4 restore MMX ; this ensures that symbol cannot be forward-referenced
10 element mm#i? : MMX.reg + i
13 calminstruction MMX.parse_operand namespace, operand
15 local size, type, mod, rm, imm
18 asmcmd =x86.=parse_operand namespace, operand
20 arrange type, namespace.=type
21 arrange size, namespace.=size
22 arrange imm, namespace.=imm
24 check type = 'imm' & size = 0
26 check imm eq 1 elementof imm & 1 metadataof imm relativeto MMX.reg
29 compute type, 'mmreg'
31 compute rm, 1 metadataof imm - MMX.reg
34 arrange sym, namespace.=mod
37 arrange sym, namespace.=rm
40 arrange sym, namespace.=type
43 arrange sym, namespace.=size
50 calminstruction MMX.basic_instruction ext,dest,src
51 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@dest,dest
52 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@src,src
53 check (@src.size or @dest.size) and not 8
55 asmcmd =err 'invalid operand size'
57 check @dest.type = 'mmreg' & (@src.type = 'mem' | @src.type = 'mmreg')
58 jno invalid_combination_of_operands
59 asmcmd =x86.=store_instruction <0Fh,ext>,=@src,=@dest.=rm
61 invalid_combination_of_operands:
62 asmcmd =err 'invalid combination of operands'
65 iterate <instr,opcode>, punpcklbw,60h, punpcklwd,61h, punpckldq,62h, packsswb,63h, pcmpgtb,64h, pcmpgtw,65h, pcmpgtd,66h, packuswb,67h, punpckhbw,68h, \
66 punpckhwd,69h, punpckhdq,6Ah, packssdw,6Bh, pcmpeqb,74h, pcmpeqw,75h, pcmpeqd,76h, pmullw,0D5h, psubusb,0D8h, psubusw,0D9h, \
67 pand,0DBh, paddusb,0DCh, paddusw,0DDh, pandn,0DFh, pmulhw,0E5h, psubsb,0E8h, psubsw,0E9h, por,0EBh, paddsb,0ECh, paddsw,0EDh, \
68 pxor,0EFh, pmaddwd,0F5h, psubb,0F8h, psubw,0F9h, psubd,0FAh, paddb,0FCh, paddw,0FDh, paddd,0FEh
70 macro instr? dest*,src*
71 MMX.basic_instruction opcode,dest,src
76 calminstruction movq? dest*,src*
77 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@dest,dest
78 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@src,src
79 check (@src.size or @dest.size) and not 8
81 asmcmd =err 'invalid operand size'
83 check @dest.type = 'mmreg' & (@src.type = 'mem' | @src.type = 'mmreg')
85 check @dest.type = 'mem' & @src.type = 'mmreg'
87 asmcmd =err 'invalid combination of operands'
90 asmcmd =x86.=store_instruction <0Fh,6Fh>,=@src,=@dest.=rm
93 asmcmd =x86.=store_instruction <0Fh,7Fh>,=@dest,=@src.=rm
97 calminstruction movd? dest*,src*
98 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@dest,dest
99 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@src,src
100 check @dest.type = 'mmreg' & (@src.type = 'mem' | @src.type = 'reg')
102 check (@dest.type = 'mem' | @dest.type = 'reg') & @src.type = 'mmreg'
104 asmcmd =err 'invalid combination of operands'
107 check @src.size and not 4
109 asmcmd =err 'invalid operand size'
111 asmcmd =x86.=store_instruction <0Fh,6Eh>,=@src,=@dest.=rm
114 check @dest.size and not 4
116 asmcmd =err 'invalid operand size'
118 asmcmd =x86.=store_instruction <0Fh,7Eh>,=@dest,=@src.=rm
119 end calminstruction
121 calminstruction MMX.bit_shift_instruction ext,dest,src
122 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@dest,dest
123 asmcmd =MMX.=parse_operand =@src,src
124 check @dest.type = 'mmreg' & (@src.type = 'mem' | @src.type = 'mmreg')
126 check @dest.type = 'mmreg' & @src.type = 'imm'
128 asmcmd =err 'invalid combination of operands'
131 check @src.size and not 8
133 asmcmd =err 'invalid operand size'
135 asmcmd =x86.=store_instruction <0Fh,ext>,=@src,=@dest.=rm
138 check @src.size and not 1
140 asmcmd =err 'invalid operand size'
143 compute iext, 70h+(ext and 0Fh)
144 compute irm, ((ext shr 4)-0Ch) shl 1
145 asmcmd =x86.=store_instruction <0Fh,iext>,=@dest,irm,1,=@src.=imm
146 end calminstruction
148 iterate <instr,opcode>, psrlw,0D1h, psrld,0D2h, psrlq,0D3h, psrad,0E2h, psraw,0E1h, psllw,0F1h, pslld,0F2h, psllq,0F3h
150 macro instr? dest*,src*
151 MMX.bit_shift_instruction opcode,dest,src