1 ! Copyright (C) 2007 Elie CHAFTARI
2 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
4 ! Adapted from oci.h and ociap.h
5 ! Tested with Oracle version - Instant Client
7 USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings combinators kernel math
8 namespaces oracle.liboci prettyprint sequences
9 io.encodings.ascii accessors ;
24 TUPLE: connection username password db ;
26 C: <connection> connection
28 ! =========================================================
29 ! Error-handling routines
30 ! =========================================================
32 : get-oci-error ( object -- * )
33 1 f "uint*" <c-object> dup >r 512 "uchar" <c-array> dup >r
34 512 OCI_HTYPE_ERROR OCIErrorGet r> r> *uint drop
35 ascii alien>string throw ;
37 : check-result ( result -- )
40 { OCI_ERROR [ err get get-oci-error ] }
41 { OCI_INVALID_HANDLE [ "invalid handle" throw ] }
42 [ "operation failed" throw ]
45 : check-status ( status -- bool )
48 { OCI_ERROR [ err get get-oci-error ] }
49 { OCI_INVALID_HANDLE [ "invalid handle" throw ] }
51 [ "operation failed" throw ]
54 ! =========================================================
55 ! Initialization and handle-allocation routines
56 ! =========================================================
58 ! Legacy initialization routine
59 : oci-initialize ( -- )
60 OCI_DEFAULT f f f f OCIInitialize check-result ;
62 ! Legacy initialization routine
64 "void*" <c-object> dup OCI_DEFAULT 0 f OCIEnvInit
65 check-result *void* env set ;
67 : create-environment ( -- )
68 "void*" <c-object> dup OCI_DEFAULT f f f f 0 f OCIEnvCreate
69 check-result *void* env set ;
71 : allocate-error-handle ( -- )
73 "void*" <c-object> tuck OCI_HTYPE_ERROR 0 f OCIHandleAlloc
74 check-result *void* err set ;
76 : allocate-service-handle ( -- )
78 "void*" <c-object> tuck OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX 0 f OCIHandleAlloc
79 check-result *void* svc set ;
81 : allocate-session-handle ( -- )
83 "void*" <c-object> tuck OCI_HTYPE_SESSION 0 f OCIHandleAlloc
84 check-result *void* ses set ;
86 : allocate-server-handle ( -- )
88 "void*" <c-object> tuck OCI_HTYPE_SERVER 0 f OCIHandleAlloc
89 check-result *void* srv set ;
95 allocate-service-handle
96 allocate-session-handle
97 allocate-server-handle ;
99 ! =========================================================
100 ! Single user session logon routine
101 ! =========================================================
104 env get err get svc get
105 con get username>> dup length swap ascii malloc-string swap
106 con get password>> dup length swap ascii malloc-string swap
107 con get db>> dup length swap ascii malloc-string swap
108 OCILogon check-result ;
110 ! =========================================================
111 ! Attach to server and attribute-setting routines
112 ! =========================================================
114 : attach-to-server ( -- )
115 srv get err get con get db>> dup length OCI_DEFAULT
116 OCIServerAttach check-result ;
118 : set-service-attribute ( -- )
119 svc get OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX srv get 0 OCI_ATTR_SERVER err get OCIAttrSet check-result ;
121 : set-username-attribute ( -- )
122 ses get OCI_HTYPE_SESSION con get username>> dup length swap ascii malloc-string swap
123 OCI_ATTR_USERNAME err get OCIAttrSet check-result ;
125 : set-password-attribute ( -- )
126 ses get OCI_HTYPE_SESSION con get password>> dup length swap ascii malloc-string swap
127 OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD err get OCIAttrSet check-result ;
129 : set-attributes ( -- )
130 set-service-attribute
131 set-username-attribute
132 set-password-attribute ;
134 ! =========================================================
135 ! Session startup routines
136 ! =========================================================
138 : begin-session ( -- )
139 svc get err get ses get OCI_CRED_RDBMS OCI_DEFAULT OCISessionBegin check-result ;
141 : set-authentication-handle ( -- )
142 svc get OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX ses get 0 OCI_ATTR_SESSION err get OCIAttrSet check-result ;
144 ! =========================================================
145 ! Statement preparation and execution routines
146 ! =========================================================
148 : allocate-statement-handle ( -- )
150 "void*" <c-object> tuck OCI_HTYPE_STMT 0 f OCIHandleAlloc
151 check-result *void* stm set ;
153 : prepare-statement ( statement -- )
154 >r stm get err get r> dup length swap ascii malloc-string swap
155 OCI_NTV_SYNTAX OCI_DEFAULT OCIStmtPrepare check-result ;
157 : calculate-size ( type -- size )
159 { SQLT_INT [ "int" heap-size ] }
160 { SQLT_FLT [ "float" heap-size ] }
161 { SQLT_CHR [ "char" heap-size ] }
162 { SQLT_NUM [ "int" heap-size 10 * ] }
167 : define-by-position ( position type -- )
168 >r >r stm get f <void*> err get
169 r> r> dup calculate-size >r [ "char" malloc-array dup buf set ] keep 1+
170 r> f f f OCI_DEFAULT OCIDefineByPos check-result ;
172 : execute-statement ( -- bool )
173 svc get stm get err get 1 0 f f OCI_DEFAULT OCIStmtExecute check-status ;
175 : fetch-statement ( -- bool )
176 stm get err get 1 OCI_FETCH_NEXT OCI_DEFAULT OCIStmtFetch check-status ;
178 : free-statement-handle ( -- )
179 stm get OCI_HTYPE_STMT OCIHandleFree check-result ;
181 ! =========================================================
182 ! Log off and detach from server routines
183 ! =========================================================
186 svc get err get ses get OCI_DEFAULT OCISessionEnd check-result ;
188 : detach-from-server ( -- )
189 srv get err get OCI_DEFAULT OCIServerDetach check-result ;
195 ! =========================================================
196 ! Clean-up and termination routines
197 ! =========================================================
199 : free-service-handle ( -- )
200 svc get OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX OCIHandleFree check-result ;
202 : free-server-handle ( -- )
203 srv get OCI_HTYPE_SERVER OCIHandleFree check-result ;
205 : free-error-handle ( -- )
206 err get OCI_HTYPE_ERROR OCIHandleFree check-result ;
208 : free-environment-handle ( -- )
209 env get OCI_HTYPE_ENV OCIHandleFree check-result ;
215 free-environment-handle ;
218 OCI_DEFAULT OCITerminate check-result ;
220 ! =========================================================
222 ! =========================================================
224 : server-version ( -- )
225 srv get err get 512 "uchar" malloc-array dup >r 512 OCI_HTYPE_SERVER
226 OCIServerVersion check-result r> ascii alien>string . ;
228 ! =========================================================
230 ! =========================================================
232 : log-on ( username password db -- )
234 init attach-to-server set-attributes
235 begin-session set-authentication-handle
238 : fetch-each ( object -- object )
240 buf get ascii alien>string res get swap suffix res set
244 : run-query ( object -- object )
246 buf get ascii alien>string res get swap suffix res set
250 : gather-results ( -- seq )
256 : clear-result ( -- )