1 ! Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Bigot
2 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
35 ui.gadgets.labelled
42 ui.gadgets.scrollers
52 4DNav.space-file-decoder
60 VALUE: selected-file
61 VALUE: translation-step
62 VALUE: rotation-step
64 3 to: translation-step
67 VAR: selected-file-model
75 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
77 ! replacement of namespaces.lib
79 : make* ( seq -- seq ) [ dup quotation? [ call ] [ ] if ] map ;
81 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
82 ! waiting for deep-cleave-quots
84 : 4D-Rxy ( angle -- Rx ) deg>rad
85 [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
86 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
87 0.0 , 0.0 , dup cos , dup sin neg ,
88 0.0 , 0.0 , dup sin , dup cos , ] 4 make-matrix nip ;
90 : 4D-Rxz ( angle -- Ry ) deg>rad
91 [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
92 0.0 , dup cos , 0.0 , dup sin neg ,
93 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ,
94 0.0 , dup sin , 0.0 , dup cos , ] 4 make-matrix nip ;
96 : 4D-Rxw ( angle -- Rz ) deg>rad
97 [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
98 0.0 , dup cos , dup sin neg , 0.0 ,
99 0.0 , dup sin , dup cos , 0.0 ,
100 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , ] 4 make-matrix nip ;
102 : 4D-Ryz ( angle -- Rx ) deg>rad
103 [ dup cos , 0.0 , 0.0 , dup sin neg ,
104 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
105 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ,
106 dup sin , 0.0 , 0.0 , dup cos , ] 4 make-matrix nip ;
108 : 4D-Ryw ( angle -- Ry ) deg>rad
109 [ dup cos , 0.0 , dup sin neg , 0.0 ,
110 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
111 dup sin , 0.0 , dup cos , 0.0 ,
112 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , ] 4 make-matrix nip ;
114 : 4D-Rzw ( angle -- Rz ) deg>rad
115 [ dup cos , dup sin neg , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
116 dup sin , dup cos , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
117 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ,
118 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , ] 4 make-matrix nip ;
120 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
122 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
124 : button* ( string quot -- button ) closed-quot <repeat-button> ;
126 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
128 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
130 : model-projection-chooser ( -- gadget )
131 observer3d> projection-mode>>
132 { { 1 "perspective" } { 0 "orthogonal" } } <toggle-buttons> ;
134 : collision-detection-chooser ( -- gadget )
135 observer3d> collision-mode>>
136 { { t "on" } { f "off" } } <toggle-buttons>
139 : model-projection ( x -- space ) present-space> swap space-project ;
141 : update-observer-projections ( -- )
145 view4> relayout-1 ;
147 : update-model-projections ( -- )
148 0 model-projection <model> view1> (>>model)
149 1 model-projection <model> view2> (>>model)
150 2 model-projection <model> view3> (>>model)
151 3 model-projection <model> view4> (>>model) ;
153 : camera-action ( quot -- quot )
154 [ drop [ ] observer3d> with-self update-observer-projections ]
155 make* closed-quot ;
157 : win3D ( text gadget -- ) "navigateur 4D : " rot append open-window ;
159 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
160 ! 4D object manipulation
161 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
163 : (mvt-4D) ( quot -- )
165 swap call space-ensure-solids
167 update-model-projections
168 update-observer-projections ;
170 : rotation-4D ( m -- )
171 '[ _ [ [ middle-of-space dup vneg ] keep swap space-translate ] dip
173 swap space-translate
176 : translation-4D ( v -- ) '[ _ space-translate ] (mvt-4D) ;
178 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
180 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
182 : menu-rotations-4D ( -- gadget )
185 "XY +" [ drop rotation-step 4D-Rxy rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
186 "XY -" [ drop rotation-step neg 4D-Rxy rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
187 @top-left grid-add
189 "XZ +" [ drop rotation-step 4D-Rxz rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
190 "XZ -" [ drop rotation-step neg 4D-Rxz rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
193 "YZ +" [ drop rotation-step 4D-Ryz rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
194 "YZ -" [ drop rotation-step neg 4D-Ryz rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
197 "XW +" [ drop rotation-step 4D-Rxw rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
198 "XW -" [ drop rotation-step neg 4D-Rxw rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
199 @top-right grid-add
201 "YW +" [ drop rotation-step 4D-Ryw rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
202 "YW -" [ drop rotation-step neg 4D-Ryw rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
205 "ZW +" [ drop rotation-step 4D-Rzw rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
206 "ZW -" [ drop rotation-step neg 4D-Rzw rotation-4D ] button* add-gadget
207 @bottom-right grid-add
210 : menu-translations-4D ( -- gadget )
214 "X+" [ drop { 1 0 0 0 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
216 "X-" [ drop { -1 0 0 0 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
217 button* add-gadget
219 "YZW" <label> add-gadget
220 @bottom-right grid-add
222 "XZW" <label> add-gadget
224 "Y+" [ drop { 0 1 0 0 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
226 "Y-" [ drop { 0 -1 0 0 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
227 button* add-gadget
229 @top-right grid-add
231 "XYW" <label> add-gadget
233 "Z+" [ drop { 0 0 1 0 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
235 "Z-" [ drop { 0 0 -1 0 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
236 button* add-gadget
238 @top-left grid-add
241 "W+" [ drop { 0 0 0 1 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
243 "W-" [ drop { 0 0 0 -1 } translation-step v*n translation-4D ]
244 button* add-gadget
246 "XYZ" <label> add-gadget
247 @bottom-left grid-add
248 "X" <label> @center grid-add
251 : menu-4D ( -- gadget )
253 "rotations" <label> add-gadget
254 menu-rotations-4D add-gadget
255 "translations" <label> add-gadget
256 menu-translations-4D add-gadget
262 ! ------------------------------------------------------
264 : redraw-model ( space -- )
266 update-model-projections
267 update-observer-projections ;
269 : load-model-file ( -- )
270 selected-file dup selected-file-model> set-model read-model-file
273 : mvt-3D-X ( turn pitch -- quot )
274 '[ turtle-pos> norm neg reset-turtle
279 : mvt-3D-1 ( -- quot ) 90 0 mvt-3D-X ; inline
280 : mvt-3D-2 ( -- quot ) 0 90 mvt-3D-X ; inline
281 : mvt-3D-3 ( -- quot ) 0 0 mvt-3D-X ; inline
282 : mvt-3D-4 ( -- quot ) 45 45 mvt-3D-X ; inline
284 : camera-button ( string quot -- button )
285 [ <label> ] dip camera-action <repeat-button> ;
287 ! ----------------------------------------------------------
289 ! ----------------------------------------------------------
290 : <run-file-button> ( file-name -- button )
291 dup '[ drop _ \ selected-file set-value load-model-file
293 closed-quot <roll-button> { 0 0 } >>align ;
295 : <list-runner> ( -- gadget )
296 "resource:extra/4DNav"
298 over dup directory-files
299 [ ".xml" tail? ] filter
300 [ append-path ] with map
301 [ <run-file-button> add-gadget ] each
302 swap <labelled-gadget> ;
304 ! -----------------------------------------------------
306 : menu-rotations-3D ( -- gadget )
308 "Turn\n left" [ rotation-step turn-left ] camera-button
310 "Turn\n right" [ rotation-step turn-right ] camera-button
312 "Pitch down" [ rotation-step pitch-down ] camera-button
314 "Pitch up" [ rotation-step pitch-up ] camera-button
317 "Roll left\n (ctl)" [ rotation-step roll-left ] camera-button
319 "Roll right\n(ctl)" [ rotation-step roll-right ] camera-button
324 : menu-translations-3D ( -- gadget )
326 "left\n(alt)" [ translation-step strafe-left ] camera-button
328 "right\n(alt)" [ translation-step strafe-right ] camera-button
330 "Strafe up \n (alt)" [ translation-step strafe-up ] camera-button
332 "Strafe down \n (alt)" [ translation-step strafe-down ] camera-button
335 "Forward (ctl)" [ translation-step step-turtle ] camera-button
337 "Backward (ctl)" [ translation-step neg step-turtle ] camera-button
342 : menu-quick-views ( -- gadget )
344 "View 1 (1)" mvt-3D-1 camera-button add-gadget
345 "View 2 (2)" mvt-3D-2 camera-button add-gadget
346 "View 3 (3)" mvt-3D-3 camera-button add-gadget
347 "View 4 (4)" mvt-3D-4 camera-button add-gadget
350 : menu-3D ( -- gadget )
353 menu-rotations-3D add-gadget
354 menu-translations-3D add-gadget
358 menu-quick-views add-gadget ;
360 : add-keyboard-delegate ( obj -- obj )
363 { T{ key-down f f "LEFT" }
364 [ [ rotation-step turn-left ] camera-action ] }
365 { T{ key-down f f "RIGHT" }
366 [ [ rotation-step turn-right ] camera-action ] }
367 { T{ key-down f f "UP" }
368 [ [ rotation-step pitch-down ] camera-action ] }
369 { T{ key-down f f "DOWN" }
370 [ [ rotation-step pitch-up ] camera-action ] }
372 { T{ key-down f { C+ } "UP" }
373 [ [ translation-step step-turtle ] camera-action ] }
374 { T{ key-down f { C+ } "DOWN" }
375 [ [ translation-step neg step-turtle ] camera-action ] }
376 { T{ key-down f { C+ } "LEFT" }
377 [ [ rotation-step roll-left ] camera-action ] }
378 { T{ key-down f { C+ } "RIGHT" }
379 [ [ rotation-step roll-right ] camera-action ] }
381 { T{ key-down f { A+ } "LEFT" }
382 [ [ translation-step strafe-left ] camera-action ] }
383 { T{ key-down f { A+ } "RIGHT" }
384 [ [ translation-step strafe-right ] camera-action ] }
385 { T{ key-down f { A+ } "UP" }
386 [ [ translation-step strafe-up ] camera-action ] }
387 { T{ key-down f { A+ } "DOWN" }
388 [ [ translation-step strafe-down ] camera-action ] }
391 { T{ key-down f f "1" } [ mvt-3D-1 camera-action ] }
392 { T{ key-down f f "2" } [ mvt-3D-2 camera-action ] }
393 { T{ key-down f f "3" } [ mvt-3D-3 camera-action ] }
394 { T{ key-down f f "4" } [ mvt-3D-4 camera-action ] }
396 } [ make* ] map >hashtable >>table
399 ! --------------------------------------------
401 ! --------------------------------------------
404 GENERIC: adsoda-display-model ( x -- )
406 M: light adsoda-display-model
409 [ direction>> "direction : " pprint . ]
410 [ color>> "color : " pprint . ]
414 M: face adsoda-display-model
416 [ halfspace>> "halfspace : " pprint . ]
417 [ touching-corners>> "touching corners : " pprint . ]
420 M: solid adsoda-display-model
422 [ name>> "solid called : " pprint . ]
423 [ color>> "color : " pprint . ]
424 [ dimension>> "dimension : " pprint . ]
425 [ faces>> "composed of faces : " pprint [ adsoda-display-model ] each ]
428 M: space adsoda-display-model
430 [ dimension>> "dimension : " pprint . ]
431 [ ambient-color>> "ambient-color : " pprint . ]
432 [ solids>> "composed of solids : " pprint [ adsoda-display-model ] each ]
433 [ lights>> "composed of lights : " pprint [ adsoda-display-model ] each ]
437 ! ----------------------------------------------
438 : menu-bar ( -- gadget )
440 "reinit" [ drop load-model-file ] button* add-gadget
441 selected-file-model> <label-control> add-gadget
445 : controller-window* ( -- gadget )
447 menu-bar f track-add
449 <limited-scroller>
450 { 200 400 } >>max-dim
453 "Projection mode : " <label> add-gadget
454 model-projection-chooser add-gadget
457 "Collision detection (slow and buggy ) : " <label> add-gadget
458 collision-detection-chooser add-gadget
462 menu-4D add-gadget
463 light-purple solid-interior
464 "4D movements" <labelled-gadget>
470 light-purple solid-interior
471 "Camera 3D" <labelled-gadget>
473 gray solid-interior
476 : viewer-windows* ( -- )
477 "YZW" view1> win3D
478 "XZW" view2> win3D
479 "XYW" view3> win3D
480 "XYZ" view4> win3D
483 : navigator-window* ( -- )
486 add-keyboard-delegate
487 "navigateur 4D" open-window
490 : windows ( -- ) [ [ navigator-window* ] with-scope ] with-ui ;
493 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
495 : init-variables ( -- )
496 "choose a file" <model> >selected-file-model
497 <observer> >observer3d
498 [ observer3d> >self
508 : init-models ( -- )
509 0 model-projection observer3d> <window3D> >view1
510 1 model-projection observer3d> <window3D> >view2
511 2 model-projection observer3d> <window3D> >view3
512 3 model-projection observer3d> <window3D> >view4
517 selected-file read-model-file >present-space