3 Koko Gems is a fork of JewelToy.
7 - clean references to JewelToy
9 - analyze build with Xcode
10 - move files around in Xcode
11 - replace the timer with a progress if we can invert the colors
12 - add a NSUserDefaults+Kokogems category
13 - addHiscore:(...) can compute hi-scores by itself?
14 - use prefsGraphicDropAction to load specific packs
15 - add properties everywhere (but beware of the retain bug, use copy instead)
16 - add @dynamic property to compute position on screen from position on board
17 - remove all *alternative* graphics, there should only be gem packs scanned in the Preferences pane
18 - replace tiffGemImage%d with gemImage%d
19 - move this TODO list to the wiki on GitHub
20 - clean HTML with some HAML and a bit of CSS
21 - add header in all files