2 USING: help.markup help.syntax assocs ;
5 { $class-description "The class of linked assocs. Linked assoc are implemented by combining an assoc with a dlist. The assoc is used for lookup and retrieval of single values, while the dlist is used for getting lists of keys/values, which will be in insertion order." } ;
8 { $values { "exemplar" "an exemplar assoc" } { "assoc" linked-assoc } }
9 { $description "Creates an empty linked assoc backed by a new instance of the same type as the exemplar." } ;
12 { $values { "assoc" linked-assoc } }
13 { $description "Creates an empty linked assoc backed by a hashtable." } ;
15 ARTICLE: "linked-assocs" "Linked assocs"
16 "A " { $emphasis "linked assoc" } " is an assoc which combines an underlying assoc with a dlist to form a structure which has the insertion and retrieval characteristics of the underlying assoc (typically a hashtable), but with the ability to get the entries in insertion order by calling " { $link >alist } "."
18 "Linked assocs are implemented in the " { $vocab-link "linked-assocs" } " vocabulary."
19 { $subsection linked-assoc }
20 { $subsection <linked-hash> }
21 { $subsection <linked-assoc> } ;
23 ABOUT: "linked-assocs"