6 - deps: on-finished@2.1.0
7 * deps: serve-static@~1.5.3
15 - Work around `fd` leak in Node.js 0.10 for `fs.ReadStream`
16 * deps: serve-static@~1.5.2
22 * deps: parseurl@~1.3.0
24 * deps: serve-static@~1.5.1
25 - Fix parsing of weird `req.originalUrl` values
26 - deps: parseurl@~1.3.0
27 - deps: utils-merge@1.0.0
33 - Fix parsing array of objects
38 * fix incorrect deprecation warnings on `res.download`
40 - Accept urlencoded square brackets
41 - Accept empty values in implicit array notation
47 - accepts a file system path instead of a URL
48 - requires an absolute path or `root` option specified
49 * deprecate `res.sendfile` -- use `res.sendFile` instead
50 * support mounted app as any argument to `app.use()`
53 - Limits array length to 20
54 - Limits object depth to 5
55 - Limits parameters to 1,000
57 - Add `extensions` option
58 * deps: serve-static@~1.5.0
59 - Add `extensions` option
65 * fix `res.sendfile` regression for serving directory index files
67 - Fix incorrect 403 on Windows and Node.js 0.11
68 - Fix serving index files without root dir
69 * deps: serve-static@~1.4.4
76 - Fix incorrect 403 on Windows and Node.js 0.11
77 * deps: serve-static@~1.4.3
78 - Fix incorrect 403 on Windows and Node.js 0.11
85 - Work-around v8 generating empty stack traces
88 * deps: serve-static@~1.4.2
94 - Fix exception when global `Error.stackTraceLimit` is too low
97 * deps: serve-static@~1.4.1
102 * fix `req.protocol` for proxy-direct connections
103 * configurable query parser with `app.set('query parser', parser)`
104 - `app.set('query parser', 'extended')` parse with "qs" module
105 - `app.set('query parser', 'simple')` parse with "querystring" core module
106 - `app.set('query parser', false)` disable query string parsing
107 - `app.set('query parser', true)` enable simple parsing
108 * deprecate `res.json(status, obj)` -- use `res.status(status).json(obj)` instead
109 * deprecate `res.jsonp(status, obj)` -- use `res.status(status).jsonp(obj)` instead
110 * deprecate `res.send(status, body)` -- use `res.status(status).send(body)` instead
113 - Add `TRACE_DEPRECATION` environment variable
114 - Remove non-standard grey color from color output
115 - Support `--no-deprecation` argument
116 - Support `--trace-deprecation` argument
117 * deps: finalhandler@0.1.0
118 - Respond after request fully read
120 * deps: parseurl@~1.2.0
121 - Cache URLs based on original value
122 - Remove no-longer-needed URL mis-parse work-around
123 - Simplify the "fast-path" `RegExp`
125 - Add `dotfiles` option
126 - Cap `maxAge` value to 1 year
129 * deps: serve-static@~1.4.0
130 - deps: parseurl@~1.2.0
132 * perf: prevent multiple `Buffer` creation in `res.send`
137 * fix `subapp.mountpath` regression for `app.use(subapp)`
142 * accept multiple callbacks to `app.use()`
143 * add explicit "Rosetta Flash JSONP abuse" protection
144 - previous versions are not vulnerable; this is just explicit protection
145 * catch errors in multiple `req.param(name, fn)` handlers
146 * deprecate `res.redirect(url, status)` -- use `res.redirect(status, url)` instead
147 * fix `res.send(status, num)` to send `num` as json (not error)
148 * remove unnecessary escaping when `res.jsonp` returns JSON response
149 * support non-string `path` in `app.use(path, fn)`
150 - supports array of paths
152 * router: fix optimization on router exit
153 * router: refactor location of `try` blocks
154 * router: speed up standard `app.use(fn)`
156 - Add support for multiple wildcards in namespaces
157 * deps: finalhandler@0.0.3
159 * deps: methods@1.1.0
161 * deps: parseurl@~1.1.3
162 - faster parsing of href-only URLs
163 * deps: path-to-regexp@0.1.3
166 * deps: serve-static@~1.3.2
167 - deps: parseurl@~1.1.3
169 * perf: fix arguments reassign deopt in some `res` methods
174 * fix routing regression when altering `req.method`
179 * add deprecation message to non-plural `req.accepts*`
180 * add deprecation message to `res.send(body, status)`
181 * add deprecation message to `res.vary()`
182 * add `headers` option to `res.sendfile`
183 - use to set headers on successful file transfer
184 * add `mergeParams` option to `Router`
185 - merges `req.params` from parent routes
186 * add `req.hostname` -- correct name for what `req.host` returns
187 * deprecate things with `depd` module
188 * deprecate `req.host` -- use `req.hostname` instead
189 * fix behavior when handling request without routes
190 * fix handling when `route.all` is only route
191 * invoke `router.param()` only when route matches
192 * restore `req.params` after invoking router
193 * use `finalhandler` for final response handling
194 * use `media-typer` to alter content-type charset
195 * deps: accepts@~1.0.7
197 - Accept string for `maxage` (converted by `ms`)
198 - Include link in default redirect response
199 * deps: serve-static@~1.3.0
200 - Accept string for `maxAge` (converted by `ms`)
201 - Add `setHeaders` option
202 - Include HTML link in redirect response
204 * deps: type-is@~1.3.2
209 * deps: cookie-signature@1.0.4
210 - fix for timing attacks
215 * fix `res.attachment` Unicode filenames in Safari
216 * fix "trim prefix" debug message in `express:router`
217 * deps: accepts@~1.0.5
218 * deps: buffer-crc32@0.2.3
223 * fix persistence of modified `req.params[name]` from `app.param()`
224 * deps: accepts@1.0.3
225 - deps: negotiator@0.4.6
228 - Do not throw un-catchable error on file open race condition
229 - Use `escape-html` for HTML escaping
231 - deps: finished@1.2.2
233 * deps: serve-static@1.2.3
234 - Do not throw un-catchable error on file open race condition
240 * fix catching errors from top-level handlers
241 * use `vary` module for `res.vary`
243 * deps: proxy-addr@1.0.1
245 - fix "event emitter leak" warnings
247 - deps: finished@1.2.1
248 * deps: serve-static@1.2.2
249 - fix "event emitter leak" warnings
251 * deps: type-is@1.2.1
256 * deps: methods@1.0.1
258 - Send `max-age` in `Cache-Control` in correct format
259 * deps: serve-static@1.2.1
260 - use `escape-html` for escaping
266 * custom etag control with `app.set('etag', val)`
267 - `app.set('etag', function(body, encoding){ return '"etag"' })` custom etag generation
268 - `app.set('etag', 'weak')` weak tag
269 - `app.set('etag', 'strong')` strong etag
270 - `app.set('etag', false)` turn off
271 - `app.set('etag', true)` standard etag
272 * mark `res.send` ETag as weak and reduce collisions
273 * update accepts to 1.0.2
274 - Fix interpretation when header not in request
275 * update send to 0.4.0
276 - Calculate ETag with md5 for reduced collisions
277 - Ignore stream errors after request ends
279 * update serve-static to 1.2.0
280 - Calculate ETag with md5 for reduced collisions
281 - Ignore stream errors after request ends
287 * fix handling of errors from `router.param()` callbacks
292 * revert "fix behavior of multiple `app.VERB` for the same path"
293 - this caused a regression in the order of route execution
298 * add `req.baseUrl` to access the path stripped from `req.url` in routes
299 * fix behavior of multiple `app.VERB` for the same path
300 * fix issue routing requests among sub routers
301 * invoke `router.param()` only when necessary instead of every match
302 * proper proxy trust with `app.set('trust proxy', trust)`
303 - `app.set('trust proxy', 1)` trust first hop
304 - `app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback')` trust loopback addresses
305 - `app.set('trust proxy', '')` trust single IP
306 - `app.set('trust proxy', '')` trust subnet
307 - `app.set('trust proxy', ',')` trust list
308 - `app.set('trust proxy', false)` turn off
309 - `app.set('trust proxy', true)` trust everything
310 * set proper `charset` in `Content-Type` for `res.send`
311 * update type-is to 1.2.0
312 - support suffix matching
317 * deprecate `app.del()` -- use `app.delete()` instead
318 * deprecate `res.json(obj, status)` -- use `res.json(status, obj)` instead
319 - the edge-case `res.json(status, num)` requires `res.status(status).json(num)`
320 * deprecate `res.jsonp(obj, status)` -- use `res.jsonp(status, obj)` instead
321 - the edge-case `res.jsonp(status, num)` requires `res.status(status).jsonp(num)`
322 * fix `req.next` when inside router instance
323 * include `ETag` header in `HEAD` requests
324 * keep previous `Content-Type` for `res.jsonp`
325 * support PURGE method
328 - include PURGE in `app.all`
329 * update debug to 0.8.0
330 - add `enable()` method
331 - change from stderr to stdout
332 * update methods to 1.0.0
338 * fix `req.host` for IPv6 literals
339 * fix `res.jsonp` error if callback param is object
344 * fix package.json to reflect supported node version
349 * pass options from `res.sendfile` to `send`
350 * preserve casing of headers in `res.header` and `res.set`
351 * support unicode file names in `res.attachment` and `res.download`
352 * update accepts to 1.0.1
353 - deps: negotiator@0.4.0
354 * update cookie to 0.1.2
355 - Fix for maxAge == 0
356 - made compat with expires field
357 * update send to 0.3.0
358 - Accept API options in options object
359 - Coerce option types
360 - Control whether to generate etags
361 - Default directory access to 403 when index disabled
362 - Fix sending files with dots without root set
363 - Include file path in etag
364 - Make "Can't set headers after they are sent." catchable
365 - Send full entity-body for multi range requests
366 - Set etags to "weak"
367 - Support "If-Range" header
368 - Support multiple index paths
370 * update serve-static to 1.1.0
371 - Accept options directly to `send` module
372 - Resolve relative paths at middleware setup
373 - Use parseurl to parse the URL from request
375 * update type-is to 1.1.0
376 - add non-array values support
377 - add `multipart` as a shorthand
384 - connect and connect's patches except for charset handling
385 - express(1) - moved to [express-generator](https://github.com/expressjs/generator)
386 - `express.createServer()` - it has been deprecated for a long time. Use `express()`
387 - `app.configure` - use logic in your own app code
388 - `app.router` - is removed
389 - `req.auth` - use `basic-auth` instead
390 - `req.accepted*` - use `req.accepts*()` instead
391 - `res.location` - relative URL resolution is removed
392 - `res.charset` - include the charset in the content type when using `res.set()`
393 - all bundled middleware except `static`
395 - `app.route` -> `app.mountpath` when mounting an express app in another express app
396 - `json spaces` no longer enabled by default in development
397 - `req.accepts*` -> `req.accepts*s` - i.e. `req.acceptsEncoding` -> `req.acceptsEncodings`
398 - `req.params` is now an object instead of an array
399 - `res.locals` is no longer a function. It is a plain js object. Treat it as such.
400 - `res.headerSent` -> `res.headersSent` to match node.js ServerResponse object
402 - `req.accepts*` with [accepts](https://github.com/expressjs/accepts)
403 - `req.is` with [type-is](https://github.com/expressjs/type-is)
404 - [path-to-regexp](https://github.com/component/path-to-regexp)
406 - `app.router()` - returns the app Router instance
407 - `app.route()` - Proxy to the app's `Router#route()` method to create a new route
408 - Router & Route - public API
413 * deps: connect@2.25.7
414 - deps: body-parser@~1.6.5
415 - deps: express-session@~1.7.6
416 - deps: morgan@~1.2.3
417 - deps: serve-static@~1.5.3
419 - deps: destroy@1.0.3
420 - deps: on-finished@2.1.0
425 * deps: connect@2.25.6
426 - deps: body-parser@~1.6.4
428 - deps: serve-static@~1.5.2
430 - Work around `fd` leak in Node.js 0.10 for `fs.ReadStream`
435 * deps: connect@2.25.5
436 - Fix backwards compatibility in `logger`
441 * Fix original URL parsing in `res.location`
442 * deps: connect@2.25.4
443 - Fix `query` middleware breaking with argument
444 - deps: body-parser@~1.6.3
445 - deps: compression@~1.0.11
446 - deps: connect-timeout@~1.2.2
447 - deps: express-session@~1.7.5
448 - deps: method-override@~2.1.3
449 - deps: on-headers@~1.0.0
450 - deps: parseurl@~1.3.0
452 - deps: response-time@~2.0.1
453 - deps: serve-index@~1.1.6
454 - deps: serve-static@~1.5.1
455 * deps: parseurl@~1.3.0
460 * deps: connect@2.25.3
461 - deps: multiparty@3.3.2
466 * deps: connect@2.25.2
467 - deps: body-parser@~1.6.2
473 * deps: connect@2.25.1
474 - deps: body-parser@~1.6.1
480 * deps: connect@2.25.0
481 - deps: body-parser@~1.6.0
482 - deps: compression@~1.0.10
484 - deps: express-session@~1.7.4
486 - deps: serve-static@~1.5.0
488 - Add `extensions` option
493 * fix `res.sendfile` regression for serving directory index files
494 * deps: connect@2.24.3
495 - deps: serve-index@~1.1.5
496 - deps: serve-static@~1.4.4
498 - Fix incorrect 403 on Windows and Node.js 0.11
499 - Fix serving index files without root dir
504 * deps: connect@2.24.2
505 - deps: body-parser@~1.5.2
507 - deps: express-session@~1.7.2
508 - deps: morgan@~1.2.2
509 - deps: serve-static@~1.4.2
511 - Work-around v8 generating empty stack traces
518 * deps: connect@2.24.1
519 - deps: body-parser@~1.5.1
521 - deps: express-session@~1.7.1
522 - deps: morgan@~1.2.1
523 - deps: serve-index@~1.1.4
524 - deps: serve-static@~1.4.1
526 - Fix exception when global `Error.stackTraceLimit` is too low
533 * Fix `req.protocol` for proxy-direct connections
534 * Pass options from `res.sendfile` to `send`
535 * deps: connect@2.24.0
536 - deps: body-parser@~1.5.0
537 - deps: compression@~1.0.9
538 - deps: connect-timeout@~1.2.1
541 - deps: express-session@~1.7.0
542 - deps: finalhandler@0.1.0
543 - deps: method-override@~2.1.2
544 - deps: morgan@~1.2.0
545 - deps: multiparty@3.3.1
546 - deps: parseurl@~1.2.0
547 - deps: serve-static@~1.4.0
550 - Add `TRACE_DEPRECATION` environment variable
551 - Remove non-standard grey color from color output
552 - Support `--no-deprecation` argument
553 - Support `--trace-deprecation` argument
554 * deps: parseurl@~1.2.0
555 - Cache URLs based on original value
556 - Remove no-longer-needed URL mis-parse work-around
557 - Simplify the "fast-path" `RegExp`
559 - Add `dotfiles` option
560 - Cap `maxAge` value to 1 year
567 * add explicit "Rosetta Flash JSONP abuse" protection
568 - previous versions are not vulnerable; this is just explicit protection
569 * deprecate `res.redirect(url, status)` -- use `res.redirect(status, url)` instead
570 * fix `res.send(status, num)` to send `num` as json (not error)
571 * remove unnecessary escaping when `res.jsonp` returns JSON response
572 * deps: basic-auth@1.0.0
573 - support empty password
574 - support empty username
575 * deps: connect@2.23.0
577 - deps: express-session@~1.6.4
578 - deps: method-override@~2.1.0
579 - deps: parseurl@~1.1.3
580 - deps: serve-static@~1.3.1
582 - Add support for multiple wildcards in namespaces
583 * deps: methods@1.1.0
585 * deps: parseurl@~1.1.3
586 - faster parsing of href-only URLs
591 * add deprecation message to `app.configure`
592 * add deprecation message to `req.auth`
593 * use `basic-auth` to parse `Authorization` header
594 * deps: connect@2.22.0
596 - deps: express-session@~1.6.1
597 - deps: multiparty@3.3.0
598 - deps: serve-static@~1.3.0
600 - Accept string for `maxage` (converted by `ms`)
601 - Include link in default redirect response
606 * deps: connect@2.21.1
607 - deps: cookie-parser@1.3.2
608 - deps: cookie-signature@1.0.4
609 - deps: express-session@~1.5.2
610 - deps: type-is@~1.3.2
611 * deps: cookie-signature@1.0.4
612 - fix for timing attacks
617 * use `media-typer` to alter content-type charset
618 * deps: connect@2.21.0
619 - deprecate `connect(middleware)` -- use `app.use(middleware)` instead
620 - deprecate `connect.createServer()` -- use `connect()` instead
621 - fix `res.setHeader()` patch to work with with get -> append -> set pattern
622 - deps: compression@~1.0.8
623 - deps: errorhandler@~1.1.1
624 - deps: express-session@~1.5.0
625 - deps: serve-index@~1.1.3
630 * deprecate things with `depd` module
631 * deps: buffer-crc32@0.2.3
632 * deps: connect@2.20.2
633 - deprecate `verify` option to `json` -- use `body-parser` npm module instead
634 - deprecate `verify` option to `urlencoded` -- use `body-parser` npm module instead
635 - deprecate things with `depd` module
636 - use `finalhandler` for final response handling
637 - use `media-typer` to parse `content-type` for charset
638 - deps: body-parser@1.4.3
639 - deps: connect-timeout@1.1.1
640 - deps: cookie-parser@1.3.1
642 - deps: errorhandler@1.1.0
643 - deps: express-session@1.4.0
644 - deps: multiparty@3.2.9
645 - deps: serve-index@1.1.2
646 - deps: type-is@1.3.1
652 * deps: connect@2.19.6
653 - deps: body-parser@1.3.1
654 - deps: compression@1.0.7
656 - deps: serve-index@1.1.1
657 - deps: serve-static@1.2.3
660 - Do not throw un-catchable error on file open race condition
661 - Use `escape-html` for HTML escaping
663 - deps: finished@1.2.2
669 * deps: connect@2.19.5
670 - fix "event emitter leak" warnings
673 - deps: serve-static@1.2.2
674 - deps: type-is@1.2.1
677 - fix "event emitter leak" warnings
678 - deps: finished@1.2.1
684 * use `vary` module for `res.vary`
685 * deps: connect@2.19.4
686 - deps: errorhandler@1.0.2
687 - deps: method-override@2.0.2
688 - deps: serve-favicon@2.0.1
694 * deps: connect@2.19.3
695 - deps: compression@1.0.6
700 * deps: connect@2.19.2
701 - deps: compression@1.0.4
702 * deps: proxy-addr@1.0.1
707 * deps: connect@2.19.1
708 - deprecate `methodOverride()` -- use `method-override` npm module instead
709 - deps: body-parser@1.3.0
710 - deps: method-override@2.0.1
711 - deps: multiparty@3.2.8
712 - deps: response-time@2.0.0
713 - deps: serve-static@1.2.1
714 * deps: methods@1.0.1
716 - Send `max-age` in `Cache-Control` in correct format
721 * custom etag control with `app.set('etag', val)`
722 - `app.set('etag', function(body, encoding){ return '"etag"' })` custom etag generation
723 - `app.set('etag', 'weak')` weak tag
724 - `app.set('etag', 'strong')` strong etag
725 - `app.set('etag', false)` turn off
726 - `app.set('etag', true)` standard etag
727 * Include ETag in HEAD requests
728 * mark `res.send` ETag as weak and reduce collisions
729 * update connect to 2.18.0
730 - deps: compression@1.0.3
731 - deps: serve-index@1.1.0
732 - deps: serve-static@1.2.0
733 * update send to 0.4.0
734 - Calculate ETag with md5 for reduced collisions
735 - Ignore stream errors after request ends
741 * update connect to 2.17.3
742 - deps: body-parser@1.2.2
743 - deps: express-session@1.2.1
744 - deps: method-override@1.0.2
749 * keep previous `Content-Type` for `res.jsonp`
750 * set proper `charset` in `Content-Type` for `res.send`
751 * update connect to 2.17.1
752 - fix `res.charset` appending charset when `content-type` has one
753 - deps: express-session@1.2.0
755 - deps: serve-index@1.0.3
760 * proper proxy trust with `app.set('trust proxy', trust)`
761 - `app.set('trust proxy', 1)` trust first hop
762 - `app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback')` trust loopback addresses
763 - `app.set('trust proxy', '')` trust single IP
764 - `app.set('trust proxy', '')` trust subnet
765 - `app.set('trust proxy', ',')` trust list
766 - `app.set('trust proxy', false)` turn off
767 - `app.set('trust proxy', true)` trust everything
768 * update connect to 2.16.2
769 - deprecate `res.headerSent` -- use `res.headersSent`
770 - deprecate `res.on("header")` -- use on-headers module instead
771 - fix edge-case in `res.appendHeader` that would append in wrong order
772 - json: use body-parser
773 - urlencoded: use body-parser
775 - dep: cookie-parser@1.1.0
777 - dep: express-session@1.1.0
778 - dep: method-override@1.0.1
783 * deprecate `app.del()` -- use `app.delete()` instead
784 * deprecate `res.json(obj, status)` -- use `res.json(status, obj)` instead
785 - the edge-case `res.json(status, num)` requires `res.status(status).json(num)`
786 * deprecate `res.jsonp(obj, status)` -- use `res.jsonp(status, obj)` instead
787 - the edge-case `res.jsonp(status, num)` requires `res.status(status).jsonp(num)`
788 * support PURGE method
791 - include PURGE in `app.all`
792 * update connect to 2.15.0
793 * Add `res.appendHeader`
794 * Call error stack even when response has been sent
795 * Patch `res.headerSent` to return Boolean
796 * Patch `res.headersSent` for node.js 0.8
797 * Prevent default 404 handler after response sent
798 * dep: compression@1.0.2
799 * dep: connect-timeout@1.1.0
801 * dep: errorhandler@1.0.1
802 * dep: express-session@1.0.4
804 * dep: serve-favicon@2.0.0
805 * dep: serve-index@1.0.2
806 * update debug to 0.8.0
807 * add `enable()` method
808 * change from stderr to stdout
809 * update methods to 1.0.0
811 * update mkdirp to 0.5.0
816 * fix `req.host` for IPv6 literals
817 * fix `res.jsonp` error if callback param is object
822 * update connect to 2.14.5
823 * update cookie to 0.1.2
824 * update mkdirp to 0.4.0
825 * update send to 0.3.0
830 * pin less-middleware in generated app
840 * prevent incorrect automatic OPTIONS responses #1868 @dpatti
841 * update binary and examples for jade 1.0 #1876 @yossi, #1877 @reqshark, #1892 @matheusazzi
842 * throw 400 in case of malformed paths @rlidwka
852 * update connect (raw-body)
858 * res.location: remove leading ./ #1802 @kapouer
859 * res.redirect: fix `res.redirect('toString') #1829 @michaelficarra
860 * res.send: always send ETag when content-length > 0
861 * router: add Router.all() method
869 * express(1): replace bodyParser() with urlencoded() and json() #1795 @chirag04
880 * downgrade commander
887 * jsonp: check if callback is a function
888 * router: wrap encodeURIComponent in a try/catch #1735 (@lxe)
889 * res.format: now includes chraset @1747 (@sorribas)
890 * res.links: allow multiple calls @1746 (@sorribas)
895 * add res.vary(). Closes #1682
911 * Revert "remove charset from json responses. Closes #1631" (causes issues in some clients)
912 * add: req.accepts take an argument list
917 * update send and connect
929 * remove .version export
940 * add support for multiple X-Forwarded-Proto values. Closes #1646
941 * change: remove charset from json responses. Closes #1631
942 * change: return actual booleans from req.accept* functions
943 * fix jsonp callback array throw
955 * add: throw a meaningful error when there is no default engine
956 * change generation of ETags with res.send() to GET requests only. Closes #1619
961 * fix `req.subdomains` when no Host is present
962 * fix `req.host` when no Host is present, return undefined
967 * update connect / qs
977 * add app.VERB() paths array deprecation warning
979 * update qs and remove all ~ semver crap
980 * fix: accept number as value of Signed Cookie
985 * add "view" constructor setting to override view behaviour
986 * add req.acceptsEncoding(name)
987 * add req.acceptedEncodings
988 * revert cookie signature change causing session race conditions
989 * fix sorting of Accept values of the same quality
994 * add support for custom Accept parameters
995 * update cookie-signature
1000 * add X-Forwarded-Host support to `req.host`
1001 * fix relative redirects
1003 * update buffer-crc32
1004 * remove legacy app.configure() method from app template.
1009 * add support for leading "." in "view engine" setting
1010 * add array support to `res.set()`
1011 * add node 0.8.x to travis.yml
1012 * add "subdomain offset" setting for tweaking `req.subdomains`
1013 * add `res.location(url)` implementing `res.redirect()`-like setting of Location
1014 * use app.get() for x-powered-by setting for inheritance
1015 * fix colons in passwords for `req.auth`
1020 * add http verb methods to Router
1022 * fix mangling of the `res.cookie()` options object
1023 * fix jsonp whitespace escape. Closes #1132
1028 * add throwing when a non-function is passed to a route
1029 * fix: explicitly remove Transfer-Encoding header from 204 and 304 responses
1030 * revert "add 'etag' option"
1035 * add 'etag' option to disable `res.send()` Etags
1036 * add escaping of urls in text/plain in `res.redirect()`
1037 for old browsers interpreting as html
1038 * change crc32 module for a more liberal license
1045 * update cookie module
1046 * fix cookie max-age
1051 * add OPTIONS to cors example. Closes #1398
1052 * fix route chaining regression. Closes #1397
1063 * add "Basic" check to req.auth
1064 * add `req.auth` test coverage
1065 * add cb && cb(payload) to `res.jsonp()`. Closes #1374
1066 * add backwards compat for `res.redirect()` status. Closes #1336
1067 * add support for `res.json()` to retain previously defined Content-Types. Closes #1349
1069 * change `res.redirect()` to utilize a pathname-relative Location again. Closes #1382
1070 * remove non-primitive string support for `res.send()`
1071 * fix view-locals example. Closes #1370
1072 * fix route-separation example
1074 3.0.0rc5 / 2012-09-18
1078 * add redis search example
1079 * add static-files example
1080 * add "x-powered-by" setting (`app.disable('x-powered-by')`)
1081 * add "application/octet-stream" redirect Accept test case. Closes #1317
1083 3.0.0rc4 / 2012-08-30
1086 * add `res.jsonp()`. Closes #1307
1087 * add "verbose errors" option to error-pages example
1088 * add another route example to express(1) so people are not so confused
1089 * add redis online user activity tracking example
1090 * update connect dep
1091 * fix etag quoting. Closes #1310
1092 * fix error-pages 404 status
1093 * fix jsonp callback char restrictions
1094 * remove old OPTIONS default response
1096 3.0.0rc3 / 2012-08-13
1099 * update connect dep
1100 * fix signed cookies to work with `connect.cookieParser()` ("s:" prefix was missing) [tnydwrds]
1101 * fix `res.render()` clobbering of "locals"
1103 3.0.0rc2 / 2012-08-03
1107 * update connect dep
1108 * deprecate `.createServer()` & remove old stale examples
1109 * fix: escape `res.redirect()` link
1112 3.0.0rc1 / 2012-07-24
1115 * add more examples to view-locals
1116 * add scheme-relative redirects (`res.redirect("//foo.com")`) support
1118 * update connect dep
1120 * fix `express(1)` -h flag, use -H for hogan. Closes #1245
1121 * fix `res.sendfile()` socket error handling regression
1123 3.0.0beta7 / 2012-07-16
1126 * update connect dep for `send()` root normalization regression
1128 3.0.0beta6 / 2012-07-13
1131 * add `err.view` property for view errors. Closes #1226
1132 * add "jsonp callback name" setting
1133 * add support for "/foo/:bar*" non-greedy matches
1134 * change `res.sendfile()` to use `send()` module
1135 * change `res.send` to use "response-send" module
1136 * remove `app.locals.use` and `res.locals.use`, use regular middleware
1138 3.0.0beta5 / 2012-07-03
1141 * add "make check" support
1142 * add route-map example
1143 * add `res.json(obj, status)` support back for BC
1144 * add "methods" dep, remove internal methods module
1145 * update connect dep
1146 * update auth example to utilize cores pbkdf2
1147 * updated tests to use "supertest"
1149 3.0.0beta4 / 2012-06-25
1153 * Added `req.range(size)`
1154 * Added `res.links(obj)`
1155 * Added `res.send(body, status)` support back for backwards compat
1156 * Added `.default()` support to `res.format()`
1157 * Added 2xx / 304 check to `req.fresh`
1158 * Revert "Added + support to the router"
1159 * Fixed `res.send()` freshness check, respect res.statusCode
1161 3.0.0beta3 / 2012-06-15
1164 * Added hogan `--hjs` to express(1) [nullfirm]
1165 * Added another example to content-negotiation
1167 * Changed: `res.send()` always checks freshness
1168 * Fixed: expose connects mime module. Cloases #1165
1170 3.0.0beta2 / 2012-06-06
1173 * Added `+` support to the router
1175 * Changed `req.param()` to check route first
1176 * Update connect dep
1178 3.0.0beta1 / 2012-06-01
1181 * Added `res.format()` callback to override default 406 behaviour
1182 * Fixed `res.redirect()` 406. Closes #1154
1184 3.0.0alpha5 / 2012-05-30
1188 * Added `{ signed: true }` option to `res.cookie()`
1189 * Removed `res.signedCookie()`
1190 * Changed: dont reverse `req.ips`
1191 * Fixed "trust proxy" setting check for `req.ips`
1193 3.0.0alpha4 / 2012-05-09
1196 * Added: allow `[]` in jsonp callback. Closes #1128
1197 * Added `PORT` env var support in generated template. Closes #1118 [benatkin]
1198 * Updated: connect 2.2.2
1200 3.0.0alpha3 / 2012-05-04
1203 * Added public `app.routes`. Closes #887
1204 * Added _view-locals_ example
1205 * Added _mvc_ example
1206 * Added `res.locals.use()`. Closes #1120
1207 * Added conditional-GET support to `res.send()`
1208 * Added: coerce `res.set()` values to strings
1209 * Changed: moved `static()` in generated apps below router
1210 * Changed: `res.send()` only set ETag when not previously set
1211 * Changed connect 2.2.1 dep
1212 * Changed: `make test` now runs unit / acceptance tests
1213 * Fixed req/res proto inheritance
1215 3.0.0alpha2 / 2012-04-26
1218 * Added `make benchmark` back
1219 * Added `res.send()` support for `String` objects
1220 * Added client-side data exposing example
1221 * Added `res.header()` and `req.header()` aliases for BC
1222 * Added `express.createServer()` for BC
1223 * Perf: memoize parsed urls
1224 * Perf: connect 2.2.0 dep
1225 * Changed: make `expressInit()` middleware self-aware
1226 * Fixed: use app.get() for all core settings
1227 * Fixed redis session example
1228 * Fixed session example. Closes #1105
1229 * Fixed generated express dep. Closes #1078
1231 3.0.0alpha1 / 2012-04-15
1234 * Added `app.locals.use(callback)`
1235 * Added `app.locals` object
1236 * Added `app.locals(obj)`
1237 * Added `res.locals` object
1238 * Added `res.locals(obj)`
1239 * Added `res.format()` for content-negotiation
1240 * Added `app.engine()`
1241 * Added `res.cookie()` JSON cookie support
1242 * Added "trust proxy" setting
1243 * Added `req.subdomains`
1244 * Added `req.protocol`
1245 * Added `req.secure`
1250 * Added comma-delmited / array support for `req.accepts()`
1251 * Added debug instrumentation
1252 * Added `res.set(obj)`
1253 * Added `res.set(field, value)`
1254 * Added `res.get(field)`
1255 * Added `app.get(setting)`. Closes #842
1256 * Added `req.acceptsLanguage()`
1257 * Added `req.acceptsCharset()`
1258 * Added `req.accepted`
1259 * Added `req.acceptedLanguages`
1260 * Added `req.acceptedCharsets`
1261 * Added "json replacer" setting
1262 * Added "json spaces" setting
1263 * Added X-Forwarded-Proto support to `res.redirect()`. Closes #92
1264 * Added `--less` support to express(1)
1265 * Added `express.response` prototype
1266 * Added `express.request` prototype
1267 * Added `express.application` prototype
1268 * Added `app.path()`
1269 * Added `app.render()`
1270 * Added `res.type()` to replace `res.contentType()`
1271 * Changed: `res.redirect()` to add relative support
1272 * Changed: enable "jsonp callback" by default
1273 * Changed: renamed "case sensitive routes" to "case sensitive routing"
1274 * Rewrite of all tests with mocha
1275 * Removed "root" setting
1276 * Removed `res.redirect('home')` support
1277 * Removed `req.notify()`
1278 * Removed `app.register()`
1279 * Removed `app.redirect()`
1280 * Removed `app.is()`
1281 * Removed `app.helpers()`
1282 * Removed `app.dynamicHelpers()`
1283 * Fixed `res.sendfile()` with non-GET. Closes #723
1284 * Fixed express(1) public dir for windows. Closes #866
1289 * Added support for PURGE request method [pbuyle]
1290 * Fixed `express(1)` generated app `app.address()` before `listening` [mmalecki]
1295 * Update mkdirp dep. Closes #991
1300 * Fixed `app.all` duplicate DELETE requests [mscdex]
1305 * Updated hamljs dev dep. Closes #953
1310 * Fixed: set `filename` on cached templates [matthewleon]
1315 * Fixed `express(1)` eol on 0.4.x. Closes #947
1320 * Fixed `req.is()` when a charset is present
1325 * Fixed: express(1) LF -> CRLF for windows
1330 * Changed: updated connect to 1.8.x
1331 * Removed sass.js support from express(1)
1336 * Added ./routes dir for generated app by default
1337 * Added npm install reminder to express(1) app gen
1338 * Added 0.5.x support
1339 * Removed `make test-cov` since it wont work with node 0.5.x
1340 * Fixed express(1) public dir for windows. Closes #866
1345 * Added mkdirp to express(1). Closes #795
1346 * Added simple _json-config_ example
1347 * Added shorthand for the parsed request's pathname via `req.path`
1348 * Changed connect dep to 1.7.x to fix npm issue...
1349 * Fixed `res.redirect()` __HEAD__ support. [reported by xerox]
1350 * Fixed `req.flash()`, only escape args
1351 * Fixed absolute path checking on windows. Closes #829 [reported by andrewpmckenzie]
1356 * Fixed multiple param callback regression. Closes #824 [reported by TroyGoode]
1361 * Added support for routes to handle errors. Closes #809
1362 * Added `app.routes.all()`. Closes #803
1363 * Added "basepath" setting to work in conjunction with reverse proxies etc.
1364 * Refactored `Route` to use a single array of callbacks
1365 * Added support for multiple callbacks for `app.param()`. Closes #801
1367 * Changed: removed .call(self) for route callbacks
1368 * Dependency: `qs >= 0.3.1`
1369 * Fixed `res.redirect()` on windows due to `join()` usage. Closes #808
1374 * Fixed `res.header()` intention of a set, even when `undefined`
1375 * Fixed `*`, value no longer required
1376 * Fixed `res.send(204)` support. Closes #771
1381 * Added docs for `status` option special-case. Closes #739
1382 * Fixed `options.filename`, exposing the view path to template engines
1387 * Revert "removed jsonp stripping" for XSS
1392 * Added `res.json()` JSONP support. Closes #737
1393 * Added _extending-templates_ example. Closes #730
1394 * Added "strict routing" setting for trailing slashes
1395 * Added support for multiple envs in `app.configure()` calls. Closes #735
1396 * Changed: `res.send()` using `res.json()`
1397 * Changed: when cookie `path === null` don't default it
1398 * Changed; default cookie path to "home" setting. Closes #731
1399 * Removed _pids/logs_ creation from express(1)
1404 * Added chainable `res.status(code)`
1405 * Added `res.json()`, an explicit version of `res.send(obj)`
1406 * Added simple web-service example
1411 * \#express is now on freenode! come join!
1412 * Added `req.get(field, param)`
1413 * Added links to Japanese documentation, thanks @hideyukisaito!
1414 * Added; the `express(1)` generated app outputs the env
1415 * Added `content-negotiation` example
1416 * Dependency: connect >= 1.5.1 < 2.0.0
1417 * Fixed view layout bug. Closes #720
1418 * Fixed; ignore body on 304. Closes #701
1424 * Removed generation of dummy test file from `express(1)`
1425 * Fixed; `express(1)` adds express as a dep
1426 * Fixed; prune on `prepublish`
1431 * Added `req.route`, exposing the current route
1432 * Added _package.json_ generation support to `express(1)`
1433 * Fixed call to `app.param()` function for optional params. Closes #682
1438 * Fixed bug-ish with `../' in `res.partial()` calls
1443 * Fixed `app.options()`
1448 * Added route `Collection`, ex: `app.get('/user/:id').remove();`
1449 * Added support for `app.param(fn)` to define param logic
1450 * Removed `app.param()` support for callback with return value
1451 * Removed module.parent check from express(1) generated app. Closes #670
1452 * Refactored router. Closes #639
1457 * Changed; using devDependencies instead of git submodules
1458 * Fixed redis session example
1459 * Fixed markdown example
1460 * Fixed view caching, should not be enabled in development
1465 * Added export `.view` as alias for `.View`
1470 * Added `./examples/say`
1471 * Fixed `res.sendfile()` bug preventing the transfer of files with spaces
1476 * Added "case sensitive routes" option.
1477 * Changed; split methods supported per rfc [slaskis]
1478 * Fixed route-specific middleware when using the same callback function several times
1488 * Added `app.match()` as `app.match.all()`
1489 * Added `app.lookup()` as `app.lookup.all()`
1490 * Added `app.remove()` for `app.remove.all()`
1491 * Added `app.remove.VERB()`
1492 * Fixed template caching collision issue. Closes #644
1493 * Moved router over from connect and started refactor
1498 * Added options support to `res.clearCookie()`
1499 * Added `res.helpers()` as alias of `res.locals()`
1500 * Added; json defaults to UTF-8 with `res.send()`. Closes #632. [Daniel * Dependency `connect >= 1.4.0`
1501 * Changed; auto set Content-Type in res.attachement [Aaron Heckmann]
1502 * Renamed "cache views" to "view cache". Closes #628
1503 * Fixed caching of views when using several apps. Closes #637
1504 * Fixed gotcha invoking `app.param()` callbacks once per route middleware.
1506 * Fixed partial lookup precedence. Closes #631
1512 * Added second callback support for `res.download()` connection errors
1513 * Fixed `filename` option passing to template engine
1518 * Added `layout(path)` helper to change the layout within a view. Closes #610
1519 * Fixed `partial()` collection object support.
1520 Previously only anything with `.length` would work.
1521 When `.length` is present one must still be aware of holes,
1522 however now `{ collection: {foo: 'bar'}}` is valid, exposes
1523 `keyInCollection` and `keysInCollection`.
1525 * Performance improved with better view caching
1526 * Removed `request` and `response` locals
1527 * Changed; errorHandler page title is now `Express` instead of `Connect`
1532 * Added `app.lookup.VERB()`, ex `app.lookup.put('/user/:id')`. Closes #606
1533 * Added `app.match.VERB()`, ex `app.match.put('/user/12')`. Closes #606
1534 * Added `app.VERB(path)` as alias of `app.lookup.VERB()`.
1535 * Dependency `connect >= 1.2.0`
1540 * Added; expose `err.view` object when failing to locate a view
1541 * Fixed `res.partial()` call `next(err)` when no callback is given [reported by aheckmann]
1542 * Fixed; `res.send(undefined)` responds with 204 [aheckmann]
1547 * Added `<root>/_?<name>` partial lookup support. Closes #447
1548 * Added `request`, `response`, and `app` local variables
1549 * Added `settings` local variable, containing the app's settings
1550 * Added `req.flash()` exception if `req.session` is not available
1551 * Added `res.send(bool)` support (json response)
1552 * Fixed stylus example for latest version
1553 * Fixed; wrap try/catch around `res.render()`
1558 * Fixed up index view path alternative.
1559 * Changed; `res.locals()` without object returns the locals
1561 2.0.0rc3 / 2011-03-17
1564 * Added `res.locals(obj)` to compliment `res.local(key, val)`
1565 * Added `res.partial()` callback support
1566 * Fixed recursive error reporting issue in `res.render()`
1568 2.0.0rc2 / 2011-03-17
1571 * Changed; `partial()` "locals" are now optional
1572 * Fixed `SlowBuffer` support. Closes #584 [reported by tyrda01]
1573 * Fixed .filename view engine option [reported by drudge]
1574 * Fixed blog example
1575 * Fixed `{req,res}.app` reference when mounting [Ben Weaver]
1577 2.0.0rc / 2011-03-14
1580 * Fixed; expose `HTTPSServer` constructor
1581 * Fixed express(1) default test charset. Closes #579 [reported by secoif]
1582 * Fixed; default charset to utf-8 instead of utf8 for lame IE [reported by NickP]
1584 2.0.0beta3 / 2011-03-09
1587 * Added support for `res.contentType()` literal
1588 The original `res.contentType('.json')`,
1589 `res.contentType('application/json')`, and `res.contentType('json')`
1591 * Added `res.render()` status option support back
1592 * Added charset option for `res.render()`
1593 * Added `.charset` support (via connect 1.0.4)
1594 * Added view resolution hints when in development and a lookup fails
1595 * Added layout lookup support relative to the page view.
1596 For example while rendering `./views/user/index.jade` if you create
1597 `./views/user/layout.jade` it will be used in favour of the root layout.
1598 * Fixed `res.redirect()`. RFC states absolute url [reported by unlink]
1599 * Fixed; default `res.send()` string charset to utf8
1600 * Removed `Partial` constructor (not currently used)
1602 2.0.0beta2 / 2011-03-07
1605 * Added res.render() `.locals` support back to aid in migration process
1606 * Fixed flash example
1608 2.0.0beta / 2011-03-03
1611 * Added HTTPS support
1612 * Added `res.cookie()` maxAge support
1613 * Added `req.header()` _Referrer_ / _Referer_ special-case, either works
1614 * Added mount support for `res.redirect()`, now respects the mount-point
1615 * Added `union()` util, taking place of `merge(clone())` combo
1616 * Added stylus support to express(1) generated app
1617 * Added secret to session middleware used in examples and generated app
1618 * Added `res.local(name, val)` for progressive view locals
1619 * Added default param support to `req.param(name, default)`
1620 * Added `app.disabled()` and `app.enabled()`
1621 * Added `app.register()` support for omitting leading ".", either works
1622 * Added `res.partial()`, using the same interface as `partial()` within a view. Closes #539
1623 * Added `app.param()` to map route params to async/sync logic
1624 * Added; aliased `app.helpers()` as `app.locals()`. Closes #481
1625 * Added extname with no leading "." support to `res.contentType()`
1626 * Added `cache views` setting, defaulting to enabled in "production" env
1627 * Added index file partial resolution, eg: partial('user') may try _views/user/index.jade_.
1628 * Added `req.accepts()` support for extensions
1629 * Changed; `res.download()` and `res.sendfile()` now utilize Connect's
1630 static file server `connect.static.send()`.
1631 * Changed; replaced `connect.utils.mime()` with npm _mime_ module
1632 * Changed; allow `req.query` to be pre-defined (via middleware or other parent
1633 * Changed view partial resolution, now relative to parent view
1634 * Changed view engine signature. no longer `engine.render(str, options, callback)`, now `engine.compile(str, options) -> Function`, the returned function accepts `fn(locals)`.
1635 * Fixed `req.param()` bug returning Array.prototype methods. Closes #552
1636 * Fixed; using `Stream#pipe()` instead of `sys.pump()` in `res.sendfile()`
1637 * Fixed; using _qs_ module instead of _querystring_
1638 * Fixed; strip unsafe chars from jsonp callbacks
1639 * Removed "stream threshold" setting
1644 * Allow `req.query` to be pre-defined (via middleware or other parent app)
1645 * "connect": ">= 0.5.0 < 1.0.0". Closes #547
1646 * Removed the long deprecated __EXPRESS_ENV__ support
1651 * Fixed `render()` setting inheritance.
1652 Mounted apps would not inherit "view engine"
1657 * Fixed `view engine` setting bug when period is in dirname
1662 * Added secret to generated app `session()` call
1667 * Added `qs` dependency to _package.json_
1668 * Fixed namespaced `require()`s for latest connect support
1673 * Remove unsafe characters from JSONP callback names [Ryan Grove]
1678 * Removed nested require, using `connect.router`
1683 * Fixed for middleware stacked via `createServer()`
1684 previously the `foo` middleware passed to `createServer(foo)`
1685 would not have access to Express methods such as `res.send()`
1686 or props like `req.query` etc.
1691 * Added; deduce partial object names from the last segment.
1692 For example by default `partial('forum/post', postObject)` will
1693 give you the _post_ object, providing a meaningful default.
1694 * Added http status code string representation to `res.redirect()` body
1695 * Added; `res.redirect()` supporting _text/plain_ and _text/html_ via __Accept__.
1696 * Added `req.is()` to aid in content negotiation
1697 * Added partial local inheritance [suggested by masylum]. Closes #102
1698 providing access to parent template locals.
1699 * Added _-s, --session[s]_ flag to express(1) to add session related middleware
1700 * Added _--template_ flag to express(1) to specify the
1701 template engine to use.
1702 * Added _--css_ flag to express(1) to specify the
1703 stylesheet engine to use (or just plain css by default).
1704 * Added `app.all()` support [thanks aheckmann]
1705 * Added partial direct object support.
1706 You may now `partial('user', user)` providing the "user" local,
1707 vs previously `partial('user', { object: user })`.
1708 * Added _route-separation_ example since many people question ways
1709 to do this with CommonJS modules. Also view the _blog_ example for
1711 * Performance; caching view path derived partial object names
1712 * Fixed partial local inheritance precedence. [reported by Nick Poulden] Closes #454
1713 * Fixed jsonp support; _text/javascript_ as per mailinglist discussion
1715 1.0.0rc4 / 2010-10-14
1718 * Added _NODE_ENV_ support, _EXPRESS_ENV_ is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0.0
1719 * Added route-middleware support (very helpful, see the [docs](http://expressjs.com/guide.html#Route-Middleware))
1720 * Added _jsonp callback_ setting to enable/disable jsonp autowrapping [Dav Glass]
1721 * Added callback query check on response.send to autowrap JSON objects for simple webservice implementations [Dav Glass]
1722 * Added `partial()` support for array-like collections. Closes #434
1723 * Added support for swappable querystring parsers
1724 * Added session usage docs. Closes #443
1725 * Added dynamic helper caching. Closes #439 [suggested by maritz]
1726 * Added authentication example
1727 * Added basic Range support to `res.sendfile()` (and `res.download()` etc)
1728 * Changed; `express(1)` generated app using 2 spaces instead of 4
1729 * Default env to "development" again [aheckmann]
1730 * Removed _context_ option is no more, use "scope"
1731 * Fixed; exposing _./support_ libs to examples so they can run without installs
1734 1.0.0rc3 / 2010-09-20
1737 * Added confirmation for `express(1)` app generation. Closes #391
1738 * Added extending of flash formatters via `app.flashFormatters`
1739 * Added flash formatter support. Closes #411
1740 * Added streaming support to `res.sendfile()` using `sys.pump()` when >= "stream threshold"
1741 * Added _stream threshold_ setting for `res.sendfile()`
1742 * Added `res.send()` __HEAD__ support
1743 * Added `res.clearCookie()`
1744 * Added `res.cookie()`
1745 * Added `res.render()` headers option
1746 * Added `res.redirect()` response bodies
1747 * Added `res.render()` status option support. Closes #425 [thanks aheckmann]
1748 * Fixed `res.sendfile()` responding with 403 on malicious path
1749 * Fixed `res.download()` bug; when an error occurs remove _Content-Disposition_
1750 * Fixed; mounted apps settings now inherit from parent app [aheckmann]
1751 * Fixed; stripping Content-Length / Content-Type when 204
1752 * Fixed `res.send()` 204. Closes #419
1753 * Fixed multiple _Set-Cookie_ headers via `res.header()`. Closes #402
1754 * Fixed bug messing with error handlers when `listenFD()` is called instead of `listen()`. [thanks guillermo]
1757 1.0.0rc2 / 2010-08-17
1760 * Added `app.register()` for template engine mapping. Closes #390
1761 * Added `res.render()` callback support as second argument (no options)
1762 * Added callback support to `res.download()`
1763 * Added callback support for `res.sendfile()`
1764 * Added support for middleware access via `express.middlewareName()` vs `connect.middlewareName()`
1765 * Added "partials" setting to docs
1766 * Added default expresso tests to `express(1)` generated app. Closes #384
1767 * Fixed `res.sendfile()` error handling, defer via `next()`
1768 * Fixed `res.render()` callback when a layout is used [thanks guillermo]
1769 * Fixed; `make install` creating ~/.node_libraries when not present
1770 * Fixed issue preventing error handlers from being defined anywhere. Closes #387
1772 1.0.0rc / 2010-07-28
1775 * Added mounted hook. Closes #369
1776 * Added connect dependency to _package.json_
1778 * Removed "reload views" setting and support code
1779 development env never caches, production always caches.
1781 * Removed _param_ in route callbacks, signature is now
1782 simply (req, res, next), previously (req, res, params, next).
1783 Use _req.params_ for path captures, _req.query_ for GET params.
1785 * Fixed "home" setting
1786 * Fixed middleware/router precedence issue. Closes #366
1787 * Fixed; _configure()_ callbacks called immediately. Closes #368
1789 1.0.0beta2 / 2010-07-23
1792 * Added more examples
1793 * Added; exporting `Server` constructor
1794 * Added `Server#helpers()` for view locals
1795 * Added `Server#dynamicHelpers()` for dynamic view locals. Closes #349
1796 * Added support for absolute view paths
1797 * Added; _home_ setting defaults to `Server#route` for mounted apps. Closes #363
1798 * Added Guillermo Rauch to the contributor list
1799 * Added support for "as" for non-collection partials. Closes #341
1800 * Fixed _install.sh_, ensuring _~/.node_libraries_ exists. Closes #362 [thanks jf]
1801 * Fixed `res.render()` exceptions, now passed to `next()` when no callback is given [thanks guillermo]
1802 * Fixed instanceof `Array` checks, now `Array.isArray()`
1803 * Fixed express(1) expansion of public dirs. Closes #348
1804 * Fixed middleware precedence. Closes #345
1805 * Fixed view watcher, now async [thanks aheckmann]
1807 1.0.0beta / 2010-07-15
1813 - Check [ExpressJS.com](http://expressjs.com) for migration guide and updated docs
1818 * Utilize relative requires
1819 * Added Static bufferSize option [aheckmann]
1820 * Fixed caching of view and partial subdirectories [aheckmann]
1821 * Fixed mime.type() comments now that ".ext" is not supported
1822 * Updated haml submodule
1823 * Updated class submodule
1824 * Removed bin/express
1829 * Added node v0.1.97 compatibility
1830 * Added support for deleting cookies via Request#cookie('key', null)
1831 * Updated haml submodule
1832 * Fixed not-found page, now using using charset utf-8
1833 * Fixed show-exceptions page, now using using charset utf-8
1834 * Fixed view support due to fs.readFile Buffers
1835 * Changed; mime.type() no longer accepts ".type" due to node extname() changes
1840 * Added node v0.1.96 compatibility
1841 * Added view `helpers` export which act as additional local variables
1842 * Updated haml submodule
1843 * Changed ETag; removed inode, modified time only
1844 * Fixed LF to CRLF for setting multiple cookies
1845 * Fixed cookie complation; values are now urlencoded
1846 * Fixed cookies parsing; accepts quoted values and url escaped cookies
1851 * Added support for layouts using different engines
1852 - this.render('page.html.haml', { layout: 'super-cool-layout.html.ejs' })
1853 - this.render('page.html.haml', { layout: 'foo' }) // assumes 'foo.html.haml'
1854 - this.render('page.html.haml', { layout: false }) // no layout
1855 * Updated ext submodule
1856 * Updated haml submodule
1857 * Fixed EJS partial support by passing along the context. Issue #307
1862 * Fixed binary uploads.
1867 * Added charset support via Request#charset (automatically assigned to 'UTF-8' when respond()'s
1868 encoding is set to 'utf8' or 'utf-8'.
1869 * Added "encoding" option to Request#render(). Closes #299
1870 * Added "dump exceptions" setting, which is enabled by default.
1871 * Added simple ejs template engine support
1872 * Added error reponse support for text/plain, application/json. Closes #297
1873 * Added callback function param to Request#error()
1874 * Added Request#sendHead()
1875 * Added Request#stream()
1876 * Added support for Request#respond(304, null) for empty response bodies
1877 * Added ETag support to Request#sendfile()
1878 * Added options to Request#sendfile(), passed to fs.createReadStream()
1879 * Added filename arg to Request#download()
1880 * Performance enhanced due to pre-reversing plugins so that plugins.reverse() is not called on each request
1881 * Performance enhanced by preventing several calls to toLowerCase() in Router#match()
1882 * Changed; Request#sendfile() now streams
1883 * Changed; Renamed Request#halt() to Request#respond(). Closes #289
1884 * Changed; Using sys.inspect() instead of JSON.encode() for error output
1885 * Changed; run() returns the http.Server instance. Closes #298
1886 * Changed; Defaulting Server#host to null (INADDR_ANY)
1887 * Changed; Logger "common" format scale of 0.4f
1888 * Removed Logger "request" format
1889 * Fixed; Catching ENOENT in view caching, preventing error when "views/partials" is not found
1890 * Fixed several issues with http client
1891 * Fixed Logger Content-Length output
1892 * Fixed bug preventing Opera from retaining the generated session id. Closes #292
1897 * Added DSL level error() route support
1898 * Added DSL level notFound() route support
1899 * Added Request#error()
1900 * Added Request#notFound()
1901 * Added Request#render() callback function. Closes #258
1902 * Added "max upload size" setting
1903 * Added "magic" variables to collection partials (\_\_index\_\_, \_\_length\_\_, \_\_isFirst\_\_, \_\_isLast\_\_). Closes #254
1904 * Added [haml.js](http://github.com/visionmedia/haml.js) submodule; removed haml-js
1905 * Added callback function support to Request#halt() as 3rd/4th arg
1906 * Added preprocessing of route param wildcards using param(). Closes #251
1907 * Added view partial support (with collections etc)
1908 * Fixed bug preventing falsey params (such as ?page=0). Closes #286
1909 * Fixed setting of multiple cookies. Closes #199
1910 * Changed; view naming convention is now NAME.TYPE.ENGINE (for example page.html.haml)
1911 * Changed; session cookie is now httpOnly
1912 * Changed; Request is no longer global
1913 * Changed; Event is no longer global
1914 * Changed; "sys" module is no longer global
1915 * Changed; moved Request#download to Static plugin where it belongs
1916 * Changed; Request instance created before body parsing. Closes #262
1917 * Changed; Pre-caching views in memory when "cache view contents" is enabled. Closes #253
1918 * Changed; Pre-caching view partials in memory when "cache view partials" is enabled
1919 * Updated support to node --version 0.1.90
1920 * Updated dependencies
1921 * Removed set("session cookie") in favour of use(Session, { cookie: { ... }})
1922 * Removed utils.mixin(); use Object#mergeDeep()
1927 * Added coffeescript example app. Closes #242
1928 * Changed; cache api now async friendly. Closes #240
1929 * Removed deprecated 'express/static' support. Use 'express/plugins/static'
1934 * Added Request#isXHR. Closes #229
1935 * Added `make install` (for the executable)
1936 * Added `express` executable for setting up simple app templates
1937 * Added "GET /public/*" to Static plugin, defaulting to <root>/public
1938 * Added Static plugin
1939 * Fixed; Request#render() only calls cache.get() once
1940 * Fixed; Namespacing View caches with "view:"
1941 * Fixed; Namespacing Static caches with "static:"
1942 * Fixed; Both example apps now use the Static plugin
1943 * Fixed set("views"). Closes #239
1944 * Fixed missing space for combined log format
1945 * Deprecated Request#sendfile() and 'express/static'
1946 * Removed Server#running
1951 * Added Request#flash() support without args, now returns all flashes
1952 * Updated ext submodule
1957 * Fixed session reaper
1958 * Changed; class.js replacing js-oo Class implementation (quite a bit faster, no browser cruft)
1963 * Added package.json
1964 * Fixed requiring of haml / sass due to kiwi removal
1969 * Fixed GIT submodules (HAH!)
1974 * Changed; Express now using submodules again until a PM is adopted
1975 * Changed; chat example using millisecond conversions from ext
1980 * Added Request#pass() support (finds the next matching route, or the given path)
1981 * Added Logger plugin (default "common" format replaces CommonLogger)
1982 * Removed Profiler plugin
1983 * Removed CommonLogger plugin
1988 * Added seed.yml for kiwi package management support
1989 * Added HTTP client query string support when method is GET. Closes #205
1991 * Added support for arbitrary view engines.
1992 For example "foo.engine.html" will now require('engine'),
1993 the exports from this module are cached after the first require().
1995 * Added async plugin support
1997 * Removed usage of RESTful route funcs as http client
1998 get() etc, use http.get() and friends
2000 * Removed custom exceptions
2005 * Added ext dependency (library of js extensions)
2006 * Removed extname() / basename() utils. Use path module
2007 * Removed toArray() util. Use arguments.values
2008 * Removed escapeRegexp() util. Use RegExp.escape()
2009 * Removed process.mixin() dependency. Use utils.mixin()
2010 * Removed Collection
2011 * Removed ElementCollection
2012 * Shameless self promotion of ebook "Advanced JavaScript" (http://dev-mag.com) ;)
2017 * Added flash() example to sample upload app
2018 * Added high level restful http client module (express/http)
2019 * Changed; RESTful route functions double as HTTP clients. Closes #69
2020 * Changed; throwing error when routes are added at runtime
2021 * Changed; defaulting render() context to the current Request. Closes #197
2022 * Updated haml submodule
2027 * Updated haml / sass submodules. Closes #200
2028 * Added flash message support. Closes #64
2029 * Added accepts() now allows multiple args. fixes #117
2030 * Added support for plugins to halt. Closes #189
2031 * Added alternate layout support. Closes #119
2032 * Removed Route#run(). Closes #188
2033 * Fixed broken specs due to use(Cookie) missing
2038 * Added "plot" format option for Profiler (for gnuplot processing)
2039 * Added request number to Profiler plugin
2040 * Fixed binary encoding for multi-part file uploads, was previously defaulting to UTF8
2041 * Fixed issue with routes not firing when not files are present. Closes #184
2042 * Fixed process.Promise -> events.Promise
2047 * Added parseParam() support for name[] etc. (allows for file inputs with "multiple" attr) Closes #180
2048 * Added Both Cache and Session option "reapInterval" may be "reapEvery". Closes #174
2049 * Added expiration support to cache api with reaper. Closes #133
2050 * Added cache Store.Memory#reap()
2051 * Added Cache; cache api now uses first class Cache instances
2052 * Added abstract session Store. Closes #172
2053 * Changed; cache Memory.Store#get() utilizing Collection
2054 * Renamed MemoryStore -> Store.Memory
2055 * Fixed use() of the same plugin several time will always use latest options. Closes #176
2060 * Changed; Hooks (before / after) pass request as arg as well as evaluated in their context
2061 * Updated node support to 0.1.27 Closes #169
2062 * Updated dirname(__filename) -> __dirname
2063 * Updated libxmljs support to v0.2.0
2064 * Added session support with memory store / reaping
2065 * Added quick uid() helper
2066 * Added multi-part upload support
2067 * Added Sass.js support / submodule
2068 * Added production env caching view contents and static files
2069 * Added static file caching. Closes #136
2070 * Added cache plugin with memory stores
2071 * Added support to StaticFile so that it works with non-textual files.
2072 * Removed dirname() helper
2073 * Removed several globals (now their modules must be required)
2078 * Added view benchmarks; currently haml vs ejs
2079 * Added Request#attachment() specs. Closes #116
2080 * Added use of node's parseQuery() util. Closes #123
2081 * Added `make init` for submodules
2083 * Updated sample chat app to show messages on load
2084 * Updated libxmljs parseString -> parseHtmlString
2085 * Fixed `make init` to work with older versions of git
2086 * Fixed specs can now run independant specs for those who cant build deps. Closes #127
2087 * Fixed issues introduced by the node url module changes. Closes 126.
2088 * Fixed two assertions failing due to Collection#keys() returning strings
2089 * Fixed faulty Collection#toArray() spec due to keys() returning strings
2090 * Fixed `make test` now builds libxmljs.node before testing