1 ! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
2 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
3 USING: kernel math math.parser math.ranges project-euler.common sequences
7 ! http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=38
12 ! Take the number 192 and multiply it by each of 1, 2, and 3:
18 ! By concatenating each product we get the 1 to 9 pandigital, 192384576. We
19 ! will call 192384576 the concatenated product of 192 and (1,2,3)
21 ! The same can be achieved by starting with 9 and multiplying by 1, 2, 3, 4,
22 ! and 5, giving the pandigital, 918273645, which is the concatenated product of
25 ! What is the largest 1 to 9 pandigital 9-digit number that can be formed as
26 ! the concatenated product of an integer with (1,2, ... , n) where n > 1?
32 ! Only need to search 4-digit numbers starting with 9 since a 2-digit number
33 ! starting with 9 would produce 8 or 11 digits, and a 3-digit number starting
34 ! with 9 would produce 7 or 11 digits.
38 : (concat-product) ( accum n multiplier -- m )
40 2drop 10 digits>integer
42 [ * number>digits over push-all ] 2keep 1+ (concat-product)
45 : concat-product ( n -- m )
46 V{ } clone swap 1 (concat-product) ;
50 : euler038 ( -- answer )
51 9123 9876 [a,b] [ concat-product ] map [ pandigital? ] filter supremum ;
53 ! [ euler038 ] 100 ave-time
54 ! 11 ms ave run time - 1.5 SD (100 trials)