2 Zip, nada, zilch. Got any ideas?
6 Added dataNoCopyForColumn: and dataNoCopyForColumnIndex: to FMResultSet.
7 If you are going to use this data after you iterate over the next row, or after you close the
8 result set, make sure to make a copy of the data first (or just use dataForColumn/dataForColumnIndex)
9 If you don't, you're going to be in a world of hurt when you try and use the data.
12 Some changes to make Clang's static analysis happy (http://clang.llvm.org/StaticAnalysis.html). (patch provided by Matt Comi)
15 Added longLongIntForColumn: and longLongIntForColumnIndex: to FMResultSet. (patch provided by Will Cosgrove)
18 Added a check for NSNull in bindObject, which works just like passing nil does (patch provded by Robert Tolar Haining)
21 Removed the block keeping you from performing updates or selects while going through a result set.
24 Some bug fixes + warning fixes from Brian Stern (thanks again Brian!)
27 Fixed a crasher in FMResultSet's close where if the parent DB was already released, the result set would be talking to a bad address and fmdb went boom. (thanks to Brian Stern for the patch)
30 Thanks to Zach Wily for the return of FMDatabaseAdditions!
33 Removed all exceptions, now you should use [db hadError] to check for an error. I hate (ns)exceptions, I'm not sure why I put them in.
35 Various little cleanup thingies.
38 Thanks to Kris Markel for some extra trace outputs, and a fix where the database would be locked if it was too busy.
41 Thanks to Daniel Pasco and Bil Moorehead for catching a problem where the column names lookup table was created on every row iteration. Doh!
44 FMDatabase will now cache statements if you turn it on using shouldCacheStatements:YES. In theory, this should speed things up. Test it out, let me know if it makes things good for ya.
45 Note: This is pretty new code, so it hasn't gone through a lot of testing... you've been warned. (seems to work though!)
48 Fixed a problemo that kept it from compiling for the iPhone (Thanks to Sam Steele for the patch)
52 questions? comments? patches? Send them to gus@flyingmeat.com