1 ! Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Bigot
2 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
44 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
46 VALUE: remove-hidden-solids?
51 t to: remove-hidden-solids?
52 0.0000001 to: VERY-SMALL-NUM
53 0.0000001 to: ZERO-VALUE
55 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
56 ! sequence complement
58 : with-pv ( i quot -- ) [ swap >pv call ] with-scope ; inline
60 : dimension ( array -- x ) length 1- ; inline
61 : last ( seq -- x ) [ dimension ] [ nth ] bi ; inline
62 : change-last ( seq quot -- ) [ [ dimension ] keep ] dip change-nth ;
64 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
66 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
68 TUPLE: light name { direction array } color ;
69 : <light> ( -- tuple ) light new ;
71 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
72 ! halfspace manipulation
73 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
75 : constant+ ( v x -- w ) '[ [ _ + ] change-last ] keep ;
76 : translate ( u v -- w ) dupd v* sum constant+ ;
78 : transform ( u matrix -- w )
79 [ swap m.v ] 2keep ! compute new normal vector
81 [ [ abs ZERO-VALUE > ] find ] keep ! find a point on the frontier
82 ! be sure it's not null vector
84 swap /f neg swap ! intercept value
88 [ * ] with map ! apply intercep value
91 suffix ! add value as constant at the end of equation
94 : position-point ( halfspace v -- x )
95 -1 suffix v* sum ; inline
96 : point-inside-halfspace? ( halfspace v -- ? )
97 position-point VERY-SMALL-NUM > ;
98 : point-inside-or-on-halfspace? ( halfspace v -- ? )
99 position-point VERY-SMALL-NUM neg > ;
100 : project-vector ( seq -- seq ) pv> [ head ] [ 1+ tail ] 2bi append ;
101 : get-intersection ( matrice -- seq ) [ 1 tail* ] map flip first ;
103 : islenght=? ( seq n -- seq n ? ) 2dup [ length ] [ = ] bi* ;
105 : compare-nleft-to-identity-matrix ( seq n -- ? )
106 [ [ head ] curry map ] keep identity-matrix m-
108 [ abs ZERO-VALUE < ] all?
111 : valid-solution? ( matrice n -- ? )
113 [ compare-nleft-to-identity-matrix ]
114 [ 2drop f ] if ; inline
116 : intersect-hyperplanes ( matrice -- seq )
117 [ solution dup ] [ first dimension ] bi
118 valid-solution? [ get-intersection ] [ drop f ] if ;
120 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
122 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
124 TUPLE: face { halfspace array } touching-corners adjacent-faces ;
125 : <face> ( v -- tuple ) face new swap >>halfspace ;
126 : flip-face ( face -- face ) [ vneg ] change-halfspace ;
127 : erase-face-touching-corners ( face -- face ) f >>touching-corners ;
128 : erase-face-adjacent-faces ( face -- face ) f >>adjacent-faces ;
129 : faces-intersection ( faces -- v )
130 [ halfspace>> ] map intersect-hyperplanes ;
131 : face-translate ( face v -- face )
132 [ translate ] curry change-halfspace ; inline
133 : face-transform ( face m -- face )
134 [ transform ] curry change-halfspace ; inline
135 : face-orientation ( face -- x ) pv> swap halfspace>> nth sgn ;
136 : backface? ( face -- face ? ) dup face-orientation 0 <= ;
137 : pv-factor ( face -- f face )
138 halfspace>> [ pv> swap nth [ * ] curry ] keep ; inline
139 : suffix-touching-corner ( face corner -- face )
140 [ suffix ] curry change-touching-corners ; inline
141 : real-face? ( face -- ? )
142 [ touching-corners>> length ] [ halfspace>> dimension ] bi >= ;
144 : (add-to-adjacent-faces) ( face face -- face )
145 over adjacent-faces>> 2dup member?
146 [ 2drop ] [ swap suffix >>adjacent-faces ] if ;
148 : add-to-adjacent-faces ( face face -- face )
149 2dup = [ drop ] [ (add-to-adjacent-faces) ] if ;
151 : update-adjacent-faces ( faces corner -- )
152 '[ [ _ suffix-touching-corner drop ] each ] keep
154 [ first ] keep second
155 [ add-to-adjacent-faces drop ] 2keep
156 swap add-to-adjacent-faces drop
159 : face-project-dim ( face -- x ) halfspace>> length 2 - ;
161 : apply-light ( color light normal -- u )
162 over direction>> v.
165 [ color>> swap ] dip
166 [ * ] curry map v+
173 : enlight-projection ( array face -- color )
174 ! array = lights + ambient color
175 [ [ third ] [ second ] [ first ] tri ]
176 [ halfspace>> project-vector normalize ] bi*
177 [ apply-light ] curry each
181 : (intersection-into-face) ( face-init face-adja quot -- face )
183 [ [ pv-factor ] bi@
188 [ touching-corners>> ] bi@
189 [ swap [ = ] curry find nip f = ] curry find nip
194 point-inside-halfspace? [ vneg ] unless
199 : intersection-into-face ( face-init face-adja -- face )
200 [ [ project-vector ] bi@ ] (intersection-into-face) ;
202 : intersection-into-silhouette-face ( face-init face-adja -- face )
203 [ ] (intersection-into-face) ;
205 : intersections-into-faces ( face -- faces )
206 clone dup adjacent-faces>> [ intersection-into-face ] with map
209 : (face-silhouette) ( face -- faces )
210 clone dup adjacent-faces>>
212 [ intersection-into-silhouette-face ] [ 2drop f ] if
217 : face-silhouette ( face -- faces )
218 backface? [ drop f ] [ (face-silhouette) ] if ;
220 ! --------------------------------
222 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
223 TUPLE: solid dimension silhouettes faces corners adjacencies-valid color name ;
225 : <solid> ( -- tuple ) solid new ;
227 : suffix-silhouettes ( solid silhouette -- solid )
228 [ suffix ] curry change-silhouettes ;
230 : suffix-face ( solid face -- solid ) [ suffix ] curry change-faces ;
232 : suffix-corner ( solid corner -- solid ) [ suffix ] curry change-corners ;
234 : erase-solid-corners ( solid -- solid ) f >>corners ;
236 : erase-silhouettes ( solid -- solid ) dup dimension>> f <array> >>silhouettes ;
238 : filter-real-faces ( solid -- solid ) [ [ real-face? ] filter ] change-faces ;
240 : initiate-solid-from-face ( face -- solid )
241 face-project-dim <solid> swap >>dimension ;
243 : erase-old-adjacencies ( solid -- solid )
244 erase-solid-corners
245 [ dup [ erase-face-touching-corners erase-face-adjacent-faces drop ] each ]
248 : point-inside-or-on-face? ( face v -- ? )
249 [ halfspace>> ] dip point-inside-or-on-halfspace? ;
251 : point-inside-face? ( face v -- ? )
252 [ halfspace>> ] dip point-inside-halfspace? ;
254 : point-inside-solid? ( solid point -- ? )
255 [ faces>> ] dip [ point-inside-face? ] curry all? ; inline
257 : point-inside-or-on-solid? ( solid point -- ? )
258 [ faces>> ] dip [ point-inside-or-on-face? ] curry all? ; inline
260 : unvalid-adjacencies ( solid -- solid )
261 erase-old-adjacencies f >>adjacencies-valid erase-silhouettes ;
263 : add-face ( solid face -- solid )
264 suffix-face unvalid-adjacencies ;
266 : cut-solid ( solid halfspace -- solid ) <face> add-face ;
268 : slice-solid ( solid face -- solid1 solid2 )
269 [ [ clone ] bi@ flip-face add-face
270 [ "/outer/" append ] change-name ] 2keep
271 add-face [ "/inner/" append ] change-name ;
276 : add-silhouette ( solid -- solid )
278 ! find-adjacencies
280 [ face-silhouette append ] reduce
284 over dimension>> >>dimension
285 over name>> " silhouette " append
286 pv> number>string append
288 ! ensure-adjacencies
289 suffix-silhouettes ; inline
291 : find-silhouettes ( solid -- solid )
293 dup dimension>> [ [ add-silhouette ] with-pv ] each ;
295 : ensure-silhouettes ( solid -- solid )
296 dup silhouettes>> [ f = ] all?
297 [ find-silhouettes ] when ;
301 : corner-added? ( solid corner -- ? )
302 ! add corner to solid if it is inside solid
304 [ point-inside-or-on-solid? ]
305 [ swap corners>> member? not ]
307 [ suffix-corner drop t ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
309 : process-corner ( solid faces corner -- )
311 [ corner-added? ] keep swap ! test if corner is inside solid
312 [ update-adjacent-faces ]
316 : compute-intersection ( solid faces -- )
317 dup faces-intersection
318 dup f = [ 3drop ] [ process-corner ] if ;
320 : test-faces-combinaisons ( solid n -- )
321 [ dup faces>> ] dip among
322 [ compute-intersection ] with each ;
324 : compute-adjacencies ( solid -- solid )
325 dup dimension>> [ >= ] curry
326 [ keep swap ] curry MAX-FACE-PER-CORNER swap
327 [ [ test-faces-combinaisons ] 2keep 1- ] [ ] while drop ;
329 : find-adjacencies ( solid -- solid )
330 erase-old-adjacencies
331 compute-adjacencies
333 t >>adjacencies-valid ;
335 : ensure-adjacencies ( solid -- solid )
336 dup adjacencies-valid>>
337 [ find-adjacencies ] unless
341 : (non-empty-solid?) ( solid -- ? ) [ dimension>> ] [ corners>> length ] bi < ;
342 : non-empty-solid? ( solid -- ? ) ensure-adjacencies (non-empty-solid?) ;
344 : compare-corners-roughly ( corner corner -- ? )
346 ! : remove-inner-faces ( -- ) ;
347 : face-project ( array face -- seq )
350 [ [ enlight-projection ]
351 [ initiate-solid-from-face ]
352 [ intersections-into-faces ] tri
357 : solid-project ( lights ambient solid -- solids )
359 [ color>> ] [ faces>> ] bi [ 3array ] dip
360 [ face-project ] with map
362 [ ensure-adjacencies ] map
365 : (solid-move) ( solid v move -- solid )
366 curry [ map ] curry
367 [ dup faces>> ] dip call drop
368 unvalid-adjacencies ; inline
370 : solid-translate ( solid v -- solid ) [ face-translate ] (solid-move) ;
371 : solid-transform ( solid m -- solid ) [ face-transform ] (solid-move) ;
373 : find-corner-in-silhouette ( s1 s2 -- elt bool )
374 pv> swap silhouettes>> nth
376 [ point-inside-solid? ] with find swap ;
378 : valid-face-for-order ( solid point -- face )
379 [ point-inside-face? not ]
380 [ drop face-orientation 0 = not ] 2bi and ;
382 : check-orientation ( s1 s2 pt -- int )
383 [ nip faces>> ] dip
384 [ valid-face-for-order ] curry find swap
385 [ face-orientation ] [ drop f ] if ;
387 : (order-solid) ( s1 s2 -- int )
388 2dup find-corner-in-silhouette
389 [ check-orientation ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
391 : order-solid ( solid solid -- i )
394 [ swap (order-solid)
398 : subtract ( solid1 solid2 -- solids )
399 faces>> swap clone ensure-adjacencies ensure-silhouettes
400 [ swap slice-solid drop ] curry map
401 [ non-empty-solid? ] filter
402 [ ensure-adjacencies ] map
405 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
407 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
408 TUPLE: space name dimension solids ambient-color lights ;
409 : <space> ( -- space ) space new ;
410 : suffix-solids ( space solid -- space ) [ suffix ] curry change-solids ; inline
411 : suffix-lights ( space light -- space ) [ suffix ] curry change-lights ; inline
412 : clear-space-solids ( space -- space ) f >>solids ;
414 : space-ensure-solids ( space -- space )
415 [ [ ensure-adjacencies ] map ] change-solids ;
416 : eliminate-empty-solids ( space -- space )
417 [ [ non-empty-solid? ] filter ] change-solids ;
419 : projected-space ( space solids -- space )
420 swap dimension>> 1- <space> swap >>dimension swap >>solids ;
422 : get-silhouette ( solid -- silhouette ) silhouettes>> pv> swap nth ;
423 : solid= ( solid solid -- ? ) [ corners>> ] bi@ = ;
425 : space-apply ( space m quot -- space )
426 curry [ map ] curry [ dup solids>> ] dip
427 [ call ] [ drop ] recover drop ;
428 : space-transform ( space m -- space ) [ solid-transform ] space-apply ;
429 : space-translate ( space v -- space ) [ solid-translate ] space-apply ;
431 : describe-space ( space -- )
432 solids>> [ [ corners>> [ pprint ] each ] [ name>> . ] bi ] each ;
434 : clip-solid ( solid solid -- solids )
437 [ order-solid -1 = ] 2tri
439 [ get-silhouette subtract ]
445 : (solids-silhouette-subtract) ( solids solid -- solids )
446 [ clip-solid append ] curry { } -rot each ; inline
448 : solids-silhouette-subtract ( solids i solid -- solids )
449 ! solids is an array of 1 solid arrays
450 [ (solids-silhouette-subtract) ] curry map-but
453 : remove-hidden-solids ( space -- space )
454 ! We must include each solid in a sequence because during substration
455 ! a solid can be divided in more than on solid
457 [ [ 1array ] map ]
461 [ solids-silhouette-subtract ] 2each
462 { } [ append ] reduce
464 eliminate-empty-solids ! TODO include into change-solids
467 : space-project ( space i -- space )
470 remove-hidden-solids? [ remove-hidden-solids ] when
474 [ ambient-color>> ] tri
475 [ rot solid-project ] 2curry
477 [ append ] { } -rot each
478 ! TODO project lights
480 ! remove-inner-faces
482 eliminate-empty-solids
484 ] [ 3drop <space> ] recover
487 : middle-of-space ( space -- point )
488 solids>> [ corners>> ] map concat
489 [ [ ] [ v+ ] map-reduce ] [ length ] bi v/n
492 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
494 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
496 : face-reference ( face -- halfspace point vect )
498 [ touching-corners>> first ]
499 [ touching-corners>> second ] tri
503 : theta ( v halfspace point vect -- v x )
504 [ [ over ] dip v- ] dip
505 [ cross dup norm >float ]
513 : ordered-face-points ( face -- corners )
514 [ touching-corners>> 1 head ]
515 [ touching-corners>> 1 tail ]
516 [ face-reference [ theta ] 3curry ] tri
517 { } map>assoc sort-values keys
521 : point->GL ( point -- ) gl-vertex ;
522 : points->GL ( array -- ) do-cycle [ point->GL ] each ;
524 : face->GL ( face color -- )
525 [ ordered-face-points ] dip
526 [ first3 1.0 glColor4d GL_POLYGON [ [ point->GL ] each ] do-state ] curry
527 [ 0 0 0 1 glColor4d GL_LINE_LOOP [ [ point->GL ] each ] do-state ]
531 : solid->GL ( solid -- )
534 [ face->GL ] curry each ; inline
536 : space->GL ( space -- )
538 [ solid->GL ] each ;