2 USING: help.markup help.syntax calendar quotations ;
5 { $class-description "An alarm. Can be passed to " { $link cancel-alarm } "." } ;
8 { $values { "quot" quotation } { "time" timestamp } { "frequency" { $maybe duration } } { "alarm" alarm } }
9 { $description "Creates and registers an alarm. If " { $snippet "frequency" } " is " { $link f } ", this will be a one-time alarm, otherwise it will fire with the given frequency. The quotation will be called from the alarm thread." } ;
12 { $values { "quot" quotation } { "duration" duration } { "alarm" alarm } }
13 { $description "Creates and registers an alarm which calls the quotation once at " { $snippet "time" } " from now." } ;
16 { $values { "alarm" alarm } }
17 { $description "Cancels an alarm. Does nothing if the alarm is not active." } ;
21 { "quot" quotation } { "duration" duration }
23 { $description "Creates and registers an alarm which calls the quotation repeatedly, using " { $snippet "dt" } " as the frequency." } ;
25 ARTICLE: "alarms" "Alarms"
26 "The " { $vocab-link "alarms" } " vocabulary provides a lightweight way to schedule one-time and recurring tasks without spawning a new thread."
27 { $subsection alarm }
28 { $subsection add-alarm }
29 { $subsection later }
30 { $subsection cancel-alarm }
31 "Alarms do not persist across image saves. Saving and restoring an image has the effect of calling " { $link cancel-alarm } " on all " { $link alarm } " instances." ;