1 ! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Slava Pestov.
2 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
3 USING: kernel io io.styles io.files io.files.info io.directories
4 io.pathnames io.encodings.utf8 vocabs.loader vocabs sequences
5 namespaces make math.parser arrays hashtables assocs memoize
6 summary sorting splitting combinators source-files debugger
7 continuations compiler.errors init checksums checksums.crc32
8 sets accessors generic definitions words ;
11 : vocab-xref ( vocab quot -- vocabs )
12 [ [ vocab-name ] [ words [ generic? not ] filter ] bi ] dip map
14 [ [ word? ] [ generic? not ] bi and ] filter [
16 [ "method-generic" word-prop ] when
19 ] gather natural-sort remove sift ; inline
21 : vocabs. ( seq -- )
22 [ dup >vocab-link write-object nl ] each ;
24 : vocab-uses ( vocab -- vocabs ) [ uses ] vocab-xref ;
26 : vocab-uses. ( vocab -- ) vocab-uses vocabs. ;
28 : vocab-usage ( vocab -- vocabs ) [ usage ] vocab-xref ;
30 : vocab-usage. ( vocab -- ) vocab-usage vocabs. ;
32 : vocab-tests-file ( vocab -- path )
33 dup "-tests.factor" vocab-dir+ vocab-append-path dup
34 [ dup exists? [ drop f ] unless ] [ drop f ] if ;
36 : vocab-tests-dir ( vocab -- paths )
37 dup vocab-dir "tests" append-path vocab-append-path dup [
39 dup directory-files [ ".factor" tail? ] filter
40 [ append-path ] with map
44 : vocab-tests ( vocab -- tests )
46 [ vocab-tests-file [ , ] when* ]
47 [ vocab-tests-dir [ % ] when* ] bi
50 : vocab-files ( vocab -- seq )
52 [ vocab-source-path [ , ] when* ]
53 [ vocab-docs-path [ , ] when* ]
54 [ vocab-tests % ] tri
57 : vocab-heading. ( vocab -- )
60 [ vocab-name ] [ vocab write-object ] bi ":" print
63 : load-error. ( triple -- )
64 [ first vocab-heading. ] [ second print-error ] bi ;
66 : load-failures. ( failures -- )
67 [ load-error. nl ] each ;
71 : require-all ( vocabs -- failures )
73 V{ } clone blacklist set
74 V{ } clone failures set
77 [ swap vocab-name failures get set-at ]
81 ] with-compiler-errors ;
83 : source-modified? ( path -- ? )
84 dup source-files get at [
87 utf8 file-lines crc32 checksum-lines
88 swap checksum>> = not
96 SYMBOL: changed-vocabs
98 [ f changed-vocabs set-global ] "tools.vocabs" add-init-hook
100 : changed-vocab ( vocab -- )
101 dup vocab changed-vocabs get and
102 [ dup changed-vocabs get set-at ] [ drop ] if ;
104 : unchanged-vocab ( vocab -- )
105 changed-vocabs get delete-at ;
107 : unchanged-vocabs ( vocabs -- )
108 [ unchanged-vocab ] each ;
110 : changed-vocab? ( vocab -- ? )
111 changed-vocabs get dup [ key? ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
113 : filter-changed ( vocabs -- vocabs' )
114 [ changed-vocab? ] filter ;
116 SYMBOL: modified-sources
117 SYMBOL: modified-docs
119 : (to-refresh) ( vocab variable loaded? path -- )
122 pick changed-vocab? [
123 source-modified? [ get push ] [ 2drop ] if
125 ] [ drop get push ] if
126 ] [ 2drop 2drop ] if ;
128 : to-refresh ( prefix -- modified-sources modified-docs unchanged )
130 V{ } clone modified-sources set
131 V{ } clone modified-docs set
136 [ modified-sources ]
137 [ vocab source-loaded?>> ]
138 [ vocab-source-path ]
142 [ vocab docs-loaded?>> ]
143 [ vocab-docs-path ]
148 modified-sources get
151 [ modified-docs get modified-sources get append diff ] bi
154 : do-refresh ( modified-sources modified-docs unchanged -- )
157 [ [ vocab f >>source-loaded? drop ] each ]
158 [ [ vocab f >>docs-loaded? drop ] each ] bi*
162 [ unchanged-vocabs ]
163 [ require-all load-failures. ] bi
166 : refresh ( prefix -- ) to-refresh do-refresh ;
168 : refresh-all ( -- ) "" refresh ;
170 MEMO: vocab-file-contents ( vocab name -- seq )
171 vocab-append-path dup
172 [ dup exists? [ utf8 file-lines ] [ drop f ] if ] when ;
174 : set-vocab-file-contents ( seq vocab name -- )
175 dupd vocab-append-path [
176 utf8 set-file-lines
177 \ vocab-file-contents reset-memoized
179 "The " swap vocab-name
180 " vocabulary was not loaded from the file system"
184 : vocab-summary-path ( vocab -- string )
185 vocab-dir "summary.txt" append-path ;
187 : vocab-summary ( vocab -- summary )
188 dup dup vocab-summary-path vocab-file-contents
190 vocab-name " vocabulary" append
197 dup vocab-summary %
199 words>> assoc-size #
203 M: vocab-link summary vocab-summary ;
205 : set-vocab-summary ( string vocab -- )
207 dup vocab-summary-path
208 set-vocab-file-contents ;
210 : vocab-tags-path ( vocab -- string )
211 vocab-dir "tags.txt" append-path ;
213 : vocab-tags ( vocab -- tags )
214 dup vocab-tags-path vocab-file-contents harvest ;
216 : set-vocab-tags ( tags vocab -- )
217 dup vocab-tags-path set-vocab-file-contents ;
219 : add-vocab-tags ( tags vocab -- )
220 [ vocab-tags append prune ] keep set-vocab-tags ;
222 : vocab-authors-path ( vocab -- string )
223 vocab-dir "authors.txt" append-path ;
225 : vocab-authors ( vocab -- authors )
226 dup vocab-authors-path vocab-file-contents harvest ;
228 : set-vocab-authors ( authors vocab -- )
229 dup vocab-authors-path set-vocab-file-contents ;
231 : subdirs ( dir -- dirs )
233 [ link-info directory? ] filter
234 ] with-directory-files natural-sort ;
236 : (all-child-vocabs) ( root name -- vocabs )
238 vocab-dir append-path dup exists?
239 [ subdirs ] [ drop { } ] if
241 swap [ "." glue ] with map
244 : vocabs-in-dir ( root name -- )
245 dupd (all-child-vocabs) [
246 2dup vocab-dir? [ dup >vocab-link , ] when
250 : all-vocabs ( -- assoc )
252 dup [ "" vocabs-in-dir ] { } make
255 MEMO: all-vocabs-seq ( -- seq )
256 all-vocabs values concat ;
258 : unportable? ( name -- ? )
259 vocab-tags "unportable" swap member? ;
261 : filter-unportable ( seq -- seq' )
262 [ vocab-name unportable? not ] filter ;
264 : try-everything ( -- failures )
269 : load-everything ( -- )
270 try-everything load-failures. ;
272 : unrooted-child-vocabs ( prefix -- seq )
273 dup empty? [ CHAR: . suffix ] unless
275 [ find-vocab-root not ] filter
277 vocab-name swap ?head CHAR: . rot member? not and
281 : all-child-vocabs ( prefix -- assoc )
283 dup pick (all-child-vocabs) [ >vocab-link ] map
285 swap unrooted-child-vocabs f swap 2array suffix ;
287 : all-child-vocabs-seq ( prefix -- assoc )
288 vocab-roots get swap [
289 dupd (all-child-vocabs)
290 [ vocab-dir? ] with filter
291 ] curry map concat ;
293 MEMO: all-tags ( -- seq )
294 all-vocabs-seq [ vocab-tags ] gather natural-sort ;
296 MEMO: all-authors ( -- seq )
297 all-vocabs-seq [ vocab-authors ] gather natural-sort ;
299 : reset-cache ( -- )
300 root-cache get-global clear-assoc
301 \ vocab-file-contents reset-memoized
302 \ all-vocabs-seq reset-memoized
303 \ all-authors reset-memoized
304 \ all-tags reset-memoized ;