2 #+TITLE: Virtual machines for testing and Packaging
4 These virtual machines require
5 - VirtualBox :: for running from [[https://www.virtualbox.org]]
6 - Vagrant :: to automatically set them up from [[http://www.vagrantup.com]]
8 A virtual machine is set up with
9 : vagrant up <machineName>
10 will download a virtual machine image and set it up. It will then
12 - add packages required to compile OpenFOAM and package it
13 - mount the directory of the sources
14 - from this directory clone it to the local disc with mercurial or
15 git (whatever the parent uses)
16 One can then connect to the virtual machine with
17 : vagrant ssh <machinName>
18 and will be in the =$HOME= directory of the user =vagrant= where in
19 the directory =~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6-ext= the sources are
20 available. Modifications can be pushed "outside" the virtual machine
23 There is also a symbolic link =~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6-ext-parent=
24 to the sources if you want to edit there directly. Use with care
25 and don't compile in that directory unless you know what you're
28 Currently existing virtual machines are
29 - precise :: Latest LTS Ubuntu.
30 - lucid :: Previous LTS Ubuntu. Currently problems
31 with automatic setting up (something with the
33 - maverick :: Tries to fix the problems with the
34 =lucid=-machine. Not yet working