foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/tecioOptions: Added '-DENGINE', so that building...
[foam-extend-3.2.git] / src / finiteArea / interpolation / edgeInterpolation / schemes / NVDscheme / faNVDscheme.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | foam-extend: Open Source CFD
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | For copyright notice see file Copyright
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of foam-extend.
11     foam-extend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     foam-extend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     General Public License for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with foam-extend.  If not, see <>.
24 Description
25     Class to create the weighting-factors based on the NVD
26     (Normalised Variable Diagram).
27     The particular differencing scheme class is supplied as a template argument,
28     the weight function of which is called by the weight function of this class
29     for the internal edges as well as edges of coupled patches
30     (e.g. processor-processor patches). The weight function is supplied the
31     central-differencing weighting factor, the edge-flux, the cell and edge
32     gradients (from which the normalised variable distribution may be created)
33     and the cell centre distance.
35     This code organisation is both neat and efficient, allowing for convenient
36     implementation of new schemes to run on parallelised cases.
38 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
40 #include "areaFields.H"
41 #include "edgeFields.H"
42 #include "facGrad.H"
43 #include "coupledFaPatchFields.H"
44 #include "upwindEdgeInterpolation.H"
46 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
48 namespace Foam
51 inline tmp<areaScalarField> limiter(const areaScalarField& phi)
53     return phi;
56 inline tmp<areaScalarField> limiter(const areaVectorField& phi)
58     return magSqr(phi);
61 inline tmp<areaScalarField> limiter(const areaTensorField& phi)
63     return magSqr(phi);
67 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
68 //- Return the interpolation weighting factors
70 template<class Type, class NVDweight>
71 tmp<edgeScalarField> faNVDscheme<Type,NVDweight>::weights
73     const GeometricField<Type, faPatchField, areaMesh>& phi
74 ) const
76     const faMesh& mesh = this->mesh();
78     tmp<edgeScalarField> tWeightingFactors
79     (
80         new edgeScalarField(mesh.edgeInterpolation::weights())
81     );
82     edgeScalarField& weightingFactors = tWeightingFactors();
84     scalarField& weights = weightingFactors.internalField();
86     tmp<areaScalarField> tvf = limiter(phi);
87     const areaScalarField& vf = tvf();
89     areaVectorField gradc(fac::grad(vf));
91 //     edgeVectorField d =
92 //         mesh.Le()
93 //        /(mesh.magLe()*mesh.edgeInterpolation::deltaCoeffs());
95 //     if (!mesh.orthogonal())
96 //     {
97 //         d -=
98 //             mesh.edgeInterpolation::correctionVectors()
99 //            /mesh.edgeInterpolation::deltaCoeffs();
100 //     }
102     const unallocLabelList& owner = mesh.owner();
103     const unallocLabelList& neighbour = mesh.neighbour();
104     const vectorField& n = mesh.faceAreaNormals().internalField();
105     const vectorField& c = mesh.areaCentres().internalField();
107     forAll(weights, edge)
108     {
109         vector d = vector::zero;
111         if(edgeFlux_[edge] > 0)
112         {
113             d = c[neighbour[edge]] - c[owner[edge]];
114             d -= n[owner[edge]]*(n[owner[edge]]&d);
115             d /= mag(d)/mesh.edgeInterpolation::lPN().internalField()[edge];
116         }
117         else
118         {
119             d = c[neighbour[edge]] - c[owner[edge]];
120             d -= n[neighbour[edge]]*(n[neighbour[edge]]&d);
121             d /= mag(d)/mesh.edgeInterpolation::lPN().internalField()[edge];
122         }
124         weights[edge] =
125             this->weight
126             (
127                 weights[edge],
128                 edgeFlux_[edge],
129                 vf[owner[edge]],
130                 vf[neighbour[edge]],
131                 gradc[owner[edge]],
132                 gradc[neighbour[edge]],
133                 d
134             );
135     }
138     GeometricField<scalar, faePatchField, edgeMesh>::GeometricBoundaryField&
139         bWeights = weightingFactors.boundaryField();
141     forAll(bWeights, patchI)
142     {
143         if (bWeights[patchI].coupled())
144         {
145             scalarField& pWeights = bWeights[patchI];
147             const scalarField& pEdgeFlux = edgeFlux_.boundaryField()[patchI];
149             scalarField pVfP =
150                 vf.boundaryField()[patchI].patchInternalField();
152             scalarField pVfN =
153                 vf.boundaryField()[patchI].patchNeighbourField();
155             vectorField pGradcP =
156                 gradc.boundaryField()[patchI].patchInternalField();
158             vectorField pGradcN =
159                 gradc.boundaryField()[patchI].patchNeighbourField();
161             vectorField CP = mesh.areaCentres().boundaryField()[patchI]
162                 .patchInternalField();
164             vectorField CN =
165                 mesh.areaCentres().boundaryField()[patchI]
166                 .patchNeighbourField();
168             vectorField nP =
169                 mesh.faceAreaNormals().boundaryField()[patchI]
170                .patchInternalField();
172             vectorField nN =
173                 mesh.faceAreaNormals().boundaryField()[patchI]
174                .patchNeighbourField();
176             scalarField pLPN =
177                 mesh.edgeInterpolation::lPN().boundaryField()[patchI];
179             forAll(pWeights, edgeI)
180             {
181                 vector d = vector::zero;
183                 if(pEdgeFlux[edgeI] > 0)
184                 {
185                     d = CN[edgeI] - CP[edgeI];
186                     d -= nP[edgeI]*(nP[edgeI]&d);
187                     d /= mag(d)/pLPN[edgeI];
188                 }
189                 else
190                 {
191                     d = CN[edgeI] - CP[edgeI];
192                     d -= nN[edgeI]*(nN[edgeI]&d);
193                     d /= mag(d)/pLPN[edgeI];
194                 }
196                 pWeights[edgeI] =
197                     this->weight
198                     (
199                         pWeights[edgeI],
200                         pEdgeFlux[edgeI],
201                         pVfP[edgeI],
202                         pVfN[edgeI],
203                         pGradcP[edgeI],
204                         pGradcN[edgeI],
205                         d
206                     );
207             }
208         }
209     }
211     return tWeightingFactors;
215 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
217 } // End namespace Foam
219 // ************************************************************************* //