Removed unneeded lib dependency from mdInitialise
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / applications / solvers / multiphase / interMixingFoam / threePhaseInterfaceProperties / threePhaseInterfaceProperties.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25 Application
26     threePhaseInterfaceProperties
28 Description
29     Properties to aid interFoam :
30     1. Correct the alpha boundary condition for dynamic contact angle.
31     2. Calculate interface curvature.
33 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
35 #include "threePhaseInterfaceProperties.H"
36 #include "alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField.H"
37 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
38 #include "surfaceInterpolate.H"
39 #include "fvcDiv.H"
40 #include "fvcGrad.H"
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Member Data  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
44 const Foam::scalar Foam::threePhaseInterfaceProperties::convertToRad =
45     Foam::mathematicalConstant::pi/180.0;
48 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
50 // Correction for the boundary condition on the unit normal nHat on
51 // walls to produce the correct contact angle.
53 // The dynamic contact angle is calculated from the component of the
54 // velocity on the direction of the interface, parallel to the wall.
56 void Foam::threePhaseInterfaceProperties::correctContactAngle
58     surfaceVectorField::GeometricBoundaryField& nHatb
59 ) const
61     const volScalarField::GeometricBoundaryField& alpha1 =
62         mixture_.alpha1().boundaryField();
63     const volScalarField::GeometricBoundaryField& alpha2 =
64         mixture_.alpha2().boundaryField();
65     const volScalarField::GeometricBoundaryField& alpha3 =
66         mixture_.alpha3().boundaryField();
67     const volVectorField::GeometricBoundaryField& U =
68         mixture_.U().boundaryField();
70     const fvMesh& mesh = mixture_.U().mesh();
71     const fvBoundaryMesh& boundary = mesh.boundary();
73     forAll(boundary, patchi)
74     {
75         if (isA<alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField>(alpha1[patchi]))
76         {
77             const alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField& a2cap =
78                 refCast<const alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField>
79                 (alpha2[patchi]);
81             const alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField& a3cap =
82                 refCast<const alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField>
83                 (alpha3[patchi]);
85             scalarField twoPhaseAlpha2 = max(a2cap, scalar(0));
86             scalarField twoPhaseAlpha3 = max(a3cap, scalar(0));
88             scalarField sumTwoPhaseAlpha =
89                 twoPhaseAlpha2 + twoPhaseAlpha3 + SMALL;
91             twoPhaseAlpha2 /= sumTwoPhaseAlpha;
92             twoPhaseAlpha3 /= sumTwoPhaseAlpha;
94             fvsPatchVectorField& nHatp = nHatb[patchi];
96             scalarField theta =
97                 convertToRad
98                *(
99                    twoPhaseAlpha2*(180 - a2cap.theta(U[patchi], nHatp))
100                  + twoPhaseAlpha3*(180 - a3cap.theta(U[patchi], nHatp))
101                );
103             vectorField nf = boundary[patchi].nf();
105             // Reset nHatPatch to correspond to the contact angle
107             scalarField a12 = nHatp & nf;
109             scalarField b1 = cos(theta);
111             scalarField b2(nHatp.size());
113             forAll(b2, facei)
114             {
115                 b2[facei] = cos(acos(a12[facei]) - theta[facei]);
116             }
118             scalarField det = 1.0 - a12*a12;
120             scalarField a = (b1 - a12*b2)/det;
121             scalarField b = (b2 - a12*b1)/det;
123             nHatp = a*nf + b*nHatp;
125             nHatp /= (mag(nHatp) + deltaN_.value());
126         }
127     }
131 void Foam::threePhaseInterfaceProperties::calculateK()
133     const volScalarField& alpha1 = mixture_.alpha1();
135     const fvMesh& mesh = alpha1.mesh();
136     const surfaceVectorField& Sf = mesh.Sf();
138     // Cell gradient of alpha
139     volVectorField gradAlpha = fvc::grad(alpha1);
141     // Interpolated face-gradient of alpha
142     surfaceVectorField gradAlphaf = fvc::interpolate(gradAlpha);
144     // Face unit interface normal
145     surfaceVectorField nHatfv = gradAlphaf/(mag(gradAlphaf) + deltaN_);
146     correctContactAngle(nHatfv.boundaryField());
148     // Face unit interface normal flux
149     nHatf_ = nHatfv & Sf;
151     // Simple expression for curvature
152     K_ = -fvc::div(nHatf_);
154     // Complex expression for curvature.
155     // Correction is formally zero but numerically non-zero.
156     //volVectorField nHat = gradAlpha/(mag(gradAlpha) + deltaN_);
157     //nHat.boundaryField() = nHatfv.boundaryField();
158     //K_ = -fvc::div(nHatf_) + (nHat & fvc::grad(nHatfv) & nHat);
162 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
164 Foam::threePhaseInterfaceProperties::threePhaseInterfaceProperties
166     const threePhaseMixture& mixture
169     mixture_(mixture),
170     cAlpha_
171     (
172         readScalar
173         (
174             mixture.U().mesh().solutionDict().subDict("PISO").lookup("cAlpha")
175         )
176     ),
177     sigma12_(mixture.lookup("sigma12")),
178     sigma13_(mixture.lookup("sigma13")),
180     deltaN_
181     (
182         "deltaN",
183         1e-8/pow(average(mixture.U().mesh().V()), 1.0/3.0)
184     ),
186     nHatf_
187     (
188         (
189             fvc::interpolate(fvc::grad(mixture.alpha1()))
190            /(mag(fvc::interpolate(fvc::grad(mixture.alpha1()))) + deltaN_)
191         ) & mixture.alpha1().mesh().Sf()
192     ),
194     K_
195     (
196         IOobject
197         (
198             "K",
199             mixture.alpha1().time().timeName(),
200             mixture.alpha1().mesh()
201         ),
202         -fvc::div(nHatf_)
203     )
205     calculateK();
209 // ************************************************************************* //