1 Version 1 of GEOMPACK available in February 1991 (old version):
2 - Contains files basic2d.tar.Z, basic3d.tar.Z, decomp2d.tar.Z,
3 deltr2d.tar.Z, deltr3d.tar.Z, general.tar.Z, mdf2d.tar.Z, triang2d.tar.Z,
5 - Errcodes is file of error codes and descriptions; remaining files are
6 compressed, tar'ed directories of Fortran 77 routines and some data files
8 Version 2 of GEOMPACK available in June 1992 (current version):
9 - Contains updates to Version 1 files (slight changes to some routines
10 plus a few new routines); obtain new version for (5) below
11 - Contains new files (compressed, tar'ed directories) convex3d.tar.Z,
12 dechol3d.tar.Z, decomp3d.tar.Z, deltrkd.tar.Z, mdf3d.tar.Z, triang3d.tar.Z
13 - Users' guide is available in postscript format in file UserGuide.ps.Z
15 Current routines in GEOMPACK:
16 (1) 2-D convex decomposition and triangulation of polygonal regions - copy
17 Errcodes, general.tar.Z, basic2d.tar.Z, vispol.tar.Z, decomp2d.tar.Z,
18 mdf2d.tar.Z, triang2d.tar.Z; see references [JoS86, Joe86, Joe91c]
19 (2) 2-D Delaunay triangulation - copy Errcodes, general.tar.Z, basic2d.tar.Z,
20 deltr2d.tar.Z; see reference [Joe91c]
21 (3) 3-D Delaunay triangulation - copy Errcodes, general.tar.Z, basic3d.tar.Z,
22 deltr3d.tar.Z; see references [Joe89, Joe91a, Joe91c]
23 (4) k-D Delaunay triangulation - copy Errcodes, general.tar.Z, deltrkd.tar.Z;
24 see reference [Joe92b]
25 (5) 3-D convex decomposition and triangulation of polyhedral regions - copy
26 Errcodes, general.tar.Z, basic2d.tar.Z, vispol.tar.Z, decomp2d.tar.Z,
27 mdf2d.tar.Z, triang2d.tar.Z, basic3d.tar.Z, deltr3d.tar.Z,
28 convex3d.tar.Z, dechol3d.tar.Z, decomp3d.tar.Z, mdf3d.tar.Z,
29 triang3d.tar.Z; see references [Joe91b, Joe92a, Joe92c]
31 If any questions, comments, suggestions, or bugs, contact
33 Dept. of Computing Science
35 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1
37 Email: barry@cs.ualberta.ca
40 [JoS86] B. Joe and R. B. Simpson (1986), Triangular meshes for regions
41 of complicated shape, Intern. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 23, pp. 751-778.
43 [Joe86] B. Joe (1986), Delaunay triangular meshes in convex polygons,
44 SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 7, pp. 514-539.
46 [Joe89] B. Joe (1989), Three-dimensional triangulations from local
47 transformations, SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 10, pp. 718-741.
49 [Joe91a] B. Joe (1991), Construction of three-dimensional Delaunay
50 triangulations using local transformations, Computer Aided
51 Geometric Design, 8, pp. 123-142.
53 [Joe91b] B. Joe (1991), Delaunay versus max-min solid angle triangulations
54 for three-dimensional mesh generation, Intern. J. Num. Meth. Eng.,
57 [Joe91c] B. Joe (1991), GEOMPACK - a software package for the generation of
58 meshes using geometric algorithms, Adv. Eng. Software, 13,
61 [Joe92a] B. Joe (1992), Three-dimensional boundary-constrained triangulations,
62 in "Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Symbolic
63 Computing - Proc. of 13th IMACS World Congress", ed. E. N. Houstis
64 and J. R. Rice, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 215-222.
66 [Joe92b] B. Joe (1992), Construction of k-dimensional Delaunay triangulations
67 using local transformations, to appear in SIAM J. Sci. Stat.
68 Comput., approx. 23 pages.
70 [Joe92c] B. Joe (1992), Tetrahedral mesh generation in polyhedral regions based
71 on convex polyhedron decompositions, submitted for publication.