1 USING: sequences kernel math locals math.order math.ranges
2 accessors arrays namespaces make combinators
3 combinators.short-circuit ;
7 : levenshtein-step ( insert delete change same? -- next )
8 0 1 ? + [ [ 1+ ] bi@ ] dip min min ;
10 : lcs-step ( insert delete change same? -- next )
11 1 -1./0. ? + max max ; ! -1./0. is -inf (float)
13 :: loop-step ( i j matrix old new step -- )
14 i j 1+ matrix nth nth ! insertion
15 i 1+ j matrix nth nth ! deletion
16 i j matrix nth nth ! replace/retain
17 i old nth j new nth = ! same?
19 i 1+ j 1+ matrix nth set-nth ; inline
21 : lcs-initialize ( |str1| |str2| -- matrix )
22 [ drop 0 <array> ] with map ;
24 : levenshtein-initialize ( |str1| |str2| -- matrix )
25 [ [ + ] curry map ] with map ;
27 :: run-lcs ( old new init step -- matrix )
28 [let | matrix [ old length 1+ new length 1+ init call ] |
31 [| j | i j matrix old new step loop-step ] each
32 ] each matrix ] ; inline
35 : levenshtein ( old new -- n )
36 [ levenshtein-initialize ] [ levenshtein-step ]
39 TUPLE: retain item ;
40 TUPLE: delete item ;
41 TUPLE: insert item ;
44 TUPLE: trace-state old new table i j ;
46 : old-nth ( state -- elt )
47 [ i>> 1- ] [ old>> ] bi nth ;
49 : new-nth ( state -- elt )
50 [ j>> 1- ] [ new>> ] bi nth ;
52 : top-beats-side? ( state -- ? )
53 [ [ i>> ] [ j>> 1- ] [ table>> ] tri nth nth ]
54 [ [ i>> 1- ] [ j>> ] [ table>> ] tri nth nth ] bi > ;
56 : retained? ( state -- ? )
58 [ i>> 0 > ] [ j>> 0 > ]
59 [ [ old-nth ] [ new-nth ] bi = ]
62 : do-retain ( state -- state )
63 dup old-nth retain boa ,
64 [ 1- ] change-i [ 1- ] change-j ;
66 : inserted? ( state -- ? )
69 [ { [ i>> zero? ] [ top-beats-side? ] } 1|| ]
72 : do-insert ( state -- state )
73 dup new-nth insert boa , [ 1- ] change-j ;
75 : deleted? ( state -- ? )
78 [ { [ j>> zero? ] [ top-beats-side? not ] } 1|| ]
81 : do-delete ( state -- state )
82 dup old-nth delete boa , [ 1- ] change-i ;
84 : (trace-diff) ( state -- )
86 { [ dup retained? ] [ do-retain (trace-diff) ] }
87 { [ dup inserted? ] [ do-insert (trace-diff) ] }
88 { [ dup deleted? ] [ do-delete (trace-diff) ] }
92 : trace-diff ( old new table -- diff )
93 [ ] [ first length 1- ] [ length 1- ] tri trace-state boa
94 [ (trace-diff) ] { } make reverse ;
97 : diff ( old new -- diff )
98 2dup [ lcs-initialize ] [ lcs-step ] run-lcs trace-diff ;
100 : lcs ( seq1 seq2 -- lcs )
101 [ diff [ retain? ] filter ] keep [ item>> ] swap map-as ;