2 USING: help.markup help.syntax assocs kernel ;
5 { $class-description "The class of bidirectional assocs. Bidirectional assoc are implemented by combining two assocs, with one the transpose of the other." } ;
8 { $values { "exemplar" assoc } { "biassoc" biassoc } }
9 { $description "Creates a new biassoc using a new assoc of the same type as " { $snippet "exemplar" } " for underlying storage." } ;
12 { $values { "biassoc" biassoc } }
13 { $description "Creates a new biassoc using a pair of hashtables for underlying storage." } ;
16 { $values { "value" object } { "key" object } { "assoc" assoc } }
17 { $description "If the assoc does not contain the given key, adds the key/value pair to the assoc, otherwise does nothing." } ;
19 ARTICLE: "biassocs" "Bidirectional assocs"
20 "A " { $emphasis "bidirectional assoc" } " combines a pair of assocs to form a data structure where both normal assoc opeartions (eg, " { $link at } "), as well as " { $link "assocs-values" } " (eg, " { $link value-at } ") run in sub-linear time."
22 "Bidirectional assocs implement the entire assoc protocol with the exception of " { $link delete-at } ". Duplicate values are allowed, however value lookups with " { $link value-at } " only return the first key that a given value was stored with."
23 { $subsection biassoc }
24 { $subsection biassoc? }
25 { $subsection <biassoc> }
26 { $subsection <bihash> } ;