2 USING: help.markup help.syntax alien strings math ;
5 { $class-description "The class of C struct and union arrays."
7 "The " { $slot "underlying" } " slot holds a " { $link c-ptr } " with the raw data. This pointer can be passed to C functions." } ;
10 { $values { "length" integer } { "c-type" string } { "struct-array" struct-array } }
11 { $description "Creates a new array for holding values of the specified C type." } ;
13 HELP: <direct-struct-array>
14 { $values { "alien" c-ptr } { "length" integer } { "c-type" string } { "struct-array" struct-array } }
15 { $description "Creates a new array for holding values of the specified C type, backed by the memory at " { $snippet "alien" } "." } ;
17 ARTICLE: "struct-arrays" "C struct and union arrays"
18 "The " { $vocab-link "struct-arrays" } " vocabulary implements arrays specialized for holding C struct and union values."
19 { $subsection struct-array }
20 { $subsection <struct-array> }
21 { $subsection <direct-struct-array> } ;
23 ABOUT: "struct-arrays"