BUGFIX: Uninitialised member variables
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / tutorials / incompressible / icoFoam / mixingPlane / twoBlocksMixingPlane_dirZ_spanY / Allrun
1 #!/bin/bash
3 #set -x
5 . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
7 # Load additional RunFunctions
8 . ./RunFunctionsSupplemental
10 export caseName=`basename $PWD`
12 #We stop this script when we encounter a problem
13 #trap "exit -1" ERR
15 echo "$caseName: Running blockMesh"
16 runApplicationAndReportOnError blockMesh
18 echo "$caseName: Updating the boundary file"
19 # Let's see if pyFoamChangeMixingPlaneBoundary.py is available
20 command -v pyFoamChangeMixingPlaneBoundary.py >/dev/null
21 if [ $? -eq 0 ];
22 then
23 echo "Using pyFoamChangeMixingPlaneBoundary.py"
24 pyFoamChangeMixingPlaneBoundary.py . mixpLeftOut \
25 --shadowPatch mixpRightIn \
26 --zone mixpLeftOutZone \
27 --ribbonPatchDiscretisation bothPatches \
28 --ribbonPatchStackAxis Z \
29 --ribbonPatchSweepAxis Y \
30 --coordinateSystemType coordinateSystem \
31 --coordinateSystemOrigin "(0 0 0.005)" \
32 --coordinateSystemE1 "(1 0 0)" \
33 --coordinateSystemE3 "(0 0 1)"
35 pyFoamChangeMixingPlaneBoundary.py . mixpRightIn \
36 --shadowPatch mixpLeftOut \
37 --zone mixpRightInZone \
38 --ribbonPatchDiscretisation bothPatches \
39 --ribbonPatchStackAxis Z \
40 --ribbonPatchSweepAxis Y \
41 --coordinateSystemType coordinateSystem \
42 --coordinateSystemOrigin "(0 0 0.005)" \
43 --coordinateSystemE1 "(1 0 0)" \
44 --coordinateSystemE3 "(0 0 1)"
45 else
46 echo "pyFoamChangeMixingPlaneBoundary.py is missing. Using the file constant/polyMesh/boundary.preconfigured"
47 cp constant/polyMesh/boundary.preconfigured constant/polyMesh/boundary
50 echo "$caseName: Creating zones for the mixingPlane"
51 runApplicationAndReportOnError setSet -batch setBatch
52 runApplicationAndReportOnError setsToZones -noFlipMap
54 echo "$caseName: Creating the starting time directory"
55 cp -r 0_orig 0
57 echo "$caseName: Running icoFoam"
58 runApplicationAndReportOnError icoFoam