)
87 d=d+f(k,jc)**2
88 end do
89 d=sqrt(d/dble(n))
90 ! solve the linear system
91 a(:,:)=0.d0
92 do i=1,m-1
93 do j=i,m-1
94 a(i,j)=a(i,j)+ddot(n,f(:,i),1,f(:,j),1)
95 end do
96 a(i,m)=1.d0
97 end do
98 alpha(:)=0.d0
99 alpha(m)=1.d0
100 call dsysv('U',m,1,a,m,ipiv,alpha,m,work,m,info)
101 if ( then
102 write(*,*)
103 write(*,'("Error(mixpulay): could not solve linear system")')
104 write(*,'(" DSYSV returned INFO = ",I8)') info
105 write(*,*)
106 stop
107 end if
108 nu(:)=0.d0
109 do i=1,m-1
110 nu(:)=nu(:)+alpha(i)*(mu(:,i)+f(:,i))
111 end do
112 mu(:,jn)=nu(:)
113 deallocate(ipiv,alpha,a,work)
114 return
115 end subroutine
116 !EOC