Updated ez_setup.py from 0.6a7 to 0.6a9
[fdr-django.git] / django / utils / dateformat.py
1 """
2 PHP date() style date formatting
3 See http://www.php.net/date for format strings
5 Usage:
6 >>> import datetime
7 >>> d = datetime.datetime.now()
8 >>> df = DateFormat(d)
9 >>> print df.format('jS F Y H:i')
10 7th October 2003 11:39
11 >>>
12 """
14 from django.utils.dates import MONTHS, MONTHS_AP, WEEKDAYS
15 from django.utils.tzinfo import LocalTimezone
16 from calendar import isleap, monthrange
17 import re, time
19 re_formatchars = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)([aABdDfFgGhHiIjlLmMnNOPrsStTUwWyYzZ])')
20 re_escaped = re.compile(r'\\(.)')
22 class Formatter:
23 def format(self, formatstr):
24 pieces = []
25 for i, piece in enumerate(re_formatchars.split(formatstr)):
26 if i % 2:
27 pieces.append(str(getattr(self, piece)()))
28 elif piece:
29 pieces.append(re_escaped.sub(r'\1', piece))
30 return ''.join(pieces)
32 class TimeFormat(Formatter):
33 def __init__(self, t):
34 self.data = t
36 def a(self):
37 "'a.m.' or 'p.m.'"
38 if self.data.hour > 11:
39 return 'p.m.'
40 return 'a.m.'
42 def A(self):
43 "'AM' or 'PM'"
44 if self.data.hour > 11:
45 return 'PM'
46 return 'AM'
48 def B(self):
49 "Swatch Internet time"
50 raise NotImplementedError
52 def f(self):
53 """
54 Time, in 12-hour hours and minutes, with minutes left off if they're zero.
55 Examples: '1', '1:30', '2:05', '2'
56 Proprietary extension.
57 """
58 if self.data.minute == 0:
59 return self.g()
60 return '%s:%s' % (self.g(), self.i())
62 def g(self):
63 "Hour, 12-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12'"
64 if self.data.hour == 0:
65 return 12
66 if self.data.hour > 12:
67 return self.data.hour - 12
68 return self.data.hour
70 def G(self):
71 "Hour, 24-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '0' to '23'"
72 return self.data.hour
74 def h(self):
75 "Hour, 12-hour format; i.e. '01' to '12'"
76 return '%02d' % self.g()
78 def H(self):
79 "Hour, 24-hour format; i.e. '00' to '23'"
80 return '%02d' % self.G()
82 def i(self):
83 "Minutes; i.e. '00' to '59'"
84 return '%02d' % self.data.minute
86 def P(self):
87 """
88 Time, in 12-hour hours, minutes and 'a.m.'/'p.m.', with minutes left off
89 if they're zero and the strings 'midnight' and 'noon' if appropriate.
90 Examples: '1 a.m.', '1:30 p.m.', 'midnight', 'noon', '12:30 p.m.'
91 Proprietary extension.
92 """
93 if self.data.minute == 0 and self.data.hour == 0:
94 return 'midnight'
95 if self.data.minute == 0 and self.data.hour == 12:
96 return 'noon'
97 return '%s %s' % (self.f(), self.a())
99 def s(self):
100 "Seconds; i.e. '00' to '59'"
101 return '%02d' % self.data.second
103 class DateFormat(TimeFormat):
104 year_days = [None, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334]
106 def __init__(self, dt):
107 # Accepts either a datetime or date object.
108 self.data = dt
109 self.timezone = getattr(dt, 'tzinfo', None)
110 if hasattr(self.data, 'hour') and not self.timezone:
111 self.timezone = LocalTimezone(dt)
113 def d(self):
114 "Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros; i.e. '01' to '31'"
115 return '%02d' % self.data.day
117 def D(self):
118 "Day of the week, textual, 3 letters; e.g. 'Fri'"
119 return WEEKDAYS[self.data.weekday()][0:3]
121 def F(self):
122 "Month, textual, long; e.g. 'January'"
123 return MONTHS[self.data.month]
125 def I(self):
126 "'1' if Daylight Savings Time, '0' otherwise."
127 if self.timezone.dst(self.data):
128 return '1'
129 else:
130 return '0'
132 def j(self):
133 "Day of the month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '31'"
134 return self.data.day
136 def l(self):
137 "Day of the week, textual, long; e.g. 'Friday'"
138 return WEEKDAYS[self.data.weekday()]
140 def L(self):
141 "Boolean for whether it is a leap year; i.e. True or False"
142 return isleap(self.data.year)
144 def m(self):
145 "Month; i.e. '01' to '12'"
146 return '%02d' % self.data.month
148 def M(self):
149 "Month, textual, 3 letters; e.g. 'Jan'"
150 return MONTHS[self.data.month][0:3]
152 def n(self):
153 "Month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12'"
154 return self.data.month
156 def N(self):
157 "Month abbreviation in Associated Press style. Proprietary extension."
158 return MONTHS_AP[self.data.month]
160 def O(self):
161 "Difference to Greenwich time in hours; e.g. '+0200'"
162 tz = self.timezone.utcoffset(self.data)
163 return "%+03d%02d" % (tz.seconds // 3600, (tz.seconds // 60) % 60)
165 def r(self):
166 "RFC 822 formatted date; e.g. 'Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200'"
167 return self.format('D, j M Y H:i:s O')
169 def S(self):
170 "English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters; i.e. 'st', 'nd', 'rd' or 'th'"
171 if self.data.day in (11, 12, 13): # Special case
172 return 'th'
173 last = self.data.day % 10
174 if last == 1:
175 return 'st'
176 if last == 2:
177 return 'nd'
178 if last == 3:
179 return 'rd'
180 return 'th'
182 def t(self):
183 "Number of days in the given month; i.e. '28' to '31'"
184 return '%02d' % monthrange(self.data.year, self.data.month)[1]
186 def T(self):
187 "Time zone of this machine; e.g. 'EST' or 'MDT'"
188 name = self.timezone.tzname(self.data)
189 if name is None:
190 name = self.format('O')
191 return name
193 def U(self):
194 "Seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)"
195 off = self.timezone.utcoffset(self.data)
196 return int(time.mktime(self.data.timetuple())) + off.seconds * 60
198 def w(self):
199 "Day of the week, numeric, i.e. '0' (Sunday) to '6' (Saturday)"
200 return (self.data.weekday() + 1) % 7
202 def W(self):
203 "ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday"
204 # Algorithm from http://www.personal.ecu.edu/mccartyr/ISOwdALG.txt
205 week_number = None
206 jan1_weekday = self.data.replace(month=1, day=1).weekday() + 1
207 weekday = self.data.weekday() + 1
208 day_of_year = self.z()
209 if day_of_year <= (8 - jan1_weekday) and jan1_weekday > 4:
210 if jan1_weekday == 5 or (jan1_weekday == 6 and isleap(self.data.year-1)):
211 week_number = 53
212 else:
213 week_number = 52
214 else:
215 if isleap(self.data.year):
216 i = 366
217 else:
218 i = 365
219 if (i - day_of_year) < (4 - weekday):
220 week_number = 1
221 else:
222 j = day_of_year + (7 - weekday) + (jan1_weekday - 1)
223 week_number = j / 7
224 if jan1_weekday > 4:
225 week_number -= 1
226 return week_number
228 def y(self):
229 "Year, 2 digits; e.g. '99'"
230 return str(self.data.year)[2:]
232 def Y(self):
233 "Year, 4 digits; e.g. '1999'"
234 return self.data.year
236 def z(self):
237 "Day of the year; i.e. '0' to '365'"
238 doy = self.year_days[self.data.month] + self.data.day
239 if self.L() and self.data.month > 2:
240 doy += 1
241 return doy
243 def Z(self):
244 """Time zone offset in seconds (i.e. '-43200' to '43200'). The offset
245 for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC
246 is always positive."""
247 return self.timezone.utcoffset(self.data).seconds
249 def format(value, format_string):
250 "Convenience function"
251 df = DateFormat(value)
252 return df.format(format_string)
254 def time_format(value, format_string):
255 "Convenience function"
256 tf = TimeFormat(value)
257 return tf.format(format_string)