1 .Language=English,English
2 .PluginContents=FarColorer
7 ~Plugin setup.~@config@
9 ~Schemes settings.~@confighrc@
11 ~Command line support.~@cmdline@
13 ~Plugin's menus.~@menu@
15 ~Using a plugin in macros.~@MacroCallPlugin@
17 ~Plugin Guids.~@PluginGuids
19 ~About authors.~@author@
22 $^#FarColorer's settings.#
25 Enable/Disable FarColorer.
29 [?] Show if included in the scheme.
33 Cross style shown when "[x] Cross"
36 Allocate or not paired language elements (brackets, quotes)
39 Turns on display of syntax
41 #Classic outline style#
42 In classic style displays only the name of the function. Otherwise show
43 the beginning of the line number, then the first letter in the function
44 and the function name itself.
46 #Change background editor#
47 In the set condition, FarColorer set in System Preferences color of
48 "Plain Text" color group "editor" such as and the default color for
49 the color scheme FarColorer.
50 The effect is visible on the files, the number of rows in less than window height
54 Choose a color style, which will be used for coloring text.
55 The choice does not work if the plugin is disabled.
58 Full file path sets default catalog file for FarColorer.
59 If this field is empty FarColorer trying to find the file automatically
60 in a subfolder of "base" parent directory plugin.
62 #Users file of schemes#
63 Full file path sets the users file of schemes
65 #Users file of color styles#
66 Full file path sets the users file of color styles
69 Full path in this field specifies the file that will store diagnostic messages
71 #--------------------------TrueColor Settings------------------------#
73 Enable/Disable using of TrueColor (24 bit RGB) coloring.
76 Choose a color style, which will be used for coloring text in TrueColor.
77 The choice does not work if TrueColor is disabled or unavailable.
78 #------------------------------------------------------------------#
80 #[ Test schema library ]#
81 Tests ability to load all the language of schemes, taking the path to
82 catalog.xml from the settings window.
84 #[ Schemes settings ]#
85 Open dialog for schemes settings. The dialog does not work if the plugin is disabled.
88 Closes dialog and save settings.
92 For each of the selected schemes, a list of parameters that affect the mapping
94 Parameter value - the value set for this parameter.
95 Values of the form <default-znach.> shows that the parameter is "znach." It is set
96 in the system (non-user) settings of the scheme or scheme is taken from default.
97 Save all the changes occurs after clicking "OK" button.
101 Here you can see a list of all functions or syntax errors found.
102 Choose any item to go to corresponding line in text.
104 You can use keyboard filter to quickly search for required items:
107 Expand-Collapse level of Outliner
110 Move to next/previous item both in outliner and in source code
113 Close the outliner and insert current item into the cursor position
116 Close the outliner and jump to the selected item
119 Complementing filter symbols, written after '?' in the field of display filter
121 #Symbol keys [0-9a-z;:-_]#
122 Filter out the outliner items against entered filter
125 $#FarColorer operation
127 #1 List types# ~Alt-L~
128 Lists all supported file types. You can choose any of them to use
131 #2 Match pair# ~Alt-[~
132 Searches paired bracket (or any other pair structure) of the
133 current region under cursor and jumps there.
135 #3 Select block# ~Alt-]~
136 Moves cursor to start of block and selects it all. You can call this
137 function as on block limits as inside it. In second case FarColorer will find
138 start and end of nearest block automatically.
140 #4 Select pair# ~Alt-P~
141 Selects pair block - but don't selects pair structures at start and end.
143 #5 Outliner List# ~Alt-;~
144 Shows all outlined regions in current file.
145 There you can choose and jump into any of them, also you can use there any
146 alphabetic symbols to create filters.
148 #6 Errors List# ~Alt-'~
149 As previous - but shows all errors in the text.
151 #7 Select region# ~Alt-K~
152 Selects region under cursor.
155 Displays the name of the region and the scheme under the cursor.
157 #*# All these features are depend on the content of language scheme.
158 All information is taken from syntax regions analysis.
160 #8 Find function# ~Alt-O~
161 Searches function name under cursor in outliner view, and jumps there.
164 Updates syntax highlighting in current editor. Use it, if
165 some problems occurs in current syntax.
167 #R Reload schema library#
168 Reload the configuration plugin and library schemes.
171 Calls FarColorer ~configuration menu~@config@.
175 Plugin Guid - {D2F36B62-A470-418d-83A3-ED7A3710E5B5}
178 Settings - {87C92249-430D-4334-AC33-05E7423286E9}
179 Scheme settings - {0497F43A-A8B9-4af1-A3A4-FA568F455707}
180 Define hot key - {C6BE56D8-A80A-4f7d-A331-A711435F2665}
183 Main menu in editor - {45453CAC-499D-4b37-82B8-0A77F7BD087C}
184 Syntax choose - {0ABEE4C9-BDC6-4c35-BAB7-963D91E3858A}
185 Colore styles - {18A6F7DF-375D-4d3d-8137-DC50AC52B71E}
186 Outliner/error list - {A8A298BA-AD5A-4094-8E24-F65BF38E6C1F}
189 Error - {0C954AC8-2B69-4c74-94C8-7AB10324A005}
190 Reload base - {DEE3B49D-4A55-48a8-9DC8-D11DA04CBF37}
191 Nothing found - {AB214DCE-450B-4389-9E3B-533C7A6D786C}
192 Region name - {70656884-B7BD-4440-A8FF-6CE781C7DC6A}
195 $# Using a plugin in macros
196 The plugin can be called from a macro using the macro function callplugin.
199 #callplugin("D2F36B62-A470-418d-83A3-ED7A3710E5B5",<Param>)#
202 #D2F36B62-A470-418d-83A3-ED7A3710E5B5#
203 ~Guid of the plugin~@PluginGuids@
206 A numeric value corresponding to the menu item number:
217 11 - Update highlight
218 12 - Reload schema library
221 If the <Param> not a number - plugin exits.
222 If the <Param> outside the above range - the plugin exits.
223 If the <Param> is not specified, will see action menu.
225 For example, list the types available:
227 callplugin("0E92FC81-4888-4297-A85D-31C79E0E0CEE",0)
230 $# Color style selection
231 List of all available color schemes. You can choose what you need.
234 $# Exception occurred
235 Exception happened while FarColorer work.
236 All further processing would be disabled. You can re-enable
237 FarColorer from it's settings menu after locating and removing
238 exception cause. All extended information in FarColorer logging
239 file (colorer.log by default)
243 The list contains all of the supported file types. By choosing any, you force
244 the type of coloring the current file.
246 #Automatic detection# - select the type of file produced plugin built rules.
247 #Favorites# - The list of chosen types. Add to "Favorites" is produced by
248 pressing the Ins, delete - Delete.
249 #Hot keys# - to assign a hot key to the file type you need to press F4, and
250 in the dialog box to specify the key.
252 Hot keys and being in the group "Favorites" can also be customized through the
253 ~Schemes settings.~@confighrc@ These are the parameters 'hotkey' and 'favorite' for
261 $^#FarColorer is a syntax highlighting plugin for FAR Manager.
263 http://colorer.sf.net
265 #Igor Ruskih# (Cail Lomecb) Copyright (c) 1999-2009
266 email : irusskih at gmail dot com
267 web : http://cail.nm.ru
270 email : 4mirror at mail dot ru
272 #Sonar# (Dobrunov Aleksey)
273 email : ctapmex at gmail dot com
274 web : http://dobrih.net